Fascinating Interview with Dr. Chris Knobbe on Vegetable Oils and Macular Degeneration | DrEricBergDC

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good morning everyone i am back with a new guest

and today we have dr chris kenobi he’s a clinical associate professor

at university of texas southwestern medical center and he actually is a

doctor ophthalmology so he he’s an eye physician and eye surgeon so

welcome doc i’m so happy that you’re able to make it

thank you dr eric it’s great to be here thanks for the opportunity

well you know the reason i bring you on is number one um

i wanted you to speak at our upcoming summit for sure

but your data is fascinating i uh you cover a point that um is just

rarely talked about but it’s probably one of the most

important things out there that i think people need to talk you know emphasize

and understand and i know you’re going to get into it

and so i have a bunch of questions for you so

i just want to dive right in uh you’re a doctor

of the eye so you you basically see things

from a certain viewpoint and i want to know a little bit about

how you got interested in

the diet connection and how that related because you really talk about the

vegetable oils and the impact of vegetable oils on the

your eye but how did you stumble on this well uh yeah first first of all

i definitely stumbled into it and uh to be honest with you and the

audience is that i wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t

for my own suffering with arthritis that’s how it

all started eric uh was i’d suffered with arthritis for

16 years and just in a nutshell i kind of went

partial paleo and in about 10 days my arthritis

improved about 80 that was back in 2011. wow and eric it was

so phenomenally uh life altering to me after all this suffering

i had had and after seeing so many of my physician colleagues to try to help me

and a dietary change which nobody had suggested

made that kind of change for me it just it just uh instilled a desire in me

to want to know more and then the more i started digging into this the more

interested i became and and that just kind of

ballooned and really i guess if you want the rest of the back story

it’s that that was 2011 and in 2013 i came across

the research of weston a price and are your is your audience

quite familiar with price’s work most of them are

um absolutely so yeah i think so okay so so just very briefly

um weston price uh did phenomenal research in the 1930s

where he evaluated people all over the world on five

continents as they transitioned from native traditional diets over to

westernized diets and westernized diets essentially contained refined white

flours added sugars vegetable oils

trans fats canned goods sweets confectionary

in essence processed foods and price noted how those foods

drove westernized disease that started with

dental decay and then was followed by arthritis and cancers and

all kinds of degenerative disease and so that was 2013 for me eric

and later that year as i continued to study

it just suddenly hit me in late 2013 that after i had understood that

westernized processed foods are driving heart disease cancers strokes

hypertension type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome

obesity autoimmune diseases when i understood

all that finally it hit me and i thought could processed

foods be driving age-related macular degeneration amd

which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss

and blindness in people over the age of 65

worldwide and uh this is something that you know i had

dealt with in the clinic for 24 years at that point

and in any case so then i followed down that path and i continued

and to investigate that while i was in

practice for about the next year and a half

and in early 2015 i felt i had enough evidence and i was convinced that i was

on the right path although i couldn’t bear i knew i had

needed a ton of study and some more you know fundamental

research and i left practice to pursue that

so so a question about where did you personally have

arthritis was it all over your body was it in your back where was it

yeah so it when i was about 34 years old um it you know it started mostly in my

knees and i had a lot of trouble with my knees

in my mid to late 30s and then

and then it i think next it kind of hit my

