Heart Nutrition - the Missing Link | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys can you hear me I think you can

awesome so I’ll just wait about 30

seconds I want to get right into it

course I have too much information try

to cram it into a smaller time I’m not

going to go two hours I promise I’m not

going to go past one hour but this this

uh this webinar is probably going to be

one of the most important ones since I’m

going to show you some valuable data on

how to really salvage your heart

situation and law increase your

longevity and even if you have a problem

with the heart we’re going to give you a

lot of solutions so oh cool yeah

everyone can hear me awesome so I’m just

going to dive right in there okay so

I’ve been playing around this thing

hopefully um you’ll be able to see my

slides and let me just hold them up

right now okay let’s see if that works

yeah that should work okay cool

awesome perfect hey just to give you a

little quick very quick background of um

let me just make sure yeah okay this is

the one I won’t show you um

about ten years ago I had this crazy

idea and I wanted to build a microphone

a heart machine and I wanted to model it

after dr. Reilly’s heart monitor

and so back in the 30s eye doctor really

basically developed a way to take let me

just kind of start from the beginning

here because I I don’t want you to see

these there we go let me just start

right here cool so I want you to see

this one slide right here this is a

microphone perfect okay

all right cool so dr. Rowley he was a

famous nutritionist back in the 30s and

40s and 50s

this guy developed a heart machine back

there and it was a huge machine it was

he had like 10,000 or 20,000 thousand of

them out in the community and two

doctors and they were assessing people

using the heart machine heart waves to

measure nutritional deficiencies so they

were able to develop a lot of research

in the area of cardiovascular health and

nutrition so here they were out there

you know evaluating people telling them

what to take for this and that because

the heart is the fastest responding

Oregon to nutrition of anything so he

has all this research so then in 1963

the FDA came in and pretty much took

away his right to you know promote

nutrition especially for medical

diseases so he was even under probation

and the confiscated all of his research

and they burned it and the whole thing

anyway um there was a guy another guy

who saved his research and he and he has

it available now and they have a very

private personal library with all this

data that I went to Palmyra Wisconsin to

see all of his research in to copy it

make copies of it so I had this crazy

idea about 10 years ago of of digitizing

this heart machine and I thought oh this

is a this is a great idea I’ll be able

to digitize it and I can check people

and oh my gosh this is amazing

because the technology now is so much


blah blah blah so I’ve hired acoustic

engineers electrical engineers

programmers from Russia all over the

place and when we took the microphone a

part of this 1935 machine that measures

your heart waves it’s called a phone a


we found that it wasn’t a regular

microphone he was using a different

technology back then which just kind of

shocked us and that was he was using

something called earthquake sensing

devices is called the accelerometer

which measures very tiny vibrations so

he had an earthquake sensor in his

microphone so then I had to go to a

company that sells earthquake sensing

devices ooh so it’s called an

accelerometer and I had to basically um

by this little earthquake sensor and

build it into a plastic microphone so

when when this microphone attached to

your heart the whole heart goes into

sympathetic vibration with the

microphone so you don’t have that

diaphragm anymore you have the just pure

duplication of the heart wave so I built

that and very expensive this is the

earthquake sensing device right here we

have electrical engineers working on

this thing for several years and we had

this really really cool thing and then I

had to have the software for it and so

we built the software to be able to

analyze it and so that’s that was a that

went on for months and months and months

and months or months and so right when

we went into the area of FDA approval

process that’s where it stopped because

the amount of money would cost me with

just bankrupting so I basically have all

this stuff in a box in my basement right

now sitting there so I dropped the

project it was just too expensive um but

anyway I learned a lot from doing this

and I want to share with you a lot of

the things that I’ve learned um that I

think you’re going to like okay so we’re

going to talk about the cardiovascular

system the cardiovascular system

um runs on nutrition just about every

single nutrient but I’m going to talk

about the big ones so um I want to make

sure you can see me right now since

someone says I can’t see anything


someone says I lost the audio so just

please tell me can you hear me before I

get started because last thing I wanna

do is get halfway into it find out um oh

yeah you can’t even hear me can you hear

me now yes I will make copies of this

arm there’s always a delay so I have to

wait okay cool all right everything’s

fine alright so I have to show you this

right here um okay so let me just go and

open this up right here

share it everyone boom okay we’re good

alright so anyway it was a good


expensive experience alright so the

first thing I want to talk about is

electrolytes what is an electrolyte is

it Gatorade well there’s only two

minerals and Gatorade electrolytes are

electrically charged minerals other

minerals that when you dissolve them in

a fluid they can conduct electricity

they allow muscles to contract they

allow nerves to send impulses they allow

fluid to travel through the body so

that’s what electrolytes are like sodium

potassium calcium magnesium we’re going

to talk about pretty much for minerals

or electrolytes okay we’re not gonna

talk about all of them but basically

electrolytes are those things that the

heart needs to contract the nerve that

goes to the heart to sends signals to

form a pacemaker and that’s what they’re

used for and what they do is they’re

they allow things to move back and forth

in and out of the cell okay so for

example most of the sodium is outside

the cell most of the potassium is in

sad to sell so you have this this

difference it allows a called a gradient

of electrical charge that flow from one

side to another so we actually can get

things moving all right so that’s what

electrolyte is so and this is what

Gatorade sells because look at how much

sugar 35 grams of sugar that has to be

milligrams that can’t be grams that’s


they do give you two lecture lights

potassium and sodium so you get

potassium I got 65 milligrams that’s

really not the best way to get your

electrolytes it’s just pure sugar okay

so check this out

we have this heart we have the muscle of

the heart we have the nerves going to

the heart we have the blood vessels

going to the heart and that’s we’re

going to talk about all three different

areas in relationship to what can go

wrong and what you can do to prevent and

correct these problems but you can see

right here when these little minerals go

or electrolytes go into the cell things

can move and other minerals go outside

the cell so that’s what actually allows

the nerve to conduct and then look at a

muscle to contract a muscle you need

calcium calcium is the main electrolyte

that can tracks the muscle okay if you

ever see your blood pressure the top

number it’s called systolic that’s due

to calcium that’s a contraction the

bottom number is due to more relaxation

and that’s controlled by magnesium so

you have two different electrolytes so

contraction all these electrolytes go in

and out of the cell and then something

contracts so here’s a heart wave you can

