How to Cure Hiccups (INSTANTLY!) - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about how to cure hiccups

almost instantly now what is the hiccup

well the diaphragm which connects the

upper cavity from the abdominal cavity

right here these two muscles

um goes into spasm and that interrupts

your vocal cords creating a hick sound

okay so that’s

what it is

triggers involve laughing excessive


i remember in the past when i prepared


a talk right i would practice right

before my live presentation i would be

practicing what i’m going to say right

and sometimes i’d be going really fast

and then i would get the hiccups

and now i have to wait

for a period of time before they go away

because you can’t do a presentation with

hiccups i really wish i would have known

what to do back then but i’m going to

show you what to do but if you’re eating

too fast you can get these hiccups if

you’re stressed you can get these

hiccups and so people tell you that oh

yeah you just need to hold your breath

drink water upside down breathe into a

paper bag or breathe really slowly okay

and your hiccups will go away now the

question is do any of these work but the

bigger question is what’s going on what

is causing this problem

you know

a solution depends on really

understanding the problem and medicine

it’s all about taking a problem and then

treating it there’s this huge gap in

understanding the problem so you can


fix the root cause but it’s not about

root causes it’s about let’s suppress

the symptom and let’s keep suppressing

the symptom and let’s create this

solution that only lasts for 24 hours so

you have to keep taking the solution

over and over now before i get into

how to fix this i just want to explain

how i approach

figuring out things okay

let’s just take for example this symptom

called gerd

which is a condition where your valve on

the top of the stomach is not closing

and you the acid squirts up through into

the esophagus so what i normally do to

figure out something is i will take the


or the problem and compare it to normal

physiology that happens in this area of

the body so in a normal situation when

you eat the valve on the top of the

stomach should close right

but with gerd it’s left open and so the

acid comes back up and then they treat

it with antacids or ppi’s or other types

of medication so when i try to figure

this out

i want to know the mechanism i want to

know what’s called pathophysiology which

is patho means disease and physiology is

how things actually work so i’ll study

normal physiology of the stomach and

pathophysiology of gerd to see if i

could really understand what’s going on

and then come up with a solution now

with gerd

i found some very interesting

information that’s not broadly promoted

that the valve has

sensors for ph



the ph of the stomach should be

extremely acid between one and three

but with gerd i found some data that the

ph is higher it’s more alkaline it’s not

as acid and so apparently what’s

happening with gerd is that valve is not

sensing that the ph is one to three and

it’s not closing like it should when you

eat so that data tells me that what we

need to do with gerd is add more acid to

the stomach and that’s what i did in

practice and it worked like a charm

would give people either retain

hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar and

boom gone i mean think about it antacids

and ppis given to people who have

acid reflux or


or heartburn

have a side effect and one of the side

effects of antacids nppis

is gerd and heartburn and acid reflux so

anyway i just wanted to explain how i

figure these things out because this

relates to hiccups there was a

fascinating research study that i had to

really dig to find this study and it was

done in cats okay this is what they

found this is interesting


stopped immediately when the co2 carbon

dioxide pressure

in the veins

equals the co2 pressure in the arteries

okay now to make this very simple

hiccups stop when you increase

co2 okay that is very very

counterintuitive doesn’t make sense

unless you understand something

if someone gets too much oxygen in their

blood without enough co2 that oxygen

doesn’t bind

or get released like it should and the

person basically starves of oxygen

now how does that relate to hiccups well

guess what what’s happening when you’re

laughing you’re getting a lot of oxygen

excessive talking you’re getting a lot

of oxygen eating too fast you’re getting

a lot of oxygen when you’re stressed a

lot of times you’re hyperventilating

getting too much oxygen and this also

explains why holding your breath

increases co2

making those hiccups go away when you’re

drinking upside down you’re controlling

your breathing okay getting more co2

less oxygen

look what’s happening when you’re

breathing into a bag you’re basically

breathing your carbon dioxide it’s the

carbon dioxide that then balances out

this excess amount of oxygen and allows

the oxygen to finally be bound and

released into the bloodstream and into

the muscles like the diaphragm when

people have too little co2 okay

their ph changes

and becomes more alkaline in alkalosis

everything gets really really tight you

get spasms it affects your breathing and

so one symptom of alkalosis is hiccups

and then hiccups caused by too much

oxygen can then

trigger more alkalosis so it’s kind of a

vicious circle so hiccups are caused by

too much oxygen and not enough co2 and

the best way to get rid of them very

very fast is to increase co2 by doing

any of these right here in fact if you

have a bag

and breathe into it that would work very

nicely or you can just breathe through

your nose not your mouth by slowing your

breath down

five seconds in and five seconds out you

can even hold your breath any one of

these will work as long as you

understand you don’t want to get more

oxygen you want to get less oxygen and

more co2 so if you have that key

understanding which is right here

then you can you can be creative you can


wear a mask right

and uh increase your co2 that way so

anyway the next time you get a hiccup or

someone else around you gets a hiccup

now you know exactly what to do now i’ve

talked a little bit about this in my

video on panic attacks which i give you

a much greater understanding about this

co2 oxygen thing

i would highly recommend checking out

that video if you haven’t seen it i put

it up right here