Keto Success Stories – Lost 80 Pounds On Keto – Dr. Berg's Skype Interview With Jennifer Rogers | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I’m back with another great

Skype interview and this time we’re

going to talk to Jennifer Rogers so hi


welcome thanks dr. Berg thanks for

having me on today

absolutely hey can you tell us a little

bit about your story of what happened

like when did it start and then what

happened after that

it happened at a very long time ago I’ve

actually been battling my weight for 31

years I went on my first diet my mother

put me on my first attempt at an

organized for-profit business when I was


always had weight issues I’ve tried

everything in the book everything legal

everything not-so-legal last year was a

very difficult year for me I was in the

process of saying farewell to my mom she

unfortunately passed away in April at

late March due to complications from

multiple health issues autoimmune or

apathy COPD heart failure all that stuff

and I was just disgusted with myself at

my husband and I we had gone out and we

had seen pictures of each other and I

was I was lying to everybody saying that

I was 225 pounds

sure add a couple 25 to that and you

would have been fine I mean I couldn’t

sleep at night I couldn’t I was getting

up in the middle of the night with those

diabetic tremors just going downstairs

and eating food and sanely we got a new

mattress because we thought the mattress

was bad and no it was just the weight on

my bones the arthritis was just horrible

yeah and we both I was destitute and we

were went out to dinner with some

friends and my husband was like well I’m

gonna try out games and the friend said

well hey try this stuff called keto and

we’re like what is that and so my

husband started at first two weeks

before I’m like listen you started I’m

terrible at diets I never succeed on any

of them fine then we went and started

with a new direct primary care physician

and he was actually also very kedo

supportive and after hearing my history


weight issues diet challenges my health

concerns my diagnosis he’s like please

just give give keto a month I said fine

you know I whatever I’ll just try the

stuff I’ll humor you guys I’m just gonna

fail again I had a call in to work with

one of the local bariatric surgeons lo

and behold Kido clicked Wow

yeah can you tell me were you overweight

like five years old or six what did it

was it since birth or was there a

certain time when you’re a little kid

that you started noticing you staring

anyway you know um it was mainly my

mother always said that I look like an

emaciated baby but I if you picked me up

I felt very heavy unfortunately my

mother had a very poor self-image of

herself and she projected that onto me

and projected the obesity on to me it

really started when I started going

through puberty I was never a a petite

small frame child I was a medium frame

child but I was a child of the 70s and

we hate grains and we’re Italian Irish

so there was carbs carbs carbs

everywhere convenience foods it was a

very poor environment I was in but when

I was about 12 my mom saw that I was

getting pudgy things weren’t working out

quite well and that’s when she started

me on the diets unbeknownst to both of

us as I matured that’s when I was

diagnosed with a comorbidity of PCOS

with primary amenorrhea so right then

and there without knowing what PCOS I

actually wasn’t diagnosed with PCOS

until my early 20s but I had the primary

Inman area right there but that right

there was the the indicator and hind

side of the insulin resistance and the

PCOS Wow now did you have heavy periods

around that same time do you have any

issue with your periods right before you

started kind of noticing your weight was

going up at primary memory is the

complete absence of a menses I’ve never

had I never had a natural men seized on

my own until too

taquito what’s the only way I tried

eight years of infertility I was on

birth control pills the endocrinologists

said oh you just need to go on these

birth control pills we’ll manage your

you know keep you regular keep

everything clean and then when you get

off we’ll give you this magic pill

called clomid that’ll work great you’ll

get pregnant no eight years of

infertility multiple tries of clomid 8iu

is and to IVFs I was not successful I

would successfully conceive but I would

miscarry because my progesterone levels

were extremely low so I that was the

only way I could ever have a cycle was

through medication so so we’re not like

11 or 12 or 13 you didn’t even have any

cycles at all no I had a complete I had

no signs you can see that the estrogen

was coming in I was developing body hair

I was developing my breasts I was by all

appearances I was developing just like

my peers unfortunately I never