see the contraction and relaxation

calcium controls the contraction of the

muscle all right so a lot can go wrong

with that if you have too much calcium

or not enough calcium you there’s no

contraction or there’s too many


they call that fibrillation or tetany

atrial fibrillation and what I want to

tell you and this is interesting

everyone’s concerned about cholesterol

for the last 50 years the really funny

now that coronary calcium is the single

best predictor of heart attacks so you

can actually even get a coronary calcium

scoring test it’s a cat scan and just

measures the calcium inside the heart um

we’ll get into why it’s there but just

realize right now cholesterol is not a

really good indicator of heart disease

like they say I will tell you a little

bit more about that but um there so

there’s actually quite a few studies

that show that men and women then have

lower cholesterol have more problems

with their cardiovascular system so but

I don’t want to create more confusion

it’s not really important what’s

important right now is usually

understand cows too much calcium is

really bad for the heart okay especially

for heart attacks why because calcium

causes the arteries to become stiff

inelastic so you no longer have the

elasticity and so everything is very

rigid and then the pressure is going to

go higher and higher and higher and then

it can blow out an artery and that’s

what we call a stroke okay so if you

look right here not only does your

arteries calcify but if you have there’s

a huge a correlation between

calcification of your arteries which is

soft as your calcium and osteoporosis

interesting so what’s happening with a

lot of people is calcium is just in the

wrong place at the wrong time instead of

going in the bones it goes in the soft

tissues of the body so we get kidney

stones golf stones clacking of the

arteries tartar on the teeth bone pain

insomnia muscle cramps arrhythmia high

blood pressure

asthma because of the spasm in the

bronchial tubes increase urination

constipation these are all symptoms of

too much calcium now what the heck is

the cow the calcium doing in your

arteries right well primarily one of the

reasons it goes in there is that it’s

acting as a band-aid to actually help

and patch up so they call lesions or

shall we say micro hemorrhaging or

bleeding tiny little tears in the

arteries and so calcium and cholesterol

go in there to patch it up to protect

you to help you so that’s really why

it’s there because you don’t see a

calcium accumulating or cholesterol

randomly you don’t see these

accumulating in your veins they’re very

specific in areas of high pressure like

the aorta or

stick the coronary which is around the

heart so what’s happening is you get

this little lesion or this little tear

which really comes from a vitamin C

deficiency because if you look at a

vitamin C deficiency should give

bleeding gums will you’ll get bleeding

spider veins varicose veins and that

bleeding is going on all over the body

okay so the cholesterol comes in to try

to plug it up the calcium comes and try

to patch it up and that’s really what’s

behind clogged arteries so it’s a

vitamin C deficiency calcium is laid on

the chain so it’s cholesterol now

doctors like to use a calcium channel

blockers as the heart medication and

this is interesting why would they use

calcium channel blockers because there’s

too much calcium in the heart so it says

right here um

calcium channel blockers several

medications disrupt a movement of

calcium through the calcium channels to

use for hypertension decrease blood

pressure and again stiffness and the

arteries and common causes of elevated

systolic that’s the top number um

so these have been used slightly more

effective than beta blockers which has

to do with blocking another thing which

is connected to the adrenal gland which

we’ll get into but they’re associated

with more side-effects

okay why because you’re just treating

the symptom you’re not getting rid of

the cause so it’s just interesting that

they’re trying to use a drug to get rid

of something that really is a

nutritional problem so as you develop

plaque the first thing that happens is a

micro hemorrhage an immune system

reaction and then signals calcium and

cholesterol to start blacking that’s

really the stage of a cycle of clogged

artery um there’s a really high it’s a

you know you go to amazon.com and you

see these these books on these great um

technical books on the body but they’re

like two hundred and fifty dollars or

like three hundred fifty bucks so I did

a search and I made a little copy of

kind of the anatomy of a plaque and this

whole book is but one just one inch

thick and it talks about what’s really

the mechanism behind clogged arteries

and it’s right here you can see local

micro hemorrhage which basically in the

healing process you have fibrosis that

scar tissue and calcium and cholesterol

that’s really the first chain of

reaction so it’s a vitamin C deficiency

but you might say well I take vitamin C


most people are taking the wrong kind of

vitamin C they’re taking something

called ascorbic acid ascorbic acid is

only the the eggshell to the egg the

orange pill the antioxidant portion the

Scorpio acid is really not even vitamin

C it’s one tiny portion it’s really

there to protect the inside of a

tendancy complex Nach in nature vitamin

c always comes in complexes and that’s

you’re seeing on the left side right

here and that’s really what you need is

a whole complex so I always recommend

getting your vitamin C from a food

complex do not get it synthetically they

make it from ascorbic acid and a

sulfuric acid and cornstarch which has

no vitamin C the problem the reason I’m

talking about this a little bit longer

is because when you take high amounts of

ascorbic acid you actually will start

creating this micro hemorrhage so one of

the causes of bleeding arteries and gums

is taking too much of the wrong thing

ascorbic acid okay people take grams of

this stuff now how do you know do you

have to get a calcium test well not

necessarily you can look at your other

symptoms do you tend to get kidney

stones bone pain abdominal pain increase

urination depression these are all just

signs of high soft tissue calcium ulcers

isn’t it interesting that too much

calcium causes ulcers look what they

give people Oscars they give them an e

acids they give them calcium carbonate

which actually causes an ulcer Wow

that’s interesting so if you have a lot

of stiffness if you have arthritis high

blood pressure then you pretty much can

suspect you could have some high high

amounts of calcium in the body that

shouldn’t be there all right and then

also if you have low stomach acid like

in heartburn because heartburn really is

a low stomach situation you will not be

able to absorb calcium calcium needs to

be absorbed in an acid medium it’s kind

of like your little faucet outside where

you have all the calcium buildup and it

then causes a problem with these little

specks of calcium now as we’re going

through this I want to make sure that

you guys don’t have any questions so I’m

going to see if you have any questions

and then if you could do me a big favor

if you can tell me um what kind of heart

problems that you have do you have

atrial fibrillation do you have high

blood pressure do you have enlarged

heart just go ahead

let me now okay so Veronica says if we

take vitamin C should we take vitamin d3

k2 along with it I’m going to get there

hang in there oh by the way at the end

of this webinar I want to give you guys

the notes the summarization of all the

nutrition and what it does you guys want

that so stick stick with me through the

whole thing and I’ll give you the

download at the end of seminar okay so

you have everything that I’m talking

about you’ll have it downloaded it’s

right here this whole thing someone


okay alright so I just wanted to make

sure that you guys are with me here

