The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - June 10, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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welcome back everyone we have another

really good show we have a lot of people

lined up to ask questions and anything

that i say is definitely not meant to

diagnose or replace your medical care so

definitely check with your

physician before um

you know implementing anything we’re

going to talk about

so let’s dive right in

steve all right well we’ve got the whole

uh great and interesting crowd in our

green room and one in particular from my

old uh stomping grounds in southern


kimmer is out in the desert uh on the

way to las vegas marking for utilities

so she’s a brave

uh gal and she’s on with us and dr

kimmer you’re on with dr berg

hi dr bird

hello hi


um my question is i started the diet

march first uh the keto and intermittent


and maybe three weeks in

i felt kind of faint

as i was getting up from a box a

pool box

and it’s like all my muscles just quit

at the same time and so i thought i’m

going to do the electrolytes because

that sounds like a great idea but that

was when it wasn’t hot

now today we’re looking at 110 degrees

and i’m wondering

because i have my

my bottle right here how many can i do

how many bottles can i do in a day

because i don’t know how much i’m

sweating because honestly i don’t feel

it because it’s a dry heat and so but i

know i am sweating because you know you

feel the heat you feel the woozy a

little bit so yeah that’s what i was

wondering like how many servings


yeah good question um

are you in uh barcelo or lancaster

oh i’m farther out i’m actually in las


oh your father

okay because i practiced in the

lancaster for a bit but uh

that was that was uh definitely hot i

understand it’s a dry heat so you don’t

really know what’s going on so um the

electrolytes were designed for the

average person who is

very deficient in potassium


but if they use electrolytes in hot

weather uh or when they’re exercising

it’s very important to add

more sea salt and if you don’t have

enough sea salt that’s where you’re

gonna feel it your muscles

you feel weak okay

so um you could take as is really as

much as you want as much as you need

maybe a couple scoops per day but the

key is adding more sea salt to that so

if you put some sea salt maybe

an eighth of a teaspoon in your water

just mix it all in to dissolve it slug

it down i think you’ll feel

refreshed i think you’ll feel stronger

but we lose a lot more sodium

than we do other minerals so that’s

really the secret so the combination i

think will help you greatly

i’m so impressed by the taste because

when you said there’s no sugar in it i

was like oh this is gonna be like


no it’s amazing like

i drink this instead of soda and i’ve

been drinking dr pepper since i was born

basically so yeah this this stuff is

amazing thank you so much for coming i

appreciate that because

oh i appreciate that because it took us

a long time a lot of trial and error to

make it work and to find the flavorings

that were um didn’t have the hidden

maltodextrins so unfortunately yeah

those are

more expensive so that’s

um but you know what um i’m into quality

so that’s why we put it in there i’m

glad you like it

thank you

great well thank you kimmer uh for

taking time out of your busy day and

that big rumbling diesel and she is like

i said has an amazing attitude for being

out there in the middle of the desert

and i made that trip a few times doc to

vegas and uh you know if you break down

on 15

god help you god help you yeah you’re

going to be a dry lizard in in two

seconds anyway thank you uh kimmer again

and have fun out there and let’s kick it

off with the first quiz doc and here it


all right

so let’s see if i could

okay i

don’t see it steve all right well i’m

going to age you and the first question

says what’s in bread that makes it so


and i would certainly like to know that

so audience what’s in bread that makes

it so

addictive and uh that is your first

question of the day and let’s not ignore

all the wonderful folks on social media

so chuck from youtube why does my

varicose veins why do my varicose veins

hurt so much i’ve been fasting for most

of my 85 years but this pain only has

started in recent years help

well i i don’t know if it’s your

your uh vascular system it could be the

nerves that go the vascular system that

causes more perception of pain

that’s just my guess i would have to do

a bigger evaluation but i think one

thing that i would recommend that you

need more of anything related to

neuritis or um

related to like nerve pain that would be

b1 so that would be nutritional yeast i

would recommend that you may just find

that solves your problem now

you can get

certain types of pain from the vascular

system either creating pressure

on the nerves um

so um

i i don’t know your situation i don’t

know if you’re exercising but definitely

the best thing to do for that would be

to get more circulation

get more circulation into those those

structures uh through exercise and that

normally would would handle things

related to

uh pressure building up in your

circulatory system

that’s terrific and there’s certainly no

shortage of people that ain’t got a

gallbladder no more and linda is asking

if your gallbladder formula is the only

thing i need is i don’t have a

gallbladder or do i need some digestive

enzymes and will they help lower


well um bile salts help uh mobilize

cholesterol in fact it’s the major route

where you get rid of excess amount of


and triglycerides so


my gallbladder formula has not just bile

it has enzymes it has the betaine

hydrochloride has things to thin the

bile it’s a really interesting

combination of a lot of things to help


all the just different major digestive


structures so a lot of people like it

because it has this combination

and you know i’ve worked over the years


perfecting the ratios of different

things so

it’s a really good high quality product

that you might want to try i would take

it um just with your meals because you

don’t have the gallbladder you’re just

not going to have the quantity of bile