experience the natural menses wow that’s

fascinating so here you are you going

through your let’s say your late teens

and then your 20s and so you basically

what age did you start having that have

your first period again I never I did

not have in my first natural menses

until April 30th 2016 and I just turned

43 okay and the reason being was the

release of the estradiol in the first

month of Kido and since then I have not

had a natural menses again Wow

so I’ve been perimenopause since puberty

amazing so now what about like like

during your 20s you just like try

everything like the typical low calorie

that Atkins the 8th time I tried every

national chain weight loss center I

tried the only time I did successfully

lose weight unfortunately it was in high

school and I developed anorexia bulimia


eating disorders and then I didn’t lose

weight and the stress of that eating

actually triggered my epilepsy so I also

have partial complex seizures that could

not be regulated through medication

actually through diet and and sleep and

other natural manipulations I was fine

but yeah throughout my entire life I’ve

tried the Weight Watchers I’ve tried the

Jenny Craig the Nutrisystem I’ve tried

to b12 injections

I’ve tried starving myself I’ve tried

yeah whatever cockamamie you know the

cabbage diet the soup diet the you know

ice chips and bread err i if you can

make it up I tried it and nothing ever


Wow so so last year this is when you

started with 2016 you found keto what

weight were you at your peak was it last

year yes I was any I’d say 240 to 250

okay when I’ve started with the my

direct primary care physician I had


I started eliminating and reducing like

the sodas and some of the cards just by

association because my husband and what

he was cooking when I officially weighed

it was like 225 but before that earlier

in the year I was easily 240 250 Wow

so so you started the keto did you also

do in a minute fasting at the same time

or did you kind of do that later but

then after the first month within by

week 4 or 5 we we stumbled across the

intermittent fasting and we started

adhering to it and and can do a 16-8

very easy I tried to do at least in 18 6

2 to 3 times a week

Wow so did you did the weights start

coming off right away or did it take a

while for it to start kicking in because

of my insulin resistance and my

metabolic syndrome and so forth

I was not I’d started with the infamous

B pcs in the morning I was not losing

the weight I was getting frustrated

eliminated the B PCs and the

also through trial-and-error just

lowered my carb intake to 12 to 15

window so instead of doing 20 grams a

day I was trying to my goal was 12

XS up to 15 as soon as I started

lowering that the weight started coming

off okay

yeah and so so you started losing weight

and then what are you waiting on one

forty five oh my gosh that’s incredible

yep that is I’ve maintained that for the

past three to four months so I’m I’m out

of maintenance with my weight as of

right now right now I’m working on

strength training and toning building up

the muscle mass incredible that’s

actually miraculous if you have people

like coming up to you and just that knew

you before just kind of like is that you

what I’ve had that happen yes several

times I’ve been open about my journey

doing this and I’ve helped several

friends skin on the keto bandwagon in

fact I have two really good friends we

met up for a weekend actually three of

us we met up for a ketose girls weekend

did some cooking lessons took them out

challenging them to eat in restaurants

and trying some new recipes and stuff

combined at the time in June we had

combined lost over 250 pounds that’s

that’s miraculous that’s incredible

especially yeah like the all these years

and Olson you just you know still in

your forties you’re still able to do it

and you just found this thing I’m

amazing yeah I mean if I had not done it

I don’t know where I would be today I

can just imagine the prominence of all

the autoimmune issues that were just I

could in hindsight again looking at the

symptoms and the feelings that I was

having definitely I was on the road for

some some really massive health issues

at this point oh my gosh what other

health benefits have you had in addition

to the weight loss I like to say we like

to refer the weight loss as the gravy my

anxiety depression I am no longer taking

any medications for that

I have battled anxiety depression mental

health issues my entire life my epilepsy

is gone I have not had any auras I would

have as many would call petit mall I

would go catatonic or it would almost be

like a twitch or Tourette’s jerk what

was i I was having I’ve not had any of

those I suffered from chronic sinusitis

and severe allergies and where the