you’re not checked out okay

a lot of blood blood pressure Wow okay

atrial fib well you’re going to be glad

that you’re listening to this because

there’s things that you can do okay

great I’m sorry to hear that but alright

so let me just open this little guy here

okay cool let me just go back here okay

what are the risks of high tissue soft

tissue calcium ten times the risk of

atrial fib five times the risk of stroke

three times heart attack five five times

blood pressure twenty five times at risk

for kidney stones and four times for

GERD so you know it’s so interesting

that the doctor tells us to take calcium

in the central silver you never ever

ever ever ever want to take something

called calcium carbonate that’s the

worst thing you can do and people are

taking like like 2,000 milligrams of

that stuff especially women after

menopause sin it’s like it’s just taking

a rock it’s not going to absorb it’s

just going to clog up your arteries and

that’s not the way to build your bones

either okay so now I want to talk about

vitamin k2 what is vitamin k2 vitamin k2

is going to be the next probably next

superfood because this vitamin is a

recently discovered by them and it

transports calcium to your bones and

your teeth and it helps make your

arteries and joints more elastic in

other words it transports soft tissue

calcium out of the wrong places out of

the arteries

there’s even cardiologists that are

recommending this to clean out your

arteries this is great for low blood

pressure lowering blood pressure so if

you’re pregnant you need to be taking

k2y because the baby will come out with

really good teeth that they won’t need

braces they won’t have deformed dental

structures they won’t have an underbite

or an overbite if you’re deficient in k2

you get a dowager’s hump that’s that

hump on your back you shrink in age so

k2 makes your bones really sell it this

is the key vitamin that activates a bone

grub formation and making your bones

really solid I was taking this when I

broke my shoulder and my left elbow in

the last five years um okay so vitamin D

what that does is it helps absorb

calcium from the gut into the blood okay

so if it basically increases the calcium

absorption by 20 times from your

intestines but vitamin D does not does

not necessarily push the calcium all the

way in the bone it works with k2 but k2

needs vitamin d3 to activate to be

activated so they both work together in

nature you will always see them together

okay and this is why people say well why

do I have to take d3 with k2 what can I

just take k2 well it’s just not going to

work is effectively now vitamin k1 that

has to do with regulating calcium to

help you clot to heal and you

ek1 but k1 has about 8 different

proteins and some of them are

anti-clotting in other words our

clotting depending what you need so when

people are on warfarin which is like rat

poison which is for thinning of the

blood boy that can really throw off

their ability to heal but you do need k1

with k2 I always recommend taking

vitamin K in a complex take 1 & 2

together with all the factors that way

you’re not missing anything because they

both work together ok k2 is essential

for preventing something like this and

under bite overbite humpback cavities

tartar and teeth I tell you I wish I

would have known about this with my kids

that would have been really really cool

even myself I wish I would have known

about this but ok so art Harding of the

arteries sufficient k2 you don’t get

calcium deposits in the arteries okay

lacking k2 your honour’s become stiff

blood pressure starts kicking in some of

you are already on k2 and some of you

have seen the some of the videos I’ve

done in case studies where I’ve had

patients take k2 and with a matter of 30

30 to 90 days you can see a nice

reduction of blood pressure and chest

pain angina so when you have a too much

calcium and too little K 2 you get blood

pressure arrhythmias which are basically

your hearts out of rhythm because the

electrical see that calcium is also

accumulating on the nerves as well and

you ever see people that twitch on the

left eye or they have like little facial

twitches that’s because the calcium is

building up on that nerve heart attack


osteoporosis and osteopenia where do you

get k2 grass-fed organic animal products

pasture-raised pasture-raised not


pasture-raised like chickens that

actually go in the pasture and eat the

grass I always buy organic

pasture-raised eggs not pasteurized eggs

butter Kerrygold butter that’s grass-fed

grass-fed kefir um when I was a kid I

craved butter like it was crazy I would

I would eat a pound of butter in one

sitting little did I know I was trying

to get this darn k2 and I had every

single cup tooth filled with cavities

because I so much sugar I probably would

have been protected if I had that much

k2 but I didn’t know it at the time I

was raised in Wisconsin where they had

cows and we had really good butter and

everything was cool but interesting why

I craved that butter that means your

vitamin two deficient you can also if

you’re a vegetarian you can get in from

nted foods such as NATO as well goose

liver and it’s actually another liver as

well certain cheeses such as brie and

gouda now isn’t it interesting what are

the doctors telling you to do for the

last 50 years avoid fat of go lean you

know don’t consume fatty foods stay away

from fat well guess what that did that

get causes cause so many problems of the

heart calcification of the heart that’s

that’s vitamin d3 in k2r fat soluble

vitamins you get them from the fat now

I’m going to talk about cholesterol for

a second I know some of you are still

kind of stuck on the cholesterol is bad

for you it’s going to clog my arteries

but let me just explain something your

body makes 2,000 milligrams of

cholesterol every single day yeah mm

it’s there to make vitamin D it’s there

to make bile bi le to help you absorb

nutrients it’s there to make stress

hormones it’s there to heal the body the

lens of the eye is fed cholesterol it’s

to make serotonin every single cell in

your body almost every cell makes

cholesterol interesting so if your body

makes it why is it so bad it’s the wrong

target it’s been the wrong target this

whole time so I’m going to show you

something that’s quite interesting and I

think I’ll be able to show you this

right here okay so I have my writing

board right here and the Framingham

study I don’t know if I’m going to be

able to do this because everything might

be backwards but let’s give it a try I

think it is backwards so if you have

high cholesterol let’s say 350 and you

have low say it’s 120 what they did is

they found one out of a hundred no I’m

sorry one of them a thousand people will

die of a heart attacks with low

cholesterol and they found two out of a

thousand will die out of the some from

high cholesterol so if we go one two two

that’s an increase of a hundred percent

right and that’s how they calculate it

you have a hundred percent at risk for

getting a heart attack

it sounds pretty scary but what’s what’s

wrong with this picture

these are fractions they’re not whole

numbers if we divide these correctly

it’s really a 0.1% increase 1/10 of 1%

increase if I told you you have a one

point one ten to one percent chance of

getting heart attacks would you take the

statins will you take the drugs probably

not so they have to use a term that it

has no legal definition called risk

they’ll never say rate they’ll say risk

and by the way I’m going to get into

statins in a little bit um lipitor this

is amazing lipitor

you know what that you know which they

make they made over a hundred billion

dollars and the only study that showed

that it had some positive

cholesterol-lowering ability show toes

only for men they’re high-risk and it

said three out of a hundred people who

take lipitor will have a heart no I’m


three out of 100 that don’t take lipitor

have heart attacks two out of a hundred

