The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - February 10, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we’re here with

another show and we have a lot of people

lined up I always like to just Dive

Right In and of course give you a

disclaimer that um we’re not here to

cure you if you happen to be cured by

anything we said don’t mention our names


check with your doctor before

implementing any of these things or or

stopping any type of chemicals you’re

taking and definitely with replacement

of any type of natural remedy you know

make sure you check with your doctor

before you do that all right

very good if there are any quote unquote

cures or incidental uh let’s see why

don’t we go straight to the internet

this time from YouTube uh Alyssa is

intermittent fasting the best way to

lower body body fat percentage

it sure is because if you compare

intermittent fasting to

um just Keto


keto does tend to help you burn fat

because it’s low carb but the fact that

you’re eating anything can also

stimulate some insulin so how do we

maximize this lowering of insulin well

we fast and the intermittent fasting is

a great way to lose the most weight and

the more you fast the more you’re going

to lose

the question is um

how to do it healthily you have to con

you have to phase into it correctly take

the right nutrition and make sure that

you um

adapt to your fat

um within probably two to three days and

if you do it correctly your appetite

will go away and so it makes it easier

to do this

very good okay here’s an interesting one

from Rosie on YouTube what’s the

difference between prescription vitamin

D and Vitamin D supplements my joints

eight when I took the vitamin D


you know um most of the time when you

get prescribed vitamin D it’s usually a

in a D2 prescription vitamin D2 which is

different than D3 it’s not as potent and

uh it’s made synthetically and so it has

different effects and um even the


um between D2 and D3 show different

outcomes which is interesting so um a

lot of times they’ll say

some benefits from from vitamin D that

were not done from D2

so they’re not really comparing apples

and oranges so unfortunately I think

there’s more problems with D2 than D3

okay very good we’re going to start with

our first guest from The Green Room

coming to us all the way from India and

it’s a husband and wife team rajmi is

the wife but her husband’s on with her

uh to describe their questions so uh

Rashmi and husband you’re on with Dr

Burr go ahead with your question

yeah thank you so Russian suffering from

IBS for the last 15 years and she has

lost weight from 50 kilograms to 30

kilograms now

she she has she has very limited diet

because anything she eats she cannot

digest so she is on basically rice rice

chapatis we call and some vegetables and

if she has even little food she feels


so she’s losing strength and for so many

years and our question was what food she

should take or what medicines

um she should have to get away uh gain

weight and strength yeah

so I think he I hope you’re sitting down

for this uh recommendation

um because this might be a big change

for her but I think it will work very



pardon me

oh standby Dr Berg will give you his

answer yeah so here’s here’s uh what I’m

going to recommend that you do for her

or she needs to do

um all the fiber the fiber from the

vegetables unfortunately and it’s not

going to work for an inflamed gut

um especially the grains or beans or

typically a lot of the foods that they

have in India you’re going to run into

trouble what she really needs to do uh

and this might be shocking to you but it

will work and start to do the the

carnivore okay this means that uh

exclusively animal products now before

you click off and go oh my gosh I can’t

do that you should look at some of the

research I’ve done or not I’ve done but

other people have done in some of the

videos that I talk about relating to gut

health and the type of diet you should

be on is basically without the fiber and

without the vegetables and I think

she’ll heal from that so she can do

um you know eggs she can do fish she can

do Meats that are fatty and she’ll find

that her gut is going to do much much

better from them

what’s that

I see mute on his speaker oh that’s all

right can you can you hear Dr Berg he’s

in the midst of giving you your answer

yeah it’s going to be

okay just tell

we’ve kind of muted out doc go ahead and

um and okay so just just you can tell

him that you can watch this video later

and this sound will be recorded

very good okay so Rashmi uh and husband

thank you so much for coming on with Dr

Berg once again tune in to YouTube or

Facebook later and you can hear uh

clearly uh Dr Berg’s complete uh answer

description to what’s going on with you

too and we appreciate you uh coming on

and we’d love to hear from you either

through email or coming back on here to

tell about rashmi’s progress so let’s go

back to social media and let’s

acknowledge who in the world is listen

literally is listening to the show

including from Mumbai India so we say a

good morning to all of our viewers

joining us today from the UK Canada

Mexico Jordan Switzerland Pakistan

Bermuda the Netherlands Ghana Saudi

Arabia Algeria Japan Chile Oman Nigeria

Ethiopia Poland France Argentina

Trinidad and Tobago the Czech Republic

Bosnia Germany Denmark Sweden uh Ireland

Egypt India again we’ve said that United

Arab Emirates Thailand Italy the virgin

Islands Israel Taiwan Norway the

Dominican Republic Bulgaria I don’t

think we’ve heard from them for a while

Jamaica South Africa South Africa excuse

me Tanzania Australia Iraq Somalia Yemen

Finland Singapore Scotland Kenya Puerto

Rico Peru Kuwait and I haven’t heard

from them either for a while Uganda

Armenia Greece the Congo Malta New

Zealand Russia Lithuania Romania

Serbia Nicaragua and all across these

United States and Terry is always thank

you for your dutiful typing of all that

stuff so welcome everyone and we usually

will probably have a few more that will

chime in jealously after they didn’t

hear their name and now so thank you

everyone’s waiting to hear maybe um the

Amazon and deep in the Amazons if we

haven’t had them yet let’s try we can

listen to us

deep in the Amazon or even North Korea

or even Venezuela how come they’re not

tuning in so we need to reach out a

little bit further Steve absolutely well

Elon Musk will probably have a satellite

flying over there shortly so we’ll even

increase the amount of folks that great