chronic sinusitis would emerge and

present itself as a massive migraine

haven’t had many of those not taking

anymore allergy medication for that I’ve

had psoriasis and that’s all gone as

well so my labs have come back great so

and then the then I’ve had some changes

with the hormones as well we’ve been

we’ve been tweaking that and working on

that it’s really been interesting how

over the year my body it’s very evident

how the hormones they AB and they flow

as my body is still trying to to

regulate itself oh yeah I could imagine

I mean let’s just let’s just bring up

the topic of anxiety depression mood

disorders I mean this happens all the

time the amount the direct relationship

between your mood and insulin in some

blood Sugar’s low blood sugars mm-hmm I

mean it’s probably so high as a

cause-and-effect relationship and people

just don’t connect the dots they live

their whole life on meds and they don’t

really know that you get off that sugar

you fix in some resistance your mood

just I mean I don’t know what you feel

but it just brings people up well yeah I

mean I will be honest with everybody I

am a survivor

I’m a semi-colon survivor I battled it I

battled the demons my entire life it

could be at a drop of a hat where I

could have a massive mood swing and and

the smallest situation would be a

trigger it doesn’t and especially with

food and I can now more sensitive and

aware of my stressors

where I may want something and I’m not

turning to the food anymore the food is

not the comfort level for me I’m at the

food is not controlling me I’m

controlling the food where I’m learning

how to reward my I’ve learned how to

reward myself without food as the prize

just the societal impact of everywhere

we go everybody wants to eat eat eat and

it gets extremely disturbing now that

you take those blinders off you take

that that and you see how food regulates

and controls everybody that even knows

that even think that they’re healthy and

oh we’re going to celebrate with this

drinking or this food or that food I’m

like no let’s do something else my sleep

is amazing I had I guess I should have

been tested really for sleep apnea I

never was I used to be a horrible snore

and I remember that weekend away I’ve

known one of the girls since I was a

teenager and she actually woke me up she

thought I had stopped breathing because

I wasn’t snoring and I would wake myself

up a story I’m also strep positive and I

have not had an outbreak of strep at all

I would normally at least two three

times a year start off with the sinus

infection that would relocate and turn

into bronchitis I’ve not had that at all

this year so it’s it’s really hard to

pinpoint all the small idiosyncrasies

that I suffered from pre Kito that I’ve

had not experienced this year at all

amazing I mean I still had the same

inhaler I’m sorry I saw the same inhaler

since last year I have not had to use it

for my asthma I love it that’s amazing

what when’s your first meal what time do

you eat I usually get up between 5:00

and 5:30 I do not have an opportunity to

eat until 10:00 10:30 in the morning

okay so I usually am in a window

actually between 10:00 to 5:00 is when I

primarily eat and then in the evening I

might have a cup of black coffee or tea

just something warm and hot and then I’m

done for the day awesome and you

doing a snacking or anything like that

nope nope and you find that your hunger

is less like you can just like your it’s

more comfortable to go from one meal to

the next yeah

the only a lot of it is mental as well

but no I don’t have those hunger pains

of those days rain you would wake up and

go oh I’m starving I need to eat this

I’m looking forward to eat this this

this you know it’ll be like oh shoot

it’s 11 o’clock I really should eat

right about now and then even then I’m

not truly hungry I don’t feel those

hunger pains I don’t feel that desire of

oh I must eat something it’s you know

you’ve retrained your your body retrains

itself physically and emotionally and

mentally again where you’re in control

of the food and you know when you should

eat before you get to those hunger pains

yeah I’m not mine not feeling those

insulin spikes at all ever doctor that’s


how about about cravings do you have any

cravings I do I do and they’re all fat

driven you know I’ll make a nice alfredo

sauce or like earlier my husband asked

what we wanted for dinner is I’m like I

want a nice filet with some blue cheese

and mushrooms and a big old slab of

butter next to it he’s like that’s my

girl so I mean that’s what I crave or

water truly I I drink over 90 to 120

ounces of water a day and that and I

don’t want anything I can’t to be honest

I cannot even go down the grocery aisle

where they have the boxed can cereals or

cookies you can smell the sugar just

