Can the Ketogenic Diet Cause a Fatty Liver Without Enough Vegetables? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to discuss and

answer the question can a ketogenic diet

cause a fatty liver if you’re not

consuming enough vegetables okay I’ve

done a video on this in the past but I

didn’t really explain where I got this

data from so I’m gonna show you right

now it’s the same cold Guyton’s

physiology okay it says effect of

insulin lack on causing a fatty liver so

they’re talking about when you have in

CELAC or not enough insulin or low

insulin in relationship to it causing a

fatty liver okay now that’s weird

because Here I am reading this and

seeing people improve their fatty livers

with the ketogenic diet but then I see

Gaytan talking about it can cause a

fatty liver this is weird so I could

just ignore it or just try to understand

what he’s talking about he has a lot of

great data in this book and some of his

other books and so I just didn’t want to

dismiss it I wanted to kind of dig

further to see if there’s actually any

connection because it’s conflicting okay

so it says this strange isn’t me seem

though insulin lack causes dissolution

of the fat stores which is talking about

dissolving of the fat stores in adipose

tissue it causes a great increase in the

amount of storage triglycerides in the

liver leading to a very fatty liver the

reason is the following the excess of

free fatty acids in the blood causes

rapid diffusion of fatty acids into the

liver cells so when you do research you

not only need to type in ketosis or the

ketogenic diet with fatty liver but

ketogenic diet with this term liver

stenosis which basically means fatty

liver and you’re gonna find some

interesting studies that pull up you’re

gonna see a combination of animal

studies and Studies on children with

epilepsy okay

now when you actually read the animal

studies you’re gonna see a link between

the ketogenic diet and developing a

fatty liver but again with the animal

studies you have to question what diet

they put them on I’ve done other videos

on a high-fat diet which really with the

animal child that they fed them a

high-fat diet is really a high fat plus

the high sugar diet but they also have

a ketogenic diet for four mice okay and

I want to show you what they are giving

these mice ingredients lard butter corn

oil make mental note of that

casein cellulose mineral mix Vitamix and

dextrose which is synthetic sugar and

the vitamins are synthetic by the way so

I’m gonna put a link down below of some

interesting data on genetically modified

oils specifically corn oil and soy oil

and this is what they found

soy oil and corn oil can induce a fatty

liver even more than fructose okay

so I really think it’s the corn oil in

this mice Chow that’s creating the fatty

liver not the ketogenic diet because the

diet that you’re on and the diet that I

recommend is not this version okay and

also the casein is probably it’s a type

a1 which is inflammatory it’s probably

not an a2 and corn oil is really omega-6

and it’s going to create inflammatory

conditions to not just the fatty liver

so which can lead to all sorts of other

problems so you can pretty much just

ignore the animal studies about let’s

switch gears to the children’s studies

okay let’s see what they say

here’s one right here is ketogenic diet

treatment hepatotoxic for children with

epilepsy so this is what they found they

found an increase in alt that’s a very

specific enzyme in the liver that

indicates liver damage and a fatty liver

and liver D ptosis which is a fatty

liver are the most frequent hepatic side

effects of a ketogenic diet now wait a

second how can that be so many people

get benefit and this study images it can

cause if I deliver in five point seven

percent of the children doing it and

then here’s another study the influence

in the ketogenic diet and liver function

in children and adolescents with

epilepsy okay and this one did

significant effects on serum levels of

alt that’s that liver enzyme I talked

about alright so let’s dig further on

what these children

were put on ok as far as a diet is it

the same diet that you’re on absolutely

and not so the foods that they put these

kids on which is called the traditional

ketogenic diet include you know

prepackaged can foods like keto kale

which is refined soy oils we talked

about that over here corn syrup solids

corn starch here’s one called

RC F which is Ross carbohydrate formula

soy formula with iron genetically

modified oils like corn and soil can

induce a fatty liver even more than

fructose now the other foods that these

kids were consuming were things like

chicken and probably not organic with

mayonnaise again more soy oil usually so

they’re kind of doing it what’s called a

version of keto which is dirty keto

which I don’t recommend okay and that

would be like doing Cheez Whiz for

example or a diet soda or fast food

without the bun they’re still lowering

insulin so you’ve seen the benefits of

that but they’re not using quality

ingredients so if you allow certain

things to slip in the diet like these

genetically modified soy oils or

dextrose or multi dextran that could

potentially be the reason why guy Tina

talks about it creating a fatty liver

now the next topic I want to talk about

is vegetables why would you want to

increase your vegetables on a ketogenic

diet first of all I think it enhances

the nutrient profile now can you get all

of your nutrients from a carnivore dabbe

absolutely if it’s done healthily if

you’re doing organ meats if you’re doing

cod liver oil high quality fish and

seafood but if you’re doing an unhealthy

version of the carnivore diet or even

the ketogenic diet you’re going to set

yourself up for a lot of problems so how

do vegetables protect you against the

fetid liver number one they have the

highest concentration of nitrates now

when you think of nitrates you think of

like nitrates and bacon right like

sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate no

we’re not talking about that nitrite

that’s a chemical we’re talking about

the natural form of nitrates in

vegetables that are beneficial to your

heart and they also have the

to protect against a fatty liver they’ve

been known to actually help you decrease

blood pressure support cardiovascular

function especially the inside the

artery I’ll put some links down below

that’s just one thing plus the fiber in

the vegetables can provide the microbes

the food it needs to then give you B

jerk acid which can lower insulin

because it improves insulin resistance

it helps your blood sugars that’s one

thing right there also the the microbes

help you recycle bile 90% of the bile

salts that are made by the liver are

recycled through the gut microbes so if

you don’t have all the microbes

potentially you can have a lower amount

of bile in the body and potentially you

can have a backup of cholesterol and fat

in the liver because bio helps to

extract the excess of cholesterol and

fat in the liver bile also helps prevent

gall stones by the way and then you have

phytonutrients ok phytonutrients are the

things and vegetables that actually help

protect the tissues from damage their

antioxidants they can help detoxify

chemicals they can help reduce

inflammatory conditions in the liver

then you have other nutrients as well

you have vitamin C vitamin E and then

you have the minerals which is magnesium

and potassium in the vegetables which

can help improve the high insulin state

which actually is the primary driver for

fatty liver so the question can a

ketogenic diet causes a fatty liver if

you’re not consuming enough vegetables

potentially I think he can if you’re

doing an unhealthy version of keto guys

thanks for watching I’ll see you next

video so I want to thank you for being

here and watching my videos if you

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