Use These Spices and Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the best spices and herbs for rheumatoid arthritis now

what’s the difference between a spice and an herb herbs are the leaf’s flowers

and stems of plants spices are the seeds the fruit the root in the bark of plants

now rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which means that your

own immune system is attacking itself mainly the joints it’s called the

synovial joints and you have a lot of inflammation going on and it’s really

your own immune system that’s creating all the damage all the inflammation

involved is creating a lot of collateral damage to your joints including free

radical damage because the immune system is making a mistake it’s attacking its

own tissue instead of the pathogen or the virus or the microbe so with

rheumatoid arthritis you really have a big problem with the t-cells there’s a

couple different types of T cells the helper T cell and the killer T cell that

is doing a lot of destruction to your joints not to mention the antibody

attacking the joint but there’s also another T cell called the T suppressor

cell another name would be the T regulatory cell that is supposed to turn

off this immune reaction it’s supposed to calm the fire and I think that is

where the bigger problem is your immune system is not balancing this reaction so

by using certain spices and herbs you can not just decrease the inflammatory

process which is creating all the damage but you can also strengthen the immune

system you can also improve the antimicrobial function if there’s some

chronic infection there but let’s just go through the list number one we have

ginger ginger has a very potent effect of lowering leukotriene and these are

one of the weapons that your immune cells use to kill pathogens so ginger

can help reduce that time is an herb it’s antimicrobial it’s a very powerful

antioxidant then we have turmeric antiinflammatory a very powerful

anti-inflammatory it also reduces the free radicals that are creating all the

damage cinnamon is known to decrease c-reactive protein which is involved in

the inflammatory process garlic is probably one of the most potent anti

microbials antiviral it’s definitely an antioxidant then we get number six black

pepper which decreases cytokines cytokines do several things they’re

communications but as far as this cytokine we’re talking about

inflammatory compound so black pepper is an anti-inflammatory then we have one of

my favorites oregano now regular will decrease several weapons that the immune

cells use to kill pathogens now other things you can do for rheumatoid

arthritis that are essential is start to increase your potassium there’s some

very interesting data that if you can increase your potassium up to five

thousand or even six thousand milligrams a day you can really reduce a lot of the

symptoms from rheumatoid arthritis so that’s something you might want to try

also decreasing your sugar consumption of course I’m talking about keto is very

important and I will put a link down below of a video to show the

relationship between sugar and the immune system very important going on a

fast is one of the best things you can do for any autoimmune condition

especially rheumatoid arthritis vitamin D is the other key factor in that

because vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammatory it’s involved in just

about every immune reaction so vitamin D in higher levels is vital I’m talking

about 20 30 40 50 thousand I use but if you did that you’d probably experience

some really good relief from rheumatoid arthritis also avoiding any type of

vegetable oils like corn oil soy oil canola cottonseed they’re omega-6 fatty

acids very inflammatory alright guys thanks for watching

hey we’re back with another amazing recipe no grains

no sugar totally keto there’s no suffering on keto absolutely not Karen and

it’s an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out I think you

should hurry up watch the recipe and make it yourself it’s just so easy to be

keto but is it simple it’s super simple we hope you enjoy making it as much as

we are enjoying eating it