Keto Desserts and Gut Issues | DrEricBergDC

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today i want to talk about keto desserts or keto  snacks which i never recommend except at the end  

of a meal and gut issues now the short version is  you do not want to consume keto desserts or snacks  

if you have gut issues so you don’t want any of  these ingredients okay but let me explain why  

because the keto bombs cakes cookies or  if you’re going to do waffles or pancakes  

all contain certain ingredients that will just add  to the inflammation in your gut i’m talking about  

if you have irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative  colitis or diverticulitis or crohn’s or celiac  

or any inflammation your colon you want to stay  away from these ingredients so let’s go through  

the ingredients so starting with sugar alcohols  you have erythritol with stevia or you have  

erythritol with monk fruit now if you don’t  have a gut issue this would be a good option  

second option would be xylitol now if we compare  xylitol with erythritol this is better because  

erythritol is 30 on the glycemic index now if  you’re having very small amounts it’s not going  

to be that big of a deal i personally consume  a little xylitol in my coffee every day it’s  

one small packet extremely small doesn’t affect  my blood sugars at all but this should be zero  

but if you have a gut issue i don’t recommend it  maltitol is one of the worst sugar alcohols it’ll  

really tear up your gut and it’s pretty high  on the glycemic index and then you have this  

thing called imo isomaltooligosaccharides  another name for that is vita fiber now  

i did a video a long time ago recommending this  until i found some interest in your research on  

it and now i do not recommend it because it  can definitely increase your blood sugars big  

time it’s usually in the syrup so you can make all  sorts of amazing things and it gives great texture  

for all sorts of keto desserts and it’s very sweet  but in reality it’s not keto friendly that’s why  

it tastes so great all right the other things  you need to avoid are the flour alternatives so  

when you do keto you’re no longer doing grains  like wheat flour so you do almond flour coconut  

flour chia seed flour chickpea flour or hazelnut  flour these will tear up your gut you want to  

avoid these as well and then we get to vegetable  fats now most vegetable fats are high in omega-6  

it’s going to create more inflammation like  safflower oil sunflower oil especially corn and  

soy you’re going to see these in restaurant  food so if you go out to dinner a lot  

regardless of whether you order keto or not a lot  of times they’re going to fry the food or cook the  

food in these two oils and you may wonder why your  stomach is inflamed that is why now coconut oil is  

a plant fat and it is not that great if you have  severe gut issues so you can test it out might  

be okay but it may not be good for you and of  course nuts and seeds you want to avoid those  

because if you have a gut issue it can really  create an inflammatory process because these  

are very high in omega-6 fats so the worse the gut  issue the more you need to do carnivore which is  

keto but without all this other stuff you’re  pretty much just doing animal fat and protein  

maybe a little bit of fermented vegetables but if  your gut is very very severe even those might be a  

problem but if it’s a moderate problem you could  pretty much handle a small amount of fermented  

vegetables now let’s say for example your  gut is inflamed or you have this autoimmune  

condition which always stems from the gut you  want to do this ratio two to one fat to protein  

but mainly stick with animal fats and animal  proteins so you’d want to do carnivore  

without plant fats like you wouldn’t want to do  with coconut oil or even avocados and because  

there’s a lot of inflammation in your gut you  don’t even want to do any type of dairy whatsoever  

that includes cream butter a small amount of ghee  might be okay because ghee actually filters out  

some of the solids some of the potential proteins  like casein that you might be sensitive to  

and with gut issues some people are  sensitive to eggs as well so unfortunately  

you’re very restrictive but if you  only consume very very fatty uh  

meats on a keto and i’m not just talking about  using meat i’m talking about organ meats as well  

fatty sausage to fatty fish would be a very very  good thing to help heal your gut issues so you  

would do that for a period of time and then you’d  want to slowly ease into the fermented vegetables  

but you probably are not going to be able to  tolerate these keto desserts and so-called  

keto friendly snacks if you have a history of  gut issues all right guys for a little more  

information on this i put a video down below check  it out before you go if you have a question about  

a product or you’re new to keto and you want to  know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and you  

need a debug because it’s not going as smooth i  have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the u.s  hopefully in the future we’ll be able to  

answer everyone’s call but i put the number  down below so you can call and get some help