get great benefit from uh your Council

okay let’s see uh let’s go back to the

uh social media again


Mariana I believe is her name excuse me

uh should polyarthritis be treated the

same way as gout

no no uh it’s a it’s two different

things uh the gout usually comes from a

uric acid problem a buildup and of

course the UPS man just pulled up so

sorry about the background noise but

gout has to do with the inability of the

kidney to release this uric acid so it

tends to deposit in your big toe I will

be releasing a very interesting video on

what to do if you have that problem

which is some new information which will

explain all the paradoxes and the

the opposing conflicting things because

like uric acid is supposed to be a


antioxidant right well then why does it

it’s one of the biggest predictors of

heart disease then why is it um creating

all this oxidation in your toe well

we’ll explain that as far as poly

arthritis which is occurring in many

many joints that can also come from an

autoimmune but also Osteo and there’s

many different causes for that but when

you deal with inflammation in general

okay across the board

um the best thing to do is to get rid of


omega-6 fatty acids out of your diet


the omega-3 fatty acids and take a lot

more vitamin D3

can you tell us what omega-6 are many

may know but I don’t that’s all the

vegetable oils like the uh the soy the

corn oil the canola oil the cottonseed

oil even the peanut oil and the

safflower and the sunflower oil all the

oils that are supposed to be healthy for

you and that are replacing the saturated

fats in your grocery store so when you

have the salad dressings and the

mayonnaise and all these other if you go

out to a restaurant well they’re going

to be cooking in the vegetable oil

unfortunately okay throw them out

audience for gosh sakes get rid of all

that junk let’s get on to some omega-3

together why don’t we start off with our

first question in this case it’s a true


all right true or false uh pork in beef

fat that would be like Tallow and lard

contain 50 of the mono unsaturated fats

you know like the that’s like the main

fat in olive oil and and avocado oil so

true or false pork and beef contain 50

of that type of fat

I mean let the audience study that just

so they can that’s sort of a a big one

so audience eat that up and give us your

usual quick response and let’s go back

to social media Len from Facebook I lost

70 pounds on your program four years ago

but gained back 15 cents and I’m having

trouble losing weight now what can I do

you know I’m assuming you went back to

what was successful before you’d be

surprised how many people don’t do that

um but um sometimes uh becomes even over

time you start losing and your body

adapts to this because see the body does

not like to get rid of fat fat is a

survival thing and so it likes to hold

on the fat you probably already know

that because you’ve experienced that

um so shift your gear

your gears into getting healthy and uh

and running your body off that fuel by

um extending the time you fast so do it

longer so if you’re at two meals go to

one meal if you’re doing one meal try to

go every other day

you know one meal every other day that

might be hard but

um some people need to do that

especially if they have very strong or a

problem with insulin resistance and then

of course scan your foods to make sure

there’s no hidden carbs and then add the

exercise into that and usually that will

help you I have a lot of videos on

Plateau there’s additional things you

can do but regardless of what your

situation is you can always improve it

if you are creative and look at um

actions to improve this insulin problem

very good doc did you know that

Switzerland has YouTube of all things

and to prove it’s Sonya from Switzerland

on YouTube have you made any videos

about treating sarcoidosis and its


um good question no I have not done any

videos in sarcoidosis

um there’s some interesting data

relating to vitamin D and Sarcoidosis

I’m gonna in fact you know what I’m

writing this down right now I’ll

actually do a video on sarcoidosis

wonderful okay uh Pierre Muhammad from

YouTube please share your advice on how

to avoid constipation while fasting and


that relates to the microbiome okay so

if you have constipation when you fast

then you need to be taking a probiotic

because somehow you ended up with a

an insufficiency or just an official

insufficient amount of microbes in your

gut you just need more and um

that’s what you’re what you’re dealing

with but


you know so it’s weird it’s weird some

people have diarrhea when they do

fasting other people have constipation

other people have normal bowel movements

but over time if you’re doing prolonged

fasting the question is why are you

still having bowel movements the third

or the fourth day well

your body is uh still

um getting fuel and you’re having going

through what’s called autophagy so

you’re doing a lot of recycling of

things and you are so you are consuming

certain things and that can show up in

your waist but um also it does take a

considerable amount of time to really

flesh out that colon completely which is

a really good thing periodically

okay very good

all right well the audience has leapt

right on it as usual and the question

was true false poor can be fat contained


monosaturated fat uh like in olive oil

and avocado oil and 85 percent of them

say that it’s true and fifteen percent

are holding out uh indicating that they

don’t believe it at all

it’s it’s interesting because we we

really pushed the monounsaturated fats

as being the best fat it’s heart healthy

it’s an anti-inflammatory

um and stay away from the saturated fats

well guess what


lard and Tallow 50

monounsaturated fats so that’s


um it’s just a fact look it up but uh

apparently um these healthy fats are in

things that what are considered

unhealthy which actually they’re not

unless the quality you know I’m not

talking about getting your lard or

Tallow from the factory farms that’s

definitely not what I’m talking about

all right very good and here’s a um a

grim a question Karen from uh YouTube

has stage four liver cancer we’re sorry

Karen about that anything she can be

doing now

yeah I would I would get on a very

strict fasting protocol

um and I would watch all my videos on

the on the cancer but start fasting

immediately and I’m talking about

prolonged fasting like a week two weeks

three weeks the more severe the cancer

the longer you have to fast

unfortunately the problem is