and the stored concentration of bile

that you need to be released and then

help you extract these fat soluble

vitamins so um

you know that gallbladder is a really


structure that sac

to help you

contract and get the amount of bile and

people just like they don’t

doctors just don’t talk about the

importance of bile and the gallbladder

it’s not an extra organ okay it’s not an

extra organ that was a mistake that we

have it is definitely not that so if

whoever tells you that just does not

understand the function of aisle

and the gallbladder so i always like to

tell people to ask the doctor


says something kind of crazy like that

just say well what is the purpose of the

gallbladder and if they say there is no

purpose then

find another doctor

you’re here okay folks well it’s time

for us to acknowledge uh all the

wonderful people that are watching us

out of the world and later in the show

daniel from mexico city will be on so

he’s representing mexico

uh wonderfully in addition to him there

are people joining us from the uk canada

france dubai australia pakistan jordan

jamaica macedonia switzerland

germany nigeria saudi arabia japan kenya

the philippines algeria india troops it

slipped in my fingers let’s see where

were we uh ethiopia cashmere zimbabwe

sri lanka panama it deliscros malaysia

norway south africa cuba uh wales sweden

uh lucia i guess i said that right uh

ireland hungary chile finland peru i

don’t want to leave anybody out

austria serbia the bahamas belgium

romania zambia scotland my old haunts

greece mexico poland taiwan morocco

egypt croatia come on terry this is


cameroon portugal and all across these

united states and again daniel will be

up with us later representing mexico so

thanks everyone so much for watching and

speaking of listeners we have the answer

to the first question which asks hang on

let me read that again

what what’s in bread that makes the darn

stuff so addictive


70 of our respondents say gluten 20 say


other forms of sugar and 10 say it’s the


okay it’s the answer is it’s gluten

and that’s interesting that that many

people knew that because um

like what is it about gluten that’s so

good well first of all it helps you with

this amazing texture right of the bread

but there’s certain types of

proteins in gluten




so as you know we do have an opioid

problem like fentanyl it’s a synthetic

opioid which is highly addictive

and creates devastating effects so

so now we’re actually getting a little

bit of a

like a little bit of fentanyl every time

you eat breasts like it just kind of

gets you this wow i feel so good i feel

this this sense of um euphoria like

um eating bread so it’s

this is why it’s addictive

um so if you were to this is why uh

people when they do even gluten-free

bread they don’t really like it as much

they don’t become as addictive

so um

that is why and so

you know if you like bread and


if you attempt or even hint to take away

someone’s bread

some people get upset so i think just

really important just for people

understand like

why do i like it so much so you know

there’s actually something in there that

mimics a drug

so i’m going to be doing a video on that


and the title of that video is going to


you may never eat bread again after

watching this video

my goodness well i wanted to give some

hope to the folks so i’m intermittent

fasting and cutting out carbs uh

tremendously and when i used to try to

knock off bread and sugar and so on it

was agonizing i see somebody slather

some butter on it but i really don’t


an urge for it anymore and that’s the

first time in my entire life

i still think about some of the sweets

you know and i have to kind of put that

out of mind but thank goodness bread is

no longer agonizing me and i know that’s

because of

dr berg’s various routines

intermittent fasting and you know keto

so i’m very very thankful that i don’t

have to do that battle

anymore and nor do many people in our

audience who report such things let’s

see uh cassandra from youtube i’ve been

taking your electrolyte powders and

sleeping like a baby and feeling awesome

which multivitamins do i need to take

well i i don’t have a

multivitamin however the

keto energy is probably the closest to

that because it has all the natural

vitamin combinations with with certain b

vitamins that are in the natural form um

but you know

honestly i think that you should attempt

to get

the majority of your vitamins from food

the the um

the number one

vitamins sold out there that i’m talking

they make billions i’m not going to

mention their name

and they’re a multivitamin i mean it’s

probably the top three

companies they’re just like pure

synthetic the quality of those

ingredients are so low

um that

i mean

and they’re selling all these and people

just think oh yeah i’m getting these

great great nutrients uh


i don’t know if you are

so try to get it from food

that’s interesting okay let’s see um so

bridget maybe she’s a weightlifter from

youtube i’m three weeks into keto and

i’m at my desired weight and i feel

great but i want to drop my body fat

percentage from 36 to 30. boy that’s

specific what can i do to achieve this


well two things you want to drop your

insulin levels

um as much as you can to get leaner


you need to go lower carb

and fast longer

those two actions uh will make you very

very lean


and then you can also add more exercise


wonderful harry wants to know a good way

to gain weight without consuming carbs

um well i’m guessing you don’t want to

gain fat you want to gain muscle i’m

guessing um so maybe make sure your your

quantity of food is um

is higher if your metabolism is fast

you’re going to eat more food and so you

know maybe keep your your carbs at the

the max like 50

grams per day and consume

carbs that don’t turn the sugar very


and then increase your your fat that’s

going to be really important and then

exercise to stimulate the muscle to make



respond by becoming larger

um so we’re really just dealing with uh

we don’t have carbs protein and fats

right so

you’re just gonna have to have more of

that but not too much pro don’t go crazy

with excessive

massive amounts of protein because some

of that can turn into sugar as well

