The BEST Foods to Strengthen Your Liver | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the absolute best foods

to strengthen your liver whether you

have a fatty liver you have a liver that

has cirrhosis or inflammation or some

damage or your liver is fine you just

want to strengthen your liver and you

can also apply this to the rest of your

body now the big question is what is it

about food that actually makes you

healthy is it the absence of

carbohydrates like a keto diet does that

make you healthy well in some ways it

does because it shifts the fuel that

your body runs on

so you can see massive improvements with

your liver and other tissues but is that

all just doing a low carb diet is that

going to really make you truly healthy

long term well I think it can greatly

help this is why I kind of coined the

term healthy keto because

when you do keto it doesn’t

differentiate if you’re doing you know

foods with pesticides insecticides

herbicides GMO also when you do keto

you’re not differentiating nutrient

dense foods versus

empty Foods again with keto you’re just

talking about macros moderate protein

low carb higher fat so I believe it’s

the combination of both going low carb

and having healthy foods at the same

time I mean the real question is what

actually is a healthy food there are so

many opinions about this topic and is it

just a matter of having a food that’s

organic well organic doesn’t necessarily

describe the nutrients it just tells you

it’s without certain synthetic chemicals

and antibiotics which is good

what about nutrient density so yes the

absence of certain pesticides

insecticides and the chemicals that are

sprayed when you have GMO foods are very

very unhealthy so that’s part of it but

there’s another part that I want to

discuss and part of this topic is

something you’ve never heard before and

I think you’re going to find it quite

interesting and this relates to nutrient

dense foods what makes a food nutrient

dense I mean you can look through the

database and let’s just take for example

kale okay kale has a lot of nutrition

right it has a lot of vitamin C it has a

lot of beta-carotene you know if someone

took some test on Kale I don’t know how

many years ago and said it was healthy

what about nowadays with the soil so

this is a big gray area I’m talking

about the specific nutrient amounts in

certain foods I mean it really depends

on a lot of factors a lot of variables

this is why it’s difficult the soil how

it’s processed you know what type of

farming methods that they use etc etc so

a really big factor in what determines

your health is that the animals and

plants that you eat I’m talking about

how nutrient dense those are now when we

were talking about an animal let’s say a


how does that cow become healthy well if

it’s grazed naturally on grass that is

really healthy and nutrient dense right

I mean makes sense what about a cow

that’s raised on grains or grain

finished okay like from a feed lot right

is that healthy well actually no because

of all the inflammatory conditions that

occur in the kind of stomach the large

amounts of acids and pH that are

developing because it’s not normal for a

cow to consume grains for any period of

time so cows Were Meant to consume grass

but then the question comes how do you

make grass healthy well that comes from

the soil right you might think that it

comes from soil that is very very rich

in minerals right it’s the minerals that

make the plants healthy well actually no

the plants have a hard time getting

minerals unless they get help from the

microbes okay so what I’m going to share

with you today is some fascinating new

discoveries in the area of how microbes

help the plant

as well as the animal become super

nutrient dense okay now what people

normally know is that

you know there’s minerals that are

available to that plant the plant’s

going to be more nutrient dense right

and they might also know that the

microbes in the soil both bacteria and

fungus help to mobilize these nutrients

and bring them to the surface of the

roots where then the root absorbs the

nutrients but what you might not know

is something very very interesting and

that is that the root itself has the


to absorb that microbe right into itself

okay and also up through the stem into

the leaf so the plant has its own

microbiome and that plant extracts

nutrients directly from the microbe and

many times it doesn’t kill the microbe

it lets the microbe exit to rebuild and

this whole cycle starts again so a very

significant amount of nutrition in that

plant is dependent on these microbes I’m

talking about

the diversity of microbes

as well as the quantities of microbes in

that soil that’s what really builds

nutrient-dense plants and nutrient-dense

animal meat that we eat so I’m going to

do a very fascinating interview with the

gentleman that is an expert and has

researched this topic and the reason I’m

talking about it is that this is going

to change your entire Viewpoint of how

you look at food and what you’re going

to look for to make sure it’s nutrient

dense okay then after the short

interview I want to go right into the

best foods that you should be eating so

basically what you said Eric and that is

that this is something that people have

not appreciated and that is that plants


they’re absorbing

microbes from the soil into their roots

and they are extracting nutrients from

those microbes and these are bacteria

and these are these are in some cases

fungi that get sucked into the to the

roots actually in the root cells detects

the microbes in the cells secrete

superoxide which is highly potent uh

form of reactive oxygen and then that

extracts nutrients from the microbes and

will degrade some of the microbes


uh so this is this is all part of the

process called rhizophagy Rizo for root

