Dr. Berg & Karen: Questions & Answers on the Ketogenic Diet and Other Stuff | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys we’re here with five questions

from all of you and we’re gonna answer

these questions in fact you’re gonna ask

them I’ll give you the answers and

correct me if I’m if I need to clarify

them I’ll tell you when you’re wrong

okay thank you okay good all right

so question number one is is it a

problem if I eat my biggest meal right

before I go to bed okay

well that’s a very good question let me

just see if I could find the answer and

I look here okay so here’s this whole

concept about eating before bed you know

people say oh it’s bad you’re gonna gain

weight it really has to do with when

you’re starting your intimate of fasting

for example if you’re like a lot of

people have a hard time not eating at

night so what I suggested was you start

your first meal later in the day like a

three o’clock

under your second meal at 7:00 or 8:00

so that way you are eating close to bed

and that’s totally fine it really is not

going to help you or hurt you if you eat

at night if that’s one of your meals and

if you actually have your window about 6

to 4 hours now talk about the window

yeah the window is the time of eating so

let’s say you’re eating at 12 and 6

that’s a six hour window of your meals

what do we what window do we want well

you actually get into the most fat

burning’ between 18 and 24 hours so

that’s like a six hour window to like a

zero hour window where you’re basically

it’s probably that 24 hours is like 23

and a half depending on if you spend an

hour to eat or half out eat but the

ideal scene I tell people is to go for

6:00 and then start going to four-hour

window because that would give you some

really good fat burning but if you have

a very slow metabolism and you have a

really bad blood sugar problem you

probably need to shoot for one meal a

day eventually but do it gradually

because you’re gonna actually if you do

it one mill day you’ll heal the body and

you have a lot of chance to recycle the

cells and and clean out all the damaged

parts and improve aging it’ll help your

parts it’ll help the parts of your cells

that need to be replacing now if

somebody’s gonna eat one time a day dr.


