Understanding Acidity, Alkalinity, and the Many Myths About pH | DrEricBergDC

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hey dr. Berg here I’m sitting in my

massage table here about ready to do a

little instruct on this subject called

pH I want to explain exactly what it is

all the myths there’s so much

misinformation on the alkaline acid

levels like everyone is too acid and all

diseases come from being too acid and

you need to alkalize or die let’s get

into the truth of what pH is in the

simplicity of how to understand it okay

so let’s make pH really really simple

okay when you when you took chemistry

you might have used all these words like

the potentiation of hydrogen and all

these things I don’t want to complicate

it I want to make it really simple so pH

is the measurement of acid and alkaline

that’s all you need to know about what

it is now it goes from a scale from 1 to

14 with a neutral being 7 okay now that

would be like distilled water so what

happens when the pH goes down it’s more

acid lower number is acid from the

seventh when it goes higher than 7 it

becomes more alkaline and the thing to

know is that when you go from a 7 to an


it’s by a power of a hundred so it’s

it’s very very it’s not just going up at

one number it’s like magnified by a

hundred for example the reference point

that we use for pH is in the blood

in other words the blood the body will

do whatever akin to keep the blood at a

certain constant level and the pH of the

blood has a very narrow range between

seven slightly alkaline seven point four

seven point three four to seven point

four five I mean it’s like it has to be

within that range if it drops by one

degree like in the six you will have a

coma you’ll be in a diabetic coma or

something like that so you will not be

able to live so we really want to when

people ask what is the pH well what

fluid are you talking about you talking

about the blood you talk about the bow

because every different body fluid has a

different pH

I mean your stomach should be between

like 1 and 3 like that’s almost like

battery acid you can digest like

something very very metallic at that

level and then you have the adream the

inside of the adrenal gland which is a

stress clan that should be pretty acid

because those are the all the different

adrenaline hormones and things like that

so apparently it needs that acidity then

we’ve got the large bowel which is

should be 15.5 it’s a very very acid

because remember it’s coming down from

the neutral down to six down to five so

each one it goes down is by a power of a

hundred so it’s magnified urine should

be acid sweat should be slightly acid

and then we got we have all the

different things that should be alkaline

the fluid in and outside the cell should

be slightly alkaline the tears should be

alkaline the fluid around your brain

should be about 7.5 that’s alkaline and

then of course you have the blood and

then the pancreatic fluids all that

fluid coming down from the pancreas and

the bile which is a gall bladder that

needs to be very alkaline to neutralize

the stomach acid which is so acid so we

have this interesting differentiation

between one part of the body and another

and different PHS to create motion and

to create movement and to counter each

other as well because if that food stays

acid into the small intestine you can

burn a hole through and that’s called an


and so there’s you you really need to

identify what tissue you talking about

when you’re talking about pH so so

that’s kind of like a an overview of

what pH is in the different fluids and

the next part let’s talk about what

happens when you’re to acid or to

alkaline okay so we have two categories

here we have two acid to alkaline okay

so if the body becomes one way and I’m

talking about blood I’m using blood as a

reference because what happens is that

every other body part will work around

the blood for example your body will

alter a certain pH in your brain just to

keep your blood normal

we’ll pull from this fluid to keep your

blood normal okay because blood is the

constant it’s the equilibrium reference

point that we call homeostasis which is

the body’s ability to adapt to its

environment but keep a constant internal

environment okay to acid you’re going to

be coughing coughing too much that dry

cough and that’s why an interesting

remedy for that would be calcium it

tends to lower the coffee but you have

to realize something but if your body is

too alkaline you don’t you won’t be able

to absorb calcium because calcium is

absorbed in an acid medium but it’s

interesting calcium is good for coughing

it’ll stop it but just make sure you

don’t take calcium carbonate that’s

limestone you’d be better off chewing on

the cement outside because it’s rocks

coma we talked about that in the last

section diabetic coma where the blood

sugars go up and down you become very

very acid and the pH drops in you can go

into a coma that’s a very low blood

sugar situation it could be also high as

well so irregular heartbeats it’s a body

that’s too acid so the thing that I want

you to get out of is treating the

symptom that’s why I don’t recommend if

you’re too acid to take an alkalizer or

take something for it especially long

term maybe short term but not long term

because there’s things called alkaline

water right now where I’ve see people

taking that way too long and the body’s

swing over to the opposite side where

they take different remedies to treat

the symptom symptoms are not errors

they’re not mistakes they’re the body’s

reacting to some something and something

wrong it’s adapting to something and we

have to understand what’s going on I’ll

get into the causes of this in the next

section but I just want to explain the

symptoms here but because because you

imagine you could treat each one of

these with a different drug so increase

