Dr.Berg and Thomas Delauer Chat On How They Ended Up In The Keto World | DrEricBergDC

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everyone have a great special guest

today Thomas LRO is here how are you

doing tom

I’m doing great dr. Berg thanks for

having me on great I wanted to catch up

with you a couple things number one now

you’re coming to our summit to actually

be one of the speakers so that’s gonna

be exciting yeah I’m stoked it’s it’s

gonna be great you know um I’ve had

quite a few people sign up and of you

people that follow you and they’re like

I just want to meet you they want to

meet you so in-person so you’re gonna

see quite a few fans they’re gonna line

up and wanted to meet you so it’s gonna

be great not looking forward to it yeah

so we have a lot of people signed up

this year we’re gonna go for a thousand

last year was 500 so and these are just

the most wonderful people it’s just it’s

gonna be a blast so if you’re watching

now and you’re considering coming you

may want to get signed up pretty quick

because I would hate to have people like

find out it’s like sold out and then

like you have to wait till next year so

definitely check it out so yeah let’s

let’s talk so lately a lot of things

going in the news I you know I always

check in to see what video that you’re

releasing and things and you know

because we actually are kind of a same

same wavelength for sure and there’s a

whole bunch of data on eggs you know and

cholesterol and so do you have you have

anything interesting to comment on this

egg thing yeah I just put it you know I

know you put a video up like a month or

so ago when this first came out and and

I feel like that’s kind of beating a

dead horse a little bit with this whole

anything but it’s I think one thing that

just really needs to be out there is

people understanding that it’s not the

cholesterol it’s the inflammation that’s

what we have to look at and you can pick

apart they can pick apart any food they

want to like I could I could find a

problem with broccoli I could find a

problem with cabbage I mean you can find

a problem with any food and when it’s a

cohort study like that when things don’t

look at the big picture it’s very easy

to just extract what you want to extract

out of a study and having been involved

in clinical studies before and seeing

them it’s the unfortunate thing as dr.

