The Shocking Fact about Your Food - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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there’s a very shocking fact about your

food that you need to know about

i want to cover some real basic

definitions first and then i’m going to

dive right in if you look at the back of

any label of any food that you eat

there’s something called nutrition facts


which is fascinating because these are

not facts at all they’re just

they’re guesses basically they should

call them nutrition guesses okay

and before i get into that part let me

just first start here you probably

remember these things called rdas

recommended dietary allowance it means

how much of a certain nutrient you need

based on your age if you’re male or


if you’re pregnant or lactating okay

then you have something called ai

adequate intake that is how much of a

certain nutrient you need to prevent an


deficiency okay

obvious so that would be like how much

you would need to prevent scurvy like

vitamin c or berry berry vitamin b1 or

rickets where you have vitamin d

but what the fda did

is they simplified it they came up with

something called recommended daily

intake rdis okay and that relates to an

estimation of nutrient needs based on a

2000 calorie

diet per day

regardless of age male or female

pregnancy lactating so in other words

they did not

have these variables included they

wanted to simplify it okay

and then you have this thing right here

which you probably will read on the back

of your labels more than anything else

it’s percent

of dv

daily value now what does that mean well

that gives you a percent of a given

nutrient as it relates to

the rdis okay so if you look in the back

of the label you’ll see percent db and

all these different percentages like 5

10 30

and the ones i really want to focus on

are the ones that relate to like vitamin

a vitamin b vitamin c etc so for example

like one serving of of something will

give you like 30

of your vitamin a

needs okay

so that’s really what that’s all about

the big problem with that

is this it’s just a guess number one

they don’t factor in your age young

people need different amounts than

adults versus old people

women need different amounts than men

men need more zinc women need more iron

also women that are pregnant or

lactating need a little bit more of

certain nutrients so that’s not

factored into that and so these numbers

are definitely not related to facts

facts are based on evidence


they’re just not precise what about the

activity level of the person right let’s

say someone’s an athlete versus

sedentary you think there’s a variation

of nutrients with that or what about

their ability to digest the food let’s

say they have no gallbladder let’s say

they’re older and don’t have enough

hydrochloric acid let’s say for example

they have inflammation in their gut

they’re not going to be able to absorb

hardly any nutrients or let’s say the

food that they’re eating is a grain with

phytic acid which blocks zinc so that’s

another huge factor

because if you eat that food it’s not

going to be absorbed and then we have

cofactors like vitamin d and calcium


you need

vitamin d to help you absorb

calcium and then we have the source of

the vitamin is that vitamin coming

because it’s been enriched with some

synthetic vitamin or is it naturally in

the food as a whole food


complex or even is it a natural vitamin

and then we have hormones let’s say the

person has insulin resistance they’re

not going to absorb very much of any

nutrient and if they have inflammation

in the liver or another part of the body

that is also going to inhibit their

absorption the more stress they have the

more they’re going to have vitamin

deficiencies and a greater need for

certain nutrients especially the b

vitamins the less sleep they have the

greater the need for nutrients if

they’re a diabetic there’s it’s a whole

different picture of what kind of

nutrients you’re going to need as well

as the absorption

if you’re a smoker for example the

requirement for vitamin c is going to be

way way higher because


completely oxidizes vitamin c and then

you have if the person’s diet is filled

with sugar and junk food which is going

to deplete those nutrients as fast as it

goes in and lastly we have the

bioavailability let’s say that iron

they’re talking about comes from spinach

and not from red meat huge difference in

that nutrient being available to the

body or not so the shocking fact about

your food is that those facts are not


they are actually


don’t worry it gets worse

there are some other problems the source

of information okay by the fda for

example did you realize that in one

study that i just read and i’ll put that

link down below

15 out of 26 fda employees who left the


now work or consult to big pharma and

the food industry

you think that could possibly affect

i don’t know the nutritional

recommendations or the governing panels


