How to Flatten Your Belly (FOR GOOD) | DrEricBergDC

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in this video we’re going to talk about

how to flatten your belly in the fastest

time possible and you do see these

videos out there that hey you just need

to drink this one thing or take this one

pill before bed and you will wake up

with a flat stomach well that may only

be true if that belly is really just

coming from bloating and the other very

common question is how many sit-ups do I

have to do how many crunches do I have

to do to achieve a six pack AB first of

all what is your abs well we’re talking

about mainly a muscle called the rectus

abdominis and it’s not just one muscle

it’s a series of little packets of

muscle AKA six pack abs crunches might

make them stronger and a slightly bigger

but that’s not the answer for a six-pack

app and when we deal with this rectus

abdominis muscle that muscle is mainly

there to keep the insides your guts from

coming out it’s there to stabilize your

torso or your what they called The Core

which is your your entire midsection not

just your front part but your back as

well and so if you’re going to do

crunches and you just really focus on

that all the time and you don’t at the

same time balance it by working out your

back muscles you are going to develop

either poor posture or back pain so

crunches are good as long as you balance

them out with other types of things but

don’t expect to flatten your stomach by

doing crunches that’s not the right

thing to do I mean you want to do some

but it’s not the thing that’s going to

make the big difference and there’s two

different types of fat related to your

midsection you have the superficial fat

which is called the subcutaneous it’s

right below the skin and then you have

the deeper uh visceral fat that’s the

fat around the organs underneath it that

presses it out so right now if you were

just to relax your stomach and if it

extended outward that would be more

visceral fat which is the fat that’s

spilling over from the liver Now The

Superficial fat can be best addressed

with diet and a certain type of exercise

which basically is an aerobic or a long

walks or hikes on the same time I also

recommend you do high intensity interval

training because that’s going to


um certain hormones like growth hormone

and another fat burning hormone called

glucagon and also another fat burning

hormone called testosterone these are

fat burning hormones those are triggered

by intensity of exercise but now the

visceral fat is mainly dealt with

through your diet exercise is important

but diet is way way more important to

get rid of the visceral fat because that

visceral fat is mainly coming from too

much insulin because you’re eating too

many carbs you’re eating in excess

that’s just ending up with extra fat

around the liver and then it spills off

around the abdominal area so just by

going on a low carb diet within two

weeks you literally have the ability to


up to 50 percent of the fat off the

liver okay and then you give it more

time and then you’re going to see your

stomach start shrinking more and more

and more all right let’s shift gears to

uh fat burning foods okay

now these are foods that stimulate the

fat burning hormones so exercise is one

way to stimulate fat burning hormones

but certain foods can also do it like

protein for example protein can simulate

not just growth hormone and testosterone

but that other hormone called glucagon

as well and so people have these protein

shakes sometimes they do the green

shakes or protein powders combined with

low starch vegetables so really the meat

and vegetables put you in a state of

what’s called ketosis where your body is

starting to burn fat so you notice I

didn’t say a high fat diet because

that’s not necessarily what keto is it’s

low carb one big reason I do recommend

adding more fat initially to that diet

is because it makes it easier to fast

for longer periods of time because

you’re more satisfied and then when you

start to lose more fat you might want to

cut that back if you’re really targeting

the midsection because what we want to

have happen is we want you in a state of

fat burning but but if at the same time

you are eating things that are causing a

fat storage situation or stimulating the

fat making hormone that’s called insulin

it’s the thing that nullifies all the

good work when you eat carbs I’m talking

about refined carbs like the bread pasta

cereal crackers biscuits fruit sodas all

of those and by the way those things

actually make you hungry which is not

going to help this plan because you’re

going to be starting all the time when

we lower insulin by not eating

carbohydrates we actually live off our

own fat and our hunger goes away now you

also have probably heard of all the fat

burning supplements out there like

Garcinia Cambogia or raspberry ketones

or green tea extract or caffeine or

certain extracts of Chili Peppers all of

these things tend to stimulate your

metabolism but again if you’re consuming

things that are increasing your insulin

those are going to be very expensive

urine because they’re going to go right

through you they’re not going to work so

I wanted to make a big point about that

because you have to understand levels of

importance things that are really really

important and things that are trivial

and things that are dependent on other

things because the last thing I want you

to do is uh you know have this great

diet but you’re eating these little

carbs on the side and you kind of

nullify all this good results another

Factor that’s very important is the

frequency of eating okay if you’re

snacking if you’re eating between meals

that can slow things down why because

one of the triggers for insulin the fat

storing hormone is eating in general so

the less you eat the better like two

meals a day or even one meal a day and

one really important point about that

which relates to the next topic which is

bloating is how snacking keeps you

bloated think about what bloating is

bloating involves your digestive system

okay so many people have a big belly

because of bloating they’re bloated 24 7

and they think that’s fat when in fact

it’s sometimes it’s not it’s just their

digestive system is in a constant state

of working really hard and not digesting

and so so this intermittent fasting is

so important to give your digestive

system a chance to take a break so the

combination of eating too frequent and

overeating will create bloating and I

see it all the time especially when

people after they eat they just like

their stomach is just completely you

know distended if you do infrequent

eating I I promise you you’ll do much

much better this happens if you eat and

you get bloated right away it could mean

that you need more acid in your stomach

and I recommend betaine hydrochloride

that’s a natural remedy for bloating and

gas things like that and you would

probably want to take quite a few in the

beginning maybe five six or seven small

little tablets right before you eat and

you take that and then you eat and then

you’ll find that an extra acid will help

break things down much much better and

in some people they need more bile salts

from their gallbladder so you would take

like a gallbladder formula right after

the meal maybe one or two to help uh

more of that and so the lack of acid and

the lack of bile can create a lot of

digestive bloating things like that and

of course certain things like fruit will

bloat people all day long the sugar in

yogurt can bloat you and of course the

obvious stuff like the beans and the

grains and all that will totally keep

you bloated and even when someone gets

on a ketogenic diet and they have these

little snacks with almond flour and

sugar alcohols like Xylitol erythrotol

oh it’s low sugar but they put all these

sugar alcohols that will just bloat the

heck out of you and then also these new

functional fibers like tapioca fiber or

soluble corn fiber boy that will just

bloat you and these so-called clean

healthy plant-based

green shakes or protein shakes you look

at the ingredients there’s like millions

of things in there all these fruits all

these different fibers well you drink

that you’re just going to be bloated

walk around just feel distended not good

if you’re trying to have a flat stomach

and that relates to if you have IBS or

some type of inflammatory condition in

your gut and you’re doing salads and

you’re doing nuts and things like that

you probably want to go on the carnivore

for a while because if you have bloating

you’re not going to be able to digest

these things and all it’s going to do

it’s going to ferment in the wrong place

it’s going to ferment in your small

intestine when it should ferment in the

large intestine and fermentation is

basically where the microbes are eating

up the sugars in it the last thing I’m

going to mention and that is stress

cortisol cortisol is a stress hormone

that will literally not only cause

bloating but also the stress basically

turns things into more sugar and then

that causes more fat so when I mentioned

the insulin being a really key factor in

whether you’re going to lose weight or

not cortisol is almost at the same level

if you’re going through high stress it’s

going to nullify some of the results so

this is why the best thing for stress is

the walking

other types of exercise physical work

and sleeping okay very important to fix

the sleep as well

the other challenge that happens with

women that are postmenopausal is that

their adrenal glands are now having to

back up the ovaries and so we have the

situation where now they get more belly

fat so make note of that and do what you

can if you’re going into menopause but I

can’t overemphasize the very important

diet that you need to be on and for that

you should watch this video right here