or twice a day how much food are they

gonna eat can they just like chow down

can they eat huge meals or what that’s a

really good question let me get my book

chance for that when we say that was our

page okay here’s the thing the

difference between a low calorie diet

Karen and in a minute fasting it has to

do with the nutrients are you getting

most of your nutrients in that one meal

or are you going low calorie and

depriving yourself of nutrients because

the definition of the word food comes

from the derivation nourish which means

nutrients so that we eat to supply

nutrients most people eat for a

sensation which is good or bad depending

on you know what kind of food you’re

eating so as long as you’re compensating

by adding more of the nutrient-dense

foods at one time of day and maybe you

might enhance it with supplements or

like electrolytes and B vitamins you’re

gonna be fine but yeah you’re gonna have

to eat more but not to the point where

you’re like stuffing yourself like crazy

just like a really good meal right well

you you sort of opened a window we’re

using the window a lot okay okay you

sort of you said if you eat for pleasure

you have to eat more nutrient-dense food

but that’s fine as long as you’re eating

in the window so it sounded to me like

you’re saying it’s okay if you’re eating

other things mmm for pleasure

so let’s clarify that what I meant is

that they’re they’re like for example I

get pleasure from eating a salad okay

I’ll get pleasure from eating litter

worst eggs I enjoy them I love avocado

like my the pizza recipe right with the

cauliflower I dig that right so that’s

what I’m talking about you can get

pleasure from eating low carb foods I

mean that that pie that you made that

pecan pie that was pleasurable the ice

cream is pleasurable without sugar right

versus a something low load low nutrient

yeah it’s like it’s not you’re not going

to get any long-lasting pleasure from

right so it’s a shift from that old

phrase you know eating living to eat or

eating to live you eat to live I do but

you enjoy you’re eating right so but the

first purpose should be how am I going

to survive better on that food we’ve

gotten way off track people are just

going insane with the stuff that they’re

putting in their bodies they’re not even

thinking about is that going to improve

my blood Sugar’s and you see this at

holiday events or social events where

they pig out they know they’re gonna be

hurting an hour later they know the next

morning Linda feel like crap but they do

it anyway

it’s a holiday I might deserve it

true what are some other ones my body

deserves it right I was gone a week I

work hard did you get everybody else is

doing it if your body on radish my

father used to say if everyone was

jumping off a bridge would you jump off

a bridge did your dad ever say that no

you never said that you never said that

no concept it’s a good one it is it’s

the same concept so but anyway that our

recipes sort of kill that concept

because you there’s so much food that’s

nutrient dense and not gonna kill you I

don’t really need a doughnut you don’t

need a note of it okay what’s narrative

okay second question this idea of

drinking a protein drink after you

workout to help you lose weight

yeah so about that so you have pre and

post meals or snacks with a workout

right and people have this idea that oh

I need that so I’m gonna burn more fat

or I’m gonna recover better I need this

protein powder or whatever actually it’s

kind of funny when you think about it

but do you think that protein powder is

gonna go into the body that fast and

replace any muscle loss no it’s gonna

take a long period of time what’s

happening is you’re just basically

putting food into the stomach which is

not going to be digested four hours

later you know that’s going to take a

while and then what do you mean well it

takes a while for it to digest

so it’s it’s not necessarily going to

fix anything when you’re working out

that makes sense so here you are you’re

working out people are thinking I’m

depleting my nutrients I better put it

back in there to enhance their

performance whatever

well that food is not going to digest

for the next several hours so I think

the question is really about a protein

powder drink like these protein drinks

before or after is is there any

difference drinking it after a workout

versus just drinking it anytime during

the day what’s happening is again every

time you put something in your stomach

there’s a change it happens in the

stomach where you actually spike insulin

so now we just worked out we spiked

insulin insulin blocks of fat-burning if

you have insulin resistance it’ll

actually won’t allow you to even absorb

those amino acids as well so even a

sugar-free protein drink it’s not a good

idea especially if you want to see

results what you should do is do in a

minute fasting and work out

ideally in your fasting window if you

can do it if you can’t then eat close to

your meal but what’ll how close to your

meal sorry work out close to your meal

close to your meal to your mealtime yeah

and then exercise yeah exactly

so I’m glad you’re here that’s what we

have Karen to correct some of these

mistakes I think we need to help me in

the video the other videos as well

sometimes I’m like right so things like

when you work out you’re creating a kind

of a vacuum you’re pulling fat from your

fat cells okay you’re pulling energy

from the fat cells okay you want to do

yes yeah so why would you want to spike

insulin it’s gonna stop the whole

process let your body pull the fat wait

until your first meal and then wait -

your second meal or whatever and now you

got some really good benefits of that

workout so now on the flip side people

say well I need to consume an energy

drink because I get fatigued if I work

out we’re just placing the stored sugar

that you lost and that if you’re doing

that you’re just like