that take lipitor won’t have a heart


so they said it’s a 33% reduction so

that’s one out of a hundred less for

every hundred people only one people one

person less will actually not have a

heart attack but this is not death rate

just heart attack we don’t they don’t

die but they did find out by taking

lipitor your overall death rate does go

up this side effect is there’s class

action I think this class action suits

right now

side effects liver damage diabetes

memory loss I mean it’s like

unbelievable unbelievable um so this

whole rush of lowering cholesterol

cholesterol used to be 125

I’m sorry 225 now they’ve brought it

down the to 200 and they put everyone on

at high risk okay good so um a lot of

you are already trying to k2 awesome

okay good lot of questions but I have to

finish this someone asked about vitamin

F yep um I have just so much information

I just have to type it but I want to

know is this backwards can you this is

everything backwards can you read it I

mean I’m looking at it from a different

viewpoint but okay let me go back into

this check this out let me just go right


yeah lipitor unbelievable Inc

significantly increasing diabetes I

cannot believe it’s still on the market

bad effects fatten users have a 21

percent increased risk of death compared

to placebo oh my gosh

and also look at this statins 400 over

400% increased risk of serious adverse

cardiovascular events cancer muscle pain

elevated see what I noticed when people

take lipitor or statins they get a lot

of pain joint pain that’s the side

effect okay so let’s say your

cholesterol is really really high what

can you take I recommend niacin niacin

is probably one of the most effective

things of lowering cholesterol but the

other thing you have to do is that get

the sugar out of the diet it’s the sugar

that makes the cholesterol more than

eating cholesterol makes your high

cholesterol I consume lots of cheese

lots of egg yolks lots of fat and my

cholesterol is is under 600 now I’m just


it’s probably like 170 I mean I want it

to go up a little higher because that

cholesterol actually is there to help

make adrenal hormones and it’s not as

long as you’re under 225 you’re good but

we want to look at the the ratios of

good and bad cholesterol which I’ll get

into but the point is that you want to

get off the sugar or the hidden sugars

if you’re if you have high cholesterol

if you want to lower it niacin is a good

remedy it’s a B vitamin b3 okay we

talked about vitamin D it helps you

absorb calcium in the gut by twenty

twenty times transports calcium from the

gut to your blood it helps activate k2

and it helps lower blood pressure okay

that’s cool but why are people deficient

in vitamin D it’s mainly because of high

levels of cortisol cortisol from stress

blocks the absorption vitamin D yes it

could be lack of sun another cause could

be lack of a good gall bladder that

produces the bile let’s say you don’t

have a gall bladder chances are you

don’t have the file to absorb button or

D or the other fat type of item and so

you’re going to take

some bile supplement the bile is

necessary to help you absorb all the fat

cyber vitamins vitamin D k2 vitamin E

and vitamin A ok so now the other thing

is high blood pressure depression bone

pain loss of bone low immune system so

cod liver oil color oil is a really good

way to get a nice balance of vitamin A

vitamin D but it’s what I would

recommend get that virgin cod liver oil

because right now you don’t really I

don’t really trust lot of these

companies they could refine it the ad

vitam is in there

virgin cod liver oil is the absolute

best and by the way the blue-ice the

fermented cod liver oil there’s no such

thing you can’t prevent an oil it’s just

going to go rancid that’s why it tastes

so fishy yes I did recommend it in the

past but it’s I was like wait a second

you can only ferment carbohydrate not

oils so I don’t it’s it’s just I don’t I

don’t trust them ok so fatty fish eggs

have vitamin D dairy those are all real

good sources now vitamin D excess like

like ups let’s say the doctor gives you

fifty thousand international units once

a week I think that’s an excess but

especially if it’s not taken every day

it’s just like once a week but here’s

the thing vitamin D excess really is a

k2 deficiency if you take k2 you won’t

become vitamin D toxic okay so when they

talk about international units like for

example ten thousand international units

of vitamin D is really one milligram

it’s not that much but even 50,000 IU’s

it’s not that much but if you do like

one hundred or two hundred thousand and

I use out of indeed without the k2

you’re going to get hypercalcemia that’s

too much calcium and arteries just

because you’re loading it up but you’re

not taking the k2 to deliver it into the


okay so anyway you not if you know

people friends or family taking d3 by

itself just tell them to take the cake -

it’ll be they’ll be good we talked about

the stages of micromanaging and the

vitamin C deficiency here’s a good anti

soft tissue calcium protocol

I recommend 40,000 I use of d3 40,000 I

use and then 400 micrograms okay of Kate

Kate Kate - it should be that’s a typo

and there’s two versions of k2 one

version is at mk4 and the other version

is okay MK 7 MK 7 is natural MK 4 is

synthetic i I used and I recommend MK 7

the one that I sell has vitamin k1 and

k2 together and it’s in its 100

micrograms per tablet or capsule but you

take these together you take them in the

morning with a little bit of Kerrygold

butter or with your eggs or with some

fat that’s how you take it and you might

need to take it for several months to

see the changes depending on how much

calcium that you have

okay so we’re switching gears here we’re

going to talk about vitamin E um

vitamin E okay this is interesting

vitamin E in nature comes in a complex

we never as a individual fractionated to

confer all like most people get vitamin

E most people don’t know that

synthetic high amounts actually create

more problems for people if they take a

long-term I mean I would recommend maybe

if you’re doing a short detox for like a

month but long-term vitamin D has not

been shown good on your body but vitamin

E increases the oxygen carrying capacity

it prevents cramping of the heart it’s

if you take a look on every single

mountaintop that people that climbers

have climbed these large mountaintops

you will see

two bottles of vitamin E complex because

it increases oxygen carrying capacity

for high altitudes so they don’t get as

sick if they take the vitamin E so it

increases oxygen so if you don’t have

money your heart will cramp it’s also

good for acne sex organs menopausal

women especially after menopause a lot

of women need vitamin E because the

pituitary is strained because it now has

to do the adrenals have to kick it

harder and then the ovaries aren’t

working so the pituitary becomes more

deficient by the mini because you’re not

going to need as much vitamin E to run

those ovaries anymore so you see a lot

of dry skin you see heart problems

things like that okay so but WebMD says

that vitamin E harms more than it helps

you know the same website that promotes

drugs right there pretty much run by

drug companies here’s the data on that

the studies that show show that vitamin

E harms you they’ve used high potency

synthetic tocopheryl alpha tocopheryl

which is one little tiny piece of the

vitamin E complex in high potencies but

made synthetically they they do not do

Studies and natural vitamin E and that’s

why it comes out bad so this is a

natural vitamin E complex you have

there’s actually eight to cough rows

alpha beta Delta Gamma and it keeps

going on and up xanthine selenium

vitamin F 1 to e 2 these are all vitamin

E come parts of the vitamin E complex so

when you’re getting a synthetic - kafra

you’re just getting an eggshell you’re

not getting the whole thing

I mean vitamin E especially with dr.