do you have enough fat to do this and um

some people don’t want to do it because

they might get too skinny but my thought

is you know what if it’s the most potent

thing you can do as an anti-cancer

action I’d be willing to get skinnier

and very thin if it saved my life so

that’s like a really important thing but

there’s some other protocols that you

can watch as well

okay very good and as always happens we

have some different people that are

jealous not to have been mentioned and

they’re in Sri Lanka is watching the

Philippines Nepal Brazil Latvia

Bangladesh Spain Portugal and Kazakhstan

and North Koreans are a little shy so

they haven’t chimed in yet but we’ll uh

we’ll hold a space for them and the

Congo all right let’s see


oh listen Terry says that notification

alerts are coming from my phone I hope

it’s not but uh Terry I’m going to watch

out for that Terry insists that the

audience get the very best experience

out of the show and he’s always on me

Tony from Facebook I’ve lost 30 pounds

on healthy keto and intermittent fasting

but how do I lose the loose skin I’m 62

years old

well I would focus more on

um a lot more exercise I would do

periodic prolonged fasting to strengthen

the skin through the anti-aging effect

and also the removal of some of these um

damaged collagen fibers it is a

situation if you lose a lot of weight

you’re going to have some loose skin and

some people try these other things and

it doesn’t work so they’re gonna they do

surgery so it’s kind of a depends on

on how how much sleep skin you have but

um the idea to try first is to try to

look at the skin as an organ and um

hopefully some of this will come back to

a normal Tone If you are focusing on

getting healthy versus just trying to

lose weight

okay very good I’m not John from

Facebook why do I feel so sore during my

fasting periods


um it could be it could be because you


are you have inflammation you’re not

taking Omega-3

it could be that maybe you’re exercising

you’re not recovering long enough I just

don’t have enough data to know exactly

very good let’s see

um oh here’s something from uh Barger

hold on my thing just my screen just

shot down let me race back up to that

oh here he is uh barked your bird from

YouTube I’m 42 six foot one 208 pounds

trying to work my way down to 150 85

with omad how do I bulk up with just

omad so he wants to maintain some muscle

I guess as he loses it’s it’s purely

going to be a reflection of um

your workout

um you’re going to have to work out with

heavier weights uh sure uh less reps to

the point of fatigue and that way you

can maintain the muscles you can’t grow

your muscles by not exercising exercise

is the uh the only way you’re going to

be able to actually

enlarge your muscles

um so

but here’s the cool thing when you do

keto and you do intermittent fasting it

protects the loss of muscle there’s

certain things that protect the loss of

muscle which is a kind of a survival

mechanism so if you do this and you add

a good workout program where you

actually really

stimulate those muscles with the

intensity that is needed they will

enlarge and especially of course you

have to feed them the right things too

but that’s what I would do if I were you

okay very good I tell you what let’s put

up another question


see if I did that

and here it is Doc another long one but

this is a not a true falser

Okay so

here’s an interesting question if

saturated fats

are good on keto and they’re recommended

on the keto diet

then why do most studies link high fat

diets to bad Health outcomes like heart

disease and chronic illness

okay audience climb on that and let’s

just go straight over to Julie she’s

coming to us from St Louis Missouri I

didn’t even get a chance to unmute but

hopefully you’re ahead of me Julie go

ahead with your questions

hi so I’m asking this question from a

place of discouragement and depletion so

I’m trying to figure out I hear you talk

about keto and fasting and I don’t know

if I’m a good candidate because I have

three health conditions that I think are

related possibly

um it’s endometriosis anemia and MTHFR

and I feel depleted already so I don’t

see how not eating or being very

confused about what to eat yeah I’m

assuming that you’re taking

um the methyl forms of B12 and folate

right you’re doing that right

you have a really hard time swallowing

pills but

it’s trying

okay good so that will handle that

genetic problem and then you’ll start to

be able to convert folate and that

should help


the other thing is that a lot of times

when people find out they have that

genetic problem they don’t they don’t

get a full DNA test I don’t know if you

had the full DNA test to look at other

things like you may need choline or you

may need a couple other things did you

get the full thing or did you just get

tests for that one gene

I did have a full genetic test but I

know I have both like I’m it’s

homogeneous or whatever I have both of

them but I don’t know if I need to take

something else too okay well just to the

fact that um

you know if you get a good someone good

some a good evaluator to evaluate your

DNA test there might be some other

things you might need help with for


um there could be a problem with um

choline vitamin D and things like that

and I’m assuming your anemia is probably

coming from that B12 problem but it

could also be coming from Iron

um I mean if you think about it

what’s the best source of iron and b12

and I’m talking about the the correct

B12 that you need it’s red meat and

liver of course so that would be on the

ketogenic plan

um there’s really no benefits to

carbohydrates for your problem there’s

no benefits in fact if you lower your

carbohydrates it won’t worsen

endometriosis or anemia or your genetic

problems so I don’t I think you are a

candidate for this you’ll probably feel

a lot better if you do it but you

probably just need to

when you eat consume foods rich in the

B12 and the folate and also the folate

you can get from the dark leafy and

green vegetables which is on the plan so

that’s going to help you and it’s also

going to help greatly reduce your

endometriosis you just have to avoid

like Dairy which is more of a stimulator


some of these growth factors as well as

other types of

things that might have estrogen that can

be stirring up the endometriosis as well

I think you could I really think you

would do a lot better if you added those

two things to your plan with the three

conditions you have

