Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced) | DrEricBergDC

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well it’s official YouTube has just now

banned anything related to health that

doesn’t align with the General Medical

consensus so if any information related

to health doesn’t agree with the World

Health Organization they won’t

necessarily always take down the the

video but they’re going to change the

algorithms so they’re going to replace

those videos that were popular that had

lots of likes and lots of Engagement

with medical information this new

partnership with YouTube is supposed to

protect you against misinformation and

promote high quality health information

and their definition of misinformation

is anything that opposes their Viewpoint

I mean if you go to drberg.com you will

see that I have

7607 success stories I’m helping people

I’m giving people lots of non-toxic

Solutions and if you just read the

comments you’ll see that a lot of people

are being helped so my information is

not dangerous it’s not misinformation

it’s actually quite helpful and this new

change is going to hurt a lot of people

because they’re not going to be able to

find alternative viewpoints alternative

opinions sometimes medicine doesn’t work

you know looking for inexpensive natural

remedies to handle certain body issues

but guess what now they’re going to have

a very difficult time finding those

Solutions because all these medical

sites are going to replace Alternative

Health I mean I used to rank for so many

conditions now you can’t even find me

unless you type Dr Berg slash whatever

and even on the keto diet I have

928 keto videos that’s right 928 videos

guess what when you type keto diet you

can’t find me instead the number one

ranked video is from Mayo Clinic okay

and the comments are turned off and you

can see the likes are actually not very

high compared to the number of views I

think they have like 260 000 views but

very few likes and it’s an anti-keto

video and I’m going to share some

interesting things in that video but I

first want to communicate a couple

things you know a long time ago when

Google started they had this motto and

that was do the right thing

and then they changed it to don’t be


and now I don’t even I don’t even know

what if they have a model but you think

just giving people this one medical

Viewpoint this Monopoly over your body

your health care

you think that’s going to increase the

quality of Health I mean basically this

move is going to wipe out the

competition and competition competing

viewpoints and opinions are very very

good in the healthcare field because it

forces everyone to raise the bar and do

better at getting results and how do we

trust this Medical Group with all the

Strategic alliances and the Strategic

Partners the Strategic alliances with

big Pharma and how they partner with

medical universities and medical

journals how do we trust that like I

said before their definition of

misinformation is basically any

information that opposes the medical

Viewpoint the medical consensus how do

we make sure they’re transparent with

all the conflict of interest the

Strategic alliances and the Strategic

partners and what they call the

stakeholders which some of them are part

of industry and of course the revolving

doors with all the directors it’s

terrible it’s terrible and I think it’s

going to hurt a lot of people because

freedom of health information is really

freedom of speech it’s a very slippery

slope the more you start filtering out

other opinions other viewpoints

so many people go on the internet

because they have not gotten results

with certain types of medications and

they’re trying to find Alternatives so

if someone wants something that’s

non-toxic okay or something that’s

natural or a do-it-yourself remedy that

is all considered dangerous

misinformation yeah it’s just terrible

but it’s not just me it’s all the other

Alternative Healthcare practitioners

anyone who comments on nutrition even

the layperson who wants to share their

viewpoint on health they’re not going to

rank and this doesn’t just hurt me or

them it hurts the person trying to find

the right knowledge we’re going to be

pretty much stuck with just one way of

treating the body and they call this

science they call this high quality

health information really and there’s

also a really interesting side comment

that I read about this and they call it

the silent epidemic it’s called Health

the literacy and some of these people

that are writing about this um give

Health A literacy as the reason why

people aren’t going to the doctors as

much and they’re going online searching

for alternative viewpoints on health and

this is what they defined Health


you ready for this it’s an inability to

comprehend and use medical information

and they say this it’s worse with the


poor people and minorities sounds a

little bit like discrimination to me so

basically they’re saying that it’s an

epidemic out there there’s so many

people who just can’t understand

medicine right and that’s probably why

they’re going to Alternative sites you

know like things like that and not

sticking with Incredible high quality

Health Care information I mean this is

just ridiculous I mean maybe they don’t

understand it because the doctor is

talking over their head or the

information doesn’t make sense or maybe

they do really understand they just

don’t agree with this idea of

suppressing a symptom with a drug and

being on the drug the rest of your life

to me that’s not science I mean even if

you start looking up like pretty much

almost every disease psoriasis Ms if you

look at the cause of this it’ll say

unknown cause unknown cause we don’t