depleting your sugar reserves and you’re

putting them back I I got lost okay your

body actually when you workout runs on

stored sugar it’s called glycogen okay

okay that’s not the ideal scene we don’t

want it to do that we want it to burn

fat right okay so what we want to do is

mobilize as much as fat as possible when

you eat sugar

it’s just sell in the process when you

workout your body is mobilizing fat it’s

using fat as energy out it has to

deplete some of the stored sugar but

then it goes down after fat okay so so

that’s one aspect and also when you

workout you trigger hormones like growth

hormone growth hormone is like something

that’s very beneficial to not just burn

fat but it actually helps you preserve

muscle protein so in other words it

protects you from the loss of muscle so

you by doing it fasting people are

concerned oh my god I’m not eating

someone and waste away all my muscles

are gonna go away no no no no the

intermittent fasting protects the

muscles mm-hmm so you won’t yeah and one

last point your your body even if doing

one meal a day your body will go into a

state where it won’t need as much

protein why because there’s something

that kicks in called the tofu G a tofu G

is the recycling of the of the protein

or the cell structure which is all

proteins it’s recycling that more

efficiently so now we get into a

situation that is we don’t need as much

dietary protein because your body’s

recycling Lin it’s exactly this would be

a good solution for vegetarians or

vegans who are like not getting a lot of

hurt enough protein yeah so they should

do keto and intermittent fasting then

they’re not gonna have to worry as much

about their their protein needs I’m

thinking that’s your thinking Karen

because some people are concerned I’m

doing three meals a day then I’m going

to one do I have to keep the exact same

calories not the exact same calories

because your system is more efficient

okay because you could imagine that’s

like you can’t even fit that in your

stomach plus you want to be using your

own fuel your your snack that you’re

eating between meals is your own fat is

hips so in fact I’m gonna create a video

how do the best connect the best snack

is your own fat I think it’s good that

has a ring its mobile its immobilized

you don’t have to heat it you carry the

wrong with you you don’t have to always

with you as your serving size I like it

let’s look how can we point out let’s

coin that we can coin it yeah okay

coined it coined it ready for the next


ready I’ve been born ready for that it’s

lowering ready okay um how do I know if

I need to support my adrenals mm-hmm you

can tell me about that question it was a

throw-in you it was a that one how do I

know you know that I need to support my

favor you know actually just exactly

what I said okay so it’s real simple


all right do you have any adrenal

symptoms okay number one are you

stressed out

how is your tolerance to stress can you

tolerate crazy people can you tolerate

incompetent people can you tolerate slow

drivers how is your tolerance to stress

that’s the big one

okay number two how is your sleep

do you sleep comfortably do you sleep

long enough I was a quality safe it’s a

boom boom and then also belly fat that’s

another symptom of adrenal and then it

goes down the list let’s just I’ll give

you like inflammation allergies

autoimmune blood sugar issues can be

caused by adrenal excessive thinking all

the time 24/7 can’t turn it off

dementia I have blood pressure low

vitamin D levels should I go on yeah

that enough I think that’s a good start

I have one more okay you get up too fast

and you get dizzy you go up inclines and

your legs feel heavy mm-hmm

those are real big adrenal symptoms but

I got one more ankle swelling that’s

another one cankles right

that’s right all right so there you go

support your adrenal today I’m gonna

make a t-shirt well we’ll have a new

t-shirt line and what’ll be the fad the

best snack is your fat mm-hmm and then

what was it

support your adrenals support the cost

yeah okay good I have another question

go for it

okay muscle cramps and twitching what

can handle that

all right so muscle cramps usually is an

electrolyte deficiency and what about

those are minerals like potassium

calcium magnesium and even sodium okay

the most common one believe it or not is

the calcium deficiency so let’s say for

example Karen yeah you’re in bed and you

point your toes down and you get that

right right what that means is you need

calcium now the best source of calcium

would be high quality grass bed sheets

okay the second best would be calcium

lactate and then you can do citrate I

don’t recommend carbonate okay but so

calcium is one thing potassium is

another common reason why people get

muscle cramps magnesium but if we look

at the diet the most commonly deficient

nutrient would be potassium ii magnesium

an electrolyte powder we we have all

those minerals and the right ratios but

the only one that’s very low is sodium

because most people get enough of that

but I also put the electrolytes is that

sodium salt

yeah sodium that makes sodium chloride

we we put both sodium and chloride

together and sea salt to be able to give

you some of it but you know it’s not

much and then there’s the trace minerals

in there as well so that kind of covers

all bases now as far as a twitching

especially in the left eyelid right here

to right here that is that means that

your pH is too alkaline in your body and

now you’re back I know people are gonna

go wait a second I thought your body is

supposed to be alkaline well only

certain parts of it like the blood which

should be alkaline so if the blood is

should be a certain alkaline level and

it’s a little

to alkalyn it’s like more Auckland then

you’ll start having this twitch so what

do I do if my blood is to Auckland you I

don’t know my blood is Auckland all I

know is that my eyelid is well what’s

happening use calcium building up on