um but then again also find someone that

can evaluate your DNA to

see if there’s any other factors that

could be a problem because that one gene

you mentioned is real popular but

there’s so many other things that are

genetically has genetic variants that

can be messing you up


it’s great okay Julie we’re rooting for

you and we’d love to hear back with some

more progress you certainly seem so

interested in your health I’m sure

you’re going to find a path forward so

that’s terrific let’s see um

here’s something that I’ve heard from a

lot of people and it scares them away

from fasting Maggie from YouTube I want

to start fasting but I start trembling

and feel weak when I don’t eat for an

extended time how can I get to omad when

I’m struggling physically

it sounds to me that this is a a blood

sugar issue because for some reason

maybe you’re um

doing it too fast because if you if you

jump into keto and you just like okay

I’m gonna I’m gonna go on a

I don’t know maybe an 18-hour fast and

you’ve never done it before

um that might be too high of a step so

you want to kind of gradually go into it

you know and let your body adapt at its

own pace and then make sure when you’re

eating you don’t have

um higher amounts of carbs try to keep

those carbs really low

um and because if you do the

intermittent fasting with a higher

amount of carbs

then it’s going to take longer to adapt

um and get into keto and that low blood

sugar situation

um will be harder to resolve but

if you go to my um

website Dr and you click videos

it’ll have video One watch this first

and then start watching these videos in

order so you can learn the correct way

to gradually go into this so there’s no

problems I’m not suggesting this of

Maggie but first the longest time for

years and years and years there’s been

probably great momentum and people say

oh no no you must eat something light

every hour or two hours so you go crazy

you’re you know whatever you’ll get

nervous and stuff and and for some

people that might be true but I think

it’s become sort of a mantra and I sort

of believe that I thought I can’t

possibly go uh you know 22 hours with

eating oh yes I can it’s been

life-changing for me so I’m glad I

didn’t listen to those voices uh Beyond


it’s probably the worst advice you can

be given is to eat a little bit every so

often it’s not good it’s not good it’s

not natural because you what you’re

doing is you’re just boosting insulin so

you feel good and then you’re basically

jacking up insulin over over a period of

time and now you end up with

um now you’re running basically on your

sugar fuel you’re not running on fat and

that’s not a healthy thing to constantly

be tapping into your glycogen reserve

and then

you know you never get into the fat

burning and so that creates a lot of

other problems for you bad advice don’t

do it especially if you have


exactly what I’ll tell you what is

healthy and that’s our audience’s

response to our various questions

they’ve already got an answer on the

second one which was a question this

time as saturated fats are good on keto

diet then why do most studies link a

high fat diet to bad Health outcomes

like heart disease and chronic illness

and drum roll please fifty percent of

our respondents say it has to do with

the quality of the fats 40 say the

studies do not exclude carbs and which

I’ve heard before from you Doc and 10


the test patients had high triglycerides

okay well 100

of all these studies

um don’t don’t differentiate uh this one

thing okay

um the high fat diet they just kind of


all of them are also on the same same

time doing a high carb diet and that

includes the animal studies as well and

so um if you have a high fat and a high

carb diet how do you know the bad

outcomes aren’t from the high carb

versus the high fat you don’t you

because there’s two two variables you

have to isolate them and so the the

study there is a study of like one that

shows that if you um they compare the

high fat

um versus uh I’m sorry a low fat versus

um a low carb and they found the low

carb is the the significant factor into

regulating whether Fat’s bad or fats

good as far as the outcome


these studies


you assume that they’re keto because

they say high fat but they’re not

they’re actually not keto when you go

high carb so that’s that’s kind of the

Omission they don’t talk about the carbs

in this equation and they just say oh

high fat yeah right so well show me a

study that really isolates the

difference and uh and then show me the

outcome I’d love to see if someone could

go ahead and show me one study

um I could not find any

interesting yes our test subjects are on

pepperoni pizza which has a lot of high

fat and they’re all dying so yeah see

that’s done

so let’s see now let’s go on to another


uh Christy from Facebook I have

pancreatitis ouch and I am trying

carnivore been on it for about a month

now I’m still feeling really tired what

can I do to help with her lack of energy

well make sure when you do the carnival

you do the um like the healthy version

um like nose to tail like also add you

know fish and you probably have to add

some supplements to this as well to make

sure you’re getting like vitamin C

that’s hard to get when you’re on the

carnivore but there’s one thing that I

think I would recommend for pancreatitis

um usually okay usually there’s a kind

of a blockage in the the ducks that

there’s a couple bile ducts that kind of

go Branch off into the gallbladder and

Branch off into the pancreas

so if you were to go online and search

tadka you can search on Amazon stuff and

buy that product called tadka that is a

certain type of bile salt that will kind

of open up that duct and free up the


out of your pancreas

um and that way the inflammation may

just come down so that’s a really good

remedy for pancreatitis is called tatka

okay very good not just not just good

for your gallbladder and your liver but

it’s good for the pancreas all right and

Dr Berg’s always beating up insulin but

he doesn’t have it out for it as is

evidence in this next question

okay here’s a question if High insulin

is so bad for us okay High insulin is so

bad for us

um then why does insulin

improve dementia like they’ll have a

nasal sprays of insulin that you can

spray up into your nose and it’s great

for Dimension Alzheimer’s why does it

improve muscle growth like even

bodybuilders use it to grow their

muscles and why does it even lower

inflammation lower your bad cholesterol

and even raise your testosterone