terrific dutch guy i’m sure that’s his

real name uh says you said you don’t

favor synthetic supplements but how

about cod liver oil supplements that

contain synthetic vitamin e

no i don’t i don’t like that i don’t

like that um

there’s some really interesting data on

these synthetic vitamin e i mean the

only time i’d recommend synthetic

vitamin e is if you’re doing a detox a


let’s say a month or two detox

but not as a long-term maintenance why

because the synthetic

the chemistry of synthetic vitamins are

very very different

and synthetic phytonutrients as well and

they might act like an antioxidant but

then they become

an oxidant

so they can create more oxidation

and um

i’m telling you there’s not a lot of

long-term safety studies on these and

um it might sound like they’re harmless

but um

i wouldn’t trust them


that i hope that answers that and if

you’re going to take a vitamin e one of

the best sources

the type i would get would be

tocatrinals that’s a really good good

type of vitamin it’s a kind of a new

concept for people they’re used used to

cough rolls but toe katrina’s just um

they work a lot better

terrific well catherine seems to have a

complaint that you’ve talked about i’m

very thin and healthy you’re not thin

and i do i f and would like to continue

for a lifetime but i’m slowly losing

more weight will my weight stabilize i’m

five nine 140 pounds and 45 years old

yeah they should stabilize you you want

to add i just eat more food here here’s

the problem when you start doing fasting

you start burning your fat and then now

you’re you’re not hungry anymore because

you’re burning your fat so um

so some people with a very fast

metabolism they just need to eat a lot

more food

when they eat not frequent meals but

more food and probably

more fat for sure

so there’s a there’s a condition of

epilepsy right for the kids that have

epilepsy a lot of times they’ll start

the ketogenic diet but a very large

percentage of them don’t stick with it

unfortunately because the type of

keto that they’re recommending is just

like crazy unhealthy and they don’t look

at the ingredients and it’s just the you

know just oh yeah just drink a bunch of

cream with add this in there and even


terrible canned keto shakes

you know with the epilepsy you want to

really have your ratio

to fat to protein like really a lot of

fat and not as much protein so it’s like

a two or three to one fat to protein


there is a way to do that that is so

healthy you just need to like

rearrange the foods to create this super

high fat

you know moderately low protein and very

low carb

to help these kids and um

and that way you’ll get compliance

you’ll get health


but if you do it the regular way that is


being promoted

you’re going to have a lot of digest

your kid is going to have a lot of

digestive problems and they’ll give up


when it could really work for them

so i will be doing some videos on that

because i know

there are kids out there that

can benefit from this i mean immensely

terrific okay let’s kick off another

question this one’s a true false if you

don’t get gi symptoms from gluten

then you’re safe to eat it is that true

or false audience

i’m talking about digestive problems if

you don’t get any digestive problems

when you eat gluten

i mean it must be okay to eat right i

mean that’s that’s true correct

we’ll see we’ll see if the audience has

an opinion on that i’ll stand by just a

moment here doc let’s see why don’t we

uh go back to social media for a moment

a moment

oh wow here’s another gallbladder when

donna from youtube i have no gallbladder

that’s a common theme and i’m a type 2

diabetic who’s had a complete

hysterectomy what can i do to lose

weight quickly

well you still have your thyroid so make

sure you say that right hopefully they

didn’t take that out um

you just need to um you need more data

you need more videos to watch and you

need to


support the missing organs

so you have more of a

complete body function


the quick answer is

very simply to go on my um

healthy version of ketosis with

intermittent fasting as your basic thing

before you think about anything else

just get on that program go to my

website search it dr

get on it and then watch what happens

and see if you really need to do

anything else because

that is so powerful um the results are

fantastic and you’ll see when you do it

and so that way

you know no one has to kind of uh

educate you on it because you know it

works because you tried it that’s really

the most important thing is to you have

to try it out to see if it works for you

terrific okay let’s go back to the green

room and we’ve got dana who i kept

calling holly because she’s from holly

michigan but she’s forgiven me

and we’re going to bring her up on the

air and there she is

dana you’re on with dr burke

hi dr berg hi

um i have a little bit of a complicated

situation that i don’t know how to get

out of

my husband does most of the cooking and

just about all the grocery shopping

and he sabotages me


i you know i tell him what i want i give

him a list and he always seems to come

home with

so many really really tempting treats

like bread and chocolate and ice cream



he eats differently than i need to he

had a uh

bypass the bypass surgery

many many years ago but still feels like

he needs to eat all the time and his

weight is obviously increasing but i

can’t get them on the same page with me

do you have any advice for me to how to

handle that and what i can do to maybe

get my temptation levels down there’s a

type of therapy it’s called um let me

think stranglization therapy


what i would honestly if after a period

of time you can’t convince them i would

personally bite the bullet and you just

buy your own food go up get your own

food keep it separate um because

unfortunately you know sometimes when

you have family in there it’s it’s

really hard to keep everyone the same

on board on the same viewpoint they

don’t always have the same

you know viewpoint so now you have to

cope as best as you can i would

personally buy your own food and cook

your own food

and that way you control it you you’re

in charge you’re not dependent on anyone

else and so


