6 UNEXPECTED Signs of Heart Disease THAT YOU MUST KNOW! | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about six unexpected signs

of heart disease now since heart disease

pretty much is the number one cause of

death worldwide compared to any other

death i think it’s appropriate to

understand this problem a little bit

more especially the unexpected or

surprising signs or symptoms that can

tell you you have a heart problem

without even knowing about it now

regarding heart failure there’s two

different situations you have

compensated heart failure and you have

decompensated heart failure now what’s

the difference what does that mean

compensated it means that when you have

a weak heart initially

you’re not going to have the same output


blood flow or oxygen

so the body compensates to help you out


increase the amount of blood flow by

increasing the pressure and the

retention of sodium so you cannot also

increase the same amount of fluid

through the body the body is trying to

hold on to the fluid and increase the

pressure and the pulse rate and so

compensated heart failure

has as its symptom

no symptoms except high blood pressure

now why would you have no symptoms well

because you’re getting the same output

as a normal heart

but your numbers are just higher so for

a lot of people that have high blood

pressure there really is no symptoms at

least at first and what’s really

interesting is that

people then

just take a medication which kind of

camouflages and hides this little

indicator red flag situation you go

about your way thinking well okay good

now i no longer have high blood pressure

so i’m good

but that didn’t do anything for the

heart itself in fact it just camouflaged

the real problem


then you may start experiencing symptoms

of this medication which really

is experiencing symptoms of the heart

problem now because now we don’t have

the output of blood flow so some people

that start medication

that reduce the blood pressure from this

compensation situation start having

edema in the legs they might feel

light-headed fatigued difficulty

breathing okay

those are the the known symptoms

when you have decompensated heart

failure but typically what happens you

have this compensation going on for many

years until the heart gets so weak that

it can no longer compensate and so

that’s when you start having the obvious

symptoms of a heart problem and there’s

symptoms that people know about and

they’re symptoms that people don’t know

about like the pitting edema in your

lower ankles if you press into your

lower leg close to your ankle and it

leaves a dent that’s pitting edema okay

that what’s happening is you’re getting

a backup of blood in the body because

the heart cannot push it out it could

also be other things like liver disease

or even adrenal problems but definitely

a heart problem can create that as well

another common symptom of decompensation

would be

you get out of breath very easily

especially when you exercise or go up a

hill another symptom would be pain on

the left arm or chest pain or actually

back up through here but again those are

known symptoms but the ones that people

are not used to hearing about are the


excuse me coughing that could be a

version of congestive heart failure

where the blood flow is backing up into

not just your ankles but into organs and

your lungs and creating this irritation

or a cough number three signs of


you’re starting to forget things why

because you don’t have the blood flow to

your brain as well as you used to

there’s a problem with not getting

enough oxygen and blood flow to the

brain that can affect your memory over

time if it becomes chronic number four

low urine output okay the amount of

urine that you’re putting out is

definitely not

what it should be and that is because

your body is retaining

sodium because your body’s trying to

compensate for this lack of blood flow

and oxygen so it’s just holding on to

fluid all right number five

difficulty breathing when you’re laying

flat on the ground okay

so you get relief when you sit up or

stand up a lot of people don’t associate

that they think it’s always like if i

exercise and i get winded no actually

when you lay on your back and number six

you’re awakened out of a sleep one to

two hours later

trying to gasp or trying to catch your

breath that’s another sign or a

connection between the heart

and your breathing all right that’s all

very interesting but what can we do

about it the first thing is


give yourself enough sleep you know they

found in a study that a midday nap can

give you the same benefits as certain

blood pressure medication which is

fascinating so the more sleep you have

the better the heart’s going to be in

fact the less sleep you have the more at

risk you’re going to be for getting a

heart attack so if you’re getting like

five hours or less your risk goes up

considerably and your lifespan decreases

as well unless you’re one of those

special individuals that don’t need as

much sleep which can happen but it’s not

very common all right number two this

relates to a real big

important connection between

refined grains and heart disease when

you consume refined grains in the form

of the breads the pasta the sorrel

not only are you getting the massive

oxidation because it turns in the sugar

and the ear it’s kind of like taking

steel wool and rubbing it through your

arteries i mean that’s really what it’s

equivalent to but also refined grains

are going to pleat your vitamin e

reserve okay and vitamin e is the most

important vitamin

for not just the inside of the arteries

but also the heart muscle itself

when you’re low in vitamin e

the heart has to work so much harder in

fact vitamin e is good for all of your

muscles and it’s pretty dramatic when

you give people vitamin e and then test

their muscle strength before and after

you’ll see a huge change the type of

vitamin e that i would recommend is

tocatrinos that’s the best vitamin e for

the heart in fact it works like 50 times

better than the regular tocopherols all

right number three vitamin k2 vitamin k2

is kind of a recently discovered vitamin

it works with vitamin d3 but k2 helps

keep calcium in the right places so it

it helps to keep calcium out of the

arteries it helps to keep calcium in the

bone it also keeps the arteries

from becoming too stiff and guess what

foods are high in vitamin k2

the fats okay the fatty foods and i know

some people watching are going to say

well what about cholesterol this and

that well i have another video for you

to watch in that because that’s a whole

different topic there’s a massive lie in

that area that you need to know about

all right number four and this is really

really important it’s just as important

as sleep is

getting off the high carb diet going on

a low carb diet of course especially

getting off the refined grains if you’re

new to my channel i’m going to show you

exactly how to do that i’m going to put

the link down below if you want some

encouragement also go to dr berg.com and

look right at the top there’s a button


with success stories and we have over

5000 success stories you can start

reading through these and you’re going

to see a lot of people


significant improvement with

cardiovascular function

when they start the ketogenic diet now

the next video you need to see is on


very important

i put it right here check it out