heart rate weakness in the muscles nause


we got sleeping but wired so you’re

tired but you’re wired you can’t sleep

you can’t wind down well calcium is a

good remedy for that too but we want to

find out why you’re too acid

sighing frequently so it’s like

especially at night so you can’t seem to

get air so son so what happens is that

an acid body will tend a heart to work

harder and I have a lot of people that

will just take calcium they can breathe

better they can actually feel better

just to balance the pH out but sighing

frequently is an acidic body anxious

anxiety it’s all part of that same thing

and you will not be able to hold your

breath so if you really want to know if

you to ask to try to hold your breath

you will not be able to hold it past 20

seconds okay because you don’t have it’s

kind of like gum you don’t have any

oxygen because you’re running on your

body’s so siddik it doesn’t have any air

so it’s going to run out of oxygen real


okay so we got alkaline now let’s let’s

look at this decrease potassium in other

words when your body’s too alkaline you

don’t absorb minerals especially

potassium or calcium now what happens

without potassium is you’re going to

crave sweets

you’re not going to store sugar so

you’re going to have hypoglycemia low

blood sugar issues you you’ll get cramps

in your calves you’ll have problems with

heart arrhythmias too and but since

potassium is a physiological relaxer

you’ll have a hard time relaxing and

winding down and then the pulse rate

also can go up from that just like right

here so you could have both symptoms

right here twitching on the left eyelid

that’s an alkaline state as well because

the calcium is now longer in the bone

it’s coming out of solution in

depositing on top of the bone on top of

the tissues not in the muscle or the

bone as bursitis tendinitis arthritis

bone spurs kidney stones even gall

stones tartar on the teeth cataracts

that’s calcium on the eye or twitching

on the left eyelid so that would be one

of the symptoms hyperventilation

breathing a lot very excessively

arthritis allergies are an alkaline

state and one thing about arthritis I

forgot to mention is that when you take

an orange orange juice and you

drink it that’s citrus which is an acid

is very different it will turn into an

alkaline state in your body and

aggravate and already alkaline body so

one symptom for us to know that you’re

too alkaline is to eat a bunch of

oranges or orange juice and see if you

have pain in an hour after that if you

do you’re too alkaline

okay so we have allergies and and even

the immune system your immune system is

stimulated with acids and that’s why you

may think that when you take vitamin C

you can get rid of a cold or get rid of

mucus and things like that it’s not the

vitamin C it’s the ascorbic acid that

will do it the problem is most people

take the wrong kind they take a

synthetic and they don’t take the

natural stuff and then dip throwing

something else off you be much better

off doing the apple cider vinegar works

even better because there’s no side

effects so allergies bone spurs yeah

calcium starts building up because your

pH is off low thyroid and then we talked

about the calcium deposits to that start

building up in different body tissues so

so those are the different

characteristics of the different things

that could happen if you’re one way

versus the other so next part let’s just

talk about what causes these things so

check this out - acid what happens what

what creats that state is ketosis

ketosis is a form of fat breakdown in

the body and it could also be protein

breakdown - by being on it’s two sources

one is um very low carbohydrate in the

diet and high protein like in the Atkins

diet or it could come from a diabetes

situation so if a client comes in my

office and their urine is has ketones in

it and they ate sugar that day I know

it’s not a healthy ketosis so kita this

is ketosis is okay it could be healthy

state but it could put you into an

acidic state in which you need to

balance it out with more alkalizing

agents that’s why we need to add more

vegetables that’s why I always recommend

enough vegetables to be able to balance

everything out - not just for because

they’re alkaline but because they have

all the nutrients in the minerals

to that you need to help fortify the

different organs that control pH in

other words your pH is controlled by the

kidney and your adrenal glands so but it

but the thing is we don’t want to just

treat those glands we want to understand

some of these other mechanisms because

many times it could be you’re on

medications or something like that that

could be creating the pH so I want to

get you in it how do you get the full

scope of what’s going on so we got


okay that’s low blood sugars so if you

skip the meal and you get irritable you

need food then you could have that’s a

pre-diabetic situation because you have

a history of eating on sugar and then

that can also make you too acid and of

course diabetes can do that too diabetes

comes from eating too much sugar and you

destroy that regulatory mechanism so

that can put you in a NASA state so it

doesn’t necessarily have to be the

adrenal the kidney it could be pancreas

junk foods will do it but of course you

know if you don’t process refined carbs

like all the refined grains those are

very acidifying sugar of course that’s a

given you realize that the average

person consumes about 149 pounds of

sugar a year so every 13 years they

consume 2,000 pounds of sugar that’s a

ton of sugar every 13 years that’s

enough to create some interesting

effects what you think I mean what type

of effects will create if you if you do

that to the pancreas long enough I mean

sooner or later it’s going to be a

problem but I think in medicine what

they do is they’ll wait until you get

the disease but they don’t put enough