Beijing means eating so root eating

process basically and uh this is this

you know it’s not complicated I mean

basically uh plants are cultivating

microbes in the soil using their exudate

sugars and things that they ex secrete

from The Roots they cultivate those

microbes they attract the microbes to

the root they internalize them and they

degrade some of them and they force some

of them extract nutrients from others

they enforce them essentially to secrete

nutrients it’s not a complicated process

it’s not it’s not like you have to

understand all this super amount of

biology these plants are basically are

internalizing microbes internalizing

microbes into their tissues and

degrading them and forcing them to

secrete nutrients that the plant can

acquire just as we have our own

microbiome our microbes inside of us and

on the surface of our skin plants

um do they just have microbes in the

roots or up into this stems in the

leaves and on the surface of the plant

that’s a beautiful question Eric okay uh

that’s a beautiful question yeah yeah

plants absorb these microbes and fill

their tissues with these microbes and

build their cells with these microbes

they’re bacteria that they take out of

the soil

and they move them through the flow and

through those vascular tissues they move

them up into the plant and so they’ll

colonize the leaves as well

understanding the relationship between

the microbe and the nutrients in the

food even I think I’ve read one of your

your papers

um manganese is increase up to in one

study of up to 700 percent more when

when you have um have this thing

happening versus not having it happening

because I you also mention on the seed

when the seed is grown uh the seed has

microbes not just on the surface but

inside that then acts as a kind of a

a germinator or some type of a colostrum

or something that will kind of start the

process going and if you don’t have that

if you buy a seed that’s sterile for

example or then you don’t get this you

get this you get this um lessening

effect right of of different things and

we’ve talked about that a seed

is like a little noaa’s Arc

it has the plant and it has uh it has a

little bit of food stuff in there and it

has the microbes that the plant needs

and the if those microbes are if you

sterilize the seed or those microbes are

lost in the seed that compromises

development of the plant the the

seedling just doesn’t grow right you

won’t get root hairs you’ll have a

anomalous growth they’ll be short Roots

you may not have much branching you’ll

have short uh short a slightly shorter

uh shoots on the plant uh plants don’t

grow properly they need these microbes

in them in order to grow appropriately

microbes are gone they don’t grow they

won’t grow well they’ll be susceptible

to disease you can make them grow if you

squirt fertilizer on them right chemical

fertilizers that will make them grow but

they’re not going to be as Hardy as they

would be if they had my microbes there

if they do their they have their

microbes they’re getting nutrients from

those microbes they have to work for

that using uh using new well superoxide

reactive oxygen to secrete onto those

microbes and that causes the plant to

really become resistant to oxygen

reactive oxygen and that is reactive

oxygen uh is what causes stress okay and

you mentioned the stress hormone the

ethylene before you know because these

microbes are producing ethylene which

also causes stress and maturation you

know the ethylene will cause the plant

to mature but it also could cause a

little stress and that causes the plant

to upregulate its stress defense and

becomes uh more resistant to any kind of

oxidative stress which is any kind of

stress so plants are heartier and

tougher they can withstand doubt drought

drought dry periods they can withstand

some diseases they can withstand soil uh

heavy metals or high salt tolerance what

about that that story or just tell us a

summary of the story of the the Indians

that used to unknowingly have uh started

to take the seeds and do something with

them yeah well you know the Indians I

mean we know they were not they didn’t

have microscopes so right but yet you

know I mean this goes back to you know

people even primitive cultures where are

extremely capable and they figured

things out and in this case they the

Iroquois Indians developed something for


uh that that has come to be called the

the Iroquois corn medicine and uh

uh with the airport corn medicine what

what they what the Indians would do is

they would actually get biostimulant

microbes and they would put on their

corn and uh just to give a little

background corn typically the way corn

is cultivated by the indigenous

Americans indigenous peoples was they

would they would get the corn from the

fields and they would hang it to dry you

know when as soon as the corn was formed

they would hang for the seed corn uh

they would eat what they were gonna eat

but they would hang this seed around and

typically they would pick it a little

bit early just a little bit early and

then let the seed dry and this early

picking uh actually has an effect on the

microbiome of the plant and what happens

is the microbiomes don’t develop fully

unless the plant unless the seed is left

out in nature for a long time and then

you have in the moisture and you have

lots of moisture there and you have

microbes then growing on the seeds so

the microbiome

uh takes time to develop and so people

tend to pick it early get the seed put

it in a dry as driest possible place

which suppresses that microbiome

development and then this the plants

don’t grow quite as well but with the

Iroquois Indian corn medicine the corn

medicine what they would do get the wild

grasses from The Woodlands

bring the roots put it in water chop up

those roots so you get the microbes out

of it into the water then they would

