Why We Really Love Carbs? - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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alright so in this video we’re gonna

talk about why you really love carbs

okay it has to do with three body

chemicals that are increased when you

consume carbohydrates especially refined

carbohydrates beta endorphins which by

the way is about 33 times stronger for

pain relief than morphine so it’s great

to reduce pain and emotional pain okay

it will increase dopamine which will

give you all sorts of pleasure sensation

and serotonin which is the anti-anxiety

hormone okay so these three together

will decrease your pain physically and

emotionally it’ll decrease your stress

it will increase your confidence

increase your motivation

you’ll feel socially connected you’ll

feel more satisfied in life and you’ll

feel more hopeful here’s the problem it

comes with a package it only lasts for a

couple minutes until things start to

rebound down here and then these

symptoms actually come back but are

going to be worse than before and that’s

really the trap of it because it makes

you dependent on the the sugar and the

carbohydrates so when you’re dependent

it you actually are controlled by that

thing you’re at the effect of that thing

not a good situation to be in so the

next time you’re tempted to consume some

carbohydrate or some cake or something

really sit back and ask yourself what

problem am i trying to solve did I have

a loss of something is there a stress

involved do I wanna increase my

confidence which one of these are you

trying to solve and it’s kind of

interesting using sugar to solve a

problem that’s like taking a hammer to

your stubbed toe right I mean it’s just

doesn’t make sense it’s not going to

solve it it’s it’s gonna give you this

little temporary relief until it wears

out and then over time basically you

lose this effect to the point where you

need more and more sugar to create the

same effect happen with me with coffee

in college I started drinking a lot of

coffee I needed more and more to wake up

to the point where I drank the coffee

and then I fell asleep so I had no more

of it burning me up now if there’s other

ways to increase your beta endorphins

you can exercise like the runner’s high

music laughter intermittent fasting will

increase beta endorphins so now that you

know the mechanism behind it really what

you need to do is a healthy keto and in

a minute fasting if you’re new to this I

put a link down below of exactly how to

do it and that will actually help you to

get rid of the cravings and then you’ll

have a grip on it and you’ll no longer

be controlled by it alright thanks for


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