elbows and then my shoulders and then my neck and then eventually my

fingers my toes pretty soon i was riddled with arthritis and i was 50

years old at in 2011 and

eric i was in severe pain and i i’ve always been

athletic and i got into where i just it was so hard for me to even just jog

or warm up to lift weights uh it was just i just you know

was on a disastrous path wow it sounds like we go ahead well i was

given uh an immunosuppressant which i took for

one day and the next day i heard about the paleo

diet and started like i said kind of a

makeshift paleo because i wasn’t convinced i was

very skeptical everything i’d done for 16 years with my

arthritis was a you know a fail and those but that was

all drugs wow like i said i’ve probably seen a

dozen of my physician colleagues and um i don’t want to make this all

about my arthritis but nevertheless i mean none of them had ever said

one thing about diet it was always a drug an injection

steroids you know all that fascinating i think we have i think we have

something in common because when i was 28 i had the ex

similar thing i started noticing arthritis in my hands

all down my back my spine i told my wife i’m like what the heck is going on

yeah i’m in my 20s and i got arthritis and so i had it a little bit earlier

than you but i know exactly what you’re talking about i’m

going everywhere trying to help at that time i lived in san diego

um and i actually stumbled uh price and pottinger had a whole center

there and that’s where i got introduced to them

as well which is interesting so i started turning things around but

um getting back to the macula okay what is the macula of the eye

so the macula is the central retina it accounts for about the central 10

degrees of vision and it is responsible for

you being able to see somebody’s face to read words on a page to see a stop sign

it’s it is your central vision and if that part of the retina

degenerates then your vision will begin to decline

and macular degeneration is probably for ophthalmologists today it’s

probably uh second only to cataracts in terms of

what uh ophthalmologists deal with at optometrists too

in westernized countries and so yeah so this disease

um it’ll it gradually steals your vision typically and then it can progress to a

wet stage which can be severe and um

let me just tell you that today this year

they estimate that 196 million people are affected with macular

degeneration in the world and of those by some estimates the world

health organizations data would suggest that as of 2006 and

that’s the latest data i have for blindness

the bilateral blindness probably around 3.15 million people in the world

bilaterally blind meaning both eyes centrally blind they can’t see

their their their they can’t see their spouse’s face

their grandchildren’s face they can’t see to drive or

read and if you think about that that is a staggering number of people it may

be more than that so it could be approaching the population of the state

of colorado where i live today in the world all

blind you know from this disease and and you

know when i first investigated this eric what i saw i had to go back and

look at all the history and this i couldn’t find anybody who any

research that had done this and what i found

was that in a nutshell that between 1851 when mac

when the when the retina was first visible

uh because of the invention of the ophthalmoscope and then over the next 80

years up until about 1930 there was no more than about 50 cases

of macular degeneration in all the world’s literature

and ophthalmologists were using the ophthalmoscope

and recording images and diagrams in the 1850s

and so i go i go through that data but in a nutshell

you know what i found was that this disease was extraordinarily rare

and it changed as our diet changed and the the big picture

here everybody uh if you don’t already know

this is that we didn’t have any man-made

processed foods in the world with the exception of sugar

up until 1866 approximately so we had very small

quantities of sugar processed foods again being sugar

refined flours vegetable oils and trans fats and in 18

right after the american civil war 1866 is when we first got

vegetable oils we got refined white wheat flour in 1880

because of roller mill technology which is another

refined nutrient deficient food and then in 1911 we got trans fats and if you put

