Significantly Boost Your Red Blood Cell (RBC) Production With..... | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about how to strengthen

your red blood cell but before I talk

about that I need to explain what a red

blood cell does in your body

they’re called three-throw sites okay

and they’re there as a method of

carrying oxygen and what they have in

this red blood cell it’s like a sack

with a bunch of hemoglobin and that’s

basically filled with iron and it

connects to oxygen so allows oxygen to

be transported through the body and in

one red blood cell you have 270 million

hemoglobin molecules so it’s quite a bit

of oxygen that cell is carrying your

body makes 2.4 million red blood cells

every single second and they’re made in

a factory inside your long bones a red

blood cell will last between 100 and 120

days and it takes about one minute for a

red blood cell to travel from your lung

all the way through your body and back

to the lung so what the red blood cell

is doing it’s going to the tiny

capillaries and it’s getting squished

and it’s pushing the oxygen into the

tissues that way and it comes back

without oxygen and then you breathe and

it gets reoxygenate it just does this

over and over and over the interesting

thing about the red blood cell is it has

no nucleus that’s the center of the cell

it has no DNA or RNA now what’s

interesting about that is that viruses

use your DNA to replicate so the viruses

can’t hurt or mess with your red blood

cells now as far as the quantity of red

blood cell you have between 20 and 30

trillion red blood cells that makes up

70% of all of your cells so you have a

lot of red blood cells in your body the

other interesting thing about the red

blood cell is that it can’t use ketones

for fuel it uses glucose now you might

say well oh well where is that going to

come from well your body can very easily

make glucose it’s called gluconeogenesis

it could make it from ketones it can

make it from fat

it can make it from protein so you don’t

need to consume glucose to feed your red

blood cell now if you’re deficient in

red blood cells like you’re anemic

whether you have an iron deficiency or a

b12 deficiency and I don’t want to

create a video on problems with your red

blood cell at this point but if you do

have not enough red blood cells you’re

gonna be tired

shortness of breath you’re gonna feel

weak because you you don’t have enough

oxygen through the body so now the

question is what can you do to

strengthen your red blood cells well

first of all to make sure you have

enough iron okay but not too much and

you want to make sure you have b12 very

very important okay

but there’s something else you can do

and it’s called intermittent hypoxia

training now what does that mean

intermittent meaning you’re gonna do

something and then not do it

hypoxia meaning without oxygen or low

oxygen training a lot of top athletes do

this and there’s quite a bit of research

whether they use a mask when they’re

working out or they’re in a chamber or

they have a hypoxic tent there’s many

different ways to actually do this

training so basically you starve oxygen

to the body for a little bit and then

you breathe back in forth now what I

like to do is I like to use a hypoxic

mask not what I’m doing a certain type

of exercises where I’m not breathing

very much I like to do it when I’m

hopping and puffing so I will wear this

mask for about two minutes and then I’ll

take it off for two minutes and I’ll put

it on for two minutes and I’ll restrict

my oxygen I’ve done other videos on

hyperbaric oxygen therapy which is

really really cool because it puts

oxygen into your brain into your tissues

it’s very therapeutic what’s fascinating

about this therapy it’s the exact


we’re taking oxygen from the body now at

first you might think wow this is a

stupid thing to do but if you really

understand what’s happening it’s

actually quite smart when you starve the

body of oxygen for a short period of

time not a long period of time you

trigger certain genes

that create significant changes within

the red blood cell you increase the red

blood cell production by up to ten times

so instead of making 2.4 million red

blood cells every single second you’re

making 30 million red blood cells every

second that is HUGE

you also increase the size of the red

blood cell now what is the significance

of this you’re basically gonna carry way

more oxygen so when you do a workout or

exercise you’re gonna last a lot longer

when you sleep you’re gonna sleep better

you’re gonna have a better quality of

sleep and also there’s various

therapeutic benefits to things like

chronic lung disease or asthma or

hypertension diabetes or even

Parkinson’s so you’re driving more

oxygen to the tissues and if there’s an

area of your body that’s not healing

well this can help it it will also

stimulate your antioxidant reserve

especially in the heart and that’s why

this therapy is also a cardio protective

as well as neural protective so if you

want more information about in a minute

hypoxic therapy I created a video it’s

right here check it out