The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - June 30, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

all right welcome back everyone we’re

here with another show we have a great

lineup of guests in the greenhouse a

green room not the greenhouse uh I have

vegetables in the greenhouse growing but


um Steve let’s get started after my

little disclaimer here that I’m not here

to diagnose or replace any Medical

Treatments or recommendations check with

your doctor before taking any of the

advice just take it with a grain of salt

and uh just as entertainment and

education yeah absolutely and from such

entertainment and education I’m down

about 45 pounds never felt better in my

life so thank you for not giving me any

help Dr Berg it’s been tremendous all

right now let’s see hey I’m glad that

you uh stumbled on some data and you got

better no kidding um all right well

let’s go straight to uh how about social

media and let’s start with YouTube this

morning Laura from you or this morning

wherever you folks are it’s any time of

day in fact we got one guest from Hawaii

poor guys like 4 30 in the morning we’ll

try to get to uh him uh in short order

so stay and by there so anyway from

YouTube you mentioned in a recent video

the gastroparesis was caused by ab1

deficiency are there any other

supplements that would be that would

help my niece who suffers greatly from

this condition

it’s an autoimmune I’m sorry it’s an uh

autonomic nervous system problem

where usually you can get that from

diabetes because you destroy the nervous

system especially

um you get dysfunction of the autonomic

nervous system and that involves the

digestive system so you could also use

alpha lipoic acid that’s a good one to

counteract the the complications from

especially if you have diabetes um but I

think for gastroparesis which is a real

slow sluggish digestive system

um all affected by various nerves

including the vagus nerve so alpha

lipoic acid and you can take

benphotamine which is the B1


now if there’s any type of um

neurological stuff that needs B1 for the

brain the central nervous system okay

not not the peripheral

um then you would need you don’t need

benphotamine that won’t work

um what you do need is a a different um

I think it’s called l l cyanide which is

a natural B uh it’s it’s not the um

it’s not it’s not it’s not similar to

benphotomain it’s a different it’s a

natural B1 which is also fat soluble but

that’s a different one I I did a lot of

videos on this you can look on my

website and uh check that out but

be one and alpha lipoic acids are going

to be the best thing and then of course

try to find out

what you’re doing that’s creating the

deficiency in the first place

okay very good and just a quick reminder

in addition to the internet that Dr Berg

mentioned you can download his free app

for Android or Os and have a pocket full

of information anywhere you go so make

sure you take a few minutes to download

that if you haven’t already let’s go

back to social media Lou from Australia

welcome to the show on YouTube I drink

about five liters of water with

electrolytes and apple cider vinegar and

lemon I’m not currently on keto but

should I be drinking that much liquid

it’s a bad idea as long as you’re not

forcing yourself to drink I mean

hopefully you’re exercising that’s why

you’re drinking

um you don’t want to force yourself to

drink gallons of water

when you’re not hot and exercising

because you could dilute uh your your um

sodium and that can create what’s called

hyponatremia which is really dangerous



you know just like not drinking enough

water drinking excessive water can kill

you so you just want to drink

appropriate amounts of water to be

hydrated but the fact that you’re doing

all these other things to add

electrolytes back in is going to

actually minimize the damage but


it is a good question if you’re drinking

let’s say you drink a gallon or two

gallons of water with electrolytes and

the sea salt you wouldn’t necessarily be

diluting that but this is a lot of

volume of urine of just a lot of of

liquid going in your body which your

body is going to have to get rid of

because it can only hold so much volume

probably it could potentially increase

your blood pressure so you know just

like any

nutrient or anything


you want to look at the whole picture of

like what you’re trying to solve when

you’re doing that some people drink a

lot more water because they want to

dilute the kidney

and not get calcium buildup that’s

called hypercalcemia because you’re

taking a lot of vitamin D

yet other people want to prevent a

kidney stone

um because they’ve had it before in

which case they need more water for sure

to dilute the urine so there’s different

reasons different problems to solve

all right very good well that’s uh

that’s very interesting I didn’t realize

that would cause higher blood pressure

but there you go learn something new

every day Chaz from YouTube and Chaz is

another one that has is not taking your

counsel and refuses to get better but it

seemed to happen anyway thanks to your

Healthy keto program my blood pressure

has gone from 130 over 80 to 90 over 78

thank you Dr Berg so I know you


did something to help him

Sonia from YouTube during my

chemotherapy I lost my period is it

possible to restore it what measures

would you suggest

when you go through chemo

you’re going through a poisoning of your

body and you’re going to have to

repair that so it could take some time

but you want to get back on things that

heal the body and that um it’s uh I

think the program that I mentioned the

healthy version of Keto with

intermittent fasting will bring you back

to where you need to be but it’s going

to take some time but you might need to

do a bit of detoxing not from some herb

but just healthy foods over a period of

time especially the cruciferous

vegetables that can help help the liver


it just you know blows me away


you know you even take let’s just take

the normal

requirements for nutrients right people

the rdas and people are always like well

I’m having having enough rdas

um one of the ways that they came up

with those values is to take

um populations and see you know the the

low end and the high-end populations


I mean I don’t know have you ever met