could have some biases or some vested

interest see the problem with the

medical profession is there’s no

training in nutrition

so you have to learn it after you

graduate but to put medical boards and

governmental agencies like the fda over

your health and food is not a good idea

even the majority of nutritional studies

is industry funded okay and i’m not

talking about drug studies i’m talking

about nutritional studies all right

that’s another problem and then you also

have the amounts that they’re talking

about are only related to preventing a


not creating optimum health to create

health you need sufficient nutrients you

don’t need just the bare amounts and

what we’re really trying to do is we’re

trying to create health okay we’re not

just trying to

prevent scurvy and then one last problem

is that some of the recommendations are

actually too high like calcium for

example i mean when i see what’s

recommended for calcium if you’re going

to take that every day your body is

going to calcify

i mean there’s studies that show that

even when women post menopausal women

take the recommended amount of calcium

their risk for heart attack goes


and so calcium is not something that is

easily excreted to the body and then you

have iron in men men have a almost

impossible time getting rid of too much

iron too much iron can be very toxic to

men and women who are post-menopausal

okay those are some of the problems

there’s a brilliant professor in

biochemistry that i’d like to mention dr

bruce ames

he came up with the triage theory okay

and that has to do with

the body will ration nutrients

to short-term survival actions not


health or longevity or preventing cancer

so if the body does not have enough of a

certain nutrient it’s going to allocate

that to functions that will help on an

immediate basis like let’s take for

example vitamin k1 that helps with

bleeding okay so if the body only has a

certain amount of k1 it’s going to clot

dairy and stop bleeding but it’s not

going to be allocated to certain things

that might be involved with longevity or

your dna uh things like that but in one

of his papers he talked about a very

very interesting story uh i’m not going

to get into it but all i’m going to tell

you is this

a folic acid deficiency okay a folic

acid deficiency

will create the same damage as

radiation okay to your dna your

chromosomes so radiation breaks up your

chromosomes well guess what a folic acid

deficiency will also break up your

chromosomes and

a lot of other nutrients are involved in

dna synthesis dna repair so it’s pretty

obvious that

we don’t put enough attention on these

nutritional deficiencies and because

they’re missing okay they’re omitted

we don’t have a tension on it right we

only we don’t see something that’s

missing why because it’s it’s missing we

don’t look at it right so if you were

exposed to like a nuclear power plant

that had a meltdown

that would be obvious but how would you

really know if you’re deficient in folic

acid right you really wouldn’t so

getting enough nutrients is very

important i do have a solution for you

all right here’s the solution

eat food

that’s nutrient dense

next question is is it going to be


is it going to be animal-based

well guess what you have a lot of

different sources of vitamin c

b vitamins vitamin d

vitamin e

that are in both animal and plant okay

now typically you’re going to get more a

more complete profile if you consume

more animal

sources of food

but there are a lot of other nutrition

that you can get from plant i recommend

you combine both of these

if you’re a vegan it’s going to be more

difficult to get b12



omega-3 fatty acids you can do it it’s

just more difficult plus the amino acids

that you would get in plant food are not

nearly as bioavailable and it’s more

difficult it’s possible but it’s more


but just to cover all bases i recommend

you combine both of these right here now

number three

the taste of your food

will tell you

if it’s nutrient dense

the smell of your food will tell you

if it’s nutrient dense

i mean you’ve done this you eat a tomato

at the store there’s absolutely

positively no taste to that tomato at


also like a carrot right i’ve eaten

carrots like there’s just nothing or

bell peppers there’s no

taste okay

i can take a tomato i can smell it to

know if it’s nutrient dense okay a

tomato that is grown in your garden wow

it smells completely different it tastes

completely different why because the the


chemicals are connected


the nutrients the more nutrients

the better it’s going to taste

the better it’s going to smell

now how do we know if something is

nutrient dense i’m going to show you


test it’s called the brix test okay

i don’t know if you’ve ever seen one of

these but this is a bricks test it’s

fairly inexpensive

and i want to explain how it works

you could use this in your garden you

can use this in the grocery store well