emanating from those boxes and it mate

literally makes me nauseous now

disgusting and if you told me that a 18

months ago I would have laughed in your

face oh I could imagine I think you

probably the biggest problem is to find

what to use to scoop the butter out to

eat it right it’s like okay how can I

eat that butter other than experiment we

have a butter crocks we haven’t nice and

soft to go and yeah I’m I’m not

inhibited at all I’m not ashamed to put

butter on anything in fact I went out to

a restaurant the other day and I had a

cheeseburger Mike

you know that side of butter and they

looked at me they’re like what you want

mayonnaise mustard like no I don’t want

your over-processed mayonnaise I want

butter and it’s delicious you know put

the butter on the eggs put the butter on

the cheeseburger butter is good that’s

amazing when he went into ketosis did

you go through any type of changes like

fatigue as your body shifted over you

know I was very blessed and no I did not

my husband went through keto the Nikita

withdrawal to Kino bug I’ve known one of

my cousin’s I helped I helped get

started on this she went through that I

never experienced any of it Wow now I

will tell you that if I get any hidden

sugars I am highly reactive and you know

I am not perfect

I have dabbled I have indulged in

carbage before and I feel it the next

day the first time I did I had one

cookie that I used to love and adore

within two hours I had a migraine

massive migraine and the next day I had

anxiety I was like oh I need medication

like why and even to this point if I I

don’t like going out to eat at

restaurants because of all the

preservatives and chemicals they put in

the next day I can definitely feel the

eggs you know I will feel anxious go

well what did I eat why do I feel


oh wait I ate this let me look it had

hidden sugars or something to it so I

mean I just have to tell everyone there

is watching you know the whole thing

about being perfect the whole goal is to

not necessarily you know be the in this

mindless constantly eating like the

people that get into this habit of not

even being completely out of control so

as long as you’re willing you know I’m

gonna eat that I’m gonna react to it but

you’re doing it causative ly like you

know it’s gonna happen you’re not like

unaware and you’re like oh I knew that

was gonna happen you know I just gained

a pound of water weight okay you get

that’s for me and you know I I have high

respect for people like my husband who

have never deviated who have never

cheated for me I know I’m a food addict

I’m an emotional eater so

break that addiction to the foods I mean

I have taken a piece of bread you know

what is something that I used to love

I’m craving it I really want it okay

there it is let me taste it I put in my

mouth and go and I analyze why did I

want this it doesn’t taste the same

first of all is it the texture isn’t

that this and I kind of break that

emotional connection to it and I’m done

and I move on I actually end up spitting

the food out and for those that have

stuck with keto long enough and that

have deviated and have had off days the

repercussions once you experience you

know the headaches the anxiety whatever

your old symptoms were you’ve learned

your lesson that you don’t want to do it

again and in fact if you love your body

enough time it retrains itself now for

me a treat is a frozen raspberry one

frozen raspberry I will put in my mouth

and it is it just totally that’s my

piece of candy and I’m fine with one

raspberry Wow

I agree it’s like um you know the you

have two things you have the habit of

doing it for so long it’s ingrained as a

memory all the pleasures whatever

temporarily I don’t have the physical

craving that your body demands it so

you’re able to distinguish the two and

like oh do I really want this no but I

kind of remember what that like that

might have been interesting to eat that

and get the sensation like no it’s not

the same anymore like it you see so yeah

I hear what you’re saying yep that’s


and I’ve actually helped influence my

father my 80 year old father and he’s

done kind of sloppy keto he lost over 30

pounds he dropped his a1c I think almost

by two whole points Wow

and now we actually are working with our

son who is autistic intellectually

disabled he has some behavior and

cognitive issues and we have been

converting him on taquito and trying to

help improve those you know through

various studies that we’re seeing that

are emerging of how with autism and the

inflammation and the neurotransmitter is

how keto can help and especially that’s

how keto started was to help children


pull up see another benefit that I’ve

had that my vision has impaired has

improved I’ve worn glasses since I was