someone that’s healthy I mean it’s

really hard to find healthy people so

you basically let’s take a let’s take a

snapshot and a picture of an average


you know and then let’s get their values

and we’ll call that normal


you know there’s um

I’m gonna be doing a video on that topic

so stay tuned because there’s a lot to

talk about interesting okay we’ve got

our first question for the day and I

gotta warn the audience there are new

true falsers that you can simply flip a

coin but you know uh Dr Berg I think

this is terrific I’m very interested in

these questions like I’m sure most

people are and five questions a week and

if you’re a dutiful Watcher that’s like


pieces of Education that you give

yourself every year by listening to Dr

Burke Show and I’ve learned a lot and

it’s just really interesting so with

that said here’s the first question of

the show

all right what is the true purpose of

sleep for our bodies

all right simple enough question hop on

it uh let’s see poor Karen from Facebook

is suffering from a uh red rot excuse me

red rash on her legs and ankles any

ideas doc

it’s really hard to know that based on

no data or history

um I mean

could it be poison ivy could it be an

allergy to something you ate like gluten

or some uh something like um some nut

allergy or

or a dairy allergy something like that

so I I would need more information to

evaluate and also one really good tip

about figuring these things out is just

simply ask yourself what what happened

just before I got the rash

oh I was bit by a tick okay good then

now we know so it’s always kind of like

what happened right before it uh or

maybe not exactly right before but maybe

a day before it because sometimes these

allergies are delayed

okay very good Karen we hope that that

gives you some basis for trying to

figure out what’s going on with you and

I’ll tell you what’s going on with

Brandon in Oahu it’s very early uh five

o’clock or something Brandon are you

there did you pass out let me see if you

fell asleep or not there he is okay

Brandon now remember the Rules of

Engagement one question 30 seconds Dr

Berg will answer your question go

and he’s muted he has to unmute unmute

Brandon if you would we want to hear you

there we go all right very good go ahead

with your question

yeah uh the question is vitamin C


um there’s an article that came out in

2013 that is posted on PubMed that’s

titled myths artifacts

and flaws and vitamin C and the studies

around it and there was a study in 1997

of Swedish men that I think it was 48

850 men participated in the study it

began in 1987 it concluded around 2009

and they found that vitamin C high dose

a thousand milligrams or more a day

contributed to a two times likely

um or more or two times more likely to

develop kidney stones than those that

did not take Vitamin C but that study in

particular is flawed due to the study

size due to a lot of different factors I

can’t get into right now so my question

to you Doctor

observations that was an observational

study yes it was an observational study

and my question to you is as humans we

used to make anywhere from 12 to 16

grams of vitamin C just 20 000 years ago

and we lost that evolutionarily or

ability via Evolution uh but all the

other animals still make it except for

two other primates so my question to you

is should we be supplementing 12 to 16

grams of vitamin C a day as we used to

do that as prehistoric humans

really really good Dynamite question

there um yeah we have the reason why we

know that we used to make it is we have

uh it’s called Junk DNA which is not

really junk DNA you look at these

different programs

um that wow yeah we used to we lost that

enzyme somehow

um during this period of time

um maybe we didn’t need the enzyme and

so it just kind of went into this

dormant phase and because people got

enough from the diet

um there’s a couple points to this um

the chemistry of vitamin C is similar to

glucose and I do know when you have more

glucose you don’t really you your

requirement for vitamin C goes way up

and this is why when someone does a

carnivore diet uh they’re like wow where

are you getting vitamin C well the need

for Vitamin C goes way down so I think

it’s a really hard question to know

because of the variables with vitamin C

like um

there’s a lot of things that age stress

level diet sugar requirement one of the



things to do well actually I think it’s

going to be the way of the future for

medicine is it’s called metabolomics now

what the heck does that mean that’s a

type of evaluation which a lot of

doctors are getting involved with which

I I hope more doctors get involved with

where they can do a blood test or a

urine test and look at your biochemistry

and look at all the

they it’s called metabolites that make

up your metabolism and they can get a

dynamic picture of what’s happening in

the Krebs cycle in your mitochondria

they can look at oxidative stress they

can look at

your Chemistry from a completely

different Dynamic view so they’re not

looking at statically but dynamically

and say wow look at this cofactor

vitamin C is not

is not helping this reaction occur in

the body let’s say it’s not helping the

production of collagen and the adrenal

because vitamin C is involved in a lot

of different things so

looking at Vitamin C Amounts is not

important is looking at the demand or

need for vitamin C for these different

metabolic reactions so when you look at

this picture of metabolomics you can see

um and you can understand reading it you

can go wow

he has sufficient vitamin C even though

it might be low because everything is

working around that chemistry


so the the short answer is um

if you eat a healthy diet with that

comes from the foods I don’t think

you’re going to need massive amounts of

it especially if you’re not doing the

high carbs and sugars that compete for

vitamin C but

I mean one way to know that you’re also

deficient is just to um

you have fatigue do you have bleeding in

the gums you know you can look at that

as well but that’s just a like a crude

crude answer

all right well listen thank you so much

uh for for that Brandon and by the way

now it’s by the way audience it’s 5 15

a.m in Oahu so hopefully Brandon can get

a few uh Z’s before he goes out and