wow let’s see let’s let’s see what you

have what you have to say about that I

mean I have a lot of videos on insulin

um so but I wanted to see what you guys

think about this question okay and let’s

see what Carol has to think about her

health uh Carol I’m unmuting you I hope

you do the same and looking for your one

question for Dr Burr go ahead Carol

so I’ve been uh I’ve had

pre-diabetes for a couple of years and

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting two

meals a day and I exercise and I’m

really working hard on keto and I have a

CGM I’ve been using for the last 16

weeks and all my all my readings in the

morning when I get up are like 100 110

120 130 for my glucose monitor so I

don’t know what else to do

so you’re not eating any sugar but your

but your blood sugars are high in the

morning right yes yeah and and

you know this relates to the next

question so I’m going to kind of give

you a little bit and then we’ll give you

more in a minute

um but what’s happening is

your liver is making glucose

out of not from carbohydrates not from

the diet not from your diet it’s just

making extra sugar



you know um you know what I’m gonna save

this question once people know because

I’m going to give away the answer to

this this next question it’s going to

relate to your questions so I tell you

what hang tight let’s see what people

say and then I’m going to answer your

question because it’s going to be a very

simple solution and um you’ll no longer

be in a mystery about it

how exciting Carol this question is for

you is for you so stand by don’t go

anywhere because you’re going to hear

this the great news that comes out of

that so uh let’s see that’s terrific

thanks for coming on with us and why

don’t we just jump into another one uh

uh whose comment may not be question

related and that’s going to be Jesse

from Worcester uh and I’m so proud of

saying it right even though it’s not

spelled that way and Jesse you’re on

with Dr Burke he’s muted

oh unmute yourselves there okay good

oops still can’t hear you

Jesse check your settings


try again Jesse

nope we don’t have yet I’m going to put

you on hold as you figure that out so to

speak and let’s go back

um to how about

Dr Berg he’s always popular to have on

the screen and then we’ll add another

question from uh from our social media

folks Tay from YouTube why do I feel so

weak like I’m going to faint during

well that’s another one oh Madden

fasting so

there we go yeah well uh I hope you’re

taking your electrolytes okay and uh

that includes sea salt as well

sea salt uh is important as well as the


um I’ve been experimenting on

electrolytes recently and um uh I

started to kind of beef up no pun

intended more potassium like more than

usual it’s very interesting apparently

in my body

um just has just so much extra energy so

noticing my workouts I’m like wow where

is all this energy coming from then I’m

like oh that’s right I just took a lot

of potassium so

um yeah sometimes it’s good to

experiment but if you don’t have enough

potassium magnesium or the sea salts

you’re going to be a little light-headed

okay Elena from YouTube what do you

recommend for someone with type 1

diabetes is there a natural way to

promote insulin production


if you have a true autoimmune disease

you know you don’t have

um unfortunately the beta cells that are

working enough to produce insulin but

there’s there’s a handful of people that

have type one that apparently

you know it came from having type 2 and

then it kind of just wore out so in

those cases I think there is something

you can do but it really depends on how

long you’ve had it and how bad it is but

that being said

um if you uh

let’s say you have some function left of

that that beta cell there’s all sorts of

things you can do to improve it apple

cider vinegar and water can improve the

output also you can improve the um

um from Berber rain and cinnamon and

potassium and chromium and all these

things are really good for blood sugars

but of course the basic knowledge is

going on low carb and doing intermittent

fasting will help you but some of the

answer also is going to be answered in

that question that everyone’s still

chewing on so stay tuned for a little

bit more on that very good Jesse how you

doing with us sir let me see if we can

hear you yet speak to us

no still have an audio issue you might

take your headphones off and unplug that

kick off the headphones

and unplug it from the thing let’s see

if we can hear you talk to me please oh

poor guy keep working on it Jesse we’re

not going to let you go

uh we’re gonna keep working on that

let’s see so let’s go back to social


uh Nadia not excuse me from Facebook or

YouTube I have constant pain under my

right shoulder blade can you help me

with what this indicates

yes I can help you that is a classic

um either liver or gallbladder or bile

duct problem in which case

um uh this means that you need to

kind of loosen up the sludge that’s

building up through these tubes that

connect things and the best way to do

that is through that tadka I mentioned

before I’d say type of bile salt that

helps the flow through those channels

you want to take to an empty stomach in

the morning and then two and then empty

stomach in the afternoon you can also do

it with other bile salts as well so it

doesn’t have to be taka but um the point

is that this tells us that you’re

your bile is lacking your your your

gallbladder um

bile collectively is lactating the bile

salt so you need more of that to get it

to flow better from your liver down into

the gallbladder and that’s going to

refer pain to underneath your um

scapula on the right side and right into

the rhomboids

okay the usual suspect a good old

insulin uh if High insulin is so bad for

us then why does insulin improve

dementia muscle growth lower

inflammation lower LDL which is the bad

stuff and even raise your testosterone

levels which all the boys like uh in the

audience said 80 percent of them say

it’s beneficial to regulate sugar and

carbs and regulates full functions of

the brain and the muscles 20 percent say

it’s a vital hormone in the production

of glucogenesis these are some big

answers I’ll tell you

well let’s just take that last that




actually and this will relates to the

lady’s question that we mentioned

insulin actually

um suppresses

gluconeogenesis the formation of sugar

right so if she’s waking up in the

morning with


high blood glucose then that means she

must have a deficiency of insulin now