i think that’s the simple answer

after you tried something now i gotta

learn how to cook

you know um here’s the thing um

i’ll give you an example of what i ate


i mean

i’m not doing any weird like wild

recipes i i took some lettuce leaves i

took some


slice of cheese little mayonnaise

with a slice of um

tomato and i made my little sandwich i

had like several of those

and that was my meal so

you you don’t necessarily have to do any

type of major recipes or

like you should find some recipes that

have like four items to put together

and uh

do it do with that style which is kind

of boring but it’s simple i’ve been

doing that for forever so


okay i’ll give you okay

yeah make it simple

don’t add too many complexities because

we want you just to stay in the plan so

you can do it long enough to get the



okay let hubby have it for goodness

sakes dana get him get him on board with

all this stuff well thanks for being on

with us fine i’ll get them in line

that’s great so by the way one of our

former summits long before covid hit um

i watched uh dr berg in action so he

says all these things but does he do

them yes you know they had all sorts of

well actually it was a clean slate for

food but there was plenty of stuff you

could get in trouble with in that big

hotel and he wolf down the lettuce and

all the things he described even though

he could have maybe taken a cheat

weekend from all the pressure he had

with this big summit but he didn’t so

you know if some people are saying gee

it’s a little tough well maybe it is but

i’m telling you dr berg doesn’t so does

karen they look 20 years younger than

their actual age doc you’re 85 now right

isn’t that


yes i’m 85 and going on 23. there you go

no but they they they walk the walk

trust me i can see it well i sneak off

and do something bad in the corner but

anyway i’m learning okay let’s see what

do we have up next let me see if we’ve

got some answers to the question

uh yes we do uh in the question once

again asked

excuse me true false if you don’t get gi

symptoms from gluten then you’re safe to

eat it and the audience

uh a hundred percent say that’s

absolutely false who’s right

i always you know the only reason i

asked that question is just to see if

anyone did say that’s true i wanted to

know because um what’s interesting when

you consume gluten for example

and you feel bloated whatever like like

wow i have maybe have gluten intolerance

maybe i have celiac you know things like

that um but here’s what’s happening


like i just said before you’re



opioid opioid receptors it’s kind of

like a little bit like this morph

morphine effect


which numbs

some or masks some of these

gi pain syndromes that you would

normally have that you don’t feel it but

that but the damage brews in the

evidence so it’s called non-celiac or

asymptomatic celiac disease which i


a large percent of the population might

have a version of this

where they don’t get the gi symptoms

they get other symptoms


autoimmune problems with

like hashimoto’s for example they might

get fatigue

insomnia skin reactions psoriasis

all these other symptoms that they would

never connect to this gluten

until they one day decide to do the

ketogenic diet and they know they can’t

have bread anymore all of a sudden they

all these problems clear up

it might not even be the lowering of

insulin it could just be the elimination

of gluten so um i am going to release

the video on that i think it’s worth

watching because there’s some

fascinating things about this gluten

that you maybe never heard before

okay whenever you want a chunk of bread

just grab some of dr berg’s nutritional

yeast just gulp a couple of those things

down and

the urge will drift away

let’s see kimberly uh wants to know if

doing pro when doing prolonged fasting

should i continue taking my tutka and


well it depends what you’re trying to


um tutka is good for a lot of things

bile sludge nausea

it’s not like a long-term product you

take it until you kind of get enough

bile and then

change your diet and then you’re good

but it’s also

shown some powerful other benefits

including decreasing allergies


restoring liver function

quite a few things um

you should watch my video in tuck cuts

it’s actually just a i didn’t know

anything about it until like two years

ago but it’s a fascinating

synthetic bile that is basically


a bile from a bear

and so in a lot of ancient cultures they

use this bear bile for a lot of

different things but

you know the problem is killing all

these bears is a big problem so they

made it synthetically which apparently

doesn’t seem to have

any side effects that i could see

but the benefits like far outweigh the


any potential problems but it’s a

it thins the bile

um and

if someone has like bloating or or

pain right around the pancreas or

pancreatitis or any type of backup of

the spile and they start getting right

shoulder pain or

upper back pain

this is like the miracle so it’s

something that i wish i knew about a

long time ago but

i don’t have a recommendation so you

just have to seek it out do your own

research and

and find find it you know if you need it

you know it works great if you don’t

need it

then don’t get it

great advice okay now bulky xena

uh is um

is on youtube and you know again we hear

all these things and questions but

there’s so many people that are grateful

what you’re done and formerly bulky xena

i guess says she’s lost 30 pounds in


thanks to fasting uh all thanks to you

dr berg so that’s a lot of that and it’s

great to hear some acknowledgments of

how this stuff works so thank you

very much thank you yes a shrinking

bulky xena let’s see okay

uh we did that one um christina

can i do the keto diet with afib

i think you should i think you should



atrial fibrillation is a form of

arrhythmias which

normally come from a lack of

electrolytes especially potassium and

magnesium which

well how you become deficient in

magnesium potassium well

number one you’re not consuming enough

foods that have those trace minerals

like large groups of salad but also the

amount of carbs will deplete potassium

and magnesium to a very large amount so

i think it can help you greatly but just

