Join Dr. Eric Berg Live Q&A on Keto (Part 2 Continuation) | DrEricBergDC

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my goal bladder out when I was 18 to try

to fix the problem but I only found out

that my gall bladder was perfectly

healthy once they took it out so none of

the doctors have been able to help me

with that and then a few years ago I had

a kidney transplant and so I’ve actually

seen my immune system boost up and my

question to you is I’ve I’m on

prednisone and I’ve heard you talk about

how colostrum can help that the effects

of prednisone which have definitely

affected me but I also hear you talk

about how a boost your immune system and

I can’t take anything that’s going to

boost it because it’s it’s been

naturally happening just by eating right

and eating the way that you told us to

eat and my doctors have actually had to

put me in the hospital because I’m

starting to reject my kidney because of

the boost in immune system

basically it looks at it as a foreign

cell so it starts to develop antibodies

to try to attack it and so now you’re

taking prednisone to shut that off

because the prednisone it depresses the

immune system but here’s the thing

there’s a difference between boosts the

immune system and just having a healthy

immune system strengthen your new system

as in quito or in a minutes fasting or

colostrum that won’t move okay hey there

I lost you

oh can you hear me now there we go okay


you don’t have to worry about Hawking it

more you you actually want a strong

immune system all you want to do is you

want to have your body like have

something to control the anti rejection

mechanism in the body so here’s what I

would do I would continue everything

that I recommend it but I would also add

something called Lena token PMG that’s

called it’s a really great remedy for

what your decoy so when you consume this

before bed the antibodies will started

talking this decoy and leave your kidney

alone and so there’s a video that I have

some cold look at all my videos on

autoimmune and I think I’m not talking

about that pizza it’s a good strategy

for people that need to click a lot of

prednisone and want to kind of minimize

the damage that damage control

so we limit Wilson ng take one before

it’ll act as a decoy Suba need some

prednisone we’ll go down and there’s no

side effects that sounds great and what

about the diarrhea the diarrhea

I think you’ve had your whole life so

that that means probably that at this

point since you don’t have it all better

is that you have a little too much bile

so you definitely don’t do not want to

take my gall bladder formula or any type

of bile supplement if you have diarrhea

because it’s going to make more Daria

what you could do is the best remedy

that I recommend the blackberries with

some unsweetened kefir now I know that

goes against keto but maybe just a

little blended the blackberry will help

you in probably going to have to add a

lot of vegetables for the fight or two

to kind of because you want certain

fiber from vegetables to kind of slow

down the process a little bit maybe even

psyllium seed that might help you as

well but I think if that doesn’t work

then you’re gonna have to get something

it’s kind of like an anti bile

I can’t even it’s a long conversation

but it’s maybe what you can do is email

us and I can give you more specifics

it’s too technical to bring that up but

try those things and then let me know

how that works okay okay I will thank

you so much all right you welcome okay

great all right hello hello can you hear

me hello can you hear me yeah I can hear

you fine what’s your name my name is

ginger ginger what’s your question hi

Mike my question is I realized that I

have adrenal fatigue and I’ve been on

keto since last July and the

intermittent fasting and I was wondering

if I should keep doing the keto intimate

fasting and if that’s the best way to

heal adrenal fatigue

it seems like there’s a lot of

conflicting advice from people online as

to whether or not you should add some

healthy carbs into your life or because

if you do it’ll make your adrenal

fatigue worse and then they also say

that you should eat before 10 a.m. which

seems to go against the intermittent

fasting yeah let me explain there’s some