wait a second

weren’t we told that um hyperinsulinemia

which is this high level of insulin in

the blood is a is basically

creating problems creating problems for


yes that’s true and a lot of people have

that problem but this one little factor

is called insulin resistance and this

has everything to do with the receptor

of insulin the receptor so the receptor

is what controls everything it’s like

the controlling factor and when you have

resistance or a blockage or a problem

with the receptor

because you’re consuming too many carbs

and increasing high levels of insulin

over a period of years

now you are insulin deficient so all of

the symptoms of insulin resistance are

really in reality a deficiency of

insulin which is fascinating so we

always think about wow the

hyperinsulinemia is causing the dementia

the Alzheimer’s the this to that it is

but it’s not the high level it’s the

it’s it’s the low level on the other end

of the communication that’s the problem

so we do need insulin desperately to fix

all these problems but in the right


but the way to fix it is not to eat to

raise the insulin because then you

created a resistance problem so this is

why it’s really hard to understand this

because it’s you don’t understand about

the adaptation the body considers it

toxic so it’s going to start to inhibit

the absorption and

um but if you really understand that

it’s the lack of insulin and the way to

fix that is by cutting your carbs down

over time going and fasting and so with

this particular person who has wakes up

with high blood glucose

she just needs to optimize and do a

little bit more for for insulin

resistance to fix that and that’s going

to be the adding of the berberine the

apple cider vinegar more chromium zinc

vitamin D potassium foods and then give

it more time

not to mention exercise and give it more

time until that blood glucose comes down

that is the solution because then you’ll

actually fix the insulin resistance

and then the last question

that you just uh mentioned by someone on

the social media can you refresh my

memory what that was about um Steve if

you remember because that also related

to this question let’s see yeah it was

I’m looking for it now had something to

do with insulin correct uh Irene Cindy

it Roars up so fast that it’s a little

difficult Terry can you uh jog my memory

with that let me look

um I think it was memory loss I think we

both have uh deficiency of it and

Insulin because of our memory loss yeah

what do I need for that


well the point is that this this is

interesting because we we just think


um wow insulin is just killing us no no

actually it’s a deficiency but if you

have the right amount of insulin you

grow your muscles you get rid of

inflammation your brain works

um your blood sugars stay in uh in good

check uh and um your liver stops making

all this extra sugar so so you know the

video like I’m going to release a video

on this topic can really make it so

simple to understand but it’s a it’s a



Paradox that will be cleared up when you

see this video okay very good and by the

way very organized website you go to and as he said watch this

first and so on but if uh if you want to

have a more

um remote way of doing it I want to

encourage you all to get Dr Burke’s

great app it’s good for Android or Apple

and so on and that will give you the

same availability to those great videos

as the website itself so go grab that

right away and uh let’s see what do we

have now

let’s go to another question this one

Tay from YouTube why do I feel so weak

and like I’m going to faint during omad

and fasting did I already asked that I

don’t think so but you probably already

asked that Steve so um but we’ll we’ll

answer it again for some time it’s

basically it’s going to be um sea salt

electrolytes that is the that is going

to be the secret

okay very good now here’s something

fascinating doc a true falser


okinawans okay now they’re considered

the people who live the longest

um it’s a part of Japan

consume more pork and meat and less fish

than other Japanese

is that true or false

that’s interesting you’re living a long

time they’re doing something right

that’s for sure and so climb on that

let’s see Elizabeth wants to know a doc

from YouTube can I take an iodine

supplement while on thyroid medication

of course check with your doctor it

really depends if you have Hashimoto’s

or not if you which is very common if

you have Hashimoto’s iodine might not be

what you need you may need more selenium

okay but I guess you just need to really

understand where the problem is is it in

the conversion from T4 to T3 is it

coming from an autoimmune or is it

coming from too much estrogen or is it

just an unknown thing that uh you know

your deficient item because your diet is

low in iodine that could be another

factor it’s just one of those things you

have to kind of um

you know isolate

um what could be the reason I mean you

could have a deficiency of iodine but

not necessarily

okay very good we’re frustrated with

Jeff see Jesse talked to me for a second

because we did have him we could hear

him early on but we can’t now no we

can’t Jesse I see a there we go oh my

God there we are we can’t hold on I’m

going to put you up on this I’m not sure

what happened it was about and at least

it didn’t seem to mute it but


so my my uh my question to you would be

in regards to

um a few years ago I ended up getting uh

I started getting some birth symptoms

and then with headaches and then I’ve

been diagnosed with H pylori and then it

slowly progressed and became stay back


um which

I was about 220 pounds

and I was still healthy going to the gym

regularly and then uh I I had a

recession or my symptoms gone away in my

interview levels and I sleep with better

after two weeks of probiotics then I got

to be diagnosed with H5 after


um and then now I’ve not lost 40 pounds

in this uh sleep apnea came back

um is it possible uh social testing a

Genoa test

level 10. um

which I test four months ago

is it possible

okay good and of course um sorry for all

the sound and static it was really hard

to hear but I hear I got what you said

so that’s good

um so he has he been losing weight he’s

been having problems with uh the balance

of his microbiome as dysbiosis and he

has H pylori H pylori is a microbe in

our our stomachs like 80 of the

population has it or more

um but usually it’s silent usually it’s

kind of uh it’s not unfriendly it’s not

friendly it just kind of sits there and