realize there’s one more um connection

between arrhythmias or even atrial fib

in your digestive system if you don’t

have enough bile

because there’s some little problem with

your liver because you have a fatty

liver because you do carbs or you have a

gallbladder issue that can create

palpitations or arrhythmic issues


purified bowel salts can help you with

that if that’s the cause so you know i

just have a lot of videos on these


that you can look at and

figure out you know why you have

the problem you have and one last point

i had i didn’t have atrial fib but i had

severe heart rhythmic problems

a while ago and

um nothing worked right here my diet’s


and then i find out this interesting

connection between electromagnetic

fields so i got this device i might even

have it around here and i started to


my house my computer

massive massive with the uh with the

battery backup and the power cables so i

fixed all that

still didn’t prove anything and then i

had this idea to check the rest of my

house and i found that

the wall in the back of our headboard

where my bed is

was off the chart like eight feet it was

extending eight feet these

electromagnetic fields um and so i had

i literally had to have an electrician

come in and tear out the wall and find

all these wires crossed

um and it was producing electromagnetic

i was basically sleeping in this this

bathing in this electromagnetic field

which is not good for your heart and um

and once they corrected that completely


slept like a baby


if you have that problem watch my video

on emf

um because i talk about it

that’s fantastic well uh allison from

edison new jersey popped off and just

popped back on so while we’ve got her i

want to take her and uh allison you were

on with your one question with dr byrd

uh oh alison can you hear us all right

we’ll go back it looks like she’s muted

okay allison are muted

actually not here she’s had a little

issue with her internet so we’ll go back

to her in a while how about if we go to

our former guest daniel who’s in mexico

city and daniel you sir are on with dr


hey dr berg


hey great to hear you again


well i’ve been doing the keto and and

fasting for maybe now six months and

it’s been amazing the way it’s been

helping me to solve all type of issues

that i have uh last year

um the only thing that i’m still trying

to solve is my high levels of

cholesterol i’ve been watching your

videos on cholesterol i’ve been running

away from every single opinion regarding

and things like that

but i’m still you know struggling with

cholesterol around 400

milligrams of cholesterol and i’m 35

years old doing keto and fasting so any


did you see my video today that i


not yet


i think that’s what you’re missing um

the the main control of a bile


getting rid of any extra

is the

um is the bile the biohacks controls

cholesterol so cholesterol is controlled

by bile

uh that’s from your gallbladder so uh

taking bile salts would be very

important but

but here’s the thing you have two types

of bile you have primary bile that’s

made by your liver and you have

secondary bile

do you know about secondary bile


yeah that’s made by your microbes in

your gut so let’s say for example you

had a history of something that killed

off your microbes or maybe antibiotic or



okay you you now you you’re wondering

why you don’t have enough bile to deal

with this cholesterol

so taking um

a probiotic would be good


in addition to the bile salts

but um

you know a really good way to get these


is to

make your own sauerkraut or kimchi or

make your own kefir because


and the fermented vegetables

especially if you make them it is like

way way way higher in microbes than if

you buy it at the store

unless you find um like from from the

farmers market so recently i’m into the

kefir thing and i


i found that in my state i can get raw

milk so i’m making raw milk what a

difference huge and these microbes

you can make it really sour so you have

like super amounts of microbes and

friendly yeast

and you start taking that it repopulates

your gut now

you start building the secondary

bile salts that can then uh now help you

with this cholesterol overlap so that’s

the real two answers the bile salts

tutka and then also the probiotic i

think that’s like the missing link

awesome sounds great i will

try it keep keep you posted and thank

you so much for everything

you’re welcome

yeah these these these microbes are just


so interesting to me because they

they break down food uh they break down


proteins and they they give you all

these in new flavors

like from cheese

and yogurt and of course bread and i’m

just being sarcastic

because they don’t really eat bread in



but i tell you it’s uh

they sure give these wonderful flavors

from all these different fermented

products that you can make


i’m like doing major research in this

area i even


this right here

which is a lactic acid test kit so i can

start checking

how much lactic acid i’m making and do

all these interesting experiments so i’m

having some fun doing that

that’s wonderful what could be more

natural than honey and robert wants to

know uh if it’s good or bad for us

i don’t recommend honey because

it’s very high in

sugar and

well you might say it’s natural but yeah

but it’s just too high in sugar so of

course it’s better than refined sugar

but i don’t recommend it in any products

now what about bee pollen yeah that’s

good for the immune system

but not honey

and then you also people who say well

what about fruit fruit’s natural why

can’t i do fruit i mean you could

the only reason i don’t recommend fruit

berries are okay but

uh the fruit first

first of all

is not necessarily uh the natural

version that our bodies were designed to


a long time ago um fruit wasn’t as sweet

didn’t have the carbohydrates and it was

seasonal so

it wasn’t something all year round so it

just gives us way too much sugar in fact

all i did was consume i think maybe

two apples a day

and my weight went up to 211


and if you watch my earlier videos

you’ll see my face was literally

round and my eyes were puffy and that

was that the two apples now

they were honeycrisp they had 19 grams

of sugar

per apple