false information for tea round that’s

absolutely not not true because here’s

what happens when you don’t eat into

intermittent fasting and your blood

Sugar’s drop when you’re adapting to

keto the adrenal does kick in as a

normal response to then stabilize your

blood sugars so it doesn’t go too low

that’s normal now if you go through

stress and you have your adrenal glands

kick in and start working harder that’s

also normal so these are responses that

you want so you absolutely wanted to in

a minute fasting and cue at the same

time because that will do it shift the

horse from a very stressful lucullus

which puts the adrene under a lot of

stress to ketones which is actually a

more like a very low stress fuel source

but here’s the test rate you just keep

friends and one is that either

transmission it through by taking a lot

of vitamins and minerals and once you’d

be through that you’re doing those are

going to be really really happy to put

all this in place but you want to just

realize that you might kind of go to a

little fatigue but once you kick in

there it should be totally fine okay

okay started in July and I did go

through that transition phase and then I

didn’t realize that I had adrenal

fatigue until February and so I didn’t

know if I could just keep doing what I’m

doing and then how long that takes

because I don’t feel like it’s healing

yeah yeah that’s why in my book I talk

about there’s a lot of other things you

know it’s like not as simple as just


one here this which you have to work on

other organs there’s a there’s a

technique that’s a pressure technique I

recommend I had a whole video on it’s

called the octopus webinar on stress

they teach her to do that and then

you’re gonna probably need a higher

amount of B vitamins to support the

adrenal that’s really what you’re going

to need as you transition through and

then I would recommend just getting read

book and turn you the chapter on the

adrenal and kiss and learn all about

that because I become a nation of the

ketone and then fasting with some of

these other techniques will cook it’ll

make it you won’t Hapkido fatigue

anymore and that way you can actually

transition you’ll be fine okay thank you

dr. Berg hello hi what’s your name hi

dr. book can you hear me yes hi my name

is Josh

hi dr. Berg my name is Karen not sure if

you can hear me hello



hello hi doctor buzz can you hear me

hi great what’s your name hi my name is

Skadden I’m calling from San Jose

thanks for taking up my call I am on

keto and intermediate fasting since four

weeks I have started seeing good results

my question is though is about this mild

pain that I am observing on my left side

back not the lower back but upper it’s

mild for now it started about a week

back and it hurts more especially when I

you know sometimes a sneeze so I was

just wondering if it is anything related

to things that I’m doing new to the body

I mean everything is natural that I’m

consuming all organic so that’s my first

question and the second question is if

you have time what’s the best oil for

frying food yeah good question so one of

the best oils from your coconuts olive

oil peanut oil but definitely not so I

not on none of those now as far as your

your pain I think you said in the

upright upper side up upper back on the

left side yeah I think we have means

that your digestion is you know you may

want to cut down on some of the fats you

consuming a good amount of fat I am yes

so you know it’s just cut down the

amount of thought and probably even take

a digestive aid like the pain

hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar but

cut down the fats and what will happen

is that pain will go away that’s a good

indication that your pancreas and your

gallbladder are just working too hard

and that’s exactly where you’re gonna

feel like so you’ve got them indicated

to go up too much slop cut it back okay

so when you say fact all the cheese that

I’m consuming right yeah yeah okay just

cut a pop and just you’ll see obviously

not pain girl right and keep your

vegetables Wow okay thank you so much

you’re welcome okay have a good one

okay you too bye

all right let’s see who else we have on

line speed patch someone in hello hi dr.