just co-exists right but it’s not until

the environment changes that it kind of

comes out and kicks you when you’re down

and especially if the pH in your stomach

um becomes less acid and one of the

survival mechanisms of H pylori is that


it makes ammonia then what is ammonia

ammonia is the substance that is so

alkaline I think on the pH scale it’s


it’s 11. it’s like way up there and it

does that to survive so it makes your

stomach very alkaline and you can

probably even sometimes with some people

uh smell like an ammonia breath

and that can also occur with candida

candida does the same thing so you make

this ammonia and that that way it

survives right so

um how do we solve this problem well um

there is a really good remedy for h

pylori and um

H pylori is a microbe and plants

naturally have developed all sorts of uh

defenses against

microbes and pathogens and one of the

defense mechanisms that plants develop

is sulforaphane

sulforaphane so you can actually grab

that sulforaphane from plants like in

broccoli Sprouts or you can get it

isolated in something called dim

from cruciferous and that is really good

to wipe out H pylori and put it back

into remission and keep it in check

that’s been really good for h pylori and

then also start to acidify the stomach

unless you have gastritis that’s too bad

which in which case you need to you know

heal it first with the zinc and other

things until it gets better one of the

vegetables that seems to be okay with

gastritis out of all the vegetables is

cabbage and cabbages has sulforaphane

too so these are just kind of tips that

I would recommend

um but of course I would also not just

take a probiotic but I would try to take

the best probiotics that you can find

which are the fermented foods maybe have

a little bit more of that if you could

do that that’s like way better than just

a typical probiotic

and really high quality


food that’s from Farmers that grow these

maybe microgreens that are grown on soil

that have a very high level uh natural

microbiome in their plant leaves

themselves that would also help to seed

the gut

um but I think that um Your solution is

going to be

to really keep working on the gut to

support that and to get the pH of the

stomach normal and then to use the

sulforaphane to kill out the microbes

and if you have sibo I think this will

you’re going to have to probably

you know it might not work to have some

of this fiber so then you’re going to

have to just do carnivores so it really

I just kind of gave you some things to

work with to try to sort this out but um

that’s all I have for you right now well

that was a full appointment doc you got

tons of information and uh Jesse listen

I want to urge you to listen to the uh

repeat on YouTube or Facebook you can

hear what Dr Berg his counsel and also

hear your hilarious robot voice that

came through with your report audio

system but we were able to get the gist

and we wish you a well in that regard so

let’s move on uh let’s see to answers

from the last question and these uh

wonderful okinawans lived the longest

and they consume more pork and meat and

so and then fish than other Japanese so

why on Earth uh that’s usually Spells at

least to Common uh propaganda ill health

so let’s see Point things are moving so

fast there it is a question 85 say it’s

true and fifteen percent say it is false

it’s actually true um you know it’s cons

um you know there’s certain

books on like the Blue Zone and there’s

people talking about longevity and um

people that live over the age of 100 110

and they always kind of like link it to

well they’re on plant-based well

apparently they’re not especially the

okinawans they have more meat and more


and even especially pork which is

supposed to be very bad for us then the




so it’s um they don’t just do plants

they do fermented foods and they have

lower stress and they get more exercise

but as far as the meat they do have meat

and that’s interesting but not not all

fish so that is conflicting information

for a lot of people

but I will say the there’s a difference

between the modern okinawans and the

traditional ones right the younger

okinawans probably are eating more of

American food so it’s probably going to

affect the longevity versus the

traditional okinawans that um probably

don’t do

as much of the spam

um if they used to have this like

sauteed vegetable dish with Spam which


I don’t know if it’s the best thing in

the world but uh I would avoid it

so anyway that’s that answer and I’m

sticking to it Steve okay very well the

final question of the day is very

interesting as were the rest and here it


all right which two nutrients um should

anyone who grinds their teeth

consume more of

very interesting we have one person left

in the green room and she is from La my

old stopping grounds her name is uh

Cindy and Cindy you are on for your one

question with Dr Berg

hi Dr Berg hello so for 27 almost years

ever since I gave birth to my daughter

I’ve had super hot feet at night and no

matter what I do

it doesn’t get better and I don’t have

diabetes and I don’t have pre-diabetes

which is what every time I’m going to

look it up that’s what they say oh

you’ve got diabetes but I don’t so

I also have

um nocturnal

um hypoxia and I was wondering if that

was related to it

um okay

wow everyone’s complaining a cold feet

now you have the hot feet so you have to

you have to pick what problem you want

you want hot feet or cold feet and no no

I think what I would do is I would um I

would definitely uh focus more on the

liver there’s one symptom of liver uh is

that’s people get hot feed and I think

this boils down to circulation so if you

have hypoxia then that probably relates

to the circulation and the pooling of

blood and heat down to the feet

so what I would do first and I’m sure

you’ve already done this is

implement the basic eating plan that I

recommend which is the healthy keto and

intermittent fasting and see if it goes

away but there’s other things that I

would do too I would take a milk thistle

for the liver and I would also do things

to increase

circulation like a lot of exercise and

but I I think if you have hypoxia

um I I don’t know I don’t I don’t have a

good history to really know exactly what

to do for that other than uh

um do things to support the vascular

system in your body one really good

nutrient would be um niacin and um

and also I do know this one last thing

that does help regulate temperature in

the body uh and this may help you help