but that’s all that i did different than

i’m doing now

the darn apple so


gives you a lot of sugar

bummer okay time for another question

this is a true falser the primary reason

to consume bone broth is to get more

protein well audience is that true

or is that false

and i know they’re sharpening their

pencil right now getting on it let’s see

um okay barbara from youtube i’m fasting


but can that slow down my metabolism and

perhaps make me more prone to sickness

now fasting doesn’t slow down your

metabolism it actually speeds it up

um you know sometimes uh people put out

this false uh

information that you have to eat

frequently to stimulate your metabolism

really so in other words i should have

all these snacks and then i’m gonna have

a fast metabolism no no no it’s gonna

increase insulin and then you’re going

to have insulin resistance and insulin

resistance is really behind

a very damaged slow metabolism in fact

you’re going to develop this set point

that’s very high so you’ll never be able

to get below a certain weight unless you

correct insulin resistance

which comes from the frequent eating so

fasting can

actually help correct

your metabolic pathways metabolic

syndrome and insulin resistance so you

can have a faster metabolism again

that’s terrific why don’t we go to a

reed in bend oregon

uh who has

a question for you read your own with dr


good morning my question is very similar

to daniels

i’ve been on your healthy

keto plan for about three months now

take a lot of your supplements

really cognizant of my electrolyte


sea salt really kind of following your

program the best that i can and recently

had my lab work done everything was

great except for my lipid profile

my cholesterol was 209 which i’m not

really concerned with triglycerides 160

and 133 for the ldl my doctor

recommended that i consider lipitor

which i declined

everything that i’ve been doing my my

assumption is that i’m trending in the

right direction but i’m just curious if

there’s some

tweak and you’ve already mentioned a

couple of things that some i’m already

doing um but yeah my question is

regarding the 209 cholesterol

yeah that’s uh


uh i don’t know if it was 25 or 35 years


the normal cholesterol was 225 and they

lowered it to 200 and all of a sudden

they put everyone on

a lot of drugs overnight um they do the

same thing if i’m not mistaken with the



so um

honestly i would um i would definitely

watch the video i released today because

if you’re concerned you do an advanced

lipid profile test look at the two

different types of

ldl particle sizes and you’re

you know i have a video explaining that


you’re going to find that the type of


particle that you have is going to be

the large buoyant which is is not the

type that invades the arteries

because you’re doing keto you’re

mobilizing a lot of the cholesterol from

your fat cells

and so

you know you may this is

going to be a temporary thing


you stabilize but with a little bit of

probiotic and bile salts things will

improve faster

but i would definitely recommend getting

that advanced lipid profile test to

and uh learn more about it because um

you’re gonna find that this is a normal

thing happening and it’s

uh you’re not in danger of a heart


unfortunately my doctor declined

letting me take that test encouraged me

to do a coronary calcium test um

which uh i actually just canceled

because i really not interested in

having the radiation at this point but i

do take your gallbladder formula twice a

day and your probiotic solution every

evening before bed um so i mean i think

if i tested four months ago my numbers

would be quite a bit different than they

are now again i think i’m trending in

the right direction but yeah i

appreciate your insight


absolutely and um

i always like to you know when you’re

working with the physician you got to

find someone that is at least

open enough to work with you and


you know that’s there’s so many docs out

there it’s like okay find someone that

is um there’s a cardiologist the keto

friendly cardiologist that can also you

can if you ever need to talk to someone

they consult people remotely and then

you can uh get this other viewpoint that

is um

not so fixed on this the same old same

old so but i thought it sounds like

you’re on the right track reid so

i think you’re just going to probably

continue and

you know cross that road later if you

need to

thank you

you’re welcome that’s great read and

please do get back with us as things

progress and tell us how you’re doing we

always love to hear

we like the back story but we like what

happens afterwards so thanks for joining

us today that’s terrific

and uh you know not only are people in

the green room participating but so are

everyone in the audience because they’ve

quickly answered

the next question true false the primary

reason to consume bone broth is to get

more protein

and the audience

85 say false 15 say it’s absolutely true


i mean it can be one one reason um but

the two big

things about bone broth is number one

it helps

the gut issues because

it’s um

it has certain factors that help the

permeability or the leakiness of that

gut and it’s so

that’s one issue the gut

um number two is actually arthritis

and joint problems


they don’t really know why that works

but a lot of people take it for


is it the collagen is it this is it that

i will be releasing a video on another


that i think

is why it might help your joints

and there’s also a huge connection

between your gut problems and your

joints as far as especially autoimmune

like rheumatoid and

even some other types of arthritis

problems so


stay tuned for that video i’m not going


um reveal this interesting fascinating

theory that i think is the real reason


um people feel better with their joints

especially with autoimmune

when they take bone broth

very good okay so

this question stressed me out just

reading it can stress cause cancer i

immediately started doing some deep

breathing exercises just in case

audience what do you think does stress


cancer we want to know and by the way

speaking of


we’ve got janie that’s going to be

coming on with us and she uh said can i

ask uh dr berg about maybe doing a video