you probably if you’re going to go to

the grocery store you’re going to have

to buy


the leaf or the stem or the plant or the

fruit before you test it because

you have to crush it in like garlic

press right here right or some other

crushing device this is called a

refractometer which basically refracts

light it

it changes the angle of light there’s a

prism here you just take a drop of a

crush uh leaf from your salad or a

tomato or a berry and you put it right

on this little lens right here you put

this on top

and you look into the light and you will

see a scale


and this scale tells you



the the sugars are the proteins the


the nutrients


roughly on the brix test

if something is above 12

now this is a generality because some

things need to be higher some some

things would be a little bit lower but

generally if it’s above 12

that food is going to contribute to your


okay if it’s really low let’s say it’s a

three or two

it’s not going to contribute to your


so a lot of people are eating

very low quality food

thinking that they’re getting something

from it but they’re really



also very interesting about this bricks

test is that if something is over 12

that plant is immune from insects okay

if it’s below 12 let’s say it’s three or


it’s like a magnet for insects insects


dead and decaying

plants okay and fruit they’ll go in

there and they’ll start eating that

but they don’t consume

healthy nutrient-dense


vegetables and plants also if something

is above 12 it has a higher shelf life

and it does not experience as much frost

damage so the brix test is a relatively

inexpensive test to kind of give you a

good idea of something as nutrient dense

or not and i will put a link down below

of how to use it

but here’s the next and most important


how do you get

food that is above 12 on the bricks test

healthy animals come from healthy plants

healthy plants come from healthy soils

okay it’s the soil that’s where our


starts the difference between

soil and dirt

is that dirt has no

microbial life

soil has a lot of microbial life

and you can’t just grow your vegetables

on dirt it has to be fertile soil it has

to have a lot of life to grow that in

there right and also when i’m talking

about life i’m talking not just about

bacterial life

i’m talking about fungi or fungus right

so in our soils we need

ideally a one-to-one ratio of fungus to

bacteria to get optimal fertility of

that soil to grow something

if something’s really high in bacteria

and very low in fungus like no fungus

then you’re just going to get weeds you

just can’t grow

crops that you can eat now the big

problem is if you want to grow food in

your backyard or if you have a farm okay

you have to do soil samples right and

you have to send them out and i’ve done


and soil samples are not cheap you have

to send it to the lab sometimes it takes


almost two weeks or longer and it’s

expensive i remember i sent something

out it was like 600 bucks right very


i found a really amazing


that you can do at home on your garden

or on your farm

and it’s called the micro biometer okay

this is a very inexpensive testing kit

that can measure two very important

things it measures the quantity

of microbes in your soil like the

concentration of microbes that how much

life it has

and so it needs to be like over

you know four five hundred six hundred

it can’t be like

200 or 100

or all you’re going to be able to grow

is weeds

and the other thing it will test is your

ratio between your fungi to bacterial


and you really want this to be one to

one so this gives you incredible

feedback within 10 minutes at a very

inexpensive cost i think like one test

costs i think 11 to 50 cents i mean

compared to hundreds of dollars for one

test and this has a capacity for doing

10 different tests you can test your

soil see where you’re at you can give it

certain things like amendments like

minerals or microbes whatever and then

you can retest it to see over time how

fertile is and so i did a lot of

research to try to find a home test that

i could do that will give me this data

and there’s nothing out there that

compares to this i mean it’s very very

creative how they came up with this test

and it’s very credible and a lot of

farms use it if you have a garden or a

farm or you just want to test your grass

in the backyard and i think you’d be

very interested what you find but it’s

important to get a baseline and to

measure things over time

this right here nutrient-dense foods

really comes from

the soil and so this is why i always

emphasize going to farmers market grow

your own food if possible

definitely do grass-fed while caught

organic as much as possible so i have a

special guest i was able to

get the president of this organization

uh just to ask her some quick questions

it’s laura decker as well as their

marissa their soil scientists so i’m

excited just to kind of dive in and get

some additional questions uh related to