Barragan you know this and it’s

unfortunately it breaks it breaks down a

lot of people is know

that clinical studies aren’t always the

gospel I told it great it’s about a

corruption I mean you know like I just

did a video on this recently apparently

and I there’s a rule that was passed I

think in 2005 that faith I don’t think

they follow this but you have to be

transparent you have to upload all the

studies that you actually do including

the ones that don’t turn out that well

do the ones that have complications but

into I guess it’s a clinical studies

don’t quote me but the point is that

before 2005 they can trick what studies

they want to put up and so you’re

getting this altered so-called facts and

I mean one thing they can do they can

actually filter out the first six weeks

data so you know you can’t you can’t

always go by these studies I mean it’s

insane well in the first sometime I mean

it’s it’s I’ve heard that before you can

filter out the first six to eight weeks

and the fact is the first six weeks

sometimes that’s for both positive and

negative that’s a really important

period of time like people have radical

ships in so many different important

markers in those first six weeks and a

lot can happen in six weeks a lot of

good and bad and you know of course the

body’s gonna come back to whatever

homeostasis is theirs but the whole

purpose of them kind of being able to

take away that first six weeks at first

I thought it was put in place out of

good good faith I thought maybe okay

maybe they’re trying to get rid of the

impulse response that happens with the

body sometimes you know massive


I mean someone goes on keto they’re

gonna have massive potentially

reductions in inflammation within the

first few weeks just because it’s a big

shock to their system in their bodies

coming into a whole new world and then

it can kind of balance out sometimes but

most of the time how quickly someone

adapts to something is a very good

indicator of how their lifestyle was

before so I think it’s very good

information that should be included in

the study and also rounds out what the

ultimate conclusion is of that study and

what do you do with studies that are ten

weeks long that means you only have four

four weeks of aggregate data right yeah

I mean even one of the things that they

they have listed it’s basically

non-compliance and so if you look at

what they mean by non-compliance it’s

almost like side effects so you’re like

gonna eliminate all the side effects

okay so and I don’t know how much of the

how much of this is like diet related I

think it’s a mainly talking about more

of the drug studies that they do yeah

which you I think you you were in that

field for a while so yeah it was yeah

and that’s that’s a really gnarly world

so I was in the lab services world so

you know we were kind of some of the

first that we’re doing like the old zrt

cortisol salivary testing and stuff like

that way back in the day when it was

just concierge doctors doing it so it

was interesting seeing as we were in

direct competition with the

organizations that were just trying to

go for a maximum reimbursement you know

so we were working with like you’re

familiar with concierge medicine

obviously it’s very similar to

chiropractic and stuff that’s in the

medical side so it’s just where’s

doctors that were generally working with

patients on a fee-for-service basis not

based on insurance reimbursable so that

being said a lot of the doctors that I

was working with we’re very invested in

keeping their patients happy and doing

the right thing because if they weren’t

getting good patient outcomes they

weren’t getting paid because it was the

affluent patients that were paying them

directly whereas we were working you

know the other side of the equation or

the doctors that we’re just going for

the jugular with whatever they could a

maximum reimbursement so then you have

doctors that will lobby for specific

drugs depending on what the

reimbursements going to be on it it’s

like oh my gosh it really is saying yeah

I’m saying you know one one really

touchy subject today I haven’t done a

lot of videos not and I probably won’t

for various reasons but and I don’t want

to get too into it but vaccinations you

know it’s the only thing I want to say

about it is and I’ll shut up but you

have to say oh yeah it’s safe but over

four billion dollars we’re spent on the

vaccine courts yeah see you a vaccine

court like wait a second now if you earn

on a slight drug they don’t have a side

truck or it’s like but you have a

vaccine court

and apparently they don’t even have

judges they have like health and

services employees I’m like what and

then so you have this situation where

it’s like interesting interesting data

in a year yeah you know so I think as as

time goes on more and more things will

pop up on that but I do know that

certain friends of mine that had have

quite large

YouTube channels they had some of their

social media taken away because they

talked a little too much about that so

you know it’s just an area that I’ll

probably stay away from right now but

you know people always ask me and I just

like well you do the research you know

it’s looking just look into what why

they have the backs of vaccination

courts and then also how much is paid

out and then of course we have to do

companies don’t pay that we have to pay

a tax payers pay that I’m like what the

heck is up with that so yeah you know

it’s you have studies you have the data

but I think you need to personally

experience some of these these things

yourself to see if it works for you and

then you really know agreed agreed and

and you know back to the original topic

at hand which was the egg study where it

wasn’t even called the egg study I mean

am i calling it the egg study I was like

the eggs are just like this