those four foods together that makes up

processed food it’s so incredibly simple but those four

things now uh big food manufacturers make 500

some thousand foods out of those today and those

first of all are severely nutrient deficient and then they are toxic

and here’s what what i will submit to you

is that almost all of these chronic diseases

are driven by nutrient deficiency and toxicity and they

all come from these foods the foods are nutrient deficient those four processed

foods and then they have toxicity related

primarily to vegetable oils trans fats and and

probably the and the fructose component of sugar if

the dose is right well you know you know i um if you take

a look at each one of those individually i looked at the

consumption i think before 1970 i just looked at 1970 to now

and we have a trend going up with refined grains we have a

trend in going up with sugar but what i didn’t understand until i looked at your

stuff is that there is a massive spike i think

it’s 4x with vegetable oils i mean that’s the thing that

really took off and you know we’re all emphasizing avoid

sugar well yeah we know that but there’s not enough emphasis about

avoiding the vegetable fats and understanding what they can do

not just to your eye but their whole body they can cause insulin resistance

just like sugar um and i guess these that’s the way that

they’re processed is just completely and utterly um

barbaric i mean it’s like white i mean they’re heating it and then they’re

there’s there’s nothing left i mean and they’re very inflammatory so

so when you look at when you look at the macula and you’re trying to evaluate

what’s going on with someone’s vision and let’s say it’s just starting to

become a problem would it and they’re just would they

notice like oh i’m not seeing that well and that could be other that could be

maybe the eyeball’s not shaped correctly maybe the lens is not correct

or it could be the macula is the symptom of lack of eyesight very similar

to all four of those causes or are they or is it a different thing where you’re

the central part of your eye you can’t see because the macula

handles so there’s blurry in like a little circle when you look or

how would you differentiate macular versus just the shape of the eyeball is

is not right as far as vision goes yeah good question

so first of all you uh may not have any symptoms in the early

stages of macular degeneration in fact you probably won’t recognize

anything and the the symptoms of any decrease in

vision you would never be able to distinguish

on your own from cataract or from refractive error you

know being nearsighted or asymmetric or farsighted or whatever

or maybe even glaucoma you’re not going to be able to distinguish

anything yourself and you should never rely on your own

perception of your vision you need to see

an ophthalmologist or an optometrist to be evaluated

and have you know have your retina evaluated

everybody should start doing this in their 40s for sure

and every you know two to three years i won’t get into all the detail but

people need to have their eyes examined eric in order to

evaluate for that but the symptoms are similar

oh they yeah you the the majority of people that in the early stages of

macular degeneration they’re not going to have any clue at all that they have

this disease and of course this would be the best time

i mean of course you want to try to prevent all of these diseases

and the best way to do that the only way to do that is through

diet and um you know but but if you have it already the best

thing to do is is you know see an ophthalmologist

optometrist have a diagnosis and then you would make the same exact

changes to your diet in order to prevent progression of the disease that you

would in order to prevent it it’s the same exact exact thing so when

you look at the macula and you’re diagnosing

what is what’s what are you seeing is it uh

extra blood vessels or is there you can you see like this destruction is there

plaquing like what what’s happening in the macula that’s

causing this this what does this degeneration look like

well uh you know the best thing would be to

have a uh an image of that but you know because

none of our audience is really going to hardly know what the retina looks like

but you see these little you know whitish yellow dots called

druzen and you see something called pigmentary disturbance

which is is something that is affecting the

retinal pigment epithelium beneath the you know

beneath the retina proper and those that’s the first stage and that that’s

that’s the uh dry macular degeneration and if it progresses eric which about 15

10 to 15 percent of the people that have dry macular degeneration will progress

into the wet stage and this is a stage where the vessels can grow up underneath

the retina leak fluid and bleed and that that is

devastating to the vision and um and the calc can be treated but

i don’t know that we should get into that at all but yeah i was just

kind of curious about the effects of um like this vegetable oils is it as an

oxidative inflammatory free radical thing that’s

creating that damage or is it similar to diabetes where

you’re creating um destruction of the blood

vessels to the eye through the retina itself i

don’t know but it just i’m just curious from my own

viewpoint yeah you know um i eric i almost have to

uh giggle when people ask me you know during the

like a podcast or whatever you know what is the

what is the tell me what the um the cause of this is at the molecular

level or tell me what is the mechanism right you know i

was thinking the other day i should say okay let me

summarize 32 500 scientific papers that have been published on this in the last

four decades because that’s basically about what there is

i mean there’s an extraordinary amount you know of evidence here to try to

you know put into a nutshell but let me just say that here

here’s what i would submit as a big picture is is that vegetable oils

are they have four main problems and this is going to apply to

macular degeneration heart disease atherosclerosis

stroke type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome

obesity alzheimer’s parkinson’s autoimmune okay these the main things

is that vegetable oils are going to are first going to be nutrient deficient

because they don’t have any vitamins a d and k2

none in any oil even the really good oils like

a good coconut oil no none of those vitamins right

yeah they’re you know this puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and

