Vitamin D Actually Feeds Your Microbes | DrEricBergDC

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all right vitamin d very very important in  feeding your microbes your microbes are dependent  

on the vitamin d that you either get from the  sun you take as a supplement or get from your  

food which by the way is almost next to  impossible to get unless you’re consuming  

a lot of fatty fish but other than that it’s  going to be really hard to get it from the food  

and many people don’t go out in the sun as much  and so there’s a lot of barriers in getting that  

vitamin d and when you feed the microbiome they  develop significantly in their diversity so you  

can increase the diversity of your microbes with  feeding them fiber from vegetables but you can  

also increase the diversity from getting enough  vitamin d which is actually quite fascinating  

there are certain ratios of microbes that come  out correct if you have enough vitamin d there  

are additional microbes that will grow in the  presence of vitamin d in fact these microbes  

are major butyrate producers now what is butyrate  butyrate is the small chain fatty acid that helps  

improve your blood sugars it helps to  feed the colon cells it actually gives you  

energy when you produce this it actually supports  insulin and keeping insulin more sensitive  

and a lot of people have a problem with that  as well these microbes that are dependent on  

vitamin d also help you make vitamin b and so they  actually exchange the b vitamins and they also  

give us b vitamins and if they’re not there  because you are deficient in vitamin d then  

you can be deficient in the b vitamins as well  and that can affect sleep it can affect stress  

and your skin and all sorts of things now  the great majority of the population has a  

subclinical deficiency of vitamin d which means  that it may not even show up on your blood  

it could be in the conversion from the inactive  vitamin d to the active vitamin d but as far as an  

actual deficiency forty percent at least forty  percent i think it’s probably more like fifty or  

sixty percent uh people in the us and europe are  deficient in vitamin d and 85 of people in the  

arabic countries have a vitamin d deficiency  so what is the significance of that well  

it increases the risk of cancer diabetes heart  attacks autoimmune diseases why because vitamin d  

has everything to do with the integrity  of your gut epithelium and since 80 of  

your immune system is in the gut if there is  a problem in the gut wall you have leaky gut  

a lot of these proteins and food particulates can  get through and you can have this immune reaction  

and develop new antibodies against your proteins  and some of these proteins can mimic our own cells  

so you start developing antibodies against your  own tissues thus the autoimmune condition and  

by the way a really good antidote or something to  support autoimmune conditions especially as we’re  

talking about inflammation is vitamin d in higher  amounts i’ve done videos on that then we have the  

inflammatory bowel disease connection allergies is  an immune problem that’s generated usually with a  

problem with the gut again a link back to vitamin  d then we have asthma children that play outside  

in the sun that get a lot of vitamin d seem to  go in remission if they have asthma and then we  

have dermatitis in psoriasis which is connected  to a vitamin d deficiency so you can see the  

huge problem being vitamin d deficient during the  winter months when people are severely deficient  

they start getting depressed they start getting  sick more often because the vitamin deficiency  

makes you more susceptible to viruses and bacteria  and a lot of people gain weight during the winter  

because of a vitamin d deficiency now that  could be for many reasons it could be that you  

just don’t have the diversity of the microbes  which affects the blood sugars causing you to  

have more cravings to carbs and eat more but it  could be other reasons as well so just make sure  

that you’re getting more sun during those months  that you can get more sun but during the winter i  

would highly recommend start taking a good vitamin  d on a regular basis with a minimal amount of 10  

000 iu’s every single day and start to feed the  microbes so then the microbes can then make more b  

vitamins and exchange those because you fed them  the vitamin d so if you’re enjoying my content  

which i hope you are and you’re applying this  knowledge to your health and you have a success  

i would really appreciate you sharing your  success story so click the link down below  

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