or two

yeah dr. bird yeah Wow what’s the movie

yeah I have a name’s John I’m from

Seattle area

hey hey hey uh what’s the question

well I’ve been following your guidance

and stuff for about three months now I

had M Quito in the past but not for long

periods of time trying to make it a way

of life now and so I’m 53 I’m about six

foot three and I went from about 235

pounds down to 219 and it’s that’s good

I just want to slow and steady just keep

losing feeling good started doing

intermittent fasting about a month ago

and so down to two meals a day and I was

shocked at how easy it was actually for

me it was easy to skip breakfast and

just pushing it later and later into the

day oh but I’ve been measuring my

glucose levels and ketones and I noticed

that when I’m fasting in the morning you

know I’ll get up

and that’s probably after you know

probably 12 to maybe even up to 18 hours

I’ll check my blood glucose and it’s

measuring between about about 108 maybe

to 110 and I’ve never really measured

glucose levels before so I don’t know

and but then I’ll have a kale shake you

know it’s a little bit of meat and some

cheese and maybe a bullet coffee and my

blood glucose actually went down to like

92 or 94 you know and I’m like what’s

going on your lover is going to probably

a little stage of what’s called

gluconeogenesis which basically the

liver starts making signal sure when you

don’t meet in this transition sense

which is a normal thing because really

not the entire body Jim Brennan keeps on

just small like the red blood cells

hardly I Park brain leap clothes and he

can make that and that’s what your liver

is making it’s probably grazing in a

little bit and also the way your feet

divided let go okay I got you know like

it shifts gears and

so it’s gonna drop couldn’t swap and

actually when you especially can consume

any type of stop or anything like that

your insulin goes it’s not going to be

instructed and you’re also going to

inhibit the production of sugar that’s

probably what’s happening I think she

probably would benefit from adding more

b-complex from the traditional East

start consuming more of the rot and and

then just monitor the glucose because I

think the thing is working great

I don’t think it’s a problem and I think

you over time you’ve been at your

systems going to be more and more

efficient to the point where you’re

going to run on more ketones and your

body will probably do little less of the

glycogen is it is it possible I have

insulin resistance at all or how do you

tell yes yes well it’s it’s you can

there’s a test you can do but chances

are you probably have it it’s like

that’s what that with the causes and

resistance is high income which is yeah

that’s that’s the tested you need the

test good no one ever test that and as

you do things to blow it out over time

then the insulin resistance will improve

however you know it takes some tweaking

and it takes some time like some people

it could take up to six to eight months

before though your system is fully

adapted I know going strong but if they

like let’s say they cheat on a regular

basis and that’s gonna take even longer

sure it it’s happened a couple times you

know you got those social events and

family events that stuff not that eat

mom’s cinnamon rolls you know for those

special yeah so um as far as insulin

tests I asked I go to VA I did 28 years

of military so I tried to be fairly fit

person but eating all wrong and the

tried to test me for you know

pre-diabetic you know but I got off that

pretty quick by you know changing the

diet and don’t take anything luckily and

they said yeah they go you’re not

diabetic they tested me with the glucose

test they had me come in and drink the

drink and test my levels over several

hours and they said no you’re okay

actually you don’t

yeah well I I also just worked at the VA

hospital as well when I was in the


unfortunately they probably did the

standards glucose tolerance test and all

that but I’ll guarantee they never will

check insulin and really one thing the

green accid you know yeah yeah you could

be you can be a total pre-diabetic you

can be in diabetic and have normal

glucose levels but it did check insulin

that’s where they’d find it so so I

asked why I sent them a message and I

said hey I want to get my info I’m

levels tested my fasting inform levels

tested now and they came back said oh

yeah next time you come in we’re gonna

do the a1c we’re gonna do your blood

glucose I said no you’re not listening I

said I want my insulin levels tested and

dead silence I haven’t heard back from

them yet I’m trying to get them to

approve doing that test you know I just

want to share something with the college

right now because this is a really

really important point there’s a

actually I’m gonna do a video on this

there’s an amazing article it just came

out is called hyperinsulinemic syndrome

the metabolic syndrome is broader than

you think it’s a kind of a summary of

some serious research that was done on

the metabolic syndrome and maybe I

should say that oh yeah high insulin is

associated with metabolic syndrome and

now they’re like well maybe a card is

metabolics in them so even some of the

top researchers are now acknowledging

that oh wow I think maybe we’re wrong on

that but they’re there though they have

a hard time admitting that so it’s gonna

come out and I think that what’s really

behind this whole thing is high currents

on too much insulin so just stay tuned

for more on that

if the VA is not going to do I would

just go down to my local doctor and have

them do it I mean just what’s the yeah

yeah I would request until if I want to

check my I want to check my insulin I

want to check post meal in Flint so

maybe after a few hours and get that

data for sure Europe I think you’ll be

and as you do this stuff it’s gonna

improve so it might not stop depending

on how improved you are but the point is

that weight and you having all these

great changes you know ride the wave

because it’s working all right thank you

very much thanks dr. Berg thanks for

your call okay good so let’s go to the

next caller who we have on the line

hello hello dr. guess it takes a little

hi how are you what’s your name I’m

talking to you hi what’s your name

yes my name is Nick I’m from Southern

California oh hi yes first of all I

appreciate for you all your efforts and

really honestly in whatever you were

talking about I started about two weeks

ago and I am intending to lose 45 pounds

in 45 days do you think that this is

feasible or a little bit that you know

it may be it may happen it may happen

that just realize this one thing that

the maximum actual fat that you can lose

per week is two pounds okay so if we’re

45 days that gives us about what a month

and a half

my mom said what now so we’re talking

let’s say eight nine 10 11 so working at

twelve pounds without that you may lose

a lot of water weight so it may come out

as 45 pounds loss but you may want to

you know they

stand your goal if you really want to

have the fat coming off your body so go

ahead and try it out and you may get

lucky but because like when men do this

they can lose a lot of weight a lot of

its water but I just don’t want to burst

your bubble but you made that goal okay

anyway I would call you after four to

five days maybe I succeed or not I don’t

know but anyway I appreciate what are

your efforts and this is a great great

revolution for everybody else

thank you very much saying oh my

pleasure non causing you think great

thanks for calling

you’re welcome all right so in a cab


what’s your name my name is Kathy dr.