take their corn

that they were about to plant in their

fields and then they would let it

germinate just slightly in that water to

get the bacteria to colonize those roots

then they would take that and they would

put that they would plant that like that

this is the corn medicine so they were

using biostimulant microbes before

uh we even knew there were microbes

there how the heck did they figure that

out that’s just brilliant when I find a

good product I always like to mention it

I’m not getting any Kickbacks but I just

want to let

you just tell people briefly what this


sure yeah thank you thank you for having

me on uh microbiometer on every little

kit I don’t

came back from a trade show

um it’s a little kit sort of like a

little kids science experiment it’s

totally safe you can do it your kids can

do it and and the objective is to give

people data and knowledge about what

microbes how diverse and large their

microbial population is in soil

um I think it was really neat what James

said that you know we used to think

about soil as chemical now we’re

thinking as biological but I think

what’s really cool is now we’re thinking

about nutrition not as chemical but as

nutrition is biological right so I think

it’s just very interesting to say you

know it’s sort of like saying do you

think I could live just by eating

multivitamins right well no I need to

eat food well why because I am ingesting

microbes my gut needs microbes right to

digest food just like a plant does so

the microbiometer was was designed so

that people can start to Benchmark their

soil whether it’s their lawn their

Garden their Farm it’s it’s an

Agricultural Product to say okay you

know here’s a numerical reading of my

soil as I move away from glycophate and

NPK and chemical fertilizers and I try

to get

the biological processes of science to


um nutrients and create nutrients

frankly right we we think that like

Roots mine the soil and microbes mind

the soil but they actually are are

producing things

um to say here’s As you move from

practices say I mean no-till maybe you

stop glycophate maybe you do cover crops

you can measure it yourself on our

little phone app wherever you are in the

world particularly small old farmers who

can’t afford Chemical Testing can start

getting that massive information well I

really appreciate your time

um and this data this is fantastic and

I’ll put the links down below for the

book as well as the microbiometer and

thank you for your insights uh this has

been awesome hey we’re back

so let’s go ahead and talk about the

best foods that you can eat based on

this information and applying it to your

own life so the question is what is the

healthiest foods well it’s those foods

that are grown on soil with the most

microbes and the most biodiverse

microbes and the worst foods are foods

that are grown on dirt okay without

microbes and that’s really what the

definition of dirt is soil is with

microbes dirt is without microbes so if

you’re growing some plant commercially

on the typical you know nitrogen

phosphorus potassium mpk you’re not

going to get all your nutrients yes

they’ll look good but are they nutrient

dense so in other words the missing link

to this whole thing is the microbe okay

the microbes help us not only with our

own absorption in our bodies but also in

the soil to turn that food into

nutrient-dense Foods all right I’m going

to go through a few things okay so yes

we need to do organic food

um ideally organic means without

pesticides and as you know there there’s

a very popular chemical or poison that

is put on a lot of our foods and our

soil around the world actually and

that’s called glyphosate so the foods

that have glyphosate which are the

Roundup Ready type foods which are seeds

that grow into these plants that resist

this specific herbicide killing the

other things but not itself so corn soy

beets canola cotton but you also have

this chemical spread in other plants

that are not gml like wheat oats and

many other things like legumes and beans

and things like that but the other big

problem is 95 percent of the animals

that we eat are fed food that has

glyphosate but the point I want to bring

up is that glyphosate is also an

antibiotic that’s right if you look up

the patents on glyphosate they applied

and I think they got approved the patent

of glyphosate being an antibiotic now

why is that so important to understand

because if you apply an antibiotic to

the soil you will greatly diminish the

nutrient absorption into that plant

because you’re lessening the microbes

same thing happens with our body so this

is why organic is important now the

other point is grass-fed animals right

and grass-fed grass finished that’s the

real key thing or it could be just a

hundred percent grass-fed beef for

example because when the cow eats the

grains the nutrition becomes less with

their own digestion and the cow gets

more microbes from eating that grass not

only from the feeding of fiber but also

from the microbes directly in that grass

okay and this this is why we also can

get uh friendly bacteria from raw

vegetables that we consume that are

actually in the right kind of soils all

right number two raw vegetables raw

vegetables that are grown on soil

Hydroponics don’t have the quantity of

microbes and the diversity of microbes

unfortunately plants were not designed

to be grown hydroponically I’m not

saying not to consume them you’re just

not going to get the level of nutrition

that you would get from actually growing

plants on soil of course there’s all

sorts of plants and herbs and vegetables

that you can get as far as their

nutrient density ideally which is not

easy to do which I’m trying to find a

way to make it more available is to get

your food from the local farmer there’s

a program called CSA where a local