cherry-picked portion of it the fact was

is you’ve touched on and I’ve touched on

it they asked these patients once if

they consume dicks you know and that’s

like asking it’s going up to a 16 year

old asking if they consume a Snickers

bar and I was like if they said no

they’d be lying but if they said yes

they’re gonna assume that you did every

day that’s not very fair I mean that’s

kind of backing someone into a corner so

you can at the very and I have a video

that hasn’t gone live yet talking about

the skipping breakfast study there’s

another study that came out that said

skipping breakfast is correlated with

increased risk of CVD and all this - and

it’s if you haven’t if you haven’t seen

the whole thing else and did a link but

it’s it’s just and and the way that I

even opened my video on that I was

talking about okay

like literally by saying like you’re

putting someone into a corner just by

how you frame the question so for

example dr. Burke if I say dr. Burke do


yep breakfast the word skip and its very

nature is implying that if by skipping

breakfast you’re doing something wrong

whereas if I always say dr. Burton

do you eat breakfast or not right

different questions so right yes by how

it’s phrased in the study itself even in

the abstract skip skip breakfast so you

can tell that they’re there they’re

putting people on edge so if someone

comes to me and says you skip do you

skip breakfast and I’m you know someone

that’s intimidating because I’m in a

clinical setting and I’m not familiar

and don’t know how to navigate the world

I’m just saying like of course someone’s

gonna put me in a corner I’m gonna say

no I don’t skip breakfast like now I’m

not supposed to breakfast on skipper how

do you neglect your breakfast no yeah

that’s just crazy so you’re talking

about the questionnaire studies the

video yeah yeah it’s so I mean and those

having those have a valid place but we

can’t take questionnaire studies and

really try to extrapolate like concrete

clinical evidence that’s gonna dictate

what we eat and don’t eat didn’t I mean

that’s that’s just not there and all the

study said and the other thing we had to

look at is the skipping breakfast study

what they don’t mention in the primary

ports in this study that you have to dig

deeper and those that skipped breakfast

also happen to be generally smokers

drinkers and chronic drinkers and those

that had other unhealthy lifestyle

habits so it’s like that’s not to say

everyone that’s gets breakfast does but

there’s a big big difference between

consciously skipping breakfast because

you’re fast named or you’re playing

around with time restrictive eating and

just forgetting breakfast because you’re

not paying attention to what you eat or

what you don’t eat you know there’s a

lot of people that get up in the morning

and then just like breakfast isn’t even

a thought because they’re just stressed

out and they’re going through their day

and they’re it’s it’s no fault of their

own but they’re just they’re just going

through life and they’re not thinking

about it then there’s the people that

have maybe watched our videos and I’ve

seen this and they’re like oh I’m

consciously going to skip breakfast and

I’m gonna make sure that I get my greens

and make sure I get my nutrients within

my respective eating window big

difference between skipping breakfast

and that absolutely absolutely yeah so

you um

you have a small boy right I mean Siwon

years older hose it he’s 18 months now

he’s going west just now how do I slow

him down you know if I had the answers

that I would probably be sitting here

right now now so we have a little little

baby in the house

five months Lucy so so we’re similar

with my granddaughter and so she we’re

doing cod liver oil every morning just a

little bit and of course breastfed and

talk about like robust cheeks and just

spot and like the tea I mean teeth are

coming in now but everything’s just

coming out perfect so what what do you

what did you guys do with your child did

you did your wife breastfeed and yeah so

he was so my wife was kedo when we got

pregnant she went through a period

during her pregnancy she went through a

period of time where she she thought it

was wise to bring in some low glycemic

carbohydrates just to introduce a limit

of everything and then the third

trimester she went back strict keto baby

was born healthy and very big my wife is

not a large woman she’s 5 to 5 3 about

115 pounds and the baby was over nine

pounds so here’s the big boy

and it was like okay how did this happen

so then yes I mean the funny thing is

you said cod liver oil so cod liver oil

is we give it to him in the evening so I

wasn’t asked you select digression is

there a reason that you give in cod

liver oil or her cod liver oil in the

morning or evening or is it just the

best time oh not any specific time in

the evening you know she’s she’s still

you know breastfeeding probably several

times a day yeah but she just that baby

is hungry so we gotta like so we’re

doing the egg yolk cooked of course just

egg yolk and then with a common one that

seems to I mean Lucy just sucks it up

just you know yeah he likes it

she’s learning how to swim just really

happy baby no problems no health issues

you know I I always get I’m sure you

probably get questions about kids too

with you know what do I do for this

where they’re always sick you know we

don’t you don’t have in that situation

yeah Tommy in the 18 months you know

he’s been sick

Mary got sick

really bad over his first birthday and I

think it was just because his immune

system was crushed because he had four

molars coming in at one time where I’m

sorry canine and three more or so he had

one coming in and the other one was

coming in later and I think it just

crushed his immune system that’s a

little sinuses where he’s is all