rules royalties research I mean he’s

he’s you could take angina and just turn

it off within 10 minutes by giving the

person vitamin A - or the vitamin E

complex I had a guy several people come

into my office with what

severe angina and I load them up with

you too and they do very very well

okay so let’s say enjoying a left

shoulder pain but now here’s a question

why would you be deficient in E vitamin

E well it’s because it’s um I already

went through that because it’s a refined

flour disease it’s bleached flour when

they bleach the flour to make breads

pasta cereal crackers viscous waffles

pancakes when you consume the flour

products that are bleach it destroys all

the vitamin E in your body that’s why

chloride bleach so chlorine is very

reactive to vitamin E it oxidizes

vitamin E so anytime you have a history

of eating sugar refined sugar refined

flour you’re going to create some

serious vitamin E complexes vitamin

deficiencies and that’s really any

people anyone that you know that it’s

angina they’re typically consuming way

too much bread pasta sort of things like

that so if you did Ezekiel bread that

probably would be a lot better okay now

we’re going to switch to another

electrolyte called the sodium myth all

right we talked about calcium we talked

about vitamin D vitamin k2 and I’m going

fast because I just have a lot of data

sodium to check this out the risk for

death from any cause appeared 24%

greater for those consuming lower salts

what this goes against everything that’s

right why do we need so D imodium has an

RDA a recommended amount a requirement

of roughly about 2,400 milligrams that’s

a teaspoon of sea salt a day that’s how

much we need if you lower your salt

intake you basically and you increase

your water intake you dehydrate your

cells and you put lots of stress on the


okay so low salt diet

create a lot of weakness within the

heart and the person may lower the blood

pressure a little bit but the heart

suffers because it doesn’t have the

electrolyte so all this water drinking

without the salt you’re just going to

basically dilute the body in and cause

massive dehydration and so we need salt

it’s not bad

sea salt is totally fine but realize

when you when you have sodium chloride

40 percent of that is sodium and 60

percent of it’s chloride so really it’s

not necessarily you can’t take like a

teaspoon of salt and think you’re

getting a hundred percent sodium you’re

getting only lessen half of that is

actual sodium just FYI and guess what

we need the so of the salt the chlorides

to build up the stomach acids if you

have a low salt diet you end up having

heartburn because you don’t have the raw

material to build up the hydrochloric

acid then you can absorb the calcium and

the statins cause deficiency of of all

the electrolytes except calcium so the

whole thing is set up to make to propel

or to enhance more heart problems it’s

crazy okay

diuretics diuretics deplete potassium

sodium magnesium but they keep the

calcium they’re crazy crazy so here you

are trying to lower your blood pressure

but guess what you’re lowering the

electrolytes that’s going to create high

blood pressure see potassium and

magnesium lower blood pressure they’re

calming minerals they relax the body

calcium increases blood pressure the

other thing is that um potassium is

necessary to hydrate if you have high

blood pressure and let’s say you’re you

want to keep eating salt and you lighten

you’re craving salt what you should do

is just increase your potassium intake

to offset the the excess sodium so let

me show you this real fast because so

look at this right here so we have

sodium and potassium they work together

you need forty seven hundred milligrams

need about a thousand to twenty three

hundred or twenty-four hundred

milligrams so we need four times as much

potassium but what most people do is

they consume way too much sodium from

the monosodium glutamate in the Chinese

food the junk food the chips like me I

used to have the huge bag of chips I

would have mass amounts of salt if your

adrenals are weak you need salt as well

so if salt is not a bad thing but you

know you ever notice why sometimes you

crave sweet and then you create salt

back and forth you’re trying to get more

hydrated potassium will help balance the

sodium no does this they’re heavy here

and so the doctor saying lower this no

no we need to increase this potassium is

what we need to increase forget the bit

to add a sodium that’s easy to get from

the diet this is hard to get okay so

someone says what can I do to increase

my cholesterol start consuming more

cholesterol foods that could bring it

where I would even worry about it that’s

too low I mean it really depends if it’s

really too low but typically you want to

start consuming more cholesterol to help

balance it because your body will just

make more if you actually eat less all

right so someone says I do thirty k ds

so here’s the rule of thumb between d3

and k2 it should be 100 micrograms to

10,000 IU’s of d3 one

I’m sorry 100 micrograms of k2 to 10,000

IU’s of d3 this is I use international

units micrograms k2 that’s the ratio now

it could be different from person to

person but that’s just a general ratio

that you might want to follow okay

someone’s asking about G butter yeah you

can do grass peggy all day long that’s

totally fine alright so let me see here

you guys have a lot of good questions

lottie’s questions are going to be

answered as we go through but I just

wanted to show you that one thing there

okay now let’s talk about magnesium wow

this is a really important mineral in

relationship to atrial fibrillation and

arrhythmia problems magnesium works with

calcium magnesium cleans out the

receptor for calcium when the heart

contracts magnesium cleans up the

calcium silicon relax

if you can’t relax if your muscles can’t

let go you need magnesium of course you

need potassium as well but magnesium is

a really key mineral I do not recommend

magnesium oxide um you can do the

magnesium Pico which is the Micra very

small amounts um but honestly I’ll show

you where I like to get I’d like to get

my magnesium from food I’ll tell you

what food has the highest in a bit but

check this out magnesium is a major

electrolyte in the heart it it controls

the heartbeat in the relaxation phase it

works closely with calcium and potassium


considered a natural channel a calcium

channel blocker so what they really

should do is is give you the magnesium

instead of the calcium channel blocker

especially for blood pressure the

highest concentrations of magnesium are

in your left ventricle of your heart

interest interesting so this is what

happens the contraction of the heartbeat

the relaxation of the magnesium calcium

magnesium working together if you’re

deficient you get arrhythmias rapid

heartbeat stiff arteries because

magnesium will help lower calcium high

blood pressure angina excessive calcium

mitral valve prolapse overactive stress

hormones I mean think about how many

people have these problems so a lot of

these these nutrients tend to cross over

and help other problems not just it’s

not just like if you’re deficient by

museum you need this you need kind of

all the electrolytes in the right

amounts now if you wanted it here’s

people I just want to say well we’re

gonna do a test well first of all

doctors never ever test magnesium and

even if they do like patatas

electrolytes aren’t always in the blood

they’re in the cells so rarely do they

show up and even your body will pull

minerals from your bone to keep your

blood normal so it’s not always the best

way to assess if you want to check your

magnesium um get a red blood a magnesium

