What Really Causes Gallstones? - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video I’m going to talk about what really causes gallstones

okay there’s a myth out there that a high-fat diet will cause gallstones

that is absolutely not true let’s go into that a little bit more most stones

are cholesterol stones okay so it’s a concentrated amount of cholesterol

because there’s not enough bile so the real deep underlying cause of a

gallstone is bile deficiency bile is a fluid that is made in liver and

concentrated in the gall bladder by 20x and it’s used to help you extract

nutrients from the food especially like extracting the fat soluble vitamins

essential fatty acids and then the pancreas releases enzymes to help break

it down even more so really the underlying cause of gallstones are a

lack of bile because bile keeps the stone from developing it keeps

cholesterol from forming a stone and also it disposes of excess cholesterol

so bile is very very very very important okay and if you had your gallbladder out

you’re gonna be deficient in ball even more because now you don’t have a sack

to allow the bile to be concentrated so the original reason probably they took

it out as you had stones and now they take it out and now we have a deficiency

of bile even more it trickles down so you might switch the problem from a

stone to another problem of a lack of absorption of fat tile vitamins or

omega-3 fatty acids or an essential fact called DHA which is good for your brain

and your heart so it’s hard to pull all those in so without bile it’s like

washing your hands without soap now let me talk about things that can trigger

the loss or deficiency of bile okay so these are not direct causes they’re

indirect causes because they have to then do things that then decrease bile

so high levels of estrogen can decrease bile and increase your risk of getting

stones from hormone replacement therapy birth control being pregnant

all of these actions can increase your chance of getting a stone because it

depletes file and by the way the symptoms of low bile would be bloating

indigestion gas constipation because bile

acts as a lubricant also right shoulder pain headaches on the right side pain in

the upper trap on the right side pain and the scapula on the right side

anything on the right side because it can swell up and be congested and cause

a triggering of a nerve that goes right up into this side of your body I put

some links down below for more information about that high levels of

cortisol can also deplete your bile cortisol is a stress hormone so stress

can increase your risk of stones because it decreases bile and that can also

include medication type cortisol like prednisone for example because one of

the side effects is it increases your chance of getting a stone this is a

biggie increase of insulin can deplete your bile I mean a lot of people have

too much insulin probably 60 to 70 percent of the population so the thing

that triggers insulin is course the carbs frequent eating but here’s the

here’s one point I want to bring up when you combine carbs or bread or pasta with

protein or carbs sugar with fat you greatly exaggerated the release of

insulin so if you’re doing a high-fat diet with a high sugar diet and many of

the experiments they do with mice and they’re calling it a high-fat diet when

really it’s a high sugar and a high fat diet but they don’t tell you that you’re

gonna find that probably you’re gonna find problems with gall stones or a lot

of other side effects but the point is higher amounts of fat with low sugar low

carb it’s totally safe it does not create a problem it’s the combination of

the higher fat with the high sugar or the combination of higher protein with

sugar together that’s deadly okay so anyway we want to keep our insulin low

if we want to prevent gall stones low fat diets low fat diets vegan diets

basically don’t have enough saturated fats to trigger enough bile so

this is interesting because people think that it’s the fat that causes the

problem but saturated fat is the thing that triggers the release of bile you

need saturated fats so I personally experienced this in college when I made

some meatloaf okay and my grandmother was really great at making meatloaf she

sent me the the recipe I didn’t read it I scanned it it said take like a pound

of hamburger take some bread Brett yeah bread mix it together bake it put some

ketchup on it right so I didn’t read the fine line which says drain all the

grease out of it I just kept the grease in there like all the bread just soaked

it up like a sponge and I ate that whole thing now think about it I combined all

the saturated fat with the protein with the bread deadly combination massive

spike of insulin I had a gallbladder attack I thought I had a stone but it

was just a gallbladder attack and in the middle of the night so basically if I

kept doing that or eventually developed stones but a low fat diet will increase

your chance of developing a stone because you don’t have enough bile so

don’t be afraid of the saturated fat as long as you keep your carbs low alright

so the next thing is a fatty liver which by the way comes from high levels of

insulin though now if there’s too much fat in the liver it’s going to obstruct

the function of the liver and to that degree you’re not going to be able to

make bio because bile is made by the liver cells so if half of it is fatty

that means you get half of the production of bile so really this could

be a culprit in why a person develops stones it’s a fatty liver how do you

know if you have a fat liver just look down at your stomach if you have a gut

you probably have a fatty liver but the best way is to get an ultrasound and

just check it out anti acids can also disrupt your ability to make file and

use bile and so what happens is the reason why you need to take any acids in

the first place is you don’t have enough acid now if this sounds strange for you

watch the video down below on an acidic stomach because what causes that is a

low stomach acids I know sounds strange but what happens

you don’t have enough stomach acid what happens the valve doesn’t close and the

acid comes up if you have enough acid in your stomach the valve closes nicely and

you don’t feel the acid reflux so the fact that you need antacids tells me

that you don’t have enough stomach acid and stomach acid is one of the triggers

for the bile to release from the gall bladder okay so anyway if you don’t have

enough of that trigger coming from the stomach this can actually really create

a dysfunctional gallbladder and create a whole series of problems a chain

reaction that occurs just because the stomach pH is not correct and one last

thing if you’re not consuming enough vegetables you’re not going to be able

to feed your microbes in your large intestine the food that they need to

help manifest the quantities of microbes that you need to help recycle bile so

90% or 95% of all the bile is recycled and a big portion of that is done by the

friendly microbes in your gut so if you don’t have those microbes there that

could be the reason why you can’t recycle biome another common cause okay

don’t have enough bile you start increasing your risk of getting stones

all right anyway I hope this helped you understand what’s really behind the

stones and put your comments down below I’m curious what you think about this so

I want to know about what you think about this video so please comment below

and tell me what you think