vitamins a d and k 2 create an amazing

synchrony and synergy that drives health and so this is what you know

weston price began to show us back in the 1930s i mean did an incredible job

with this all right so that’s the first thing you

don’t so when you used to plant and replace the healthy animal fats

lard butter beef tallow you know eggs organ meat fish eggs

all these kinds of things that are that are rich in these

fat soluble vitamins a d and k two we used to plant those

with vegetable oils now you’re nutrient deficient that’s problem number one

problem number two you’re you’re going down a pro

oxidative pathway and eric i cannot tell you how important

i have i’ve learned so much i’ve learned over the past few

years that tells me this is the most important

thing of all on a mechanistic uh level is the pro-oxidative effect

okay so so that drives oxidation i can come back and

review that in some detail third pro-inflammatory

so the the omega-6 seed oils are pro-inflammatory

gonna lead you down an inflammatory path and then finally

they’re toxic and i don’t use this term toxic loosely

what i mean is is they are poisonous and they’re poisonous

because the seed oils can they contain and or in our own

bodies will produce uh toxic aldehydes for one thing but

these toxic aldehydic end products which are things

like 4-hydroxynonenol which is 4h and e malone dialdehyde or mda

9 and 13 hoed which is hydroxy octadeca dianoic acid carboxyethylpyrol and

acrylene these are just five but there’s hundreds of these toxic

aldehydes that are connected with all of these diseases so collectively

those things right there are cytotoxic meaning directly toxic to cells

genotoxic you know toxic to the genes mutagenic carcinogenic

atherogenic atherosclerosis inducing thrombogenic clot inducing and

obesogenic and on top of all that you know we have

if you look at the whole picture you know the

seed oils are driving you know if you look at this big picture

one of the first things they do is they drive they they damage the mitochondria

and the first thing that happens at the mitochondrial level is you become

insulin resistant at the cellular level and this is where i’m seeing insulin

resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction and the mitochondria are the powerhouses

of the cell for those who don’t know that’s where 90

of our energy is produced and seed oils severely damage the

mitochondria through these oxidative effects and you begin to

lose energy and the cell begins to become dysfunctional

and or dies and now what what i understand and what you know people

understand is that that work on this all the time

is that mitochondrial dysfunction is a part of

all of these chronic diseases it’s you know heart disease congestive heart

failure atherosclerosis cancers macular degeneration type 2

diabetes metabolic syndrome if i didn’t say it yet

obesity all these disorders are connected through mitochondrial

dysfunction why would they all have this and the reason i’ll do is oxidative

stress and where does oxidative stress come

come from primarily seed oils now

what about someone sitting back watching this and says well i don’t use

corn oil i don’t use vegetable oil i don’t use crisco so i’m good like i

they don’t have the awareness of how insidious this problem is i mean it’s in

i don’t know how many foods i i think i read on your website there

is uh an average person consumes seven what 700 calories of this stuff

per day in their diet without even knowing it is

is that am i exaggerating or no no that’s exactly right let’s see so

it was 80 grams a day uh of the average person in 2010

and that’s we did this research and i can go back and get

give you the big picture but in 2010 the average american was consuming 80 grams

of vegetable oil a day well you know oils fats are nine calories of

grams that’s 720 calories and that is 32.5

of u.s consumption literally a third of our diet is coming out of factories i

mean ivor cummins calls these factory fats and kate shanahan who

studied studied this for 25 years

you know she says nature doesn’t make bad fats

factories do and i think that’s a powerful message

because these oils they’re not natural you know they’re they’re uh they’re

heated they’re chemically treated they’re

alkalinized bleached and deodorized all chemically and heated about four or

five times and by the time they hit this bottle and you’ve got this nice pretty

looking kind of slightly yellow uh um

oil it looks great but that is a that’s a that’s a bottle of poison and

because it’s extremely oxidized it contains all these toxic aldehydes

and when you consume it it will accumulate in your body

but if i go back here eric so if so i i did this analysis this this will be

coming out in our next published paper i’m working on with a

bunch of other ophthalmologists and vision scientists

but but i did an analysis to look at

what our omega-6 linoleic acid that’s the main

fatty acid in seed oils what our consumption of that fatty acid

would have been in 1865 before the world had any of these vegetable oils

and it was 2.2 grams so so we got seed oils by 1866

well by 1909 we were already at 4.84 grams

by 1999 we were at 18 grams a day and by 2008

we are at 29 grams a day okay now let me give you the

percentages so in 1865 before the world had any

vegetable oils um our in the us for example that 2.2 grams of

omega-6 linoleic acid that is about one percent

of our caloric consumption by 1909 we’re at two

percent of caloric consumption by 1999 we’re at

um sorry here i could try to remember the

numbers um

ah i went blank it’s uh oh seven percent there we go

i have there seven percent of caloric consumption

and by 2008 11.8 percent just rounded off

12 of caloric consumption okay now like a spike

yeah so people will say well we need you know

little like out there you need omega-6 and omega-3 and you do

they’re essential fats you have to have linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid

