Drinking Too Much Water Will Do More Harm Than Good – Dr. Berg on Hyponatremia and Overhydration | DrEricBergDC

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drinking excess water will do more harm

than good I wanted to do a video based

on this amazing book it’s called water

log by Tim Noakes PhD this guy is the

authority in sports medicine his PhD

lucky has his MD and PhD in exercise

physiology and what he talks about in

this book is fascinating because it goes

completely against what we’ve been

taught that you have to drink eight

glasses of water every single day and

especially if you’re exercising you have

to drink a lot of fluid to prevent

dehydration well this guy has done the

research and he found there is more

damage from over hydration especially

when you’re exercising then dehydration

there’s very little research that

indicates that dehydration is a problem

but there’s some serious research

showing the serious side effects of over

hydration or what is called water

intoxication now if you’re doing

exercise especially long-distance

running or marathons and this

information is vital okay because what

happens when you’re drinking excessive

amounts of fluid you can deplete your

sodium levels okay and what’ll happen

the brain can swell it puts a tremendous

amount of stress in your heart and

people have actually died from drinking

too much water the condition is called

hyponatremia I’ll put a link down below

check it out so let’s say for example

you’re exercising you want to know if

you’re over hydrated okay well here are

some of the symptoms do you have a

worsening headache do you have an

increased rising temperature even when

you stop exercising swelling in the

hands and the feet all of these could be

indicators that you just drank too much

water so the body has this amazing way

of letting you know when you need water

okay so you’re ready for this are you

sitting down if you’ve checked out check

back in right now because this is very

important it’s called thirst so when

you’re thirsty drink more water when

you’re not thirsty don’t drink water

hey I appreciate your attention and if

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