surfs or some other onerous activity has

to do on that beautiful island so thanks

so much for joining us and good question

it’s so hard it’s so hard uh to do

nutritional studies because of isolating

that one variable um and plus with uh

vitamin c does not work by itself I mean

it works with so many different other

nutritional factors so

um you can kind of get a rough idea but

it’s um it’s difficult this is this is

very difficult but especially especially

the type of vitamin C some of these

tests that like you’re using just

ascorbic acid you’re not using the type

of vitamin C that comes from nature with

all the different component parts so


um that is a problem

all right well we all certainly hope

we’re close to imbalance as possible the

audience is in balance with answering

questions quickly as usual and the first

one of the day was what is true purpose

of sleep for our bodies


and survey says boy it just popped way

back okay answer 75 percent of our

respondents say sleep is for restoring

and healing the body 20 say it’s to

improve mental capacity uh and health

and five percent say is to eliminate


you know what the answer is

to eliminate toxins especially from the

brain especially from the brain there’s

some real interesting data that they uh


you know that’s when you’re getting rid

of uh free radicals and oxidative stress

is at night time so this is why probably

Steve when you don’t get enough sleep

you might feel it in your head you feel

toxic you feel kind of funky but when

you have a good night rest boy you just

feel your your brain your head feels

rejuvenated so yeah you’re detoxifying

all night long and this is another


uh factor that relates to longevity and

um stress and um toxicity you know if

you’re the more toxic you are probably

your body’s going to demand that you

sleep more

to kind of sleep it off or just get rid

of the toxins so


when you next time you want to detoxify

just make sure you get at least five

hours Steve of sleep

I’m going to write it down hope I can

all right who else has got a wild hour

that they’re getting up well let’s give

you a sampling we’d like to say a good

morning to all of our viewers joining us

today from the UK Canada Mexico Brazil

Australia Malaysia Finland Nigeria

Indonesia Cyprus Armenia Morocco United

Arab Emirates Peru Ghana Poland Norway

Italy Ethiopia Belgium Israel Taiwan

India Iran the Netherlands the Czech

Republic the Philippines Russia Egypt

Nepal Pakistan Chile the Virgin Islands

Barbados Trinidad and Tobago Jordan

Lithuania aratria Germany New Zealand

Oman Sweden Austria

Portugal ubeekistan South Africa Oman

Sweden turkey Spain Bangladesh Denmark

Lebanon Scotland Wales

a slow slow vacuum excuse me Cameroon

Jamaica Algeria Aruba Hong Kong Ireland

and then of course all across these

United States of America and usually we

have a couple more shout outs so away

from there from the people that feel

that they were ignored so anyway thank

you Terry again for your tireless

efforts and cataloging all that stuff

and let’s go to our second quiz question

of the day spelled that out for you and

since there’s no true false there’s

going to give you as much time as we can

to answer it and here it is Dr Byrd


stress hormone right so cortisol if

cortisol is an anti-inflammatory hormone

why do high levels of cortisol in our

body lead to inflammation

now that’s fascinating can’t wait for

the audience’s answer on that and let’s

see let’s go back to social media this

time to YouTube and as from YouTube I’m

starting a 70 hour fast and understand

we shouldn’t do apple cider vinegar

during the fast if that’s so what do we

do about cramping and mineral absorption

for someone without a gallbladder

well you can take you can take the

minerals okay because the minerals

just take a little bit more magnesium

and electrolytes the gallbladder if you

don’t have a gallbladder means you’re

missing the bile to help you absorb more

of the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin

D which is all which is important in the

absorption of calcium and magnesium as

well but I think I would just um

I mean

ask the question is your stomach really

alkaline do you really have a problem

with the stomach


the apple cider vinegar yes it can

you’re not just drinking it straight

right so you’re diluting it in water

um by a good factor maybe one tablespoon


or maybe even 12 ounces or even 10


so um in one of the videos I mentioned

uh to consume it but

you know some people consume it and they

feel fine

um on a fast but the point is that if

you just take those minerals I think you

can absorb them just fine without the

apple cider vinegar it’s not a absolute


all right very good uh Jan from Facebook

uh what food recommendations and

activities would you make for someone

who’s menstruating and there are

billions of those on planet Earth right

now in that situation what do you think


well do you have problems with your

menstruation because it is a normal

process is it excessive and do you have


that usually means you need to increase

more maybe calcium magnesium before your


um and also it could you could be

estrogen dominant in which case you need

more iodine from sea kelp so the

combination of CCAP will help the

periods greatly and then of course as

far as food goes you can get your iodine

from shellfish

um and then um the calcium from dairy

unless you have some problem with dairy

make sure it’s a high quality Dairy


so um to help with um

the periods and with estrogen dominant

sometimes you need to avoid Dairy so you

have to look at that as well but some of

the estrogen might be coming from soy

um could be coming from alcohol wine

because that will increase estrogen men

and women

um are you taking birth control pills

are you taking HRT

um maybe avoid these factors that


estrogen which can actually make the

period worse

right very good let’s see

um Christopher’s vegetables can help

reduce estrogen too

um just so you know they kind of

regulate be good and bad so they kind of

will normalize that that level very good

well Jane and all the other lovely

ladies around the world I hope that uh

helps understand that okay let’s see

Juliana from Facebook this time is

turkey tail mushroom powder okay to take

during a prolonged fast is she going to