inflamed but you know he’s just had

other than that you know one other

little cold and it’s just I mean he’s a

he’s a good bait what I noticed when

Amber was breastfeeding was that there

was a period of time where she kind of

tested it where she wasn’t kedo and the

breast when it would go in the fridge

the fat that would have come to the top

was about yay big

maybe like a centimeter versus when she

would go back in Quito and then we would

actually refrigerate me whatever she was

pumping I’m kidding you not Eric it was

like an inch of fat that was float to

the top it’s amazing

the overall volume of liquid was less I

would say and that makes sense because

probably in a slight state of not want

to say dehydration but just less fluid

just because your keto and but I was so

amazed like net net calorie content I

had to have been double just because the

amount of fat was twice as much so like

he would latch and he had a little bit

of an issue with latching because he had

a totally you know you’re familiar with

a tongue tie so he had a tongue tie

where the tongue basically a little flap

of skin that holds the tongue to the

bottom of the mouth was a little bit too

large or it was just fastened a little

bit too close to even to the tongue so

he was having a hard time latching so we

were concerned that he wasn’t getting

enough nutrients but here this kid was

growing like a weed and the fact that

the number was on keto he didn’t have to

consume nearly as much milk just because

the fat content was so high so it was ah

yeah it was really interesting now how

long did she breastfeed for so she

stressed fed for about seven months

before her supply started to go and

that’s you know so we were like okay

well what do we do because we were

really cuz we don’t like formula no but

then we actually did find we’re like

okay if we we can do peas a little hard

to digest but they do make a goat milk

formula which is a to casein so if you

people out there do have to supplement

and it does happen go with like a goat

milk formula or something that’s a to do

not this is okay I mean I can’t get

parental advice I’m not having a dad

long enough but come on like that the

the formulas that are out there like you

can get a goat milk for me

I think the one we used was Holly an

organic goat milk that’s a to casein

those of you are familiar with a 2 a 1 a

2 is the beta casein that is not doesn’t

have nearly as many inflammatory

linkages to it and it also doesn’t have

the the high opioid level that’s

basically the opiate response level that

typical a 1 this so yeah not addictive

because little babies get don’t realize

it but they get addicted to formula so

oh my gosh it’s just insane so so you um

you started to enhance the diet and then

did you do you actually do solid foods

as well oh yeah he’s he’s he’s been on

solid food we did you familiar with baby

led weaning yeah so baby led weaning is

where you you let them start to have

solid food at a pretty young age like 6

months you just learnt letting them kind

of like pick at it and you just monitor

them closely and you know so by the time

he was 8 months he was eating solid food

so we figured okay if if the supply is

you know not as great as we want to be

let’s get him on solid for as much as we

can and you know everything that we were

diving into research wives saying no the

only reason yeah you continued to either

a breast feed or formula feed or milk

feed if the baby’s not getting enough

nutrients and our baby was he was eating

I mean you know the funny thing his

favorite food was broccolini like baby

broccoli so he was just devouring that

stuff yeah so it’s well it’s good these

babies can adapt I mean they they’re

gonna quickly develop what they need to

digest that food I think the big

challenge that I think we’re gonna have

is other relatives and that you know

like we’re gonna bring Lucy’s somewhere

to a party or something

all the other garbage because it’s

really hard to get everyone in my entire

environment to be on page with that so

you know last thing I’m gonna do is have

some of these you know these parties

where they have all the sugar and then

start that yeah I’m gonna try to avoid

it as much as possible I want her to be

a Kido Kido baby yeah as long as


agreed agreed and it’s it’s it’s a

bummer cause I mean it’s I try to keep

it out of my mind but it’s a reality

that as kids get older they’re going to

be exposed to these things and the only

thing that you can do is teach them that

the way that your

teaching them to eat not necessarily is

the right way but make it fun and if

they feel good there’s gonna be a simple

Pavlovian response where they go and

they have that garbage food and they’re

not gonna feel good right and you know I

can’t be the dad that’s saying like you

go to Jimmy’s house and you don’t you

dare eat that isn’t a breed resentment

and it’s not gonna work but I know that

if he goes to Jimmy’s house and he has a

pop tart that he’s gonna come home and

he’s a dad I don’t feel so good right I

don’t exactly yeah I don’t want to use

too much force but I do want to educate

them what I do with my kids is I I

showed him a couple of videos on just

foods in general one was actually about

GMO foods and I did see when they were

probably like six or seven eight this

shift so they’re like you know what you

see the you know the point where now

they can I’m gonna start a woody now

versus me telling what to eat so yeah I

think it’s a self-determined thing that

they have to eventually you know have a

lipoma offered of course used too much

force they’re just gonna do the opposite

and then they’re gonna go okay I’ll just

do this despite you so good yeah not

exactly but I mean it’s it’s so fun to

watch and it’s so fun to see just

everything click and knowing that you

know this high DHA diet that you know my