that nerve and if you look outside on

your spicket where the water hose comes

out ya never see that little those white

specks that accumulate yeah that’s

calcium that’s coming out of the water

because the pH is alkaline so when we

acidify the water it gets all dissolved

so apple cider vinegar a tablespoon and

water with the straw take some of that

BAM the twitching goes away that’s why

with meals outside a vinegar with water

is a really good thing to consume on

keto and just in general all meals are

once a day I would do it all meals all


I don’t like apple cider fingers it’s

very hard for me to get it counted it in

a tablet form okay yeah wasn’t that

isn’t in their digest it’s an ax digest

it’s in the digest formula okay okay

good question five this was my favorite

question today are you ready fried foods

okay so was like air so fried foods good

bad it really depends on what you’re

frying and in like especially what’s

it’s coated with too like if you’re

doing fried onion rings or a shrimp they

have all this breading if you could do

almond flour breading or even the pork

run breading we have recipes for that by

the way it’s actually in this book so

you can actually then deep-fry it in

coconut oil you can also do olive oil

but I don’t recommend any of the other

vegetables like you know Crisco or what

about avocado oil I mean you could do

that that’s totally fine I don’t know if

that one will actually handle the high

heat it does I just read it last night

that goes for it

then go for it so there’s not a problem

with the fried foods as long as you’re

doing a healthy oil and you’re not doing

the carb with that thing you’re frying

with right so you have to find it

the big thing is like the what your

breading it with that’s the big thing

what about we just got to try or I saw a

package and I bought it didn’t try it

yet this I think it’s a chickpea based

breadcrumbs I like that a lot better

than wheat I think I would like to try

that chickpeas they make hummus with is

usually it’s a bit of a carbohydrate but

it’s it’s hardly any type of sugar and

there’s a lot of fiber in there as well

so like for example I want to just

clarify this people like oh my gosh


well carrots are about they’re not high

glycemic they’re like medium glycemic on

the index scale but they have so much

fiber they will not affect blood Sugar’s

too much so you really have to think

with the whole picture here but you

knows whole carrot yeah me and carrot

juice a whole carrot with the fiber is

not going to be an issue okay hummus is

not an issue because it has the fiber

and it has very low sugar levels okay

that’s really the key as compared to

apples which have 19 grams of sugar per

Apple it’s like on the fiber true but

they do so much sugar in there it kind

of offsets that I’m sorry care I like

apples I’m sorry I haven’t I know it’s

sad it’s very sad sad thing yep okay

what if you’re not trying to lose weight

well again kedo in an Amana fasting is

not just for weight loss it’s for health

it’s to improve your health it’s for

anti-aging it keeps all sorts of issues

at bay infant I mean yeah I got

something to say okay it’s always gonna

say it’s all in effect okay until

another two seconds until you ask the

next question okay good um okay so here

is a situation that I have run into okay

okay now I am not naturally thin I’m not

naturally athletic I have to work at


and I can progress and

and like pull at oh okay and it’s

frustrating because I can be really

really good and then nothing nothing

changes in terms of my weight loss okay

so let’s just kind of give you a a mini

answer to that because that’s really

this whole book this book is about every

single possible way that it wouldn’t

work with a solution but there’s a

little checklist that I kind of go

through so it’s not working number one I

want to look at I always ask like when

people say oh yeah I did it and then

also know it’s not working well well

okay what did you do so I list what they

did I thought wow you’re not even doing

what you’re supposed to be doing so

that’s number one are they doing it

correctly okay number two are they doing

in a minute fasting I think if they have

a slow metabolism they should be really

squeezing in that window of eating okay

and not cheating just keep it in there

consistently the other thing is that

sometimes they that because the fast not

going away they think it’s all fat but

it could be atrophied muscle so the

muscle is so wasting it’s not bad it’s

just destroyed muscle that you’re gonna

have to rebuild right over time it’s

gonna take a long time especially if

it’s been there for a long time an acorn

  • nope tree takes time

rome wasn’t built in a day right okay I

listed up right the next thing I look at

what are the other factors what health

problems like your the sleep problem

yeah a thyroid issue

do you have an ovary issue a cycle issue

is there inflammation in the body

there’s other missing organs missing

organs you have a gall but if you don’t

you need some some help with that and

then also there’s some other things that

can speed things up like if you have

insulin resistance like most people have

which I’m in it I’m not going to kind of

go into that because I’ve talked so much

about it but potassium B vitamins

hands-down those are the two that most

people need to make it just kick in a

lot better

okay so episode of vinegar will improve

that the quality of food let’s say

you’re doing your fats are

soyal what that alone could keep the

problem there it’s the hidden things

that I’m looking at and usually when you

cover all those things and you clear

those up then I go to more exercise like

are you doing exercise no I’m not okay

well plug that in there and let’s take

it to the next level and at that point

the person is going to lose weight or

it’s going to be slow and they’re gonna

gradually get better over time so

there’s always a way you can improve