and i said he insists on stuff he really

loves that so in addition to your one


uh janie we’re going to also have you

ask dr berg about a video that he may

produce for you okay you’re uh oh hang

on just a second let’s see you janie are

on the air with dr berg

yeah she just has to unmute oh yeah

you’re muted dear

there we go


thank you so much for all the research

you do for all of us we really

appreciate it because you’re now my

go-to with any health concern i type in

dr berg and whatever the issue and

i watch what you have to say


so i’ve been doing healthy keto

intermittent fasting for about a year

i’ve lost 20 pounds

uh kind of stabilized despite doing the

um omad and couple days and things my

homa ir is 2.0 which seems okay it’s

probably come down because i think it

was more resistant

but i had a dna test done


had a kmo factor

and it says

that numerous studies suggest that brain

kyna is a biologic marker of

neuroinflammation as kyna production is

increased in animals on a ketogenic diet

this type of diet may not be optimum for


now they probably didn’t test it on a

healthy keto so i don’t really know what

that means but i’m wondering if that

relates to any of the struggles i’ve had

because my blood ketones won’t seem to

go above 0.3

i lose my appetite enough to do the

longer fast but then i’m not losing

weight so i get mixed

messages on what my body’s doing and i

still get tired after salads and

vegetables etc

so so um so that when you read up about

that genetic

or whatever it is did you do they say

what diet to go on like a high carb high

carb diet

no which obviously isn’t going to be

helpful either but so i don’t know what


i didn’t really know what to make of

that so i kind of ignored it but then i

started thinking well maybe there’s a

connection with why i’m not

doing as well with it

so so okay so the main would you say the

main symptom it would be fatigue


fatigue and weight is stabilized like 20

pounds isn’t that much and i don’t

really have that much more that i need

to lose but i’m thinking over the last

six months why can i not seem to break


plateau but but yeah i feel better if i

like if i go on a

trip and go off for a bit and then come

back i actually feel more energy all day

on carbs and i’m like this isn’t good

i’m not supposed to feel good when i’m

eating poorly but i when i’m doing it i

do the lemon juice and electrolytes in

the morning you know i take a full lemon

off the tree


i’m doing i do about a teaspoon of salt

and i need a lot of electrolytes i need

extra iron


i need extra uh iodine and

i just can’t seem to feel right

though i’m you know bragging about how

wonderful this is and people say how

much have you lost oh 20 pounds

got it

well i think um

there a lot of times these things are


um because you really you really want to

figure out why would someone be tired so

then the question i have would be sleep

do you have

quality sleep do you feel refreshed when

you go to sleep

i do well with sleep


and what about your stress level

how has that been

recently i’m mostly retired i still

substitute here and there but i feel

pretty good so and i did get the lemon

balm tea thinking of the cortisol

because i may have a cortisol issue even

if i don’t feel stressed and


so so this is kind of another mystery

when you deal with like this mystery

thing here to evaluate we just need more

and more data to see

what what’s uh

what we’re missing here i’ll just give

you an example of things that are kind

of rolling through my mind um

what what is your age

  1. yeah so you’re past menopause

one thing with women that are past

menopause um sometimes

they um

start to develop in iron toxicity

and i’ll just give you an example

because i’ve had some other people on

keto and

they stopped menstruating so now the

thing about iron it tends to accumulate

in the body and it can create fatigue

for sure

and um it could be that

little thing on the side that kind of

just keeps you from having the full

benefits and this is why even people

they’re doing oh i’m eating i’m eating

uh grass-fed your red meat and then

and you find out the iron is just way

too high so

in this case um i think a good thing to

do would be to find a functional

a nutritional

doc that checks the functional medicine

that they can do

a deep dive on a bunch of blood tests to


look across the board of just anything

that kind of jumps out and gives us a

clue on

what is going on because

i don’t know if i agree with this

genetic thing

so we have that right right and then

with the weight problem i do know this

with a lot of especially women that are

doing this they hit this plateau and

they just can’t seem to get below it and

so then what i do is i tell them to do a


just do a three-day fast okay good and

then they

they uh sometimes they need a a

prolonged fasting to kick things in gear

and um

then all of a sudden things start

working better and better doing longer



um because the fasting will clear up


that are weird things too that

like your mood will come up energy

should come up you start recycling old

proteins you start to

lose weight that you couldn’t have lost

before because you’re you’re literally

your body is just running on your fat so

you may need something like that um

so these are just kind of thoughts that

are running through my head right now

okay because yeah my iron is actually

low but that like if it’s okay good so

then then we don’t worry about that um

but i did have a vitamin d receptor

issue with several genes and an

interleukin-6 receptor and estrogen

receptor one i don’t know what all this


okay so so this is uh this is another

thing too like vitamin d uh there’s

someone else that had a problem with the

vitamin d receptor there’s a little

mutation there

and um you take the normal vitamin d or

even uh 10 000 i use it didn’t do

anything for her she had to take 40 to

50 000 iu’s vitamin d with some purified

bile salts at the same time to start

feeling better um

that could be another um another thing

that uh to test out until you figure

this out but uh yeah um

yeah interesting

and if i um i have several questions

that could be videos is there a place to