which is the comparable omega-3 but guess how

much you need 0.5 percent of your diet needs to be

omega-6 linoleic acid point five percent that’s the essential half of a

one percent yeah and and so in other words so we

went from um you know what right well let me just

put it to in 2008 we are consuming

24 fold more omega-6 linoleic acid

than what we actually need to be consuming

you know i just if you look at all these you know native

traditional populations which i’ve done and

i’ll go through when we do we do the keto summit i’ll hit some of those

but i’ve i’ve looked at all these and all of them their omegas okay none of

them have any vegetable oils because if you

have vegetable oils you’re already consuming a processed

food diet you’re already westernized but all these native traditional

populations who don’t have sugars white flowers seed oils or trans

fats all of their own the highest omega 6

like i have found is still under 2 percent the the

the uh the messiah of kenya and tanzania they consume 66 animal fat

which is 33 to 45 saturated fat but they’re omega-6

i mean with all that fat 66 of their diet being animal fat

their omega-6 was still 1.7 well the omega-6 in you know westernized

diets all around the world today is around 8

to 12 or higher and what’s happening

the whole world is getting overweight obese and sick sicker than dogs

and it’s and and this problem is you know i i i was thinking that

the problem is far worse in developed nations but guess what

the the world health organization shows us that

developing nations 69 of the deaths in developing nations

in recent years are from chronic disease these same things heart disease cancers

strokes hypertension type 2 diabetes you know all that and guess what so so

let me give you one more statistic between 1963 and 2003

in developed nations vegetable oils doubled on average uh

kaiser did this work um so 40-year period they doubled in

developed nations but in developing nations

vegetable oils tripled in that same period of time in that 40-year period

and in developing nations their sugar consumption is

really low i mean it’s the world health organization says don’t consume more

than 10 percent of your calories as sugar i think that’s very good

but get you know what they were in developing nations during that period

19 from well from 1964 to 1994 i believe it was

their consumption of sugar in developing nations on average was around

6 to seven percent sugar they’re probably it’s not sugar

driving i mean why are all those people in developing nations

why are they all getting these diseases at as much or higher rate than we

are right because of vegetable oils vegetable oils have gone everywhere that

you know every just like western price showed in the 30s if you could

find if you could get to a place by roads you know by

a port or roads processed foods were there

you know the big food manufacturers were selling their food and there’s just

a few isolated places in the world where people aren’t consuming these foods

what is the um i know if it’s the usda or whatever

but aren’t they recommending that we consume more vegetable oils

than saturated fats that’s been the push right

i don’t know about the usda eric but i can tell you this

um the so you know sally fallon from the western area price foundation calls

the these organizations the diet dictocrats

and and she’s talking about the harvard school of public health and i’m

not you know this is not about harvard it’s about the harvard

school of public health and then the nutrition department of

tufts university also in boston the nutrition department of mayo clinic

the american heart association and there’s a bunch of others

they’re all collectively telling us vegetable oils are healthy

omega-6 is healthy and so people are so confused because i mean

if harvard tells you it’s healthy who are you to believe

right and um but you know you this is why this is one of the reasons i think

people like you and me and you know chris masterjohn

and chris cresser and joe mercola you know get into this is

because you know most of us from our own

suffering and you start going i gotta figure this out because

i can’t trust the diet dictocrats to tell me what’s right

why do they tell us this eric there’s only one reason they tell us vegetable

oils are healthy one reason as far as i know and it’s

because vegetable oils make your cholesterol go

down so if you believe that cholesterol is the problem in heart

disease you might buy this argument and that is

such a massive fallacy as you know that it’s

not about cholesterol it’s about uh you know it’s not about ldl it’s

about oxidized ldl when we talk about and all that where does oxidized ldl

come from it comes from the exact same thing

vegetable oils and sugar possible you know to a lesser degree but vegetable

oils are driving oxidized ldl and

oxidized ldl drives atherosclerosis drives coronary