babies eating is is working and I am NOT

one to ever like try to compare to

others but I see his development

compared to a lot of others and I’m just

like wow okay it’s a boat of confidence

for me and we’re doing something right

if I fail at everything else I’m doing

in life right now

I know that at least I think we’re doing

something right here and it’s it’s so

amazing and that was one of the you know

one of the key supplements that my wife

took the route pregnancy was you know

like high dose of DHA docosahexaenoic

acid know whether it be from shallow

marine whether it be from some forms of

krill alcohol oil we rotated them up and

I think that I made a really big big

change I’m really think of it yes brain

development yeah I optic nerve do you

find that what about nutritional yeast

did you use that at all we haven’t used

it with with him I mean I’m I’m

practically addicted to the stuff I put

everything if I’ve seen my video where I

but always put it like my favorite is

putting in a nutritional yeast with a

little bit of coconut oil or premise of

putting it with asparagus and a little

bit of coconut oil and mixing it up and

I mean it tastes amazing but I haven’t

done any anything with him and

nutritional yeast however he I mean he

eats the asparagus that I make with

nutritional yeast didn’t devours it but

I haven’t done any specific protocols or

anything like that now when you were a

kid did you were you a junkie or did you

were you raised really healthy in the

very beginning and then what what

happened what did you eat yeah it was

interesting my mom was was hard on us

kids in a really interesting way like I

ran my first marathon when I was 11

years old which was probably too young

to run a marathon but you know my mom’s

always about pushing us and it was

interesting I think it raised my sister

raised my sister and I in a very unique

way so it was interesting like from what

I recall with my childhood was was

definitely was not a junk food junkie at

all but there would be random things

that my parents would be wildly opposed

to and random things that they would

allow like I do remember going to

McDonald’s and getting McChicken

sandwiches somewhat frequently but then

I also remember hearing that cornflakes

which weren’t even sweetened were by

abstain from them at all costs don’t

ever touch a cornflake so there was just

these weird mixed messages that I’m just

like okay I go get a McChicken

but I keep you know these weird personal

biases or just getting kind of put onto

us with no real rhyme or reason but I

learned at a really young age I took a

took a real interest in just my blood

work by the time I was like 13 years old

I was really interested in things I I

started working out and I had a friend

that was a doctor and or his friends who

dad was a doctor and I I got some blood

work done for some routine thing and I

started getting like really interested

in like what makes the body tick and I

remember seeing I remember vividly my

middle school cross-country coach

telling me that his triglycerides were

high and this was like a super health

guy and then I remember looking at my

lab results for some reason and finding

that my triglycerides are high that’s a


I’m a thin runner and like what’s going

on and it just so it was at that very

point in time where I started learning

about okay well you could be a seemingly

healthy person very athletic person

and I have a high storage form of fat

that’s not actually depositing as

adipose tissue and I was like I remember

freaking out me like I’m fat on the

inside I’m actually I’m fat on the

inside I’m just not fat so I developed

this sort of interest in it and then I

worked really interesting as I remember

my parents were divorced after about 13

14 years old and I remember I used to go

to dinner with my dad

a couple times per week or one time per

week and I remember I used to feel so

much better if I if I would go with my

dad we’d go out to pizza but I always

found that if I just abstained from food

throughout the course of the day that I

didn’t bloat as much when I ate the

pizza so it was funny I look back I’m

like oh my gosh I was intermittent

fasting at 14 years old

various I just felt better granted I was

breaking my fast food Pizza but I was

like I feel so much better

the day after I eat it was wild

interesting well I saw your picture that

you have posted and some of the videos

as well you you were very large at one

time yeah what was it like was it close

to 300 yeah I was about 200 205 pounds

so that was so I went from being super

athletic in high school a little bit of

college to getting into the corporate

world I was in corporate healthcare and

I was a physician recruiter and honestly

I just I cut my lifting down from four

days five days per week down to like one

day per week and I was just it quite

frankly doctor it was like a it was kind

of a bulk gone wrong like it was like I

started me like I want to put some

muscle on and then just stop worrying

about the gym portion altogether because

I was focused on making money in my

career and yada yada and you know next

thing I know it’s been really six seven

months later I’m looking at myself being

like I’m a shell if the person I used to

be like what the heck is going on you

know so it’s I wasn’t overweight for a

really long period of time but what made

it really interesting was that I had

experience I was I looked like the the

football coach that just kind of just

let himself go they used to play

football and then just stop playing

football and just continue to eat like

that I like I was a decently muscled

person but I was just sloppy and what

age was that so I was young I was 22 so

it was like I was way too young and you

know so it wasn’t until you know I was

our pre diet

at 22 I went from being seemingly pretty

darn healthy to gaining a ton of weight