know what causes it well if you don’t

know what causes it what makes you the

expert over that condition you know but

what really frustrates me is having them

take over the keywords for the ketogenic

diet now why is that a bad thing because

they don’t have any experience in that

area many times when doctors go to

school they don’t get a lot of training

in nutrition or anything alternative and

so now they get to be the controllers of

that information as well this next video

that I’m going to show you is the video

ranked number one for the ketogenic diet

check this out according to Dr Google

the most searched question of 2018 was

what is the keto diet now the reason I’m

bringing this up and this was even four

years ago keto is very popular people

are searching for it the bottom line is

the more people that get on this diet

the less medication they’re going to

need because it handles so many issues

instead of carbs for energy the body

burns fat entering a state called

ketosis ketosis what could go wrong

sounds like a great plan sounds a little

dangerous to me that’s why I’ve not

tried it dangerous really

here’s the problem the lack of

differentiating between

therapeutic ketosis okay or they call it

nutritional ketosis


ketoacidosis but mild ketosis or

therapeutic ketosis is extremely

therapeutic and I’m going to put some

links on a whole bunch of science behind

that that supports that when I think

about ketosis sometimes I get a little

nervous I think well gosh we don’t

really actually want you in ketosis but

can you tell us about that right and I

think and I think this is something that

is the unknown with when when people are

saying well I’m going to put myself on a

ketogenic diet and be in ketosis because

really when you think about what ketosis

is it’s it’s a it’s a alternative

pathway that our body has to use in

times of emergency so right there you

could see that um a huge bias they don’t

want people to do keto they think

ketosis only occurs in an emergency

situation when you are starving or

something like that that is so false

talk about misinformation on steroids

that is absolutely not true do you

realize that when your body goes into

this mild ketosis your flight or

fighting mechanism goes down it reduces


you help balance the autonomic nervous

system it’s anything but emergency it’s

super healthy so you’re right it’s it’s

it’s something that historically has

alarmed Us in terms of we don’t

necessarily want people to be in ketosis

it can be very dangerous Ketone bodies

are considered toxic your body has uh

two two ways of getting rid of them you

you either exhale them through your

breath or you urinate them out and so it

is a stressful kind of process on your

body too because your your body is

trying to rid itself of these Ketone

bodies here’s another clip that shows

that they just don’t have any

information about this they have zero

information about the healthy version of

ketosis it’s not toxic it’s not

dangerous ketones are actually a super

fuel ketones are an antioxidant and they

talk about it being toxic because your

body’s trying to get rid of it through

urine or breath yeah

that’s just in the transition step when

you’re transitioning over to burning fat

the motor is inefficient so you’re

wasting some of these ketones and then

very quickly your body becomes very

efficient where you’re utilizing all

this Ketone energy in fact a ketone is

much more efficient than glucose it

produces more energy and it runs off fat

I mean just think about way back when we

have this Hunter gather type environment

we develop this ability to to run on

ketones for a survival mechanism because

we didn’t have food available we didn’t

have all these carbohydrates so to say

that ketones are dangerous it’s just the

opposite glucose is dangerous and toxic

in fact the numbers of people who have


have a condition called hyperglycemia

that’s high blood glucose another term

for that is glucotoxicity okay that’s

very very damaging and what’s really

interesting about that concept is this

when you eat a lot of sugar in carbs

okay which they don’t seem to have a

problem with over time you develop

diabetes right and in an advanced type 2

diabetes as well as type 1 diabetes

that’s when you can develop this

ketoacidosis problem so the number one

reason why people have ketoacidosis is

because they have high blood glucose

okay it has nothing to do with being on

a ketogenic diet I’ve never met one


that’s one on the ketogenic diet and is

developed ketoacidosis

um Dr kozing you and I both said we know

people who have a lot of people yeah

lost hundreds of pounds people I know

socially or people that I um in patients

of mine and big weight loss and they

feel great well and so for them they

consider that to be finger quotes

successful yeah but possibly we’re

talking two different languages here so

ketosis and those ketones and things

that is not someplace that you want to

be health-wise yes weight loss is one of

those successful indicators but what

about all the other great indicators

like the improved blood sugars like the

having less of a fatty liver better

cholesterol levels better energy better

cognitive function less inflammation

better mood these are all the benefits

of the ketogenic diet anyway I have a

personal favor I want to ask you

um I would love to get your opinion on

the situation

so if you would please

click the link down below

and go through the survey questions and

tell me what your opinion is on this

what I think is very radical recent

change of suppressing

other viewpoints on health so I want to

thank you for watching this video and

thank you in advance for filling out

this survey

because I really want to know what you

think about this