so for 39 years and my optometrist was

amazed that my stigmatism improved by

over three points in my left eye I was

mirror to legal blindness and now it’s

improved by three points just through

Kido amazing for those people that don’t

understand that there’s a couple reasons

for that if you take a look at a person

with blood Sugar’s with high insulin

with insulin resistance

they usually have damage with the retina

also keto intermittent fasting is

neuroprotective you can actually

regenerate nerve cells and your your

retina is an extension of your brain and

it’s all nerve tissue so you’re getting

more circulation you’re getting both you

know more nerve supply so that’s that’s

awesome I’ll have to I’ll be curious to

how your your son does over time and

then also your husband he was

interesting because he if I’m not

mistaken he had a genetic problem with

cholesterol and he’s stuck with it for

months I think I was like seven or eight

months and then it actually got better

and better and better so it just goes to

show you that even if you have a genetic

weakness you can improve things so right

yeah it’s amazing all the different we

take for granted now the benefits of

keto that it’s so ingrained into us now

how it how it overall is helping us you

know and especially with the etaf adji

the hardest part for me was the hair

because of the trauma that I went

through with healing my body in the

chemo I did experience the dreaded hair

loss but it’s coming even better now and

actually I’ve had straight hair my

entire life and now I actually have

developed a lot of curl in my hair as

well so but for anybody that is afraid

of hearing that about the hair loss

please let them know it’s simply

temporary you talk about like in a

minute fasting or kita hair loss yeah I

noticed just shy of about what eight

ten months I started losing more and

more of my hair and it really send out

especially up in this area my

hairdresser who has been my hairdresser

for over ten years was amazed at how my

hair she’s seen that the journey of

quito with me and how my hair has

actually changed how I did lose a

significant amount of it but then how

its come back in in a totally different

texture different shade of color and

everything Wow so yep and I checked with

my doctor and he and he agrees that it’s

due to it’s related to you know losing

close to 100 pounds in in that year

window but it’s just literally your

body’s getting rid of all those old

cells and things that were created

before you know keto and just

regenerating and healing that’s amazing

amazing story Jennifer I really

appreciate you sharing because it’s like

there’s a lot of people are in the same

boat and just hearing you they’re gonna

want to do this so and I fit my wedding

dress is too big my wedding dress from

22 years ago is too big on me now I

remember trying it on it I couldn’t even

zip it up I couldn’t even get around me

and now I put it on and it went out it

has to be taken in so wow that’s a good

problem to have

yeah I never thought in a million years

I thought that this was you know you

know was the fly-by-night the diet du

jour it is not it is it’s anybody

everybody that I talked to I encourage

them to give it a try it’s how we should


it’s truly everybody can benefit from it

it’s eye-opening it’s helped us heal

ourselves physically it’s opened our

eyes to how we really should be treating

our body holistically in totality and I

wish everybody would just give it an

opportunity if you can give it a month

to three months you’re not going to

regret it

definitely not gonna regret it that’s

right awesome well thank you so much

Jennifer for this interview this is

great yeah wow this is just as this is


bordered on miracle I mean it’s actually

a miracle that will happen it’s just

incredible like a hundred pounds coming

off your body so well done yeah yeah and

again I’ve tried every single the only

time truly I before this I was ever

successful was doing the infertility

shots and that’s but I was on massive

follow stem and Burton X I mean my body

was so resistant to even those drugs to

get me to to stimulate for the follicles

that was the only time that my faceplate

you know my skin cleaned up my hair was

glowing my the weight loss would come

off was all for those drugs and the

reproductive endocrinologists the only

answer they had is just lose 10% of your

body weight and put going on that form

and you’re good to go and I had such a

vile reaction to the metformin it was

horrible so gosh yeah Wow well better

late than ever you finally figured it

out and now here you are so that’s what

that’s awesome cool well thank you

thanks so much

no problem and I’ll send us email those

pictures off to you in a little bit

okay thanks alright thank you have a

good one you too