get overweight from turkey tail mushroom

powder no that’s that’s fine that’s

actually really good for both cancer

especially cancer anti-cancer and your

cognitive function so yeah go ahead and

take some of that when you’re fasting

it’s not going to be a problem at all

right now Larissa from YouTube she had a

miscarriage unfortunately in January but

it was an unplanned pregnancy I’ve been

trying to conceive since but I have had

no luck what protocols would you

recommend for someone trying to conceive

I would watch my videos on fertility

with women and uh

um there’s a lot of things you can do I

think it’s probably the most important

time to eat healthy is during the

pregnancy I would prepare your body

um and get your body very fertile so a

couple key nutrients for that would be

the vitamin E in the form of tocotranals

good amounts of Omega-3 good amounts of

vitamin D the trace minerals for sure

and even


that royal jelly uh that that bees make

apparently that’s also good for


um and then also you know there’s a lot

of things in your environment that are

um making people sterile

um including the GMO Foods there’s an

interesting observation by

a scientist that I recently talked to

um on animals and veterinarians are

noticed that the fertility of animals

goes down when you feed them just


genetically modified food versus the

non-GMO food

um increases the the fertility which is

fascinating which the question is does

that roll over to humans well it just


um and then also all the Plastics that

can mimic estrogen in our environment

too Plastics like

uh that’s in a lot of different foods so

watch my videos on that and um

that’s uh that’s a really uh a big deal

too for men and women

okay let’s see the second question very

compelling if cortisol is an

anti-inflammatory why do high levels of

cortisol in our body lead to

inflammation very good question the

audience has answered it ninety percent

of them say it’s because cholesterol

that results from stress contributes to

the inflammation 10 of the respondents

say it’s because high levels of sugar or

carbs that influence the impact of

cortisol are we onto something

we’re not on something with those two

answers unfortunately but um here here’s

what happens when you have high level of

stress you get high level of cortisol

it’s a normal anti-inflammatory

um but

um chronic stress is not healthy and

cortisol in high amounts is also not

healthy if it’s prolonged because it’s

unnatural and uh our bodies were

designed for short bursts of high stress

not like chronic stress so as a

protected mechanism the body

um starts to downgrade The receptors and

and creates this condition called



which means that the receptors are not

receiving cortisol like they were so

when you have high levels of stress you

end up believe it or not with a

deficiency of cortisol if you just take

a look at all the different symptoms

that um

that cortisol

um too much cortisol can create

um and that’s because you have this

resistance going on uh why because

you’re going through too much stress so

this is why when you fix stress the

receptor becomes more receptive

uh cortisol now works and now your

inflammation can be a lot less

all right very very good okay why don’t

we go to New York to

um Nia and she’s on the phone with us

today Nia are you with us

here she comes

go ahead Nia

Nia I tell you what you might be in a

bad Cell Song so we’re going to give you

a few minutes to figure that out and in

the meantime let’s go to very close Nera

who is in Chicago and near I can see her

dutifully unmuting herself to be a

perfect guess with her one question in

30 seconds and they’re you’re wrong with

Dr Bird go ahead

hi thank you so much for having me on um

I am I have Hashimoto’s so I’ve been

following your protocols you have on you

know the diet the time restricted eating

um and avoiding gluten so my one

question is

um while in a perfect world I would

avoid gluten all my life but um I do

have vacations planned and things like

that so I am wondering is it better just


um eat it once in a while you know um

sporadically or is it better to kind of

have your body used to it a little bit

and eat it um more frequently so

um you know I I I’m on on centroid and I

wanted to

um stop it so I’m just kind of learning

trying to figure out the protocols of

what to do

um in regards to that yeah so if we’re

talking about gluten and what’s really

occurring with glutenant apparently it

has to do with something called


molecular mimicry which basically gluten

kind of mimics some of the antibodies to

the thyroid

so it’ll it’ll it can create a mistake

and when you have gluten it can you can

have more antibodies that’s self

antibody so your body is actually

attacking your own thyroid

um so that creates inflammation

so the question is should you have it a

little bit all the time or should you

have it just um once in a while the

answer is you shouldn’t even have it at


um I you know I did been doing a lot of

DNA testing on people just to look at

what their DNA says

I’m just shocked how many people had a

very high percentage of um

gluten intolerance from a DNA level but

because gluten

is a complex of proteins and some of the

proteins in there and by the way gluten

is the only protein that our body can’t

digest so

um it creates problems but one of the

parts of that gluten gliadines it’s

called Uh actually increases uh

or stimulates an opioid receptor in our

in our which actually is kind of like a

little dose of morphine so we actually

don’t feel any negative effects at least

in our gut when we eat it and we’re like

wow I think we’re okay I can eat that

but it can create other problems like



probably the thing to focus on is just

to you know replace gluten completely

and then also do selenium as a mineral

Trace mineral not terrible large amounts

but just you can get that in uh

shellfish uh oysters especially or sea

kelp and then or Brazil nuts but all you

really need is like one Brazil nut a day

because that

um it’s grown in a certain part of the

Amazon that has very high levels of


thank you so much you’re welcome I’m

sorry I’m sorry baby

um yeah

yeah I kind of knew that

what a bummer sorry Nera

um like a part I ruined the parties yeah

absolutely all right I’ll have a donut