red blood cell test okay you can get

them online and test it if you wanted to

test it okay so check this out this is


chlorophyll chlorophyll is the green of

the plant magnesium is in leafy greens

okay that’s where you get it because

it’s in it’s the main mineral in

chlorophyll wow that’s cool so it’s

actually green so it gives you um or

actually reflects green it doesn’t

absorbs all the other colors so it

reflects green so it becomes green so

chlorophyll is how you get the magnesium

um and yes

I get it from my wheatgrass juice powder

its raw organic unheated grown on an

ancient seed bed so you have all the

trace minerals with mass amounts of

magnesium it has a very calming effect

it’s wonderful for the heart it’s a

hundred percent absorbable so that’s how

I get my magnesium

I’ll take always take my wheatgrass with

the k2 + d3 together and I really if I

don’t take them together it’s I feel

doesn’t feel as good but chlorophyll ok

let’s talk let’s shift our gears to

potassium real fast the task and

efficiency interesting interesting

interesting the potassium controls the

heart rate okay if you’re deficient in

potassium you have a high poverty and

you will also have a labored heart beat

a strong heart beat that you will be

able to hear in your inner ear when you

put your head in the pillow potassium

becomes depleted after a heavy

carbohydrate meal okay I think I’ve told

you guys the story up when I was getting

married and we’re out looking for this

is 25 years ago I was looking for

wedding cakes and so we find this

Italian restaurant and they were closing

up and this is after having a pizza I

had that bread I had this dessert I had

the wine I had all this carbohydrate

right and then they’re going to shoot

out all these desserts were the last

people there so of course I couldn’t see

that go to waste so I said hey hold up

bring that over here and we started

eating all these samples of all these

cakes I remember driving home and I

noticed I’m like I don’t feel right I

feel incredibly thirsty right now I did

not sleep one little minute I was my

heart was beating that’s because it

created a potassium deficiency um so in

other words carbohydrates refined

carbohydrates are very bad for potassium

all right so potassium controls a heart

rate I saw this online I just thought

this was kind of funny someone was

making a comment on might have been

Yahoo or something it says I’ve been a

little I’ve done a little bit of

research I’ve done a little bit of

googling and searching nutrition

textbooks and I haven’t been able to

find the sources that explain how RDA is

for potassium got to be so much more

than any person normally eats that is so

funny well that’s because no one eats

what they need this is right here the

RDAs implied that there would be some

benefit to reaching the target where

some elevated risk of falling short of

it does anyone know what research it was

it led to the recommendation listen we

don’t want to we don’t um form our


rdas based on what the population eats

okay that’s really bad we want if we

want to eat what we recommend tea you

know like from like certain nutrient

requirements so this is what you’d have

to do you’d have to have like eight

bananas five avocados to eat your

potassium it’s very difficult to get

potassium because bananas only is like

300 milligrams you need 4700 avocados

have 800 milligrams so where do you get

your potassium right there salad leafy

greens because you know why because

you’ll get the magnesium as well you get

the potassium magnesium you’ll get even

sodium in nature

sodium always comes a little bit lower

in vegetables but you that’s why we have

salt sea salt so what should you do you

really need to start increasing your

vegetables why because the pills if you

take potassium pills and magnesium pills

they those are individual called

elemental minerals they’re not in the

right combinations always and it’s

really hard to know how much you have to


it’s much better if you have the food or

a food concentrate so you need bigger

salads if I had a heart problem if I had

higher blood pressure I would be

consuming no less than ten cups of salad

every single day and make sure the

lettuce is really high-quality make sure

it’s good if you want spinach that’s

totally fine but that’s how you want to

start to reverse this heart problem

okay we’re switching gears vitamin B

complex now how many of you have ever

heard a vitamin before before that’s not

that’s not a Congre well as you already

know the first B vitamin that was ever

discovers b1 right and then it goes B to

3 and then what 5 and 6 and 8 and 10 and

12 there’s actually a vitamin b4

you can look it up and b4 is is an

amazing umm nerve conduction vitamin

that helps snap the heart back into tone

it helps the tone of the heart it’s

wonderful for fibrillation and it’s

wonderful for a large heart when the

heart becomes deficient in vitamin

before it starts to Sag in droop and it

loses tone and that’s called in a large

tart or cardiomegaly and then what

happens the valves don’t close like they

should because they have now stretched

out and then you get murmurs so be

vitamin deficiencies create murmurs and

a couple sources of the B vitamins you

can get it from nutritional yeast which

by the way is kind of half of I have a

nutritional yeast product is called

adrenal de formula because half of it is

nutritional yeast

but it’s no synthetics it’s very

difficult to get nutritional yeast

without having it fortified with

synthetics but guess what else has to be

complex including before we grass juice

powder or wheat grass it contains

most all of the b-complex which is very

cool because it has the magnesium the

vitamin C it has the key doesn’t have

the k2 but it has all electrolytes okay

so that’s the B for complex now how do

you become deficient in before by

consuming too many refined flour

products and um sugar and that’s why

they enrich the all the flour products

with B vitamins by the way because they

when they refine the food they deplete

the B vitamin C when I was doing all

this research with the heart-machine um

you could see some cereal when you do

people like the B complex you can see

changes within ten minutes on the heart

heartbeats of course I’m not going to

make any claims because the heart the

cardiovascular industry is highly

suppressive with anything alternative so

here’s my disclaimer all this

information is educational it’s for your


before you apply in it apply any to see

your doctor

I’m not making any claims that any of

this will cure you of any diseases okay

that’s my disclaimer okay let’s go to

coronary constriction now the coronary

artery is the heart the artery that

surrounds the heart and a lot of times

it gets constricted and it tightens up

and it goes in a spasm and that’s

because the person is running out of

adrenal hormones when the adrenal gland

becomes weakened there’s two things that

happen the blood pressure goes up but

the coronary artery becomes I’m sorry

the coronary artery gets constricted and

the the lung becomes constricted so you

have like a constricted lung asthma and

you have heart problems angina so if you

have coronary heart constriction or

spasm or bronchial stuff or asthma I’m

going to recommend you support the

adrenal gland and again I have a lot of

different products for that but I

recommend the new one for that which is

the Corrib it’s called them

cortisol support formula it’s seriously

powerful support to any chronic

inflammatory problems but for the heart

it’s really good especially if you have

like a spasm like that okay so check

this out so if we have a muscular

problem we have the muscle cramp low