things what I did is I just put every

single possible barrier that you can run

into and things you’d even think of

because I’ve done this for a few years

like 29 years

so I ran into every single problem

you’re gonna possibly imagine that you

know may not be a problem but it may

okay so you touched on something else

I never up until recently ever had a


I had hips but never belly hit a certain


well belly going on a little bit belly

got a little bit of that we going on but

um but also you say okay that could be

adrenal or that is adrenal but I’m

exercising how much exercise is too much

exercise when you have adrenal when do I

exercise how do I know if the exercise

is too much not enough it’s very

confusing there’s things that are really

really important and things that are not

very important okay or maybe they’re

less important the most important thing

is driving insulin down okay keeping

insulin down so that would be the eating

eating correct eating will give you 85%

of results exercise will give you 15% so

people that work out and think oh I can

eat what I want because I make sure it’s

the burning of calories good luck on

that one Wow so that’s one thing the

other thing is that the adrenal hormones

especially cortisol tend to turn your

own muscle into sugar raising it turns

your muscle into sugar yeah because it’s

in a state of flight-or-fight or stress

so it’s just going to mobilize that

muscle and convert that into sugar

and that’s going to end up with a high

insulin so now we’re dealing with we’re

trying to lower insulin so so in reality

the problem with the adrenal is it turns

you into insulin insulin problem and you

become a diabetic eventually so it boils

down to that insulin so we have all

these things that can do it

eating sugar eating too frequently and

stress so in that case you know you have

to support the adrenal take nutrition

for that belly fat okay so say I have

very stressful life but I’m not eating

any sugar right but I have a really

stressful life I’m not really sleeping

working working working or we hear we

heard this all the time right in the

practice we live in the DC area and

people come in all kinds of jobs I sleep

two hours a night I sleep three hours a

night I have an incredibly stressful job

say I had that lifestyle and I ate no

sugar are you telling me that cortisol

that comes from the stress is going to

turn my protein my body protein into

sugar yes yes that’s what I’m telling

you I just don’t make sure I udders do

that I never really understood that

before witnessed and understanding well

that’s fascinating it is so I mean that

could be frustrating of people saying

I’m doing everything right in a diet and

I’m just not losing anyway you take take

any person that has gained weight on

their life and find out what age what

point of time they start gaining weight

and then just ask them what happened

just before you start gaining weight and

you’re gonna find a lot of people are

gonna mention a stressful situation so

that’s gonna be spiking the cortisol BAM

I mean oh I got I got pregnant Wow

that’s transfer I had a divorce I had a

loss of a loved one BAM

so what happens it happens it happens a

lot actually

so so all that can be supported by what

the adrenal but take care of your

adrenals making sure that you’re doing

things to de-stress if I write you you

have to remove the thing that’s

stressing you out

okay so that’s the neighbors have to

move get a new job or or and no and I’m

sorry and and actually support and build

back up the adrenal by acts there’s

acupressure techniques I recommend they

do really work I used the techniques and

then nutrition and supplements and

things like that while you remove the

actual source of that stress that it’s

still there right even if it’s your job

like some people just can’t end their


yeah some people hate this some people

hate their job you know maybe they love

their job but it’s still incredibly


maybe it’s it’s yeah a good job and it’s

financially a good job but it’s

incredibly stressful there are still

things they need to do they absolutely

need to do to to balance the stress like

I said that’s the walking or the yeah

relaxation time or whatever you’re just

gonna have to improve it somehow you’re

gonna have to improve it you just can’t

get in a situation where you’re stuck

between a rock and a hard place

it’s not a good place to be in so you

got to do something to improve it at

least to make it less of a problem

that’s staying away from negative people

that’s the big one are critical critical

people over the critical for so if you

have a youtube channel you may have some

haters an example P haters Tube channel

yeah you have haters down there that

basically will make chopped liver out of

you thank goodness we can delete those

guys right yeah you can delete those

guys to the goddesses really have to

regardless of who you are you’re gonna

get haters I mean it just happens it’s

just a nutritional deficiency probably

and that and insulin resistance I mean

Here I am I’m creating this video on how

to help a child you know lose weight

right and it’s just like great advice

then I get a thumbs down from someone

right I’m like really

why so yeah you have to remove this

stress from your life so changing the

food adding walks removing the negative

people from your environment strangles

Nason therapy

Dilli that but sometimes you feel like

that yeah right but it’s just you have

to get that stuff out of your life as

best you can

troll Alt Delete Control Alt Delete yeah

Control Alt Delete right here okay

that’s the therapy that’s good okay so

you have one last question even though

we’re doing five actuaries I know we’re

at seven that was a just-in-case

and I think that that’s a wrap okay

great thank you though for coming out

yes thanks for watching stay tuned for

Malta we’ll get to as many questions as

we can

that’s right yeah see ya yeah