in your honor Nera and then buzz buzz

kill so come to the sickness uh just to


placate you so anyway thank you for

another great call having spit out the

question quickly and we hate to keep

harping on that but we have so many

wonderful things going on in the show so

we really appreciate your help in that

regard Green Room participants uh and to

prove that we want we love everyone

we’re gonna go back to face excuse me to

social media

uh and Gina from Facebook wants to know

if cruciferous veggies block the

functions of the thyroid hormone

speaking of Hashimoto’s

um they do contain something called

goidering gordogens and they tend to

block iodine

um if you have large amounts without

enough dietary iodine and since a lot of

people have an iodine deficiency

especially an average person who doesn’t

consume Seafood enough it could

potentially be a problem if you eat a

lot of it but if you’re eating regular

amounts I don’t think you’re gonna have

a problem at all even like eggs will

give you a good amount of iodine but

it’s the sometimes people take it out of

context of course if you have a goiter

you know like don’t consume cruciferous

but on the flip side look at all the

positive things about cruciferous that

it has sulforaphane and like that it can

help you with cancer and a lot of

phytonutrients that can help balance

your estrogen and help you detoxify

things there’s a lot of benefits and

some drawbacks so

um one quick solution just to have a

little sea calp in your diet on a

regular basis or consume some Shellfish

a couple times a week

all right very good all right next

question these are great questions if

something does this how come it does

that and here’s the next one

okay if insulin lowers blood sugar

and carbohydrates increase insulin

then why does a high carb diet

then why do high carb diets lead to high

blood sugar

what the audience stare at that for a

second there you go and off you go with

a fabulous answer let’s see if Ania is

with us again can you hear us Nia

I do apologize for earlier on that’s

great okay so Nia’s coming to us on the

phone we can’t see her lovely face but

go ahead Neo with your one question


oh sure okay good I’m glad to hear that

hang on a second

um start talking and I’ll bring your

image up as you do just a moment I got

to redo something

so grateful I’m

I live in New York City and I’ve been

following you for over two years

I have a YouTube channel and I post

regularly your videos and you have

inspired me to start my own

Healthy Living YouTube channel I started

yesterday love it

love it thank you thank you

so I’m a mother I have four children and

I’m almost 50 years old and has

rheumatoid arthritis for the past 21

years after I gave a birth to my first

child what kind of arthritis

who sell it for someone like me and I

have a busy life and I would love to

start keto constantly

thank you I mean I mean think about what

a ketone is it’s a molecule that has a

very powerful

anti-inflammatory effect so right off

the bat uh decreasing inflammation is

going to be important with your

condition and then there’s a couple

other factors that you should know about

rheumatoid arthritis that I didn’t do a

video on well I did one but not the

other one one is high levels of

potassium so that would be a ketogenic

plan with a lot of salad or vegetables

right so you want to keep that in them

to get the potassium

um but also

um taking enough vitamin D is going to

be vital for you probably at a very

minimum 20 000 I use a day and the other

thing too is um there’s another factor

with rheumatoid arthritis and I stumbled

on this I didn’t do a video on it yet

and it has a lot to do with high levels

of uh people with rheumatoid have higher

levels of adrenaline in their body



one one thing just to put more attention

on is this thing called stress so

anything you can do to reduce stress not

that you have ever experienced stressed

in your life but anything you do to keep

the stress out of your body uh regular

exercise walking whatever is going to be

very therapeutic to you especially for

rheumatoid arthritis but yeah just do

the healthy version of Keto um like I

mentioned with a lot of vegetables and I

think if we also add in there some

periodic prolonged fasting like 72 hour

fasting we can literally rebuild your

immune system and who knows might put

that thing back in remission

wonderful thank you so much I’ve been

actually eating more vegetables more

fruit and staying away from junk food I

try to remove and processed food

completely for my diet and I’m teaching

my children the same so much so much

gratitude I have towards you that’s

thank you that’s awesome and I just want

to add one little tiny little detail

about the fruit

um yes the only fruit I would have is be

some berries but I’ll just give you a

little example

um I could just take a banana there’s a

lot of fructose in a banana and people

say what’s wrong with that lonely banana

it’s it’s been a hybrid so we it

definitely spiked a lot of the um sugars

in these fruits so

um berries are the one of the lowest

sugars so these other fruits even

especially the apples are just way too

much sugar and

um I have some great data you know show

how that can really affect your body so

even even let’s take myself right I

um I was eating healthy

what I thought a while ago and I weighed

211 pounds okay

um 211 pounds and

what I decided to do is I cut out the

apples okay that’s all I changed that’s

it and

um I went down to 185 wow okay not just

a fruit that’s considered healthy it’s a

lot of fructose so it’s just another

example I have firsthand knowledge that

fruit isn’t always what it’s cracked up

to be

stopped eating banana because it upset

my stomach so sometimes they say listen

to your body is trying to tell you


bananas and I will reduce Apple because

it’s one of my favorite fruits thank you

so much doctor you’re welcome you’re

welcome it’s wonderful what a great

guest thank you so much uh Nia from Buzz

curious I’m a buzz kill yeah you know I

did a fishing show in Belize and it’s

one of the banana capitals of the world

and you know the through the town

bananas just sort of litter the gutters

because they pick them extraordinarily

green of course and let them ripen up