vitamin e to anti spasm coronary its

adrenal arrhythmias is low magnesium low

potassium high calcium low pulse rate is

low potassium

I’m sorry high pulse rate is low

potassium low pulse rate is low adrenals

or low salt valvular problems murmurs or

B vitamin deficiencies vascular clogged

arteries is lo que to low vitamin C

blood pressure low potassium high sodium

so if we just kind of scan like let’s

look at this for a second you get all

these electrolytes right and you got

these B vitamins there’s a common thread

here you have to eat more vegetable

definitely sea salt leafy greens but

look at you need more fat you need more

grass-fed fat that’s what people are

missing the combination of the grass-fed

meats or the fat and the vegetable is it

be the perfect diet for the heart but

guess what Health Care says avoid fat

eggs butter salt sixty Peter that whole

grains drink two glasses wine take your

lipitor diuretics take your calcium

channel blockers and that ignited this

there’s no difference drink all your

water take your vitamin D without k2 and

it doesn’t show up on a test you’re fine

I mean it’s just it’s just it’s

outrageous it’s just basically honestly

from my viewpoint it’s the biggest scam

on the planet right now there’s no

health and health care it’s missing now

there are some hidden little things that

you can run into if you’re taking these

fats I love item ins if you don’t have a

gallbladder or if you have low bile you

won’t be able to absorb the fat Seibel

vitamins so in that case I recommend the

gallbladder formula because that will

help you absorb it and also if your

stomach has low acids

and how do you know if you have low

stomach acids well if you eat and you

get indigestion or if you get heartburn

or acid reflux then you need more acid

that means that you’re not going to pull

the minerals in so your muscles are

going to be all spasmodic and hard and

your hearts going to suffer because of

it real quickly the liver the liver is

the backup chamber like a sponge for the

heart and if the liver is bad it won’t

be able to back up the heart as much in

that case it puts a lot of stress on the

heart so a bad liver will put stress in

the heart and that’s why if you have a

liver problem you should always sleep on

your right side so the heart sits on top

of the liver not so your liver sits on

top of that heart stomach acids decrease

with age so a lot of people just need to

tweak the they need to tweak their

stomach acids like without cider vinegar

that would be really really important

okay so I just crammed a lot of data um

I just want to take a little break here

just see if there’s any questions can

you borrow boiled parsley yeah you can

for potassium yeah it’s really hard to

kill the potassium if you heat it um I

still drink apple cider vinegar but it

does give me heartburn ironically well

that could be you need probably some

more probiotics to start building up

down here because some people have

something called gastritis they have

little information that that might not

they might need to kind of work on their

bowels a bit more before they certify

the stomach because I’ve had I had some

people were they episode vinegar didn’t

do well on them and so we gave them the

liquid probiotic and they did really

well on that so that’s how you can

acidify your body

alright coconut

that water does have electrolytes it’s

like the perfect electric it’s just a

little bit high in sugar if you’re

trying to lose weight baking soda is not

good I don’t recommend baking soda it’s

going to alkalize you um okay

how much magnesium should I take well

guess what I’m gonna give you the

download in fact I’m gonna give it to

you right now you guys want the download

well we’re not done yet but I’m just I

want to send you the download so you

Lise have let me see if I can send it to


I think this is it try that and then I’m

going to try to send a download to

everyone you see here tell me if you got

it and then what I’ll do is I think I

could send I think I could send

something in the chat I’ll say here yeah

here we go

splay sticky message yeah I think that

worked can you guys get it so you’ll be

able to download the notes because I’m

covering a lot of information and

there’s a lot there’s no way to go


short cut it because there’s just so

much data but I hope you see so there’s

a pattern of things that are telling you

to hey listen you need to start eating

better okay I’m just going to just

really quickly see if there’s any

questions because you got Ivan took

blabbing for a while David said the

cortisol support is awesome help me a

lot thanks dude um it’s really good for

chronic burnt-out people basically okay

okay good you’re getting that awesome

okay all right so let me just get right

back into this because I need to show

you some other things here we go okay so

we grass juice some a lot of you are

already trying to wheatgrass juice

powder wheatgrass juice is very

interesting because wheatgrass has tons

of chlorophyll um the type of wheatgrass

that I recommend is is a wheatgrass

juice powder now to powder just a group

wheatgrass powder so it’s way more

concentrated so one teaspoons are pulled

in to about six to ten shots a

wheatgrass juice that is so much

magnesium it’s crazy so this is a plant

based magnesium with all the trace

minerals with two B vitamins with

vitamin C with potassium so it’s really

good for the heart and these are the

other two things anti soft-tissue

calcium affect vitamin k2 this is the

mk7 version that’s the natural one and

then v3 my t3 comes in 10,000 IU’s per

pill so that way it’s just a one to one

ratio to keep it simple when people are

taking this some people even have a

little more crust coming out of there

inside their eye in the morning

that’s calcium coming out we’re tartar I

mean they might have a little more

tartar as it comes out sometimes it’s

less but you want to take this until the

inside of your

teeth is real smooth and and no more

calcium buildup but tartar really comes

from a k2 deficiency so this is the if

you notice I actually put a little bit

of vitamin C because vitamin C and

vitamin k2 work together

and a lot of alfalfa 300 milligrams that

gives you all the vitamin k2 complex

nutrients all in one so that way you’re

not just taking k2 you’re taking all

eight versions of k1 so that’s a really

cool benefit best source of magnesium B

vitamin C and potassium the chlorophyll

the only difference between our blood

and magnesium is the mineral magnesium

versus iron so magnesium is a real key

thing that I think people don’t get

enough of because it’s in the leafy

greens so you want to get your minerals

and your fat side with vitamins this is

the protocol that I recommend if you are

using my products raw organic wheatgrass

1 to 2 teaspoons a day one little

scoopers the d3 for in the morning with

breakfast for k2 in the morning with

breakfast now this is if you have a

problem if you don’t have a problem then

you can just take one to one and

maintain it and maintain it so you can

prevent a problem but I’m talking about

if you want to lower blood pressure and

clean up the heart now I always at these

webinars give people a little break a

discount on things and so if you wanted

to get any of my products I give you I’m

giving you a one-time offer that allows

you to UM get a discount so let me just

pull it up right here if I could find it

yeah so you would want to you want to

get that coupon code and then you can

use it one time within the next 25 hours

and you can get any wheatgrass

unless you already have it

or the k2 whatever you want to get and

you just tell you order it up on website

