How to Sleep Deeply and Wake Up Refreshed (Must Watch!!) - Dr. Berg on Sleep Problems | DrEricBergDC

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hey we’re back in this video we’re gonna

talk about all the possible reasons for

not being able to sleep then I’m gonna

put links down below of what you need to

do about it okay so let’s go ahead and

just kind of take it from the beginning

let’s say for example you like coffee

and you’re drinking too much coffee

which has caffeine and that’s a big

reason why you’re not gonna be able to

sleep at night but also don’t forget

about tea there’s caffeine and tea and

there’s also stimulants in chocolate too

so if you’re doing chocolate too much of

it that could keep you up now when you

exercise there’s always an optimum

amount of exercise so if you’re

overtraining and you find that your

pulse rate is just way too high when

you’re going to sleep at night and you

can actually hear the pulse rate on your

pillow and your inner ear then we know

that you’re overtraining and that reason

can be easily corrected by just kind of

going a light with your workouts maybe

doing long walks I highly recommend that

if you have a sleeping problem that you

do long walks in the evening impossible

it’s low stress a lot of oxygen it’s

good for the adrenals especially if

you’re on the computer all day long like

I am so I have to continually exercise

and walk and just get out of the house

because I’m sit in front of that darn

computer all day long and that could

actually interfere with your sleep as

well now there’s two other situations

that occur with a high pulse right

number one is if your pH is too acidic

let’s say for example you’re consuming

outside of vinegar or kombucha tea in

larger amounts later at night that can

shift your pH to being too acid and

raise your pulse rate and prevent

sleeping what happened to me so I can

tell you from firsthand experience now

the other reason is the potassium

deficiency potassium is a physiological

tranquilizer it calms the nervous system


it keeps the pulse rate down and when

you’re low in potassium your pulse rate

will go up or it can stem from consuming

too many refined carbohydrates that pull

potassium out of your body a good

electrolyte with a lot of potassium will

help keep the pulse rate down as well as

the blood pressure okay so the next

thing is carbohydrates if you’re

consuming too many refined carbs or

sugar and the early part of the

let’s say you’re you’re eating a pancake

breakfast or orange juice whatever

what’ll happen in the evening you’re

gonna be crave carbs and you’re probably

gonna give in to that and that alone can

keep you from sleeping at night now

let’s talk about the key minerals for

sleeping it’s basically potassium and

magnesium we need a lot of potassium and

a good amount of magnesium well you get

these minerals from leafy greens from

salad from vegetables so I recommend

that you consume a lot of those unless

you have the inability to digest the

salad but if you can digest it I would

consume at least seven cups even more

than that maybe up to ten cups that will

give you the potassium and magnesium the

days that I consume a little more salad

are the days that I get a little bit

better sleep in meat and fish and eggs

all those proteins are high in

phosphorus phosphorus is an accelerator

of the nervous system so if you’re

consuming too much protein not enough

vegetable that could be a reason why

you’re not sleeping now there’s one more

point about eating too late it’s not a

problem unless your meal is too heavy in

the fats if you’re consuming too much

fat at night because you’re doing a

ketogenic diet and it just happens to be

that you know your second meal is later

that can actually irritate the

gallbladder affect your digestion and

prevent you from sleeping comfortably so

I would recommend consuming more of your

fat earlier in the day now there’s a

couple things that can actually prevent

you from going to sleep number one

watching the news before you go to bed

that is a very bad idea

you want to watch a comedy or just read

a book there’s a thing called EMF

electromagnetic fields so if your cell

phone is next to your head or you have

some electrical device that’s plugged in

you know people have like by their head

they have alarm clocks they have

different electrical devices those put

out a certain frequency called EMF and

that can interfere with your ability

sleep as well so make sure around your

head you don’t have any electrical

devices you don’t have a transformer

right next to your head that can create

a problem light so what happens is

darkness stimulates melatonin

tonin is the sleep hormone it’s created

by the pineal gland so if your room is

really really light and you’re watching

TV whatever that’s gonna keep you up so

you want to turn the lights off have dim

lights and it’s gonna help you go to

sleep breathing so I recommend if you’re

laying down and you’re going to sleep

and you can’t sleep focus on your


if you can actually slow down your

inhalation to five seconds of an

inhalation and then five seconds of an

exhalation it’ll actually calm down your

nervous system because when your body’s

under stress you kind of breathe like

this it’s like I’m exaggerating but the

exhalation is shorter than the

inhalation so you want to balance those

out and that can help you sleep I

recommend you also sleep on your right

side simply because the liver is on the

right side the hearts on the left side

usually on most people so if you’re

sleeping on the right side the heart

will sit on the liver if you’re sleeping

on the left side if your liver is fatty

it can kind of compress the heart and

just make it a little bit more

uncomfortable to go to sleep there’s an

optimum time of sleep which is about

10:30 and this is based on the circadian

rhythms or waves hormone wave so if you

go past this time and let’s say you stay

up past midnight you’re gonna find

typically that it’s harder to go to

sleep because you you miss this wave and

you have to wait another period of time

before your body can actually get into

the sleep so I recommend 10:30 is a

really good time to actually you know

maybe like quarter after 10:00 you’re

trying to go to sleep and then really

shoot for 10:30 10:45 that seems to be a

good time to go to sleep if you have

excessive thinking at night and you’re

you’re just excessively just this is

going going going going vitamin b1 is

going to help you nutritional yeast is a

really good product for that sometimes

people are woken from muscle cramps that

is the potassium and magnesium problem

sometimes you need more sea salt and you