but a ripe banana from Belize is almost

unedible in my mind it is so sweet it’s

like it’s filled with Splenda and it

just that I guess that’s the genetic way

they modify but it’s it it’s like three

or four times as sweet if you let it I

guess you call it Vine ripen and I

didn’t like it even with a sweet tooth

so they’ve really worked on all these

various things to bring them up to

um you know Cocoa Puffs sugar level I

guess that’s terrible anyway thanks

again Nia all right let’s see uh

uh where are we with our questions and

the audience is on it as usual and this

third question of the day asked if

insulin lowers blood sugar and carbs

increase insulin then why do high carb

diets lead to high blood sugars eighty

percent of the audience say it’s because

insulin resistance 20 say the glucose

and sugars are incorrectly stored

Okay so we’ve we got a right answer on

this one because it’s insulin resistance

same mechanism with the cortisol when

you increase

a hormone over time

above what it should be

um you start the body protects Itself by

going into this resistance day so now

you have a situation where you have a

insulin deficiency and I did a video on

that as well there’s a lot of benefits

to insulin but not if you have insulin

resistance because you be you have all

the bad stuff from being too high

um and then you you lack all the good

stuff from penetrating the cell allowing

it to work so with insulin resistance

that’s when your blood sugars start to

go higher as a way of compensating for

that resistance that’s developed at the

cellular level

and that’s

I’ve done probably more videos on

insulin resistance than anyone on the

internet because I

um it’s in probably one of the biggest

problems in our world right now

um not just in America but all over the

place uh even in the Arabic countries

um believe it or not

in the Arabic countries they do a lot of

sugar even more than Africa so it’s

becoming more of a problem

ouch all right World get it together

all right let’s see oh Dana from YouTube

and this is a prevalent thing

unfortunately could you please produce

more videos on how to improve behavior

in autistic kids


I can do videos on how to

nutritionally in diet wise

improve that condition for sure so I’m

making a note right now and that’s a

really good idea and just as a side note

that I’ve just read a study another

study on

sulforaphane can greatly benefit autism

and that’s in the uh the micro green so

I’m going to be releasing a course very

soon on how to grow your own micro

greens for pennies

um right inside your house so you don’t

even have to go out and buy them you

could grow them yourself and that’ll be

fun so and basically grow your your own

salad with and micro greens are probably

at the top of the food chain as far as

the most nutrient dense food

um now of course organ meats are are

higher but on the plant family I mean

you have like massive amounts of

nutrients um way more than the adult

vegetable so

more on that soon

I did very good in audience I I want to

let you know how important if anyone

feels ignored on social media uh we’re

not ignoring you you know there’s so

many questions we try to get to as many

as we can but Dr Berg doesn’t ignore it

all your comments are as you just

noticed are the fodder for many of his

videos so he wants to know what’s

affecting people around the world and

from it why talk about stuff that has no

uh you know

pertinence to what’s going on in the

world so please keep them coming I know

he Scrolls through them well beyond what

we’re able to read on the air so you are

heard and he answers your various

queries into what’s going on uh with uh

us our individuals

yes to see that’s what that’s why a lot

of people say well he just created a

video for me how did he know about that

well because I’ve read your comments

um I I know what um what videos people

want so that’s that’s basically what I’m

trying to do is find out what video you

want and then create that video

well it’s working uh there’s so many of

them out there KB from Facebook please

share your thoughts on how to treat

liver cancer without going through

chemotherapy I’m sorry to hear that KGB

for you or

um or your loved ones

now of course I can’t cure anything only

the body cures itself but there’s a

protocol you can watch the latest videos

on the cancer just to get information on

what what I would do if I had the cancer

and um maybe that can help you but

there’s a protocol and but I will say

the most important thing you can do as a

weapon against cancer is the fast

long fast like I’m talking at least

depending on the severity

um probably 20 21 days or longer

hopefully you have some

some extra fat to use as fuel but it’s

the most important thing so the more

severe the cancer the more severe the

health problem the longer you should

fast that’s the most important

information you need to know and

unfortunately some people don’t even do

it so they try all these other things

but they’re not as powerful you have to

the level of effort needs to match

what’s happening in your body and even

in fasting in general not even just for


um you know I’ve talked about prolonged

fasting for like a week for example

um ideally everyone should do that but

maybe if you’re if you are healthy and

you have no problems maybe probably a

better recommendation to be like do

seven day fast once a year

not several times a year

but if you’re sick you should be doing

it several times a year

why because when you start to fast the

body goes into all these fascinating

survival mechanism things that

um turn off genes that are activating

cancer and tumors and it’s just it’s

like your body goes in this fascinating

um healing mode and then you also go in

autophagy where your body’s cleaning up

um old damaged cells and rejuvenating

them as you sleep at night so

like I said before

I’ve talked about autophagy a lot of the

autophagy happens in the brain when

you’re sleeping and so you’re getting

this renewed

brain cells of the mitochondria when you

wake up you have new mitochondria that’s

so um

ideally the way that you know that

that’s working is when you wake up and

you feel refreshed in your head versus

oh my gosh I feel like I’ve kind of hung

over and I’m it takes me forever to wake

up so

