Weird Taste in Your Mouth: 9 Causes | DrEricBergDC

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so if you have a weird taste in your mouth and  you’re not sure exactly where it could be coming  

from i want to help you identify the root cause  of it and there’s quite a few reasons for this  

number one it could be oral thrush or candida  which is growing in your mouth now if that’s the  

situation which can stem from situations where you  had antibiotics or you’re eating a lot of sugar  

because candida loves sugar so number one you have  to get off sugar and refined carbs so this is what  

you want to do you want to take a liquid probiotic  non-dairy and put a little bit in your mouth like  

a little capful and swish it around your mouth  because those microbes will compete with the  

candida and they will eat up the nutrition in your  mouth and cause great difficulty for candida to  

live so that would be one thing number two start  consuming apple cider vinegar in your water very  

important and make sure some of that gets in your  mouth as well because that acidity can help kill  

off candida sea salt in water flush that rinse  your mouth very well again you can you’re making  

an environment that’s very difficult for candida  to live but ultimately you want to work in your  

gut you want to really get your diet corrected  to get rid of this it’s not necessarily coming  

because you’re not brushing your teeth okay  all right next thing is pregnancy women that  

are pregnant they can notice like a weird taste in  their mouth that usually is a nutrient deficiency  

mostly zinc so make sure you take enough  zinc the the food that has the highest zinc  

is oysters but you can get zinc from red meat  and many other foods all right number three  

menopause this is the shift in estrogen and  that can affect the liver what i recommend in  

this situation is bile salts which will help the  liver detoxify and help get rid of things that can  

actually create that metallic taste all right next  one is diabetes okay when you have diabetes a lot  

of times you have nerve damage and that nerve that  affects the taste and the smell can be affected  

one of the best remedies is benfotamine which  is a fat soluble b vitamin that can help restore  

the nervous system okay so that’s what i recommend  if you have blood sugar issues number five  

liver problems this is probably the most  common thing because the liver helps you  

get rid of toxins it’s not a storage facility  for toxins it just helps you detoxify poisons  

so what you want to do is build up the main  antioxidant called glutathione how do you do  

that by adding selenium to the diet by taking  milk thistle by consuming more cruciferous  

vegetables and by fasting okay that can get the  liver working better so you can get rid of toxic  

things like heavy metals number six low zinc i’ve  already mentioned this but if you don’t have zinc  

it can really affect your sense of smell and give  you a weird taste okay number seven acid reflux  

the acid that comes up from the gut can come up in  your mouth and definitely give you a weird taste  

if this is the case there’s so many things to  do apple cider vinegar would be good betaine  

hydrochloride would most likely help but i put  a link down below of what to do if you have that  

number eight a sinus infection this can give you a  weird taste because you have this post nasal drip  

and um it might sound like i have a nasal problem  but i don’t it’s the mic this mic makes me sound  

like i have a nasal problem or deeper voice i  don’t because if you hear me in my studio i don’t  

have that sound now for a sinus infection i’ve  done videos on this neti pot type nasal rinses are  

great but i’m going to put a link down below if  you have this because it’s more involved and it’s  

not just a quick thing and number nine the keto  diet in the transition phase when you’re adapting  

to keto there are certain types of ketones that  are generated that could start to give you the  

smell or a taste of acetone which is nail polish  remover realize this is temporary it will go away  

it’s nothing that’s going to be permanent and  it’s not a bad thing all right there you have it  

thanks for watching hey before you go real quick  i have a course entitled how to bulletproof  

your immune system it’s a free course i want  you to take it and here’s why here’s you  

here is your environment everyone is focused on  this over here avoiding your environment but what  

about here what about strengthening your immune  system that’s what’s missing this course will show  

you how to bulletproof yourself and so you can  tolerate and resist your environment much better  

by strengthening your own immune system i put  a link down in the description right down below  

check it out and get signed up today