How to Increase Testosterone? Must Avoid These 3 Things & Boost Testosterone – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here in this short video we’re going to talk about the

secret to fixing low testosterone okay now you ready for the secret are you

ready for this are you sitting now so it’s not about

necessarily trying to boost your testosterone that’s not it

out of all the things that you can do it’s really the avoidance of something

that will improve testosterone and so first thing we’re talking about is the

symptoms and then I’m going to get into the things that you can do to boost it

but then I’m going to talk about that three things you need to pay attention

to to avoid so you can really get your testosterone back okay so first of all

let’s talk about the symptoms decreased libido decrease erections decreased

vitality you’re starting to gain some weight around the midsection and you

cannot build muscle mass so you go work out the muscle is not coming back or not

getting bigger okay that’s all signs of deficiency and testosterone and what’s

interesting is you get older in your 40s and 50s and 60s testosterone starts

going down down down down down okay in a female body it goes up so everything is

reversed right so now let’s talk about the triggers so it is true yeah you can

take zinc from seafood and beef and lamb and sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds you

can do that okay and you can take vitamin D and vitamin D actually is from

the Sun or you can do take it from cod liver oil and the only vegetarian

vegetation a vegetarian source would be mushrooms and then vitamin A from cod

liver oil and then resisted exercise all those are really good to trigger

testosterone but it doesn’t make a huge impact as compared to avoiding these

three things I’m going to talk about next okay so there are three hormones

that in the presence of these hormones testosterone is going to plummet okay

number one is insulin okay this regulates blood sugars number

two estrogen when estrogen goes up testosterone goes down and three is

cortisol when cortisol goes up testosterone goes down alright

so out of these three yes insulin will do it cortisol will do

it but the most important thing that you need to focus on is your estrogen levels

because if that estrogen is too high and it’s very very common because as you get

older especially in a male body the estrogen goes up and your testosterone

goes down so you notice your voice starts getting higher the skin starts

getting thinner and softer that’s estrogen okay so real quick I put

some links down below of how to fix like if you have problems with insulin

resistance and what to avoid with that you know definitely in a minute fasting

and cutting out sugars and things so that’s I don’t want to put a tension on

that because I want to focus more on the estrogens but you want to handle the

insulin and then cortisol cortisol is all about getting rid of stress and hand

in hint enhancing your sleep and getting to you’re getting a good adrenal gland

function okay so now let’s just put some attention on this estrogen now the

single biggest source of hidden estrogen in in your diet is basically from

consuming animal products not because the animals are injected with estrogen

it’s because this animal feed so they give them soy unless it’s

grass-fed they’re giving a grain and now it’s kind of laughs when you see on the

label it’s like oh yeah this uh these eggs or our vegetarian fed all that

means is we’re giving them soy and corn okay both of them are GMO so not only

does that increase estrogen because you have it’s filled with pesticides like

you know herbicides and Roundup Ready but the biggest thing is the soy feed

that’s fed to the chickens and the cattle that’s the thing that’s messing

people up so there’s even an organization now that’s trying to

monitor that but if they haven’t really got too far because it’s very political

but if you’re going to consume animal products is better be grass-fed and

definitely organic because this is estrogen effect and so also if you have

some extra fat in your body right now there’s an enzyme called aroma taste

that basically is in your fat and that’s converting the

last bit of testosterone you have to estrogen so your own body is making more

estrogen not to mention the animal products and everything else so I want

to give you some things to do to actually clean up the estrogen this

whole estrogen problem is really in the liver so we want to make sure the liver

is really really good so there’s the top foods that you should be eating right

now to lower your estrogen and their anti-estrogenic and they will also

inhibit this enzyme our cruciferous vegetables and you probably heard that

before kale broccoli Brussels sprouts and do a

shake of kale beet leaves and parsley because parsley is a really good anti

estrogenic vegetable as well so you do that olive oil is very anti extra genic

celery is very anti estrogenic mushrooms have a very high anta estrogenic just

regular those little button mushrooms you can just start consuming those women

in a study with women that consumed I think was like eight ounces of mushrooms

they decrease their breast cancer by 50% so it’s pretty significant so we want to

start changing the diet and start to improve in the liver the other thing

that will increase the estrogen in addition to the animal feeds and is any

type of soy in the diet soy protein isolates I mean soils in so

many foods it’s just very very estrogenic and 95 percent of it is GMO

the last thing i want to talk about is another hidden source of estrogen is

alcohol okay alcohol it’s very estrogenic too

and and the problem with men is they start getting man boobs they start

getting prostate problems because of the estrogen effect okay so I just wanted to

put your attention on the most important thing to put your attention on if you

have low tea it’s this little guy right here start cleaning up the liver start

adding more vegetables to start getting this estrogen out change your diet go to

grass-fed and thank you so much for watching