Make Your Immune System Bulletproof Now | DrEricBergDC

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how do we strengthen in bulletproof our

immune system that is a topic for today

first thing is what is your immune

system it’s basically your defenses it’s

your army

it’s your military to fight off the bad

guys the pathogens pathogens our

microbes that cause disease the

derivation of the word immune comes from

the Latin word immunise which means

exempt from public service now that’s

interesting now if you break down this

concept it really means protected or

free against insults harm or disease so

basically your immune system protects

you against disease so the immune system

is like immigration so if something

foreign enters the body it has to go

through the Airways it has to go maybe

through the digestive system and has to

get the stamp of approval from

immigration and that’s what your immune

system does it’s rule it’s constantly

scanning to see if you are a foreign

entity that could cause harm or if

you’re part of the body and once it tags

you is a foreign thing that could

threaten the body it’ll automatically

send in the defenses and that’s what

we’re gonna cover next there are three

main barriers for the immune system you

have the skin so you have all these

friendly bacteria on your skin that

actually help protect you against

foreign invaders you also have a fat

layer that protects you and you have

certain acids that protect you on the

skin then you have the mucous lining in

your gut through the Airways through the

sinuses that also capture and engulf

foreign particles or microbes

inflammation is another barrier that

your body puts up to protect itself the

main cells in your immune system are the

white blood cells compared to the red

blood cells that have a different


you also have in addition to white blood

cells you have friendly bacteria that

help you as well and the name of the

friendly bacteria collectively is called

the microbiome or flora and those

microbes help you many ways from

absorption of nutrients to recycling a

bile to immune defenses just one

things they do as a strategy is ill

they’ll make it so there’s just not

enough space for a pathogen to live and

they will make it so there’s not enough

food for that pathogen to live so let’s

talk about the defenses of your immune

system the white blood cells

it makes acid to dissolve and kill

microbes and pathogens it will secrete

poison to kill off these microbes it

releases free radicals it will make

hydrogen peroxide you’ve probably seen

that before will you take prejudice

Brock side and you put it on an open cut

it just dissolves it bubbles up and just

kills off the microbes through oxidation

our white blood cells actually make

enzymes to help break down and dissolve

microbes now I already mention this one

our microbes compete for food or space

but the white blood cells generate mucus

and inflammation and so these pathogens

get caught up in this mucus web and they

can’t really do anything else it’s like


also our immune system has a memory

everything that’s happening so

everything’s in a database and it could

remember like so way down the road when

there’s a microbe that actually comes

back in our body and their immune system

actually tags it because it has a memory

of that and it can destroy it so it

actually learns over time by being

exposed to these pathogens

that’s called building up your immune

system and this is why as a child it’s

not very healthy to keep a child just so

utterly sterile that they’re never

exposed or they’re never sick it’s a

natural part of building the immune

system then we get to something called

the phagocyte that’s part of our immune

system the phagocytes our cells that eat

things they devour microbes and they

have a ravenous appetite for not just

microbes and viruses and bacteria and

yeast and fungus but they will also eat

up dead cells and debris they are the

garbage disposal for things that we

don’t want in our body just one liter of

blood has six billion of these guys now

an interesting thing about phagocytes is

that they’re stimulated by acid and I

think this is why this is just my guess


when people take a lot of synthetic

vitamin C ascorbic acid certain people

get results even with synthetic vitamin

C simply because the acid I would

recommend just consume the apple cider

vinegar apple cider vinegar has been

known to acidify the body and speed up


just like any acid so if you have a


I would recommend the food based vitamin

C not the synthetic but use apple cider

vinegar to actually speed up

phagocytosis and another mechanism that

I want to mention that I didn’t write

down and involve certain white blood

cells if certain white blood cells are

infected by a pathogen we have this

built-in mechanism that if the cell is

invaded it goes through something called

apoptosis where it killed itself off for

the benefit of the entire body because

if they let the microbes bleach into

their DNA and start reproducing then

they become the copy machine that just

makes the virus over and over and over

now on the flip side the bad guys the

pathogens also have their defences as

well they have the ability to block

vitamin D and they do it through the

vitamin D receptor because somehow they

know that vitamin D is so essential for

the control of your immune system that

they can block it they lower your

resistance to invading the cells and so

they can take it over the other thing

that these sneaky little pathogens do is

they can mimic your body tissue so

you’re not recognized by the immune

system they’re very sneaky that way

they can also hide in calcium little egg

loose little houses and this is why

antibiotics are not effective against

something called biofilm and that’s a

whole different topic I put a video down

below for more information about that

but these microbes have gotten very very

smart another mechanism especially with

microbes like the mycoplasma that

doesn’t have a cell wall they keep

moving they’ll move into one joint in

the synovial fluid another joint and

then your immune system is trying to