that means that you got to work on that

so anyway it’s a good indication to know

what’s going on all right very good uh

let’s see Fatima thank you so much for

spending so time in the green room and

being our final uh guest and if you’d

make sure you’re unmuted we’re going to

get you right on for your one question

in 30 seconds with Dr Berg welcome to

the show

hi welcome Dr Berg thank you so much I

feel really humbled to be uh live

um I can’t thank you enough I’m so

grateful to you Dr Berg only started

following you um not a long time ago

I’ve got

um I believe it’s Hashimoto and it’s

been 20 years I’m on medication uh also

had a postpartum depression twice after

having my two children so I’m

antidepressants and sleeping tablets

um the issue is um I mean I started an

intermittent fasting I stopped gluten

dairy and and like through fruits

because I used to believe that that’s


um but the thing is I lost so much


um that’s one um one one side to it and

it just had a banding to hemorrhoids

bending operation

um and what’s your video videos which

helped me a lot because I suffer from

constipation you mentioned taking

vitamin B1 I’m taking sea cup and

um I’ve just got the um bladder not

bladder support the extra strength

gallbladder formula

but the thing is I developed a pain on

the right hand side then which which is

under investigation I just had a blood

test done today so I just wanted to ask


um on first how to

um obviously the keto diet I’m not

um I only started following you recently

I don’t have much knowledge on how to

fully in like

um do it so to help get off the

medication and improve my condition and

also to the uh your supplements the fact

that I’m taking them and it just felt

like the pain is aggravated in case um

there’s gold stones or something hard to

tackle that

so that’s a lot to take in but let’s

give you some tips okay because

um I think you’re in the phase of

getting started but now you need some

some Simplicity and then fill in the

details later

um the fact that you have pain in the

right lower side tells tells me that

you’re you definitely need to tweak the

diet and there’s something that’s

creating either bloating or it’s not

agreeing with your systems I think the

most important thing even more than the

nutrients or vitamins or anything

is just to work out what to eat now to

keep it really simple the more problems

with you have your that you have with

your digestion and by the way a lot of

autoimmune including Hashimoto’s starts

in the gut so chances are there’s some

inflammation in there you want to keep

your Foods fairly simple and not have a

lot of different combinations of things

like maybe eat one meal just two things

like a salad

and maybe eggs or fish okay good and

then the next meal have

tuna and um a different type of

vegetable keep it really simple don’t

add a lot of things in there like the

grains and this and that or fruits or

berries or nuts and just keep it real

simple because we have to isolate what

is bloating you there’s something you’re

eating that’s creating digestive stress

um you’ll probably do better on more

fermented foods like um sauerkraut uh


and maybe even kefir maybe not test that



constipation tells me that we need to

build up your Flora your good gut uh

bacteria over time

and then

you know get my book read the details

keep tweaking it but it’s going to take

some time to figure this out but you

want to keep the carbs down and who

knows you may find that you get the best

benefit by holding off on vegetables and

nuts and seeds right now and just doing

more of a carnivore I don’t know because

if there’s inflammation in your gut you

just might find that that takes the

bloating away so these are things you’re

going to have to figure out and test

because unfortunately

um the doctors are not going to look at

that they’re going to treat your

condition versus look at your eating

which needs to be

solved immediately okay in Fatima I

don’t mean to cut you off but we I’ve

got a couple quiz questions left but we

would love to hear back from you there’s

a whole bunch of stuff to try and do as

everyone else’s encouraged write us uh

you know and also on social

media so we wish you all the best and

hope to see you back on the show again

uh after you’ve tried

so was there just one one last question

that you you’re going to ask about that

or clarification

um Ashley

um you know what you just said I think

that’s actually what I was thinking


um like the grains I was on um I caught

on carbs completely I was just taking

something called keto bread which is

made out of grains and have been nuts

but I think that’s uh I mean you I mean

you just tackle the point that’s why I’m

suspecting that’s um causing the problem

the constipation

um I’m also doing intermittent fasting

so but like you said it’s just working


um what’s triggering it um and I’ve I’ve

watched your video about the uh the uh

having too much fiber and because I

believe that having

um you know especially greens and lots

of vegetables that kind of made the

aggravated the constipation so you’re

absolutely right about that I agree with

that thank you Doctor yep you’re welcome

and um yeah so a lot of these uh key

so-called keto friendly stuff

kind of does not help people I would I’m

hesitant of having anyone do that just

eat regular healthy foods and make sure

they’re low carb and I think um that

would be the best advice for anyone but

great okay Steve all right

so kind I’m giving people the hook it’s

awful but I love them all we’re just

trying to keep up with the clock but

those were some great guests today and

and we’ve also had some great questions

so here’s our fourth question of the day

okay what is the most important Trace

mineral to prevent hair loss

all right I know a lot of people want to

know that

including myself

all right let’s see now why don’t we go

back to social media London sky from

YouTube could you please post a video on

what you eat in a given week There’s a

good question

sure yeah

one because I I like to change things uh

but I will say um one thing that I

really enjoying lately is that

yeah we have the uh

it’s no longer winter so we can start

growing things so I’m growing


some salad that’s very very it’s not the

typical salad it’s uh it’s a certain