and ICRP levels were off the charts I

was in the healthcare world so I mean I

had access to amazing physicians and

everything else so unfortunately I was

at a young age which I think thank

goodness I was at a young age because I

was able to bounce back and recover and

get my head on straight

and I’m I was fearful that I had had

gone on for another ten years

it could have been really serious yeah

Wow interesting yeah I was uh I was very

very thin did the whole wrestling thing

in college and then you know I’m like

you know I need to gain some weight so I

start eating potatoes at first I was

trying like just milk fat cheese butter

and I noticed I was trying to I was

getting skinnier this is actually in San

Diego and I’m like well that didn’t work

so I started doing potatoes and I did

not gain any weight to a hit like 28

years old and then I was started to

putting a little pizza crust around my

waist at 28 so but I didn’t you know get

extremely weight away but the point is

that I started having a combination of

inflammatory problems probably so much

of you I started noticing arthritis in

my fingers and my back and got so bad

where I actually was living I don’t know

where I was at the time but I flew to

Bernard Jensen remember him yep

he was to colon hydrotherapy genius guy

so I got there a visit him because I I

figure well maybe he knows what’s wrong

with me and I said I waited all day to

see what was wrong and I said I stand in

line and I said what is going on because

look at my eyes they’re all bloodshot

the inside of the eyelids he looked at

me and he just said I don’t know I’m

like I came all the way out here I

thought you were gonna solve all my

problems right so that was just a severe

hypoglycemia um it was bad blood sugar

problems high insulin was inflamed and I

was in San Diego at the time and I was

driving on the street and I said honey

let’s since the health house let’s go

see the house is just like yellow

building so we go in there this guy had

all these protein

protein pills and raw milk and so I

started that and he’s had us back in his

backyard working out like all these

things I was I remember I was just

searching so desperately to try to find

what’s wrong and then I just happened to

stumble on this book mastering the zone

I started reading the saying about

inside my what I studied this in school

but didn’t really click so I I started

eating buffalo burger for breakfast and

I’m like and no more life cereal and I’m

like God do I feel good so I started to

go Karen this is it this is amazing you

know sorry I just don’t write in

headfirst she and ice I said I’m gonna

actually I don’t want to do chiropractic

anymore she goes what do you want to do

its energy nutrition she goes you don’t

know anything about it I said I’m gonna

learn so I said you okay so you’re gonna

quit chiropractic and get a nutrition I

say yep so here I am in the basically in

our library or actually on our living

room studying and trying to learn and

going to coast graduate seminars and

stuff and that’s kind of how it started

but it was out of desperation for just

straight trying to figure out this

inflammatory condition and severe

insomnia and all that stuff I think I

think most people that I know even when

when do I need the last summit like no

one really gets into this unless they

have a personal health crisis I don’t

know do you know you know have anyone

that got into it because well I’m

already doing good I think I just want

to go do beat Duke II know yeah I mean

the only time that I see that is people

that are in the biohacking world that I

want an additional tool but there’s no

real call to action there it’s more so

just oh well you tell me that I can you

know hiding my cognitive function and do

this so there is a small subset there

but yeah there’s almost always a call to

action and like my call to action was I

was you know I was in the healthcare

world and I was the epitome of being

unhealthy like it was just and so if I

had a just a connection at that point

where I’m going oh my gosh okay like

this is a perfect example of what is

wrong with our healthcare system but

also what is wrong with me Rann

so I mean for me it was

was that it was like I want to do the

opposite of what I’m doing now but in

the same vein of helping people right

and as you know then there is the side

mission okay well I’ve already lost this

way now I want to get really good shape

and see how far I can take this and kind

of a personal mission and then my next

step was I realized that the fitness

industry was extremely unhealthy and

like the fitness industry is like

artificially healthy fluorescent powders

and and whatever it takes to look a

certain way for a finite period of time

and then not really think about their

health I’m like boy oh boy is there a

gap that needs to be bridged here where

you can actually apply true health

principles to fitness okay it’s a new

concept okay yeah I am I mean out of

desperation I I remember going into a

room with patients and they’re

complaining about some symptom and

thinking if they only knew how effed up

I was here like I’m coming out of I

haven’t slept in four days I just can’t

sleep on chronically fatigued with

arthritis and they’re complaining I’m

like I should be the patient you know so

there was that little secret that I

didn’t want anyone to know but yeah

things start turning around but yeah it

was some out of even in like

chiropractic I remember we lived in this

house all these curls and we would have

deep fry night like three times a week

and it’s not just healthy deep fry night

right it was no it was Crisco it was

like they would do that and then we

would do meatloaf with counting like it

just constantly carved out and extreme

and I remember having severe right

shoulder pain going what is that coming

