Gallbladder Surgery (Removal): WATCH THIS! | DrEricBergDC

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so this video is about post gallbladder

surgery now whether you had your

gallbladder already removed or you’re

contemplating getting gallbladder


this video is very very important for

you because any time you’re going to get

rid of a very important organ it’s

essential that you understand the

purpose of that organ and what’s inside

that organ

what is the gallbladder and what is this

function well the gallbladder is mainly

a sac that

holds bile salts which i’m going to get

to in a second it stores bile until the

next time you eat

and very importantly it concentrates

bile to a factor of 5x

so the significance of that is that when

you eat the gallbladder contracts and

releases a very concentrated form of

bile salts and once you have your

gallbladder removed

you don’t have that concentration of

bile salts you have a trickling of bile

salts down

from these little bile ducts into the

small intestine and so gallbladder

surgery is all about removing the

symptoms of a gallbladder whether it’s a

stone or other reason but is this all

about symptoms what about the function

of bile itself and what it does

i’m going to explain that so bile is

created from your liver and it trickles

down through these little tubes into the

gallbladder and then it also goes down

into the small intestine so bile is a

detergent that breaks up

fat okay so in this little jar i have

fat okay

and then with this

i have detergent

dishwashing liquid so bile is detergent

so let’s see what happens

mix it

with a fat

so i’m going to just

take some purified bowel salts

and put it in this oil here


now we’re going to

mix it up

now notice what happens

it emulsifies or breaks up the fat into

smaller particles

okay that’s what bile does

it’s a detergent that breaks down fat

into smaller particles


the enzyme called lipase in your



easily break it down into even smaller

particles for the small intestine to

absorb the things in fat


fat soluble vitamins so bile is

essential for extracting the fat soluble


from your food like vitamin a if you’re

deficient about m a you can’t see in the

dark vitamin e

it’s for the heart so a lot of vitamin e

is stored in the muscles it’s stored in

pituitary to help with maintaining sex

hormones so vitamin e is a very very

essential vitamin and also for

protecting the heart it prevents

inflammation and oxidation from the

inside of your arteries so if you don’t

have enough bile and you can’t extract

this vitamin e the heart suffers the

hormones suffer then we have vitamin d

which is

probably one of the most important

vitamins and the majority of the

population is deficient in vitamin d so

without bile you can’t absorb vitamin d

then we have vitamin k both k1 and k2 if

you’re deficient in vitamin k1 you bleed

easily and you have bruising if you’re

deficient in vitamin k2 you have calcium

that builds up in the wrong places in

the arteries and in your joints now bile

is also necessary for extracting

essential fatty acids as in omega-3

fatty acids which are very very

important as an anti-inflammatory for

heart health and there’s a huge long

list of many other things as well now

when we get to gallstones what is a

gallstone a gallstone is a super


cholesterol stone so if we have too much


and not enough

bile salts we get stones there’s either

not enough production of bile from the

liver because there’s some problem in

the liver or there’s a problem in the

tubes the bile ducts or there’s a

problem in the gallbladder but having a


will prevent gall stones

people think it’s the fat that causes

gallstones no it’s not it’s the lack of

bile in fact it’s your cholesterol that


bile and without cholesterol you can’t

even make bile another function of bile

is in helping the conversion

from t4 to t3 it helps the thyroid

convert hormones into the active form of

the thyroid hormone so if there’s a

problem with the liver or the bile

you’re not going to be able to convert

these hormones as well and you could end

up with a

hypothyroid problem all right another

function of bile number five is the

support of blood sugars so it does help

in the regulation of blood sugars if you

don’t have enough bile it can adversely

affect your blood sugars all right

number six and this is an interesting


when you eat food there are certain fats

that you eat that have beneficial things

essential fatty acids and fat soluble



is there any type of fat soluble

nutrients in

vegetables and the answer is yes

certain phytonutrients

like carotenoids


is fat soluble

so in order to


those really important phytonutrients

that give you additional health benefits

you need

bile this is one good reason to add the

olive oil to your salad or to eat

vegetables with some type of fat whether

it’s butter or coconut oil

or olive oil it helps in the absorption

of these fat soluble vitamins but you