heart disease and you know ivor cummins has showed us that

you know i mean he’s brought our attention to the fact these studies have

shown for example that um the greater your oxidized ldl

the greater your heart disease on a coronary artery calcium scan which

is the gold standard for evaluating heart disease i mean i’ve

nice i had mine it was zero two probably would have been a lot higher before

and i know you’ll get more into this in the summit but um

these vegetables also have a half-life of i think one to two years and

they make up your cell membranes they go into the body

and they um if your body’s made of these oils

it’s a lot different structurally and it’s going to affect you on a whole

different level probably stiffening of the arteries who knows what else

i mean it’s just crazy yeah so if okay if you

eat you eat sugar today if i eat a cup of sugar today i can

either store it as glycogen in my liver and muscles or i if there’s

if there’s if i’ve consumed enough calories i’m going to convert it

mostly into monounsaturated and saturated fat right

that’s what it’s going to be stored as but if you consume polyunsaturated fats

your body these omega-6 oils we’re talking about

and omega-3 too your body was not it was designed to get these in really

tiny quantities because we weren’t designed to ever have vegetable

oils in our diets and so your body stores these omega-6 and omega-3s

preferentially and it doesn’t want to burn them bait

oxidize them for fuel i mean that doesn’t work well we could

talk about that but anyway so yes you store them and they get stored

in your fat and they get stored in your cellular

membranes and they get stored in your mitochondrial membranes where

they create all this havoc and the thing is is they store at

approximately your as an approximate

level whatever you’re consuming in your diet your adipose tissue will be

approximately twice as high in this omega-6 so if you

consume one percent of your diet as omega-6

you’ll probably be no more than three to four percent

i said roughly okay you know with your in in your omega-6 in your fat

but if you consume 10 or 12 percent of your diet as omega-6

you will be at about 20 some percent in your fat so stefan gnay

showed this data just brilliant stuff in 19

he looked at 37 studies that looked at the linoleic

acid in our body fat in americans body fat just americans

37 studies and collated all this data graphed it

so 1959 the average linoleic acid omega-6 in americans fat was

uh 9.1 9.1 now remember obesity in 1960 was 13

percent in the u.s 2008 um

linoleic acid in americans fat averaged 21 and a half percent what was obesity

in 2008 i think it was around 32 something like that and um

all of these diseases have tracked accordingly so

so this is what we see is the more of these you consume the more they’re

stored in your fat and they stay there okay oh and back to

your your question how long are they in your fat well this is the really bad

news this is where you have to pay for your nutritional sins

and i hate this but the the half-life shown in studies and there’s been

multiple studies that have looked at this but the half-life

of these omega-6 fats in your fat is 600 to 680 days you might as well

round it off to around two uh two years now the you know the

in pharmacology what we learn is it takes about five

half-lives to get rid of a substance like a drug from your body

now nobody knows if that’s applies exactly to linoleic

acid but as a rough estimate then that means that

it’s probably gonna it’s gonna take a few years maybe up to even eight or ten

years once you get all these out of your diet

you get your omega-6 really low to get your

omega-6 in your fat down down to really low level like it should be but you know

what in three days of go of getting vegetable

oils out of your diet your inflammation markers will go down

your pro-oxidative status will go down your toxicity from the aldehydes

will go down guess what you’ll have far less risk

uh you i believe of heart attack and stroke

in three days wow you know this uh if if you’re watching and you’re

wondering what oils we’re talking about we’re

talking about soy corn canola cotton seed

probably some other ones as well like um safflower sunflower

maybe even peanut oil i don’t know peanut oil yes

all of those yeah so i’ll say them too it’s

soybean corn canola cottonseed rapeseed grape seed sunflower safflower

and rice bran those are the biggies there’s a few others

and but those are the big ones so you know if you just want to stick

get we got to get the big picture right first and that’s just just

get those out of your diet yeah start reading labels too

that’s in the salad dressing oh send me mayonnaise you can’t find

a salad dressing without it i mean it’s difficult so

it’s almost impossible and i wouldn’t you know even a salad

this is where you know sally fallon says where’s the best place to start she says