attention on preventing it okay so we

got to acid now we got to alkalyn stress

because the adrenals are kind of

overworked that will put you in an

alkaline state so people say that stress

causes an acid state no it’s actually an

alkaline state why because the when the

adrenals are jacked up a lot you start

losing certain things in the urine you

start losing your healthy acids and then

your blood pH go starts going up


and that’s what happens with that so

stress dumps acid but it also dumps all

the key things - like potassium and

calcium and even salts that’s why at

night when you get home if you’re

stressed out you mean you might need a

little salt for some reason to kind of

balance some of the PHS okay so we got

vomiting will will cause you be too

alkaline because you’re losing all your

your acids and even in your gut you have

bacteria called lactobacillus which

makes lactic acid you have acid forming

bacteria that really need to be there

and when you take antibiotics it

destroys those things so we really need

to not go too far one way or the other

low stomach acids every decade that you

age past 40 you start losing your

stomach acids and you’re going to become

too alkaline so dehydration this could

be coming this could come from too much

water why because it’s flushing out all

the electrolytes in making dehydration

it’s not just not enough water okay

diuretics will wipe out all the

different key minerals that keep your pH

in balance anti acids that was me I used

to take tons and tons of Rolaids and

things from my heartburn but that will

just mess you up till you become more

alkaline so I want to show you if you

can give me those three bottles right

there there are three things I’m going

to show you if you have some of these

these are kind of just quick remedies

that you can take but my point is that I

really recommend that you just eat

healthy and you don’t have to worry

about treating too alkaline

or treating these symptoms if you put

back in the diet everything will fall

back into place but here’s a couple

things in them that you may want to

consider apple cider vinegar Bragg’s is

really a good thing to acidify the body

because it has a lot of potassium and

nutrients and electrolytes as well so

we’ve got apple cider vinegar take a

little teaspoon and some water

I would recommend

that maybe maybe one time a day for like

a month and then wait a couple months

and then do it again occasionally or

carbonated water this is one of my

favorite if you crave carbonated water

or soda chances are YouTube alkalyn

you’re trying to get your body more

acidic by taking carbonic acid that’s

what this is so this will help you it

feels like you’re hydrated when you

drink and then of course this is one of

my favorite this is some really high

level Italian volcano lemon juice to get

this at the health of store moms but

this stuff right here is very acidic but

it has all these great properties of

fortifying electrolytes so you can do

that too to help you with your pH okay

and then I just have one last point I

want to mention too in the next section

okay so real quick I just want to

explain something because a lot of

people get heartburn and there’s several

disease states that are very

counterintuitive for example heartburn

if you take Rolaids and anti acids

what you might not realize that that

this pH of this stomach needs to be one

two three that’s like extremely acid now

that pH goes higher and becomes more

alkaline which is always the case

now the pancreas and the gall bladder

which have fluids that are very alkaline

okay they’re supposed to come in there

and neutralize this acid but they’re

controlled by the stomach so if this

stomach is not asset enough these won’t

release in the right amount so that acid

come down and mess things up down here

now so you get indigestion you get

constipation you get lack of digestion

you get bloating and all these other

things right if you measure the acid

reflux that comes up from the Safa cos

you’re going to realize that that acid

is very weak it’s not very strong if it

was really strong it would burn a hole

to your esophagus but it never does it’s

like a sour thing so the stub the acid

reflux that comes

is really coming from down here it’s a

waste acid from the bow called lactic

acid and it comes all went through here

to try to compensate for the low stomach

acids so what what do people do they

take an antioxidant and they make it

more alkaline which makes it worse than

next time they eat and they never get


there really is no profit in to curing

these conditions it’s all about managed

care put you on a pill so you can manage

it the rest of your life so just

understand that the best thing to do for

acid reflux is to take an acid you can

take Petain how to chloride and get it

from healthy store or you can do apple

cider vinegar you’ll feel better

but when you take antacids like I did

for years it messed everything up

because in order for this valve to close

this stomach pH has to be one two three

it’s like really really acid so then

this valve isn’t closed and then we can

label this is another disease disease

called GERD gastroesophageal reflux

disorder all that means is your valves

not closing because you’re not acid

enough and they in the negative you

medication which actually makes it gives

you some relief but it never cures it so

in other words acid reflux is really not

enough acid okay and then that can lead

to an ulcer so there’s so many different

labels all the way through here you can

call diverticulitis and Crohn’s and

pancreatitis and gall bladder syndrome

and irritable bowel

all these things are really just a ph

problem so again instead of treating it

understand it and apply some of these

principles and just get your eating

cleaned up and then everything will fall

back into balance hope you enjoy the

seminar I’ll see you the next one