Detox GMO Chemicals From Your Body – Detoxify Body – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

GMO chemicals specifically glyphosate

which is chemical and Roundup Ready and

how to get it out of your body the first

thing you need to know as a fact is this

worldwide since 1974 there has been nine

point four million tons of this chemical

put into the environment okay nine point

four million tons one ton is 2,000

pounds okay that would equate to 2,300

pools Olympic size pools filled of

glyphosate into our environment

that’s a tremendous amount of chemical

the World Health Organization stated

that it’s a probable carcinogen it

causes cancer there’s only one long-term

study that was done on this and that

study was redacted it was totally

political I’ll put a link down below if

you want to see it but it’s kind of

depressing on the effects that it can

create so you have this chemical in your

body what are you gonna do okay number

one you have to make sure you don’t keep

putting it back in okay so you’re gonna

have to start consuming

organic food and this concludes the

meats the dairy the bacon you have to do

either non GMO or GMO free because the

feeds that are fed to these animals are

soaked in glyphosate

alright so now how do we detoxify it out

of our body there’s something called

phase 1 phase 2 detoxification enzymes

in the liver and your body has the

enzymes to do it but you can also get

them through certain foods like the

cruciferous family of vegetables

cruciferous vegetables have enzymes to

help enhance the detoxification where

you’re taking these chemicals and

turning them into harmless particles

through the liver so step one is to

start consuming more cruciferous

vegetables you can even steam them that

would be totally fine it’s not a bad

idea also there’s something called fall

vaq and humic acid you can get into the

supplement or a powder and this also has

the capacity through the gut to detoxify

a lot of these chemicals that are

building up so put some more attention

and going

ganic not just with the vegetables but

with the meats and the dairy alright

guys I’ll see you later so if you want

more knowledge on how to create a

healthy body subscribe now and get daily

notifications daily notifications that

sounds weird well I’ll just remind you

on a daily basis how about that