Intermittent Fasting Effects on Wrinkles and Skin | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the effects of fasting for your skin and especially wrinkles so

I am basing this video off of several studies I put them down below so you can

check them out but there’s some interesting effects that fasting has on

your skin number one it delays something called

vascular cell senescence okay now what does that mean

it’s aging of your vascular system so in young skin you have all this collagen

elastin which is the elastic protein that allows things to be very very

resilient and flexible you have good vascular system you have good hydration

and aging skin you’re losing the hydration you’re losing the nutrients

losing the elastin the collagen and the vascular system other than that you’re

totally fine so number one you can delay the aging of the vascular system number

two it prevents oxidative stress now when you do fasting all sorts of interesting

things happen at the genetic level because you’re mimicking starvation so

the body goes into this repair mode and your body starts building up its

antioxidant defense and mechanism so you get more antioxidants and that will

prevent oxidation or oxidative stress which is occurring from the environment

from food to sunlight radiation and other stresses with fasting you’re

stimulating autophagy and that is a condition where your body is recycling

damaged proteins in the skin and the cell and the brain all over but

especially in the skin so you’re actually able to recycle the old damaged

proteins and your body is actually making new proteins so it has an

anti-aging effect on your skin also if you do periodic prolonged fasting you

can stimulate the stem cells in the skin and that will help the body make new

skin as well now the other thing that fasting will do is increase dermal

vasculature there’s a certain protein in the body that is stimulated that will

increase the blood vessels to the skin which brings nutrients

and oxygen because remember when you have aging skin you lose the blood

supply to the skin fasting will also stimulate something called IGF insulin

growth factor number one which will increase the growth of collagen so we

can increase more collagen there’s a lot of other things that will happen with

certain enzymes that get triggered increasing more elastin which makes your

skin more flexible and look younger also your inflammation in your skin goes

down if you have some type of inflammatory condition less glycation

that’s a situation where your proteins become very very damaged and rigid and

fasting will help decrease that effect as far as the best thing you can consume

for the skin especially for wrinkles it would be cod liver oil you can get that

in a liquid or in a capsule or in a tablet or in a little pearl the cod

liver oil has some amazing omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA and also gives you

vitamin D and vitamin A all four of those things are great for the skin if

you consume foods high in vitamin C sauerkraut leafy greens you will also

improve your skin and lastly vitamin E is really good for the skin too just so

happens that would be in leafy greens certain nuts in certain seeds alright

thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video so I wanted to say

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the benefits of healthy keto and intermittent fasting