farmer and someone in the local

community have this Arrangement where

the consumer will pay a fee and get

regular produce from that farmer and I

really think the way to do it is to do

it locally because of the problem with

transportation and food going bad in the

winter in America when you buy a tomato

you’re getting your Tomatoes well 80 of

the time from

Florida where they pick them completely

unripened and they use certain gases to

ripen them but they’re completely void

of any nutrition so the point is if you

can have an arrangement with a farmer

that’s locally and that farmer can be

guaranteed that they will have a sale

and you’ll be guaranteed you’ll have

some food it’s really the optimum

Arrangement because you can avoid the

cost and transportation you can possibly

even visit the farmer to check out their

soils to make sure that they’re really

healthy and it’s also important to eat

foods that are seasonal and again that

aligns with the local Farmer and the

produce that you’d be getting the next

best option would be to go to the

farmers market and of course the best

option would be to have your own garden

so you can control everything but not

everyone has the space all right the

next point I already mentioned this is

to try to get plants that are grown in

soil not necessarily majority grown in

hydroponic like a lot of the salad that

you get from the grocery store it’s

hydroponic so it doesn’t have the

microbes I mean I still consume salad

that’s grown hydroponically but I try to

get it from actual soil So when you buy

these salads that are already clean for

you and they’re all cut up and there’s

any plastic containers chances are

they’re hydroponic versus the other type

of vegetables that are in a slightly

different section of the grocery store

usually those are grown on soil and

they’re more of a painful but because

you have to clean them and you have to

chop them up but they are more nutrient

dense another point about healthy foods

wild caught versus farm raised okay fish

and seafood very important and also if

you were to buy cheese from Europe

that’s raw that’s a lot better than the

pasteurized why because it has more

microbes okay the fermented products

from dairy like cheese kefir are the

ones that are actually pretty good for

your gut of course some people have

allergies to milk products but I will

say that unfortunately milk is

pasteurized it’s hard to find it raw and

I’ve done videos on finding it raw and

then making your own kefir that would be

a really good thing to do but that takes

time but realize that when they

pasteurize milk they’re killing

everything in it okay they’re killing

all the pathogens as well as the good

bacteria so if you could find

um raw milk cheese from Europe which you

can now it’s illegal if I’m not mistaken

to sell raw cheese in America but when

they ship it from Europe apparently it’s

still illegal but they just pay the fine

so that’s why it costs so much but I

consume raw cheese and it is a healthy

product and that would be a way to eat

something that is enhanced with microbes

and of course I even get butter from a

local farmer that is raw butter which is

way better than the pasteurized butter

now as far as the vegetables go to help

your liver out of all the vegetables

it’s the cruciferous that help you the

most so we’re talking about cabbage kale

broccoli brussels sprouts not even just

the nutrients but the phytonutrients

okay I didn’t even cover that but those

are also greatly enhanced with microbes

as well so getting cruciferous

vegetables from a really great farmer

who uses great methods of growing these

vegetables is like so important then if

you were to ferment these vegetables as

in sauerkraut or kimchi you would take

it to the next level why because of the

addition of microbes I’m trying to hit

this really important point over and

over with a hammer so you really get it

it’s the microbes that make our food

healthy and of course pasture-raised

organic eggs right so you have these

chickens that roam around and eat bugs

and they’re eating microbes indirectly

because there’s a lot of microbes in the

bug and that all helps that chicken

especially if they’re fed grains where

the farmer actually ferments the grain

which I do you soak this organic grain

in water for three days and you feed it

to the chickens they love it and it’s

extremely healthy because in the

fermentation process you get these added

microbes so there’s a couple other

points that I want to just kind of end

with with number one avoid foods that

have glyphosate I’ve already covered

that okay avoid foods that are

irradiated yes they use radiation to

sterilize the foods and there’s a little

symbol I’ll put up right now that you

can now identify those foods that are

radiated and avoid them okay if you

don’t buy them then the manufacturing

companies that make them will not use

them as much okay so you can contribute

with your dollar and just not buying

them now anything that’s pasteurized

like milk like juice like even things in

cans like canned soup are void of good

bacteria so they’re not going to

contribute to healthy liver function I

already mentioned hydroponic versus

growing in the soil if you have the


go with the ones in the soil and of

course there’s three more things that

are really bad for your liver that you

may already know about but it’s of

course refined sugars okay refined

carbohydrates grains of any kind seed

oils all of this is very high in omega-6

which is inflammatory to the liver and

other refined Foods especially the soy

protein isolates okay and even the whey

protein is harder on the liver so now

you know something new to help you

identify what foods are the healthy

version of the ketogenic diet now if

you’re new to the ketogenic diet you

really need to watch this video right

here check it out