can also use pickle juice to help with

cramps if you if you don’t happen to

have electrolyte powder or you haven’t

had enough salad and it’s like you need

to sleep just I’m sure you have some

pickle juice so you can actually drink

some of that

that will actually get rid of cramps

pretty fast now let’s talk about

digestion if you have a condition called

SIBO which I’m going to put a link down

below which is small intestinal

bacterial overgrowth where you have too

much bacteria in the wrong place and you

add the fiber from the vegetables that’s

gonna blow you so that’s gonna keep you

up at night so what you have to do is

make sure that you can digest the salad

and if you can’t you’re gonna have to

handle that I put a link down below how

to do that also if you’re getting gas or

disruption in your vows it could be the

consumption of sugar alcohols in some of

the foods like xylitol or a throat all

that you’re not used to creating that

disruption it can also come from MCT oil

in some of the products that are so

called keto friendly but you got to get

used to it you got to take very small

amounts of that one thing that I take I

have a product called sleep aid I take

one before bed this is mainly for the

adrenals I also use the massage tool I

do that technique to pull stress out

because if the adrenal glands are

overactive it’s gonna keep you from

resting so let’s just talk about the

adrenal for a second the Drina gland you

have two of them they’re sitting on top

of the kidneys right in here and they

kind of help regulate stress all day

long if you’re going through stress the

goal is to extract that stress so you’re

not trying to go to sleep on top of a

stressed-out body now one thing I always

recommend if you’re trying to sleep and

you can’t sleep scan your body and just

be aware of of what part of your body

won’t turn off okay so it might be your

head for example it might be the chest

it might be your lower back and usually

there’s either tension spasm in the

muscle or some type of old injury could

could keep the body just kind of revved

up and prevent your that air of your

body from relaxing so if you have a

muscle spasm whatever there are all

sorts of things you can do to extract

that stress and do stretching I put a

link down below it’s in a stress webinar

that I did of how to do that you can use

this technique right here but one little

side note on that I’ve noticed

especially with people that when they go

to sleep like their head is not tired

it’s just a wake all the time

that usually comes from an old head

injury that you had which is interesting

how it correlates so let’s say for

example you were in an accident

something hits your head there’s a

technique I’ll put a link down below

that you can do to kind of release that

tension and it really does work so

that’s just a little side note also if

you’re in a fight with your spouse you

had some bad news that mental stress is

going to keep you up obviously you need

to confront that face that and handle

that before you try to you know go to

sleep and try to push it off it’s just

going to prevent you from sleeping if

there’s pain in the body or inflammation

or fibromyalgia that’s a no-brainer I

put a link down below of all the

different ways to get rid of

inflammation the big one being

intermittent fasting so that’s going to

be really important if you have

inflammation or a pain and there’s other

techniques too they can do to get rid of

pain and tension in your body one of the

good indicators that of adrenal is that

waking up at 2 o’clock in the in the

morning 2 a.m. that’s like classic

adrenal because at 2 o’clock you have

cortisol being the lowest point okay so

at 8 o’clock it’s the highest point and

the adrenal hormone cortisol is a stress

hormone so if your course hall is too

high at the wrong time at 2 a.m. it’s

gonna bump you out of sleep and I used

to have this problem big time I had

restless leg syndrome restless leg

syndrome is purely a vitamin b1

deficiency just need to take more be B

vitamins but specifically b1 and then

stop eating sugar that was my problem

long ago and I would have to just rub my

legs and like get up and start to get

this energy out of my my legs but 2:00

a.m. but also adrenal could be just you

can’t get to sleep at night or you know

a half hour before the alarm clock goes

off you’re just like you’re awake so you

want to spend some time learning about

the adrenals and doing things to improve

it now if you were to athlete long ago

and used to workout hardcore but now you

don’t what happens is that the

mitochondria the energy factories that

are involved in energy production are

developed a lot bigger than other people

so they store more and

so what happens is that you need to

continue to work out so that’s gonna

actually drain off some of the energy so

if you’re sitting all day and from your

computer you’re not working out and you

just all this energy is sitting and

you’re trying to go to bed with all this

excess energy it could be because you’re

an athlete before and your mitochondria

are just designed to use and store and

use up energy so you need to use it up

by getting out there and doing some

workouts if the bladder is waking you

want there’s several things situations

for that usually it’s insulin resistance

insulin resistance is a pre-diabetic

situation and think about a diabetic

they they’re thirsty a lot and they pee

excessive amounts well that is what it

is so how do you correct that put the

link down below you would do healthy

keto and in a minute fasting but let’s

say for example you have an enlarged

prostate and that’s keeping the bladder

from holding urine the best thing to do

is to avoid all dairy okay milk butter

cream cheese just avoid dairy for a

while and you may find that your

prostate it’s not as enlarged anymore so

that’s a little tip for the prostate

there’s other things you can do too now

let’s say for example you’re going

through menopause okay so and your

estrogen goes down okay

your progesterone goes down even more

giving you a relative ratio of higher

estrogen even though it’s low now

there’s a little sensor in the bladder

that is supposed to be covered by

estrogen so if you’re losing that it

could cause the urge to urinate

frequently okay so if that’s the case

the best thing to do is to take

progesterone cream you can take on the

wild yam version and you can rub it into

the thighs and that will help this

situation right here well I think we

covered all the potential reasons for

not sleeping so pick the one that

relates to you and watch the video

thanks for watching if you’re liking

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