this microbiometer which first of all i

just want to say


a person’s health is dependent on the

plants and animals they eat and then the

plants and animals are dependent on the

soil the health of the soil and the

difference between soil and dirt is that

soil is alive and the more life it has

the better

and so

as i told you before laura

you know this is very expensive to send

my soil samples in but uh i stumbled on

your company that you’re able to

we can do this right on site and it’s a

quick test it’s like 10 minutes and you

can find out great information so if i

could just pick your brain in a couple

questions of course



there’s two main things that this

test can evaluate one is the

the amount of the number of microbes

that we’re dealing with right


as far as

your experience working with other

people around the world with this this

great tool


are you finding some interesting things

related to um

does it correlate with the number of

microbes and people saying well yeah my

crops were getting insects and i’m

getting having problems with this or the

fertility of the land and

the things that they grow on them

well the first thing i’ll say is we are

used around the world we’re in over 20

countries and soil varies tremendously

of course within the united states but

also around the world

and soil is different because it’s made

up of different things but also because

we’ve done different things to it right

so if you go to iowa right

you’re not going to find virgin iowa

soil in agriculture you’re going to find

incredibly processed soil um if you go

to other countries you’ll you’ll see so

to sort of say what’s the normal soil is

very unusual and soil like you said

is is obviously it’s got a mineral and a

you know component but it also is living

it has microbes it has worms it has air

it has all kinds of things in it

um and so what we found is most people

who use the kit understand that microbes

vary throughout the cycle and the year

they’re impacted by how we treat the

land and what we do to the land right we

know that extensive tilling

sort of destroys your fungal content

which builds soil structure which makes

your soil ironically more compact which

means you have to till it again right i


it’s it’s you’re either in a virtuous

cycle or a vicious cycle

um and so what we have found is people

use the test the most to evaluate their

change in practice

right so they’re going to biostimulants

they’re using either oxygenated water or

they’re using maybe an algae component

so a lot of the times the things that we

see make the most difference in

microbial content are things that feed

the microbes right so there’s microbes

everywhere right you don’t necessarily

have to put them into the soil


they’re all over right as covatotis

germs are everywhere but they’re

bacteria it’s fine but if they’re not

growing in the soil it’s because they’re

not being fed right we’ve done things to

the soil to make it have very low

organic matter

to be very compact right to not have air

to to be so compact that water runs out

so it’s either too wet or too dry so

when people do things to feed the

microbes right the microbes will


you can’t just throw live microbes on

soil that can’t sustain life

it doesn’t work

um so that’s how we find that people use

the test the most to say okay i know i

need to change it there’s no formula

right the formulaic method of

agriculture which is throw down npk

you know it is not working and there is


one way to fix the soil around the world

it’s very very particular and it’s an

art and a science um and we developed

the test to be used on fresh soil

because you’re testing living things

right you said it’s the lab they dry it

and freeze it who knows what happens to

the microbes

and we also test dormant microbes so you

do know that when when microbes die

they’ll either die and sort of fall

apart or they’ll um spore you know be


um and then they reproduce every 15

minutes right so it doesn’t take much if

you feed them and get the right


um as dr fitzpatrick used to say that

they’re they have a lot of sex they they

reproduce tremendously um so if you get

the conditions right you can do it and

people use the

to say okay i did this treatment what

was the change not do i have a good

number am i done but what is the change

through through my practice that i can

see often um and quickly so the very

long answer but

hey well uh you know there’s you sent me

a really good simple chart and it’s on

your website now i found that you can

just kind of gives you a reference of

what what is good bad and terrible so

you can kind of start with something and

you can

progress but um in different parts of my

my uh property because i’m living on a

farm right now

i mean

you you test the soil where i have all

the weeds that no grass grows

i mean it’s like

it’s as heavy on

bacteria so that brings up the next

question we have this ratio of