also need bile salts so i hope you’re

beginning to see some of the

important factors of having enough bile

in your body and having a gallbladder as

well all right number seven

bile helps you get rid of excessive

cholesterol in fact having the bile

salts accounts for the majority of

cholesterol breakdown so not having

enough bile salts

especially when you go through the

ketogenic diet because you’re going to

be consuming more fat

could account for a spike in cholesterol

especially since you are on a low carb

diet and you’re tapping into the fat

cell which also has not just

triglycerides but it also has

cholesterol and that cholesterol has to

be extracted from the fat and it has to

go through the liver and out through the

bile ducts with the help of your bile

next point is that

bile helps you release toxins without a

bile you become more toxic you can’t get

rid of toxins all right number nine bile

is like an anti-pathogenic


it helps to kill off


especially in the small intestine so

most of the friendly bacteria

are in the large intestine not the small

intestine we don’t want a lot of

microbes in the small intestine because

microbes even friendly microbes compete

for nutrients

ninety percent of all the

absorption of nutrients happens in the

small intestine so we don’t want this


we want most of the microbes to stay

down a large bowel if you don’t have

enough bile these microbes tend to exist

more in the small intestine and that

condition is called small intestinal



sibo and one of the causes for that is a

lack of bile and one of the remedies is

to take more bile cells to help kill off

these microbes and this is why biola is

so important in the body in fact a great

majority of your bile is recycled

because your body considers it viable in

fact the microbes in your body the

friendly microbes actually make bile

salts they make a secondary bile salts

and one of the reasons for that is it’s

a strategic anti-pathogenic

strategy it tends to

kill off the bad bacteria but the good


are not bothered by it except if there’s

excessive good bacteria in the wrong

place and number 10

bile is alkaline so when it’s released

into the small intestine just beneath

the stomach

you have this acid coming through the

stomach that gets neutralized by bile

salts so both


and the juices from the pancreas coming

out called bicarbonates are alkaline to

help neutralize the acid if you don’t

have that

alkaline material the acid could burn a

hole in your small intestine and create

an ulcer and other issues so we need it

to help alter the ph at the level of the

small intestine so bile is crucial in so

many different aspects

but especially in regulating cholesterol

because if we don’t have enough bile the

cholesterol can develop these little

stones called gallstones as well as

gallbladder sludge okay which are

micro crystals of stone and that can

block the bile ducts and create some of

the same symptoms that a gallstone would

and so when you get your gallbladder

checked and there’s no stones present

you may have a either a stone in the

ducts the bile ducts or sludge which is

very difficult to show up even on a cat

scan so just make a mental note of that

because i’ll come back to that later but

cholesterol is not a bad thing as long

as we have enough bile a couple points

about cholesterol

75 of cholesterol in our body is made by

our own body so because we need it

cholesterol is needed to make certain

hormones especially your sex hormones

like testosterone and even estrogen

cholesterol is needed to make cortisol

the main anti-inflammatory hormone in

your body cholesterol is needed for the

membranes of your cells

and without that you can’t make the

membranes of your cell and cholesterol

is needed to make bile as well as

vitamin d

and without a gallbladder you can’t

concentrate the bile so

if they remove the gallbladder

you’re always going to be

somewhat deficient now it may not show

an obvious symptom

but think about all these other factors

that i talked about

a lack of vitamin a for example you

might not recognize or connect the dots


driving at night and not being able to

see at night and a bile deficiency it’s

not necessarily a dietary vitamin a

deficiency you just can’t extract that

vitamin a from your foods and what about

the conversion of the thyroid hormones

you may not connect the dots between a

lack of bile in a hypothyroid condition

all right so now let’s kind of cover

some of the symptoms of a classic

gallbladder problem

and this can also cover a lack of bile

as well

all right number one bloating belching

burping feeling nauseous

right shoulder pain

pain or tightness in the right side of

your scapula or the right trap up here

which can then cause

tension in your muscles and literally

cause a spasm where it pulls out the

vertebra and pinches the nerve and

causes pain down the right side even

into the hand it can also go up into the