attack them and they miss and so they

keep moving so you can’t get them

another mechanism is they these microbes

have the ability to morph into different

structures so your immune system gets

confused okay so now let’s talk about

what to do about it there’s two things

you have things that weaken the immune

system and you have things that

strengthen the immune system now as far

as what weakens the immune system low

nutrient foods going in a diet that

creates nutritional deficiencies if you

take the pandemic the Spanish flu that

occurred in 1918 and you take a look at

what happened just before this pandemic

this spread of virus all over the world

that killed fifty to a hundred million

people what occurred right before that

is world warm one now what happened in

this war is you had this huge shift of

transportation of food you had rationing

you had the preserving of food a lot of

the soldiers were given things like

canned corn beef some foods had dog food

there just wasn’t a lot of fresh

vegetables and food so when you do that

over a period of time you weaken the

immune system especially if you put

someone under a stressful state like

being in a war that is going to set the

person up for a susceptibility to having

a virus invading their body so when

you’re low in vitamins trace minerals

minerals amino acids and fatty acids

especially you are more susceptible to

getting sick because of the fact that

the nutrient defense mechanism is

dependent on these nutrients but I mean

just think about a virus for example a

virus can’t do anything to you it’s not

alive unless it invades the cell wall

and goes right into your DNA and starts

to turn that thing into a copy machine

while it hijacks the the life force from

that cell now think about what I just

said it has to invade the cell wall okay

that cell wall is too late layers of fat

it’s a bi lipid layer

of fat okay so this is another reason

why essential fatty acids are vital to

protect yourself you don’t want to go on

a low-fat diet when you run down or sick

so fat in cholesterol by the way is very

important in a healthy immune system

cholesterol is an essential building

block for certain hormones like cortisol

for example cortisol is really important

in your immune system so if cortisol

does not have its building blocks


it can’t be formed correctly and then

you have stress this is probably

equivalent to nutrient deficiencies in

fact in practice I don’t remember one

case that came in that had some sickness

that didn’t have some stress event occur

right before it so stress is a very key

factor and I’d put some links down below

for more information on how someone can

extract stress low sleep also sets you

up for being susceptible then it’s

connected to stress as well and glucose

I just released a video on this one

point certain viruses are activated more

with glucose fuel versus other fuels so

you know about health Aikido and immuno

fasting for those of you that are new

and you don’t know anything about it

check it out I put a link down below of

the exact diet that you need to be on to

have a very strong immune system but now

let’s talk about what nutrients are

really vital in keeping your immune

system bulletproof at the top of the

list we have vitamin C and I’m not

talking about synthetic vitamin C and

talking about a vitamin C from food or a

food concentrate now nature vitamin C

always comes in a complex of many parts

not just one thing ascorbic acid but the

foods that are highest in vitamin c our

sauerkraut bell peppers berries green

leafy vegetables vitamin c has the power

to stimulate the production of more

white blood cells vitamin c is also

stored in large quantities in your

adrenal gland to actually help make

adrenal hormones now next one that’s

equally as important vitamin d i’ve

talked about that in the slide right

before this vitamin d is

immune modulator it’s not really even a

vitamin it’s a hormone factor that

actually controls your immune system so

it has a function that goes way beyond

just making bone there’s vitamin D

receptors in all of your white blood

cell and in your DNA and when I mean

modulate the immune system I mean has a

controlling factor over your immune

system and many people are deficient

about them indi and they don’t even know

it but it supports the t-cells okay

which are made by the thymus gland which

is like a training camp for white blood

cells it also protects against pathogens

and it actually makes these two

different things that have the capacity

to kill microbes very potent Lee so

vitamin D does a lot of different things

for your immune system next one in the

list that’s very important is vitamin A

okay vitamin A provides the structural

integrity of the mucosal cells in the

sinus and their respiratory centers the

best source of vitamin A is cod liver

oil egg yolks butter is a good one

because it’s the fat soluble vitamin and

by the way vitamin D is very hard to get

from food so the Sun would be probably

the best source or as a supplement zinc

is the most important trace mineral for

the immune system it actually can

increase t-cells and it does a lot of

other things for the immune system but a

lot of people are deficient in zinc but

zinc is very protective against viruses

garlic is hands down ranks number one in

potency for killing off viruses bacteria

yeast fungus mold is very very potent

next one is colloidal silver which is

basically silver particles in water it’s

been around for a long time it starves

off the oxygen supply to certain

microbes so it’s a very potent some

people use it as a nasal rinse and it

works really good but this is a very

potent antiviral as well and then olive

leaf olive leaf has been studied

extensively I put some links down below

for more information on that but this is

great as an anti viral into

we protect the immune system there’s a

lot of other things that can protect the

immune system but from my viewpoint

these are the most powerful hey guys

well thanks for watching I know I gave

you a lot to take in but if you haven’t

seen this video on stress check it out I

think you’ll find it fascinating