fungi to bacteria


just tell us a little bit is that how

important is that if we’re trying to

grow something in our garden


so that

what we know and and and there’s

material out there that’s way better

when i’m that what i’m going to say but

we know is that that in all soil there’s


a fungi and bacteria they don’t

necessarily compete with each other all

the time

but we do know that

fungi um

are important for building soil

structure so they are the ones who make


make it possible for the soil to be

aerated to hold on to water right and

for roots to to grow more um easily

throughout the soil we also know that if

you’re growing food

that fungal

fung that fungi do a lot of immune work

for the plant and that immune response

that the fungi helps the plant

is what sort of brings

the antioxidants into the plant right

that we then want to eat because it

helps us in our immune system so

um people want a lot of fungal content

because it helps build soil structure

which is a virtuous cycle

um it improves the taste and the quality

of plants as well

um and it gives things into like

different tastes so a lot of that’s why

a lot of organic food will taste better

because it has higher fungal content now

you can also throw down a lot of

mycorrhizal fungi you can inoculate the

soil with fungi but again if your soil

cannot support

those they won’t they won’t cultivate

so a lot of people in agriculture want a

one-to-one ratio


better you know when i i had i took like

seven different sound samples the other

day and i haven’t recorded like it’s


i mean one part of your

yard is one thing it can go all the way

to this side

and uh also i tested something in the

woods it was just it was interesting it

was a great experiment to do that i’m

going to be

doing this my own experiment to see if i

can get this

good ratio of one to one because um i

was really heavy on the bacteria so and

hardly any fungus so so you’re trying to

grow crops or vegetables um it’s just

not easy and and you can but they’re not

going to taste

like anything because yeah and

it’s interesting that you’re using the

forest because in a forest there’s so

much differentiation even in a small

area between

fungal and bacteria because different

things are growing naturally so

um people test it for forest but you’ll

find a big variation right by a tree you

know in an area where sun hits

um but it is really fun to see the

difference in what agricultural soil

biological life looks like and what um


look like as well

well i’m just glad you guys came up with

this very creative ingenious test to be

able to just quickly test something

without having to send it to the lab

because i mean it took me i think two

weeks to get my lab report back i mean

first of all in the mail by the time it

gets there i don’t know how many

microbes are going to be left alive

so um

for those of my viewers that have

gardens or farms or just you’d like to

test your grass in the back of your yard


laura was so kind to give us a coupon

code with 15 off so if you want to get

the kit it’s already very inexpensive

and i think one kit will do 10 tests so


i’m gonna put the coupon code down below

with the link so

if you guys would like to get one you

can get one and check it out and do your

own experiments

but you can’t really um

improve soil if you really don’t have a

reference of where you’re at

so this gives you an inexpensive way to

test it so

um i happen to just be looking for

something like this and then you you

guys popped up and

i just i was like looking for quite some

time to find out how i can check

uh you know the soil but all you know

the only thing you can find out there is

like ph testers

you know you can check some the currency

of the current in the soil and

maybe there’s some like you can check


you know but

microbial life i don’t think there’s

anyone out there that’s that has a test

that you can actually just bring right

to your


yeah thank you i appreciate it and

anyone who gets a test that has

questions our company is very small

we’re located in new york we do

everything ourselves

and we love to hear from people um we’re

also working on a new release of the app

that’s going to be a better calibration

to get more detailed testing

because as we’ve learned around the

world um at first we thought oh under

100 no one’s there well turns out a lot

of the world is under 100 so we’re

working on making that precision at the

at the higher end so that’s really

exciting for people that’s going to come

out in the fall and that’ll really um

make it easier for larger organizations

to use this as well

that’s great so that’s why i think it’s

just a great uh tool to identify like

the real core source of someone’s health

it starts from the soil so

i just appreciate your uh you guys

coming up with it and your time for

doing this interview so uh um thank you

very much thank you and uh

i appreciate your input

okay have a good day