neck into your jaw cause right jaw pain

and even headaches on the right side of

your head and you’ll be going to the

massage therapist for months and months

trying to work out this knot back here

when in fact it’s coming from your

gallbladder because there’s a nerve

right underneath your diaphragm right

next to the gallbladder called the

phrenic nerve that travels up to the

right side up into your neck right here

and so when you step in a dog’s tail he

barks through his mouth right you

wouldn’t want to mess with the mouth you

take the pressure off the tail you take

the pressure off the gallbladder by

making sure that you’re not irritating

the gallbladder i will cover that at the


all right the next symptom would be

tightness underneath the right rib cage

okay because that’s where the

gallbladder is located your gallbladder

kind of gets distended you might not

have a gallstone

but the bile ducts are in spasm or there

could be some sludge and it creates

either a tightness or a pain or an

irritation underneath the right rib cage

i had that problem as well as right

shoulder pain for about 12 years and i

had no clue on what it was and as a

result from that i’ve studied the

gallbladder and that’s why i’m doing

this presentation right now all right

another symptom of a lack of bile

or a gallbladder problem would be


why because bile helps to lubricate the

colon okay

in fact if you actually take purify bile

salts in high quantities you can end up

with diarrhea so that’s one indication

that tells you you’re taking too much

bile all right another symptom i already

mentioned this is gallstones

and goal sludge which is just thickened

cholesterol without enough bile

also if you’re not extracting

fat from your food

um you’re going to crave fatty foods

that’s another symptom

itching that’s a symptom of a lack of

bile and high cholesterol especially if

you are on the ketogenic diet and you’re

consuming a lot of fat and so the


for gallbladder problems is not to go


low fat or lean protein is to have an

adequate amount of fat with the right

ratios with protein which i’ll get to a

little bit later and it’s to identify

what your problem is is your problem

maybe a fatty liver or you have

cirrhosis or you have some issue that

you can’t make bile or are you on the

wrong eating plan i’ll get to that very

soon all right here’s some of the

problems um with surgery

that you will find out when you sign off

on the inform consent there’s

complications it’s not a little thing

it’s not a completely safe


so you really need to understand what

you’re getting into

before you get into it so here are some

risks number one injury to the bile


it happens in one out of 200 cases

where you might need another surgery and

there’s a possibility of having

long-term damage to your liver all right

number two

bile leaks okay so now we have this this

leaky bile that’s not being regulated

too well because you don’t have a

gallbladder so there’s nothing to

contract and release the bile not to

mention concentrate the bile but that

happens about seven percent of the time

and then they may have to use this

procedure it’s called ercp

it’s both in diagnosing and treating

stones in your bile ducts and the

problem with that it’s pretty high risk

especially if you have asymptomatic

gallstones in these little ducts and a

duct is just a simple tube and the risk

of having more complications in fact

worse complications and symptoms than

you currently have is about 27

because the complications could be


internal bleeding and in rare cases it

could be fatal all right next

complication is injury to your blood

vessels in your abdominal cavity

number four jaundice because there could

be of some obstruction created then you

have on this back up into the liver and

into the blood and then you start

looking yellow number five infection


taking antibiotics

and using sterile equipment

all right number six you can get a

hernia right where you have the incision

number seven pancreatitis eight injury

to the bowel or liver all right number

nine blood clots number ten

a heart attack eleven

this occurs rarely but you could die

from the surgery and number twelve

continued symptoms that you originally

started with so one complication is this

procedure did not resolve the symptoms

all right so now that you know the

basics about the gallbladder you know

the basis about bile you know about the

symptoms you know about the

complications you know the function

let’s talk about what you can do

whether you are trying to prevent going

into surgery with the gallbladder or you

already had

surgery and now you still have problems

or maybe you went through the surgery

and you don’t have problems right now

these are some things that you need to

know about number one you want to get on

an eating plan that would have prevented

this problem in the first place okay and

so the main cause of the main problem

with the gallbladder which would be