you just take more B1

B1 tends to

um if you’re too cold or too hot it

tends to

help regulate that from an interesting

angle so you might want to try that as


okay very good well thank you so much

Cindy and I hope that that leads you

forward to some great uh conclusion over

that issue and let’s see we’re waiting

for our final question for the day we

we’ve done very well today oh here it is

no sooner do I ask than it pops up all

right and the interesting question was

which two nutrients should everyone who

grinds their teeth consume more of I

can’t wait to hear uh the six excuse me

65 say zinc and magnesium 15 say Vitamin

B and D 15 say calcium and D3 and 5 say

vitamin C and magnesium so there’s a

couple folks adding magnesium into that

roxism is a apparently a very common

problem and people were these night

guards which is kind of a pain in the

butt because you’re chewing on plastic

all night long

um but um it’s a big deal because you’re

grinding your teeth down and then when

you do like you got to get new teeth so


the two vitamins and in a video that I’m

going to do this this uh release anyway

very soon I’ll talk about the reason why

but the two vitamins are B1 and D3

um and both of those are involved in


the type of nervous system

that could be affecting you while you’re

sleeping and that can actually settle

things down so if I had grinding of the

teeth I would be taking a little more B

B1 and D3 B4 bed to see if I can resolve

that and there’s also an interesting

Associated increase in your pulse rate

um while you’re grind grinding of course

you go hand in hand so that’s part of

the sympathetic nervous system that’s

being activated so

stay tuned for that video interesting

well everyone says I’m dinging even Lori

came out and said I’m dinging to do

something dinging maybe it’s coming from

my computer but anyway if so I apologize

for dinging so much I’m going to

remember to that oh there it just goes

again that’s from you know what the

culprit is Terry every time he sends

another text it dings on my computer so

Karen you you share in the guilt uh but

I’m going to fix that that shouldn’t be

going out over the air let’s see so uh

and the show’s almost over so you folks

only have to to put up with that for a

little bit more okay let’s see

Jason from Facebook good morning Dr Berg

if after 19 hours of fasting and your

stomach is going crazy uh should I give

in or still keep pushing through I can

imagine what you’re going to say

I would push through because that’s only

temporary that should go away when you

fully completely adapt to keto

um things should be really easy in your

your appetite should go away and I’m I

think you said appetite that was right

was that correct Steve yes appetite yes

or yeah he’s just he’s dying to eat poor

guy’s dying to eat

yeah so um but just make sure when you

eat you add more fat make sure when you

eat you do the healthy version of the

keto and don’t don’t increase your carbs

so many people do fasting but they don’t

do keto and uh they they have a hard

time fasting because the sugar is a

little too high so the lower the the

lower amount of carbs you can put in

that actual meal the easier it is going

to be to adapt and and fast and go


without eating wonderful okay that’s

great let’s see

uh oh Zoo from Facebook will healthy

keto help with MS

terrible condition

I think it will because you’re running

their brain off of ketones ketones are

antioxidants they’re anti-inflammatory

and that’s what you need if you have MS

which is an autoimmune if I had Ms I

would be doing

two things right off the bat I’ve been

doing longer fast and I would be doing a

lot of vitamin D and of course I would

be doing keto at the same time

okay very good and you you may you know

there’s another way that you can

increase your ketones on top of all

these things

and that is to take actual ketones as a


if you have any type of um brain related

problem and then um you can also do MCT

oil too that’ll actually increase the

ketones because if given the choice the

neurons will uh choose the ketones over

the glucose and so if you keep that in

your blood through the day a little bit

uh your your brain will be happy the

neurons will thank you

that’s terrific thank you neurons that

is wonderful let’s see why don’t we talk

about the fact that not just in the

contiguous U.S is a place to buy your

great products but you’re always working

to help people in other parts of the

world to get it affordably any new news

on that front

yeah I think you know we’re always

trying to do that I

um I think we’re getting into India

right now and uh if you there’s a link

down below to see if we actually have

something in your area you can check it


um but I will say um


there’s always you know I always like to

um promote or tell people about

companies that are producing good

products out there and I’m not

affiliated and I don’t get Kickbacks or

anything like that but there’s um a

company I’ll put them down below in the


in the description

or Steve will in about five minutes once

I get the exact name of the company and

the website but they produce um a

hazelnut a hazelnut that um is not

rancid and it’s even they have chocolate

and they have different flavors of this

coating and I and what I like about this


is they don’t put all the the extra


you know dextrin and uh these tapioca

and corn fibers that so many other keto

people do and the importance of um

the fat you know out of all the nuts the

hazelnut I’m sorry did I say hazelnut I

meant macadamia nuts okay

that is the best nut on keto because

it’s so high in fat

um and then you have the pecan but the


are macadamia nuts are the one of the

best nuts to have it and

and they have um you can buy them just

direct or just have them coated with

little chocolate and with with zero

sugar I really like those as a little

dessert and um I don’t have a picture

but I put the link I’ll put the link

down below you might want to check it

out it’s a if you need a little dessert

and it’s a fat dessert I think you might

like this so check it out the sad thing

Doc is that is that we’re out of time

which you were about to announce the

good thing is the audience doesn’t have

to listen to any more dings uh today and

I’m going to try to remedy that by next

week and sorry for stepping on your dock

take us away

thank you so much uh stay tuned for some

really good videos this next week and I

appreciate all of your wonderful

questions and your comments