it’s with your salad dressing because they’re all made

with these vegetable oils and you probably you and your audience

probably both know this eric but you can’t trust olive oil in the united

states 79 of it is adulterated with these

vegetable oils and why is that it’s because um even

olive oil and we can talk about olive oil uh i’m

not the biggest fan partly for this reason

but there it’s being adulterated so greatly that you you know 80

essentially of the olive oils in the us you can’t trust because they’re

adulterated with all these cheap just you know horrible oils

and why is that because it’s very profitable olive oil good

extra virgin olive oil that’s properly prepared and maintained and all that is

expensive the seed oils are dirt cheap

um in 2000 uh as recently as 2014 one on the world’s market

one kilogram of the vegetable of these vegetable oils

on average was one u.s dollar oh well come on 80 grams a day

of that you know in the american diet works out to be about

8 cents i think it is and as low as for soybean oil as low as 5.6 cents

so in other words so here’s the thing is you can take

let’s say you want to make pop tarts as a big food manufacturer

you can take you know 5.6 cents or 8 cents worth of

of these oils you can take two cents worth of refined wheat flour and

two cents worth of sugar and you can make pop-tarts

and sell them for four dollars and so most of the money goes into the

marketing not into the product right the box and so so and and so

getting back to your you know question and statement about these are

in all the foods well guess what everything you almost all the processed

foods you look out you know they’re made uh primarily of

these four things you know i mean you just put them together just look at

every label and you find out most of them are going to be made from

refined flours sugars and seed oils it’s got any of those oils you know i

wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole and be really

careful about olive oil i wouldn’t trust most of it

that’s a sad fact i do think that olive oil can be

okay i don’t trust it i am and i’m a little bit

skeptical quite frankly about the the polyunsaturated

left fat in even in olive oil for most americans who are already have

a lot of omega-6 in their own fat it’s too high i would get it out i

i just cook everything in butter we just stick with

uh pasture-raised butter um to cook everything in i just don’t trust

oils quite frankly i don’t trust any of them for the

most part i think coconut oil is probably the

safest one on the market um even coconut oil doesn’t give you vitamins a

d and k2 not like you know like butter wood

i mean butter a good pasture-raised butter is going to give you all of those

yeah exactly so this brings me to my i’ll have a lot of questions but i have

to withhold myself because um we’re going to talk you’re going to

talk about a lot of this at the summit but there’s um

gosh there’s well let me just quickly answer you just ask two last questions

okay when you um consume

mineral oil for example i know for a fact that

pulls out of your liver and your body um a lot of fat soluble vitamins because

it’s an oil and it just kind of depletes you i know when you

when someone exposes itself to mineral oil they end up with a deficiency of

vitamin a vitamin d etc so my thought was when you mentioned refined oils

just like refined sugar they’ll deplete you not just the vitamins but the fat

soluble vitamins so i’m guessing that’s probably why because there’s

they’re like like a vacuum there’s no vitamins in there and they’re just going

to suck out some of the which is in your liver i

would imagine that’s one question well

i’m sorry well first of all i don’t know what mineral oil

is i have to people take it as a laxative

yeah but what’s it what does it come from i mean does it come from different

sources or what is it coming from eric i think honestly i think it’s some type of