gallstones would be a lack of bile but i

didn’t necessarily discuss what causes a

lack of bile and i’m going to do that

right now

it could be

damaged from the liver it could be not

having a gallbladder it could be sludge

in the ducts that prevents the flow of


it also could be high levels of insulin

in fact that’s a very common cause of a

lack of bile your insulin is too high

because you have blood sugar issues

you’re consuming a high carbohydrate


another cause could be high levels of


this is why women who are pregnant many

times end up with a gallbladder problem

or a gall stone or even

hypothyroid conditions at pregnancy

because when you have lack of bile you

can’t convert the thyroid hormones so

too much estrogen can be a factor too

much cortisol from stress can cause a

lack of bile and being on a low-fat diet

whether you’re a vegan or just go

low-fat could be a cause because we need

this saturated fat to trigger the

release of


now also consuming

very very lean protein as in protein


especially these protein powders that

are in a lot of these diets like ideal


concentrated protein powder mixes and

consuming low-fat protein bars

especially with soy protein isolates can

be really hard on the gallbladder and in

practice i’ve had quite a few people

come in after doing these diets and i’ve

noticed a high incidence of gallbladder

problems after they started so you want

to avoid a low-fat diet you want to do

the healthy version of the ketogenic

diet with intermittent fasting so as to

not stress out the digestive system so

frequently the only thing i want to

mention about being on a high fat diet i

would do the ketogenic diet but i

wouldn’t add additional fat like in

these keto cookies and these keto snacks

like a lot of people do

one special note about mct oil okay mct

oil is a type of fat that doesn’t stress

the gallbladder out like other fats

so a little bit of mct oil might be okay

so number one get on a healthy keto

plan with intermittent fasting number

two supply

some purified bile salts to your diet

when you’re eating so in other words

take some purified bile salts

with meals the one that i’m going to

recommend is called gall bladder formula

i put a link down below because in this

formula there’s not just purify bio

salts but betaine hydrochloride to help

the stomach you need the stomach to be

very very acid to help release bile

salts and there’s a lot of additional

factors to support the pancreas with

enzymes there’s also herbs to help thin

the bile and i put a link down below for

more information on that all right

number three manual therapy now what i

mean manual therapy this is something

that i

initially experimented with in practice

and i developed a really



but very effective technique that you

can do some gentle massage around the

gallbladder and the pancreas and the

digestive organs and i will put a link

down below of how to do this but

basically just helping the flow of this

sludge that could be backed up in your

bile ducts

so if you already had your gallbladder

removed and you probably have

some incision on the right side

you don’t want to be massaging

um or doing any type of manual therapy

in that area why because there was an

injury to that area

instead you would want to work on the

opposite side on the pancreas side and i

put a diagram exactly where to press

it’s basically the mirror image or

opposite point to where you had the

surgery so if you had surgery on the

right side about an inch inward off the

middle part of the midline

you start pressing or massaging very

gently on the opposite or left side

and you just press and feel around very

gently until you find a very very tender

spot and you just gently massage it for

a couple minutes and it will give you a

lot of relief if you have residual pain

so that’s one thing but if you haven’t

removed the gallbladder you can in

addition to massaging the left side you

can massage the right side too let’s say

you did one through three and you still

have problems what do you do there’s a

really great remedy you can do a search

on it on amazon it’s called tudka okay

and tutcom is a type of bile salt

that is very very unique and it can help


the bile so if you have sludge that is

backing up in these bile ducts and

creating a lot of discomfort

you can take tutcom on an empty stomach

you can take one to two at a time once

or twice a day depending on how severe

it is and give yourself a lot of relief

i would highly recommend you only take

this on an empty stomach because if you

take it with food it’ll actually work on

the food

not necessarily kind of act as a drano

to help open up the clogged pipes so i

have a very interesting video in tucka

which i put a link down below but the

most important thing you need to do

right now

is get started with the eating plan a

healthy keto plan with intermittent

fasting i put three very simple videos

up on a playlist right here check it out
