Potassium and Vitamin B12 Balance Explained by Dr.Berg!! | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video I want to talk

about the relationship between b12 and

potassium if you’re taking either one of

these this video would be important to

you for example if you take potassium

for a long period of time you could

potentially deplete your b12 especially

if you’re not consuming enough b12 in

the diet

okay b12 comes from animal products it’s

very high in liver and red meat and

things like that but if you’re a vegan

you’re not going to get it so if you’re

a vegan taking potassium you better be

taking b12 as well or you can become

deficient here’s some of the symptoms of

a b12 deficiency depression paranoia

delusions dementia pins and needles and

numbness any part of the body hands fee

anemia swollen tongue fatigue tremors

okay so you have these resting tremors

now the other point you need to know is

that if you increase b12 by taking it as

a supplement you can decrease your

potassium reserves so just be aware of

that and the symptoms of potassium

deficiency fatigue muscle cramp weak

abdominal pain bloating constipation

thirst and depression okay and one last


b12 is stored in the body for a long

period of time up to you know several

years so the chances of you becoming

deficient take longer than the potassium

deficiency so if you’re taking potassium

it could take a long time before you see

any deficiency in b12 because your body

stores that and also you may not even

see any problem if you’re consuming

animal products on a regular basis but

if you’re a vegan definitely need to

take b12 also on the flip side if you’re

taking B 12 realize we don’t store

potassium for a long time so you may run

out pretty quick and just realize that

some of these symptoms may turn on if

you’re not consuming enough potassium in

the diet as in seven to ten cups of

vegetables or other foods with potassium

alright guys I’ll see you in the next


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