send those ideas

like how how to interpret houma ir

results and things like that

yeah you can send it to dr berg at dr and just say attention dr berg

and then um they they will send it to me


thank you so much appreciate all of you

no problem and my cousin my co my

niece’s husband who’s a pizza chef in

italy loves keto and has had great

results and he said to tell you ciao

wow that’s fantastic ciao

that’s great well thanks so much uh

janie uh and let’s see let’s see if we

can oh well first of all let me get the

answer this question can stress um

stephen before i forget i want to just

mention one thing about this pizza in

italy um so many people um

go literally and they eat the pizza and

like wow

i’m uploading i’m looking around the

room and everyone’s eating a whole pizza

and they’re they don’t seem to be

bloating and and in america you eat

pizza and you blow what’s going on well

it relates to

uh the fermentation time

in other cultures uh especially in italy

compared to america they they ferment

this dough for

two days maybe even three days in

america we ferment it for a an hour

and that fermentation breaks down gluten

this is why like sourdough bread you

have a lot less gluten and you don’t get

the bloating because

uh it’s the gluten that just tears up

the colon so um

that’s probably the big factor that’s uh

that’s why people feel you know better

on certain type of

grains in other parts of the country

because they ferment longer

so remember that steve

i’ll keep that in mind

that’s amazing well speaking of cancer


say that it’s true and one percent

uh says uh that it’s not true he must be

or she must be very relaxed

and so on so uh doc oh hang on i better

bring that question up there it is

audience and thank you for responding so

quick doc what’s the answer


here’s some interesting interesting

interesting data on this cancer puzzle i

just did an interview with someone i’m

going to post this video in um a couple


but here’s a guy who had stage three

cancer it was actually borderline stage

four colorectal cancer

um and he um



was the peak of his health he ate great

he did intermittent fasting

and in 2020

he came down with this cancer right

blood in the stool and

it grew to be 10 centimeters

okay so

um anyway

how the heck did he get cancer his diet

was great

well it runs in his family his dad had

cancer and died his i think his brother

had cancer and died

um and so here he has this cancer


he did

the fasting that we recommended

and he ate

what we recommended based on some other

videos that we did with another guy who

had stage four

and guess what within four months he has

no more cancer right

but my question was

what happened

just before you started noticing these

symptoms that you had cancer

and i said did you go through any stress

and he said yes

with covid

all of my um

my businesses just shut down because he

taught karate so he had these different

places around

the united states i think that

that completely shut down so he had

financial stress he had relationship


and that stress activated

through an epigenetic kick in these this

genetic factor and bam

got the cancer

so i think stress can activate

um certain genes that then can cause

cancer for sure

but the good news is that when you watch

this video

it’s going to give people hope that you

can do something about it if you come

down with cancer

and this is the second interview with

someone that had

advanced cancer and they wanted to do

all these things to them and uh he

decided to go in a different route

with great success four months a 10 cm


tumor in the colon

disappearing uh i think that should get

everyone’s attention and they should

watch this video


my goodness well if you’ll excuse me dr

burke i’m doing deep slow breaths to try

to reduce stress this has just got me

horrified hey i’m going to try to get


if she can hear us

uh in with us and allison if you can

hear us uh you’re on with dr berg

i still still i see the mute button

there i mean the the um yeah her mute

button is

is on yeah oh dear allison well she

doesn’t seem to be able to hear us

either and allison i’m going to invite


uh to come on next week maybe you can

send us an email or send us your

questions so

anyway dr berg we are fighting against

the clock i would like you to mention to

our audience how the international

audience how they can get your products

uh with less worry and less money

well i’m always always trying to find

better ways to do this cut the shipping

expense because that’s always a problem

especially with the diesel fuel expense

recently so um if you go to um the links

down below if you’re in a different


we do now have

places where you can get the products um

and you don’t have to have them shipped

from america so i’m working on that all

the time and uh that might help you but

you know we have other uh channels steve

we have uh not just the english channel

we have

the arabic channel we have the russian

channel we have um

uh a channel in uh french

i think it’s germany uh taiwanese


and i think there’s a total of um eight

different languages

and so it’s uh in fact the arabic

channel has close to 5 million

subscribers already that’s incredible so

there’s a lot of people all over the

world that are watching this and this is

really exciting because

it’s working and people are trying these

remedies and spreading the word

and um this is just awesome so

when you find remedies that work for


unfortunately um what i’m trying to do

is trying to

go against the grain and give people

solutions to health problems that you

may not find when you do your searches

and i have the advantage of being

practiced for 30 years

and working with actual people and

testing things out constantly doing

research and trying to make it simple so

you can actually

you know one thing i hate too with

videos with it um

they just it’s like it takes 45 minutes

to get to the point

so i try to get to the point as fast as

i can

because i don’t like these long-winded

videos like i’m doing right now so

anyway on that note have a wonderful

weekend we will see you next week stay

tuned for some fascinating videos

and have a wonderful weekend

