5 Reasons Why You Need More Salt in Diet? – Dr.Berg on Salt Intake | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the five reasons why

people may need more salt

number one low adrenals your adrenal

glands make hormones that control the

amount of salt in your body

now if the adrenal glands are low let’s

say you’re not producing sufficient

quantity of adrenal hormones as in

Addison’s disease you’re going to be

losing a lot of salt it’s like your body

has a hole in the bucket and the salts

going right through and this is very

dangerous because if you run out of salt

your heart can’t work correctly your

fluids are not balanced correctly your

blood pressure drops too low there’s all

these serious side effects that can

happen everyone’s focused on too much

salt but not a salt deficiency then we

have blood pressure being too low we

mentioned that because the salt actually

holds the fluid to maintain the volume

of blood in your body so if you don’t

have enough salt there’s not the volume

to maintain the blood pressure low back

pain would be another symptom of low

adrenals and by the way as a side note

seventy seven percent of people with

Addison’s have serious low vitamin D

deficiencies and one of the top causes

worldwide for Addison’s which is an

autoimmune disease as TB and the

interesting thing about this microbe is

that it has the ability to block the

vitamin D receptor and it’s a strategy

that certain microbes used to survive

because vitamin D gives you the immune

system protection against certain

microbes especially the epstein-barr

virus and even the HIV virus and another

symptom of low adrenals should be

excessive amounts of calcium the blood

which could lead to kidney stones and

then we have high potassium anytime we

have low salt we’re usually going to

have high potassium because salt

potassium work together weight loss so a

person with Addison’s loses weight and

they have acidosis on the flip side

there’s another condition called

Cushing’s syndrome which has a high

output of adrenal hormones where the

person has too much salts the retaining

salt they have a low potassium they’re


these guys are stressed - they have

belly fat they can’t lose weight they

can’t sleep and they have alkalosis

their blood is excessively too alkaline

so these are a bit opposite the point is

that if you have low adrenals you’re

gonna need more salt okay because your

body is not retaining it so that would

be indication number one low adrenals

need more salt reason number two

excessive water intake there’s a lot of

people that drink a ton of water like

I’m talking on a gallon or more of water

per day and they’re not really sweating

or they’re not taking electrolytes or

they’re not consuming salt if you

consume too much water without the

minerals and mainly I’m talking about

salt that could be dangerous to the

heartbeat because you’re diluting the

minerals and the electrolytes which

creates all sorts of problems just look

up the condition called hyponatremia

which is very dangerous I put a link

down below and that comes from consuming

too much water or water intoxication

you wouldn’t think of water being toxic

but - too much of it can be next one

sweating excessively if you’re an

athlete and let’s say you’re wearing

gear like a football player for example

head gear shoulder pads the whole thing

and it’s a warm day you can lose up to

six grams of salt per hour okay and that

can be very dangerous so if you do a lot

of sweating you need more salt of course

I’m always gonna recommend sea salt and

the best sea salt to consume would be

Himalayan salt that’s very pure salt on

a mountaintop now you also have Celtic

salt and always consume sea salt which

has 84 minerals as compared to table

salt which only has two all right number

four key tell the ketogenic diet can act

as a diuretic and push fluid out of your

body and also with the fluid comes the

minerals and the soul this is why if

you’re on keto you need to consume more

electrolytes and you need to consume

more salt because you might have some of

the symptoms that come along with the

keto adaptation if you’re deficient in

sodium that would be weakness or weak


people that are a high carbohydrate diet

just hold a ton of fluid

okay so wherever the glucose or sugar

goes the water goes so you have a lot of

glucose in the body you hold a lot of

fluid in the body

you’re on keto it’s the opposite you’re

basically gonna release a lot of fluid

so you’re gonna need more salt a minimum

of one teaspoon of sea salt per day and

this includes doing in a minute fasting

just make sure that if you’re not

consuming for one or two days and you’re

consuming when level teaspoon dissolve

it in some water and then spread it out

for the day don’t just drink it all at


the next point I want to bring up is

very very important if you’re consuming

the recommended amount of vegetables

that I recommend which is 710 cups

you’re going to be getting a lot of

potassium foods if you don’t consume

enough salt you can have an imbalance

with a bit too much potassium so if

you’re consuming a lot of veggies you

must also consume enough salt one

teaspoon a day and the other point is my

electrolyte powder one scoop is a

thousand milligrams of potassium there’s

very little sodium in that electrolyte

powder so it’s not necessarily meant for

the athlete that sweats a lot it’s meant

for the average person that’s very low

in potassium so if you’re consuming my

electrolyte powder also add the sea

salts because eventually you’re gonna

have a bit too much potassium and you

may get weak muscles okay

all right so there are other reasons why

you might need salt but these are the

five most common reasons

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