from you know mr. gallbladder was

completely inflamed so I think out of

all the people that I’ve ever met I

think I’ve had every single symptom that

everyone complains about so I think

that’s how I that helped me relate to

people I’m like oh you you have that no

I had that too so and it’s good and bad

at the same time but I think for me if I

never went through that I would never

push myself to learn some of the stuff

that I’m into right now would you no no

definitely I mean there’s people always

comment in my videos that oh you’ve got

such a energy that’s because there’s the

passion is there because every time I

learn something I’m applying it to my

own regimen right and I’m learning it so

that I can be better too so the funny

thing is is here I am an online

Authority like you and but I’m learning

as I go to and it’s what’s great like I

there sure I have a foundational

knowledge and there’s a lot of things

that I’ve learned and haven’t built a

great repository of clinical studies and

information but like I learned and I

love sharing and when you see the

passion you know specific video where

you’re like aww Thomas is really heated

or he seems really amped up about this

that’s because there’s genuine

excitement because I just learned

something that I’m applying to my life

now and seeing a result and I know

you’re the same way and it’s like

whether I’m not just going to like

regurgitate something that’s boring to

me I like I’m gonna stick with in the

vein of what I’m passionate and excited

about and where I’ve been and where I’ve

been able to see a change in my life

because I know that my viewers have

expressed the same issues and concerns

you know whether it’s gonna be

inflammation based or whether it’s gonna

be fat loss based or workout based I

know where they’re coming from

yes even though I was only there for a

short amount of time I’ve been there and

it’s so it’s a so it’s fun that’s that’s

why I love I love what I do now and I

know you do too it’s just I can’t ever

imagine being back in that you know

corporate junkie position I know I know

I I’m actually doing exactly what I want

to do like every day I like to research

I like to figure out mysteries of things

and I’d like to educate people and I

could just keep doing that and I do a

lot of that but yeah it’s fun and you

know my wife says don’t you even want to

read anything else I’m like you know um

aren’t you interested like now I’m

interested like I have this new here’s a

book right here I’m reading right now

natural products and drug discovery an

integrated approach so first of all like


book written by Indian doctors about all

of the natural remedies that drug

companies get their ideas from I mean

this is like pure gold and I’m just

going into like these herbs in the

history of the anti inflammatories

signals but down and of course you know

I’ll explain everything my wife and

she’s like ok can we talk about

something else

yeah appreciate it that I’m at least

someone’s into it but unfortunately

though some of these books are this was

like $150 I’m like he can’t just go and

get him for $29 so some of these really

technical books and filled with gold

sometimes you have to be learned you

know but you know I’ll have three ideas

for rough to bat for videos that I’ll do

just to research on it like they have if

a drug company takes a property off of

garlic extract um they’re gonna invest a

lot of money in something like that for

because obviously it must work so I want

to know all about it

that’s fascinating ya know that is

fascinating and you know well I know

you’ve got your you know electrolyte

blend and everything like that I’m sure

you’ve read have you read this book this

is actually one that I the sole fix

bucket Jenek the reason that you know I

I have not in a Kindle it’s a very

interesting book I like a really really

interesting book and when you apply it

it’s some of a lot of the things that he

talks about dr. Jeannette talks about or

just exacerbated on a keto diet in a

positive way I mean it’s just like the

impact of so that’s it that’s been my

recent you know third outlet

I’m always have at least one or two nerd

outlets going at a specific absolutely

so so what’s a good takeaway that you

want to tell people about that book that

you kind of just just generalized I mean

I did a video on it some people saw it

there’s one thing called the NST

receptors which is a wild wild world

like basically they now find that salt

and being deprived of salt or being

deficient in sodium literally if someone

okay it’s put it better to put it in an

analogy or an example if you were

deficient in salt or you’re on the keto

diet and you’re not getting enough salt

and you’re not salt in your food with

good healthy salt and you were creating

salt well salt is the one

thing that our bodies inherently know to

get when we are deficient in it hence

why livestock directly know how to go to

a Salt Lick it’s really wild and as like

oh my gosh that just clicked like dick

we’ve got horses so we know like we can

put any color salt brick in the middle

of the pasture and they’ll go to it

because we know sou means into that

critical to our function know what’s

really wild is in human studies if you

give human something sweet when they’re

deficient in salt it’s gonna satisfy the

same receptor that would have been

satisfied if they had salt so what that

means is that we have signals that get

crossed that make it like so on keto

like if someone does start getting

cravings the first thing I say is

increase your salt because the signals

are getting across and you might be

craving something sweet because you’re

really craving salt and they do that and

they’re like I got just like the salt

cravings gone it’s that’s why a lot of

people crave salt and sugar at the same

time I’m sure it is it’s a combination

