Why Diabetics Continue to Need More Medications? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re going to

talk about why diabetics usually need

additional medication over time okay

first of all what is diabetes it’s a

problem with high sugar okay so the body

is high sugar from eating a lot of

carbohydrates so the purpose of the

medication is to lower the blood sugar

so it removes the sugar but diabetes

medication does not lower the body sugar

only the blood sugar so the sugar in

your body is still there it’s just not

in the blood so the medication keeps

cramming and stuffing this sugar in

different places it’s very similar to in

your house if you have dirty dishes and

you don’t wash them you keep sticking

them underneath the cupboard in the

pantry and the suitcase until finally

everything kind of starts becoming a

problem and usually the medication can

get the sugar out and it’s converted

into fat so the fat cells start getting

bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger

they start spreading into the liver

around the organs and the pancreas and

the brain excessive fat around the

kidneys and many other organs so

diabetes type 2 is a diet problem okay

and that’s why taking drugs will never

fix it because it’s a diet problem we

don’t want to add more carbohydrate so

the medication basically hides the real

problem continues the problem so

eventually you’re gonna have more

complications with the high sugar and

you’re going to need more powerful

medication to keep the blood sugar down

more insulin for example and then you

can have side effects from the

medication and then you can have other

complications from high sugar like high

cholesterol vision problems which would

be put on medication so then you can

have side effects from those medications

for example some people have a bladder

problem at night well there’s another

medication from that which causes

another problem so the chain reaction

goes on and on and on and on so if this

is the first time you’re hearing this

concept in you’re a diabetic I highly

suggest that you take my little mini

course down below it’s how to do keto

healthily within a minute fasting this

will shed some light on the exact diet

you need to be

to help support healthy blood sugars

alright thanks for watching hey I

appreciate your attention and if you’re

enjoying these videos go ahead and

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