it might be some type of petroleum product i i’ll have to find out the

exact ingredients but it’s a really refined

empty oil that people use as a laxative and i actually don’t even know for sure

but i’ll have to find out okay i guess i’ve never thought about it

and this is what you know every once in a while somebody throws a

question at me i just go like a guy asked me about emu

oil the other day and i’m i don’t i don’t know you know but there’s some

principles there that i could get to but i’ll have to look in you know about

mineral oil i just don’t i don’t really know

what its source is or what it’s made of uh yeah

and so okay um so i don’t really have an answer for that

at all totally fine if i don’t know the answer i’ll just tell you

i’m i’m trying to learn i learn from people

every day um about about this and i don’t care

who i learn it from i’m just i’m just trying to learn like

like you and everybody else right me too uh and then the other question is uh

side question um so you have all these people

that have fatty livers and there’s quite a few of them

i mean if you have a gut you have a fatty liver and

they’re they’re doing the vegetable oils they have insulin resistance they’re

doing sugar and um what happens is that um

the vegetable oils really can disrupt the

production of bile in your liver and the release of bile i know that even

when i was in practice for 29 years you the the damage that these vegetable oils

do to your bile ducts in the liver as far as they become bile deficient

they can’t release and a lot of that bile starts

backing up into the liver and it starts to create fibrosis and

scar tissue so there’s really a lot of um you know

not just gall stones but just the congested

colostasis where you have this uh this stagnant

bile that’s just clogging everything up but what’s

interesting the treatment for that um is bile salts and what’s interesting

about that is that there seems to be a really interesting

connection between taking that improving eye

vision there’s a vision component to taking

bio salts that i’ve looked at and the reason i’m bringing up is because you’re

an ophthalmologist i don’t know if you’ve ever

looked at that connection but i noticed when i used to put my patients on

bile salts they would their vision would just

really improve greatly and either the mechanism it triggers the

vitamin a receptor in the eye because i know it’s an analog or it just

might help you drain all the liver so you can

start to have the liver function again but

there’s an interesting connection between

the vision and your liver in biles i don’t know if you ever looked at that or

had experience with that i just wanted to bring it up as a side note

yeah no you well first of all uh here again you’ve

taken me completely off guard and i’m uh i didn’t i don’t know that

much about uh the liver disease

uh i do know i mean with regard to bile and bile function and how bile

salts my my first reaction is is that

if we’re um vegetable oils are reducing our

ability to first of all absorb vitamin a and they’re oh not only that they’re

vitamin a deficient but they’re affecting our vitamin a

absorption and i’m thinking that you know perhaps

the bile salts then are improving vitamin a

uh absorption perhaps and uh well i’m just i’m honestly just

guessing here eric no that sounds screw it you know

with the with what i do know i may be off base here

and i don’t mind saying yeah i mean i may be

uh i may be off base here but um but you know some of my recent work you

know what i for example with the eye and this

applies to the whole body the world is vitamin a deficient

but it’s just as rampant if not more so than vit i think

it’s more rampant than vitamin d deficiency and

probably everybody who’s looked at this at all

realizes that vitamin d deficiency is extraordinary

in this world today and both deficiencies are connected with almost

any chronic disease you can name there are inverse

relationships between vitamin d and vitamin a uh

and virtually every chronic disease there is in other words as the chronic

disease prevalence goes up the vitamin vitamin a and vitamin d

deficient or levels go down in other words more vitamin deficiency

more disease and and then you know k2 comes in

in there as well but k2 is even much harder to

as far as i know to measure and analyze um but but you know vitamin d is easy to

measure and um you know supposedly treat that

and that’s another entire topic but i think okay

but anyway i’m thinking that you know this this could go back to

it goes back to vitamin a uh absorption perhaps

yeah that makes that makes sense well anyway i just

really appreciate your attention your time to do this and uh

um for everyone that is on um we’re he’s gonna be on the the next

summit at the end of august so i hope you guys um can show up

because it’s gonna be an amazing presentation and you’ll be able to

deliver the full rundown on what you’ve been studying i’m really excited to to

see that as well so thank you and we’ll be seeing you in

august at the end of august and i’ll put the

link down below for more information as well as your website and your

information you have a foundation as well as a lot of great data on

macular uh degeneration and i’ll put all that

down below as well awesome right yeah just so

if i could say the it’s uh i i work for cure amd

foundation it’s at cureamd.org we are a 501c3 nonprofit

and uh so nobody in our organization including me

um is compensated for anything we do uh for this our goal is to help people

and to prevent vision loss uh through ancestral diets and uh we’re

fortunate we’ve now reached we think people with macular degeneration over a

million people wow but we want to reach the world so

yeah we will hope i want to thank you eric and thank all of your audience for

watching and help spread the news because you know

this is a grassroots movement we’ve all got to do we’re all in this together

the way i see it we can’t do this without

people spreading the news because that’s right that that’s

that’s where it’s at well i’m glad i stumbled on you so that’s great thank

you so much thank you so much eric