of that plus of course the hyper

palatability that’s just not a natural

it’s the same thing why fats and carbs

together are so interesting like I think

there was one study I just thought the

other day it’s an older study but let

you look at I took subjects that would

say then give show a picture of cards

and then they’d show a picture of meat

and fat and then they’d show them a

picture of like a pastry where it come

by and the salivary response and

everything of the combined fats in cars

because it’s not something that would

really occur in nature like we wouldn’t

really very seldom do you have things

that are naturally high in fat and carbs

at the same time very few you don’t have

a whole lot of that and it’s so I think

there’s a couple there’s the hyper call

ability there’s the signals getting

crossed I mean I’m not a neuroscientist

but about that whole world fascinates me

that’s interesting because I’m I’m kind

of like the same way like I’m really

right now I’m into vitamin D hardcore so

I’m just I can’t get enough information

about him indeed but I’ll I’ll kind of

go rotate in two different areas but

vitamin D and I’ll just kind of touch on

it just because it’s it’s like every

single immune cell has a receptor for

vitamin D mm-hmm and you have the cell

called a neutrophil and it’s it is

basically an assassin

it’s one of your soldier immune cells

that it’s triggered by vitamin D and it

has many different strategies one is it

has enzymes that basically will kill

bacteria eats bacteria but it has this

this net structure that’s about 25 times

its size that it throws over bacteria

and viruses and and then it releases

free radicals and enzymes and then it

just explodes it actually explodes like

a little popper and kills the thing

yeah there’s suicide bombers yeah so I’m

like fascinating so when your vitamin D

deficient they don’t gonna work they

don’t work that well so it really brings

up raise your defenses way down makes

you susceptible so I am just like this

could be a science fiction I mean sci-fi

movie like incredible just about what

happens inside your body

and like even with vitamin D there’s

four mutations that people can have so

if you limitation you’re not gonna

absorb vitamin D and you can get these

tested genetically and so you’re you’re

gonna take either take more or you can

do other things as well to increase the

absorption like take my assaults but I

mean especially with even breastfeeding

a mother that’s breastfeeding if they

don’t take some additional vitamin D

it’s really out of all the nutrients

that one is the the hardest to achieve

just regular foods because it’s not

really you know it’s like sunshine but

it’s not in a lot of foods unless you’re

doing combat oil I mean maybe a little

bit of mushrooms but I think mushrooms

is that d2 yep yeah you’ve got to be

able to have that active conversion and

that’s an cod liver oil that’s exactly

why I’m a huge proponent of a tube since

the bite bioavailable you’re not looking

synthetic and the same thing not to

digress but I mean the live an ad

combination liver oil the the retinol a

the true bioavailable form that actually

has what are called pro resolving

mediators I mean it’s like that whole

world and you’re totally dead on you

can’t really get vitamin D from really

good food sources and the egg supply

that we do wouldn’t normally get vitamin

D from I mean that’s

that’s it’s negligible to be completely

honest and right but then everything

you’re saying about you know that the

t-cell and the diet item D receptors and

everything it makes sense why we get so

sick in the wintertime when we have less

sun exposure and we’re it’s a we could

we should have a whole series on this

where we could probably drive people

crazy with with this stuff for for six

hours at a time


well I wanted to just chat with you a

little bit I I know your time you’re

you’re probably going to get back to

studies and or your family right now but

I wanted to touch base and just

collaborate a little bit and also just

tell people that you are going to be at

the event coming at the end of August 29

then we’re gonna have a blast and so for

you for those of you who are watching

you should you should definitely sign up

I’ll put a link down below and we can’t

wait to meet you guys so definite Amoz

thank you so much for this interview and

we’ll definitely do more definitely it

was nice to touch base absolutely and

and yeah it’s I mean literally at your

event it’s probably the only time in the

foreseeable future that people are going

to be able to be with dr. Berg and

Thomas de Lauer at the same time so

world we’ve got a lot of mutual

followers and everyone that follows my

channel is a huge fan of yours and so

I’ll do whatever I can to help you know

spread spread the worry but excited to

see a lot of people there cuz I’m

tracking the who’s signing up and I had

I had you know several people I don’t

know if it was a group or something but

my staff always surveys like what why

why do you want to come well we want to

meet that just added Tom we want to meet

Tom’s yeah you know I mentioned it so

you know what it was I mentioned it it

was right after you’d reached out to me

I just mentioned it in a lesson of a

live broadcast and it was like a subtle

mention it was just like yeah I’m gonna

be a doctor burgers event and you know

so I think that might have been a little

cluster of people that came from just

from that little live broadcast so yeah

I don’t want to you know as you know

it’s like I don’t want to just like put

it out to my audience and if but I mean

I’m happy to if we spread the word more

but I also don’t want I know you’re

limited on seats so I don’t want to like

have both of us blow it up too much and

have people miss out and I like that so

right exactly well we’ll just invite the

people that we know
