Sleepy After You Eat? | DrEricBergDC

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do you have sleepiness after you eat let’s  talk about why that is and what to do about it  

now they call that a food coma or postprandial somnolence or maybe even a siesta but what you have  

to realize it’s not normal for you to be tired  after you eat because you’re getting fuel right  

you’re supposed to have more energy but why do  people get tired well mainly because they’re doing  

high carb in fact i used to use carbs to help my  sleeping because i had such a sleeping problem  

i used to consume a pint of ben and jerry’s ice  cream right before bed for a very long time and  

it would just put me right out i would go right  to sleep of course i’d wake up all puffy and  

feeling funky and irritable and then i would  keep the cycle going over and over and over  

because every time i did it it affected my blood  sugars then late at night i would crave carbs  

okay now i’ve done all the videos on this but i  wanted to do this one specifically talking about  

keto you started keto you’re doing intermittent  fasting and you’re still tired what’s going on  

it could be that you don’t have enough  hydrochloric acid in your stomach  

so you could just take some apple cider vinegar or  obtain hydrochloride as a supplement when you eat  

that might help but it’s usually not the big  problem now it also could be that your your  

cells because you have insulin resistance are just  not able to pull in the nutrients and the fuel  

but it’s probably true but it’s not  actually the thing that’s making you tired  

if you’re not getting nutrients and you’re  not getting fuel you’re going to feel  

like you’re not satisfied like you need to  eat something else but you usually are not  

going to be tired the real reason why you’re tired  involves insulin resistance but it has to do with  

high insulin because when the insulin is high it  blocks certain brain chemicals that are supposed  

to keep you awake so it’s really the high insulin  that’s causing this problem but wait a second i  

thought lowering your carbs is going to lower  insulin and i just started keto that’s true but  

there’s two things that increase your insulin  number one it’s the carb number two it’s eating  

you just ate and eating triggers insulin and the  problem is you’ve had insulin resistance for so  

long that it’s going to take some time to correct  the high levels of insulin that’s occurring  

because you still have insulin resistance so even  if you don’t eat carbs eating triggers insulin  

okay so what can we do well number one you need to  start doing intermittent fasting right why because  

eating less is going to make you more awake  and eating makes you hungry which then triggers  

fatigue so if we skip the breakfast that would be  a very smart thing to do okay just do two meals  

and start to squish them together slowly so you  can fast longer because you’re going to find out  

you have more energy when you’re fasting you’re  going to have more energy when you’re not eating  

because you’re not triggering this mechanism  so intimate fasting is vitally important  

a lot of people that just started keto they’re not  including intermittent fasting enough and so this  

is why they still are tired also make sure that  you keep your carbs low okay so just be aware of  

that and look at your carbs and make sure they’re  within the range that you need to do number three  

moderate protein you’re going to find out the  more protein you do the more tired you’re going  

to be because a high protein meal will make you  tired now if you combine the high protein with a  

high carb you’re really going to get tired as in  thanksgiving which is the starch and the protein  

together just will put you out it’s not the  tryptophan it’s the combination of a starch with  

protein but a large amount of protein can make  you tired so just do a moderate amount number four  

give it time it takes between one to three  months to be keto adapted okay that means  

you’re really getting insulin resistance under  control and you’re able to uh go from one meal  

to the next without being hungry and that’s a big  indication that it’s working now in the meantime  

you can do things to speed up your insulin  resistance and one thing because this involves  

feeling sleepy is just to try to get a little  bit more sleep another 30 minutes will help you  

a simple way to do that would be to go to bed a  little earlier take vitamin b1 i usually get my b1  

through nutritional yeast take that right before  bed and vitamin d3 especially during the winter  

so vitamin d3 right before bed will help you  sleep you should give it a try and see for  

yourself all right thanks for watching and i  will see you in the next video so if you’re  

enjoying my content which i hope you are and  you’re applying this knowledge to your health  

and you have a success i’d really appreciate you  sharing your success story so click the link down  

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