type of salad I’ll do a video on this

that uh

well that’s it’s just amazing how what a

difference that salad is versus the

grocery store salad I mean it’s just

night and day

um unfortunately the majority of salad

that you buy in the grocery store is

either hydroponic or grown in

these sponge type mediums that’s not

even soil or if they are grown in soil

they only do the NPK the three minerals


um to actually have food that’s grown in

biologically live soil

is I think the answer to health because

uh it also comes all this health comes

whether it’s animal Foods or plant

has to come from the biology and the

soil and if you have good soils then you

can actually grow good health through

the foods that for that live off this

these microbes so

um that’s the basic on the chain of

events it’s like

what soil are you growing you’re getting

your food from it’s it’s impossible to

know that

um so this is why you need to start a


Steve all right well I’m listen we’re

waiting and maybe you’ve already done it

but that indoor garden thing Lori and I

are just wringing our hands waiting for

that uh to come aren’t you going to do

or did you do a video on growing stuff

in like you know an apartment or


yeah and um we’re gonna be showing how

to grow it in soil in your apartment yes

on the windowsill uh not hydroponic

um yes I do have several units that um

I’m no longer using with hydroponic but


because it just could not produce the

fertility that we want in that plant so

I will there’s going to be a lot of

videos on that but we’re right in the

middle of a

creating this greenhouse to be able to

film everything and so I know I’ve been

telling people that for a while but it’s

been taking a long time to build this

greenhouse so we can actually do what we

want and do the research boy that’s so

fun we’re waiting and excited about it

and the audience didn’t wait on

answering this question thanks for

helping me keep up with the show folks

what is the most important Trace metal

mineral to prevent hair loss and the

audience said at least 65 percent of

them say it’s zinc 30 say it’s copper

and five percent say iodine

okay the answer is zinc

um but here’s the thing

um too much zinc can be a problem and

not enough saying could be a problem so

if you have the right amounts let’s say

it’s uh you know they say under 40


um but if you have an autoimmune

condition or you have inflammation or

you have

some other reason why you need higher

amounts of zinc lets you have an

infection right a viral infection then

you need like

300 milligrams right

but I’m that’s that’s kind of a shorter

term thing when you have too much zinc

and not enough copper

um you can have the same almost the same

exact hair loss problems because you

need both zinc and copper so too much

they can because they’re kind of

competitive so you want just the right

amount so what I do is I just recommend

getting your zinc and copper together in

One supplement as a ratio of one to ten

so that would be like one copper to ten

zinc so you want 10 times as much zinc

so if you had 10 milligrams of zinc

you’d have one milligram of copper but

if you eat food with copper or zinc it

always comes together in the right ratio

like organ Meats like the liver or even

um shellfish you’re gonna get enough of

that those two minerals so you don’t

even have to worry about it


wonderful well that’s a relieving let’s

go back to Facebook uh this is Brady uh

I recently increased my protein intake

to add muscle I have been consuming one

gram of protein per pound of body weight

I currently weigh 160 but now I’ve been

experienced vertigo and dizziness is

there a relationship to the increase in


um well you know I don’t know what else

you’re eating I’m not sure


but you know you could overdo it when

you have too much protein you’re just

not going to feel quite right you’re

going to back off a bit I like to

um like

I’m like half carnivore and half vegan

so I’ll do both of these things I’ll do

a lot of salad and I’ll do a good amount

of protein but I I do know that I have


be careful sometimes because sometimes

they’ll have too much protein and I

don’t feel quite right and uh maybe I

could even say I have dizziness so I

would play around with it and test it

test the waters and see how you do but

make sure you also include uh the

vegetables with that protein unless you

have a gut problem

um and I think that will help offset and

I think also I I recommend having the

vegetables first

um I have noticed that a lot of times

people that have them second they don’t

finish their salad or vegetables

um so that would be important and um

but the other key thing with protein is

to have the quality of protein eggs

Seafood grass-fed beef

um Meats things like that

um because

chicken isn’t especially like the

regular chicken is not the best source


protein unless it’s you know really

grown correctly

um I’m not saying not to have it but

don’t only have that


like even sardines are really good I

like sardines and um

tuna and you can even get in a can while

caught and even the the wild cod liver

oil and I’m sorry the wild Cod Liver

itself you can get that in a can that’s

actually really really healthy


so that’s my answer and I’m sticking to

it Steve all right I think we can get

one more question and JJ from Facebook

are there any benefits to drinking

carbonated water

I did a video on that there’s a lot of

benefits you actually get more CO2 to


um you to get more oxygen it takes CO2

to release oxygen and so that’s that’s a

really interesting benefit right there

um I always feel better I feel more

hydrated when I have carbonated water

um and so I make make my own with uh

spring water

so I’m lucky that way to do that but um

yeah I don’t sometimes like water

sometimes when you buy this water in the

bottles it’s just like there’s nothing

it’s not doing anything so uh

carbonation adds another factor to help

absorption and helps more oxygen and it

also decreases the pH a little bit so um

it might help your digestion on that

note Steve I really wanted to say thanks

for everyone I appreciate wonderful

attention that you’re here this long and

you’re sticking it out and stay tuned

for some fascinating new videos coming

up this next week have a great weekend


thank you