and you can just click on put the code

in you get the discount and then that

way you can take something that is

high-quality now the other thing is that

one of the problems that people are

taking with the k2 is they’re taking the

MK 4 version so I’m going to explain

what MK 4 version is that is a synthetic

version and the lot of the studies have

not come out yet on the long term

effects of taking that synthetically I

experimented on myself and others and

I’ve not seen the results so mk7 is the

version that you would want from the k2

and if you’re vegetarian that’s that’s

mean you take Nadeau and my my um k2 is

vegetarian NATO is a non GMO the one I

use is non-gmo soy fermented soy product

from Japan and there is a dish that you

can consume personally it’s I think it’s

very disgusting but it’s filled with k2

and what happens the k2 kind of goes

into the body and it starts to slowly

extract calcium from the body and when

it pulls it out it puts it into the bone

and it makes it really solid so that’s

what k2 does um the other thing I wanted

to mention is I wanted to just to kind

of give you a little summary here so

this is calcium this is potassium

magnesium and sodium okay so now let’s

take a look so make sodium is sea salt

also low-sodium will actually cause low

stomach acids sodium if you’re low

sodium it will actually create a

dehydration so potassium will lower the

pulse rate remember what foods deplete

potassium sugar

remember what foods butea decrease

vitamin B for refined grains bleached

flour disease and then you have e to or

a vitamin E complex that’s for angina

and refined flour products there another

problem and then we have potassium how

do you know if you’re deficient in

potassium you’re craving sweets sweet

cravings means you’re low on potassium

plus you need about seven to ten cups of

vegetables per day honestly I do ten

cups in one sitting it’s not that hard

you can blend it in a kale shake if you

want um

potassium is also necessary for heart

strength as well so if you’re feeling

weak you could be low on potassium

calcium most people get enough calcium

very easily from there from a little bit

of dairy and from the vegetables so you

can get calcium from your vegetables but

calcium needs to absorb in an acid

medium calcium will cause high blood

pressure calcium is involved in the

clotting or the formation of a clot and

you need k2 to lower calcium and d3

magnesium is in leafy greens and

chlorophyll magnesium is good for heart

rhythm problems like arrhythmias atrial

fibrillation also angina vitamin E is

high-altitude oxygen gives you more

oxygen so you can breathe better and any

cramps that you have you can try try

vitamin E too

vitamin E will make you stronger people

that are weak need vitamin E especially

the muscles now what happens is that if

you need some calcium I recommend you

get it from food not from a supplement

and so you can can like a little bit of

cheese grass-fed cheese things like that

but how do you know that you need

calcium if you have leg cramps or your

your toes are cramped okay let me just

see if there’s any quick questions what

about bananas bananas have 300

milligrams of potassium you need 4700 so

how many men is when you need you need a

lot so we got blood pressure high blood

pressure one of the things you have to

take for high blood pressure magnesium

potassium K 2 and D 3 right arrhythmias

you want magnesium potassium are good

and what about high pulse rate what do

you take for that potassium C the

hardest nutrients to get is potassium

potassium because you need so much

magnesium most an average diet is low in

magnesium as well but not as much as


so mainly we are deficient in potassium

and magnesium as a main thing in k2

we’re high usually in sodium we’re

really high in calcium and that’s why we

have the problems okay good so I just

want to see if there’s any questions so

someone says I wrote to in 2016 you call

in the office okay and I’ll go if you

have a question I’ll be more than happy

to talk to you but awesome about getting

the success I want to I want to actually

get your success story now as far as a

pacemaker goes you have three pacemakers

in the heart if you already had a

pacemaker put in you have an artificial

pacemaker is really you still want the

nutrition but you you might want to

you’re not going to be able to obviously

fix that because it’s being artificially

uh synchronized in the beat but Mike my

father has a pacemaker and it’s

interesting that he lost all of his

teeth like what’s up with that so I know

he was deficient in the k2

I know his diet wasn’t that great but

the point is that if you can start out

your kids your grandkids with these

nutrients with the electrolytes with the

diet with the k2 they won’t have all

these problems like we do okay some

other people are asking can you ship to

Europe yes we can ship here you’d have

to just email so we can tell you the

specific cost of that um when planning

come to your clinic arm to fly how long

do I stay in town well we could find out

based on what kind of problems you have

you just call us there’s a hotel down

the street a lot of times people stay

for a few days to a week and then we

work on you

um let’s see here Wow your cholesterol

is 110 I think that’s fine I don’t think

that’s the problem okay

anxiety panic attacks cause ristmas yes

I need to cover that because stress we’d

even talk about stress so let me just

kind of cover that real fast and I’m

going to end up because I promise one


um the adrenal glands back up the heart

rate the adrenal glands produce

adrenaline cortisol and those severely

keep you up at night to prevent the

sleeping and they also create a lot of

stress in the heart if you’re not

sleeping your heart’s going to suffer

bad so there’s a new adrenal thing I

have is called a vegan formula it’s

called adrenal night formula it’s a 30

day supply that is a little bit stronger

than the other one I had and that’s what

I would use for sleep if you can’t sleep

if you sleep your stress goes down if

you can’t sleep the stress goes up but

over years of constant stress that can

really burn your heart out and so you’re

gonna have to support the adrenal glands

because when you lose the function of

adrenal glands your coronary starts

tightening up and you can Han China

that’s why people like stress induced

heart attacks so you’re going to have to

work on that with your adrenals so

there’s a lot more to cover about with

with the nervous system connection with

the heart but I wanted to give you a

quick summary of the nutrition

connection to the heart did you guys

learn something that you that you never

knew before and did you enjoy the

education that you got of course there’s

a delay let me someone says give me the

they need the code again let me just

give you that code okay

right here there’s the code let me see

if I could put it over here this is the

code that you would type in or just save

it and you can use it as a one-time

thing to get a discount on my web

website which by the way I just upgraded

so I made it a little bit cleaner to

look at but it’s the same information so

anyway I want to thank you guys because

you’re giving me I’m glad you’re

enjoying it I’m so glad that you’ve got

some great things out of this I want to

just kind of give you some of the heart

I’m going to be doing more of these in

the future thank you for sticking around

this late unless you’re in California is

probably early but I want to thank you

and definitely apply what we taught you

tonight and please send me your success

stories and spread the word and we’ll

see you in the next seminar okay all

right guys have a good one