The Hidden Cause of a Manganese Deficiency | DrEricBergDC

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we’re going to talk about the hidden

cause of a manganese deficiency now

first let me just give you some basics

on what manganese does in the body

there’s a lot

it’s a trace mineral which means it’s a

mineral that you don’t need in large

amounts you need it in small amounts and

if you’re deficient and creates all

sorts of big problems most of the

manganese in your body is located in

your mitochondria the energy factory of

the body now why do we need it in there

because this trace mineral is involved

in many enzymes okay so it’s kind of

like a essential helper element in these

enzymes or cellular machinery that do

certain work in the body so one of the

purposes of manganese is to act as an

antioxidant and the name of the enzyme

is called manganese superoxide dismutase

and the function of this enzyme is

simply to clean up the byproducts of the

energy that’s produced in the

mitochondria ninety percent of the

oxygen in the cells are used by the mono

Kandra so we have a lot of oxygen

burning a lot of fuel and giving off

some byproducts and so this enzyme will

help to stabilize the oxidative free

radicals and it turns it into hydrogen

peroxide and water okay so basically

it’s a antioxidant that actually handles

some of the free radical damage that

comes off the metabolism from the

mitochondria the next one would be

gluconeogenesis and this is basically

the production of glucose in the body

from non glucose sources whether it’s

protein fat or ketones your body can

make glucose from other things and so if

you’re deficient in manganese there’s

some studies that show that it will

increase your risk of diabetes simply

because you’re not able to make your own

source of glucose so it’s involved with

this it’s also involved in detoxifying

ammonia which is a toxic by-product from

protein so you have protein digestion

ammonia and then to urea which is a less

toxic by chronica protein which is in

the urine so in order for your body to

get rid of the excess ammonia you need

manganese also it’s involved in the

brain in converting glutamate which is

amino acid to glutamine so glutamate is

excitatory so if you have too much of

this and not enough of that you’re gonna

have problems with sleeping you’re gonna

have a problem with focus you’re gonna

be nervous all the time so there could

be a lot of problems with that manganese

is also involved in bone and cartilage

so if you’re deficient you can have all

sorts of structural problems especially

if your mother was deficient and she

carried you you can end up with um I

don’t know issues with flat feet

potentially scoliosis problems in bone

formation and then we have wound healing

with collagen so you can see it’s

involved in so many things but now let’s

talk about how you become deficient in

manganese well if your liver is damaged

that can do it now whole grains does

have manganese but it also has phytic

acid which actually will block the

absorption of manganese so in nature

sometimes the foods that will give you

the nutrient also has things to prevent

excessive amounts of it and that goes

with the herbal teas as well teas have

cannons and certain herbs that are high

in manganese also are on high in tannins

which counter the absorption of

manganese it’s probably a

self-regulating mechanism to make sure

you don’t overload and this goes with a

lot of different trace minerals leafy

greens now if you eat spinach

it’s high in oxalates and that can

actually block your ability to absorb

manganese but this is the one right here

okay and that is a hidden source of

manganese glyphosate if you’ve never

heard of glyphosate it is the herbicide

in GMOs when you consume GMO foods which

is in a lot of foods soy corn canola oil

in fact the entire grocery store is

filled with GMO foods which has residues

of glyphosate this is what can block


when an animal like a cow for example

consumes their food of soy and corn

which is grown with Roundup Ready

glyphosate this herbicide the plant will

not pull in manganese properly so this

animal is consuming food without

manganese so if you consume the animal

that’s manganese deficient or you

consume the plants that are manganese

deficient you’re going to be deficient

in manganese and you could have a

potential problem with any of these

functions right here so what can you do

I think the most important thing is to

as much as possible do organic foods

thanks for watching so if you want more

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