Berg nice to talk to you I’m from Austin


oh great good what’s your I started

Quito in February and fell in love with

it I lost seven pounds pretty quickly

I do take synthroid 125 the MCG daily

and it just quit I stick to the program

I have a an app card manager I stick to

that I’m very faithful about staying

within all of my macros and everything I

do feel better and my clothes fit a

little bit differently but when I get on

the scale I have not lost and I haven’t

gained which is great but I’m wondering

does my hypothyroidism have anything to

do with my stall you on this do you do

you have Hashimoto’s or what do you just

have hypothyroidism just hypothyroidism

not Hashimoto’s okay okay so here how

many meals

see the day you say one meal a day two

male two meals a day I do the

intermittent fasting and I don’t eat

until after twelve around twelve thirty

one and then I eat again in the evening

and I basically from watching your

videos I pretty much eat like you do I

have the large salads I have the salads

and I have the protein the fat and then

I don’t eat after that until the next

day okay

well use my experience with this

situation you’re gonna probably have to

go to one mill a day to start seeing

some some good weight loss just because

the metabolism is slow and the thyroid

hormones the active form of thyratron

which is t3 which is converted from t4

basically innovate every single cell and

they control the little energy factories

called mitochondria so so now you’re

it’s deficient so you have to take

hormones so to to really maximize and

see the bigger results you’re gonna have

to go to one meal a day and then just

make mixture maybe add in some exercise

in there and make sure your sleep is

good I think you’ll start seeing some

serious change at that point but even

though you are seeing change that we can

speed it up for sure so then in my

evening meal do I stick within like like

how many calories how many should I just

like cut everything in half as far as

what I was doing before now what you

want to do is you don’t necessarily want

to even worry about the calories if the

calories could be between 1000 to 1200

calories for that one meal it’s quite

thick so but I would go more on how

you’re satisfied

like we don’t necessarily want to overdo

it and stuff yourself but just realize

that’s your one meal so you have a salad

you have the protein so maybe you’re

doing you’re keeping your carbs low

you’re keeping in bateau like maybe but

maybe like twenty or twenty or less but

I really don’t worry about okay okay


and then protein maybe you do like maybe

six seven maybe seven ounces would be

great and then your salad have a little

fat there see if you’re satisfied if

you’re still hungry a little bit more

and just go with how you feel right now

because it’s really hard to determine on

the calendar now if you find this is

rare and this is probably not gonna

happen but if you find me your hair

you’re getting hair loss your nails and

ridged or whatever then it means that

you need to have more enhance more

nutrients like put trace minerals

something like that or more B vitamins

so that would be the only thing because

you want to make sure that you have all

the nutrients when you eat but if you’re

doing one meal a day your body’s gonna

go into etapa G it’s gonna start really

cleaning stuff out you’re gonna recycle

your old proteins I think you’re gonna

that’s you’re gonna see like a lot of

changes happen when you do that okay

great thank you so much hey you’re

welcome have a good one

you too thank you bye bye you’re welcome

bye alright so we’re gonna go a little

bit longer because I was late so who

else we have on the line Steve can you

patch someone in hi this is Colleen from


hi Colleen I’ve been taking file but I

don’t think this has anything to do in

the question I get the soreness under my

ribs as if I was doing situps but I

wasn’t and I know you touched on this on

one of your videos that I cannot find so

I’m calling to figure out what’s going

on okay what you want to do is a video

it’s called gallbladder flush and even

though you don’t have a gallbladder you

still have a little tube that comes from

your liver to the small intestine and

you want to actually do some acupressure

on those organs or pancreas and the

little area

please you’d had your gallbladder

because that’s going to increase the

flow a lot of times when you get scar

tissue in there and it can back up and

you can feel like pain underneath there

so in addition to the ox bile to digest

fats you also need to kind of massage

those two areas it’s called gall bladder

if some flesh watch that video it you’ll

find it if you type my name and the word

gallbladder flush and it’s not using any

nutrition it’s just is physical physical

technique that really will give you a

lot of relief okay and that’s so what is

that cup yeah what happens is now you

don’t have a gall bladder right right so

what happens is now you’re having the

file is going to be a little it’s gonna

have produce enough storage of bile so

that means that there’s going to always

be kind of an incomplete digestion of

fats especially due to notch and now

you’re taking the bow that’s great but

it’s still not going to be concentrated

so which one’s the very reason why you

had to take the gallbladder out in the

first place is because it was congested

it wasn’t free-flowing so this technique

kind of technique kind of opens up the

areas laws more space and contain better

and it’s real simple and it gives you

that also much really good stays and

said yeah okay so it has nothing to do

much okay okay well I appreciate it and

I hope to get to where you’re going I

know you’ve a little bit late this

morning but thank you so much okay well

thank you for answering my question my


okay I’ll see you so wouldn’t take a few

more calls I want to see if someone can

call me from a cab

to my cab let’s see if that’s wrong so

if you’re in a cab go ahead and call me

and ask me a question all right so all

right Steve who else do we have on the

line or Mohammed from Bangladesh hi

Mohammed I oh great

so you’re calling from quite around the

world so tell me for a lot of years I’ve

been trying to get hold of you for a

long time now and the question is not

about you it’s about my mother my mother

actually is suffering from almost

end-stage liver cirrhosis all right and

the doctors have actually advised her

the doctors have advised her for a liver


but you know she’s not giving her

consent on that and so we tried a lot of

alternative things like like you know

herbal treatment and homeopathy and

those things don’t seem to be working

with that much so I saw your video on

there was like a short one or two videos

about how to reverse cirrhosis and what

you said that even like you know 10% of

the liver working if it’s working you

can actually reverse the whole state and

I’ve actually put her on your liver tied

liver body type package and now I just

want to actually request you to if you

could probably make a video on this

whole liver cirrhosis and whether you

know you’re that little body type

package and whether we need to increase

you know dosage I’m basically following

the dosage that’s printed on the bar on

the container and one more thing is that