Dr. Berg hosts a webinar on Anti-Aging and food | DrEricBergDC

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welcome to the webinar everyone so in

this webinar we’re going to talk about

anti-aging I want to teach you so great

things if to actually reverse aging

process is it possible I think it is

I’ve been working with a lot of people

over the years and I found that they do

get younger as they get healthier so the

goal is to make you younger every year

that you age so that would be cool um so

um I’m gonna just go to some slides

right now um let me just share my screen

here make sure you can see everything ok

so so here’s the thing when we talk

about anti-aging you know if you do

research on the internet you’re going to

see there’s a lot of information about

just skin creams taking vitamins looking

good on the outside using different

facial scrubs in that type of thing but

there’s a lot more to anti-aging than

just a superficial putting a cream on

your face try to get rid of wrinkles so

we’re going to talk about two things one

is how to look youthful as you get older

but we’re also going to talk about you

know the heart of anti aging which is to

postpone your life to prevent dying in

early age

we’re going to talk about that because

it makes no sense to you know try to

look young why you get cancer and

dropped it a heart attack so I’m going

to cover both things today and I wanted

to mention that one of the things that

really emphasized is to increase a

health reserve to build up kind of a

health insurance reserve and there is a

test that can be measured to look at the

internal health reserve and I have one

of my patients that we just today we’re

evaluating we’re looking at her health

reserve and trying to build that up and

I just want to kind of show you this

little graph here you can see there’s a

there’s this taller dial in a small dial

the tall dial should be straight up and

down and the small dial should be all

the way to the right so if the small

dial goes to the left that that’s

indication that the person is losing

their their kind of their recovery

Reserve and I look at that as kind of

like that the deeper health reserve this

test just to keep it really simple

without giving you a lot of big words is

it’s called heart rate variability it’s

a test that measures the data in between

the heartbeats it measures how elastic

the heart is it measures how the

heartbeat varies from one beat to

another and it’s one of the best

indicators of overall mortality from

heart attacks so I don’t use it for that

but it will give a prediction on how

healthy you are overall but also for the

heart the reason I’m bringing this up is

because it probably taken 10,000 of

these graphs and there was only been one

person that has ever had a perfect graph

and he was 80 years old yeah and I’m

like who is this guy he was walking down

the street with his dog he falls in a

hole hit knocks himself out he lays

there for three hours knocked out

unconscious wakes up his head’s bleeding

goes back home he has a stiff neck he

sees me three days later his wounds are

almost healed um he has a slight

stiffness in his neck so he had a

perfect perfect graph and I’m like who

the heck is this guy so apparently when

he was younger he took the Olympics in

water polo and he’s maintained his


ever since that so he could basically

hold his breath three and a half minutes

underwater at this point so out of all

the things all the workouts all the

sports events I would say that water

polo is probably the most incredibly

difficult I almost drowned right up

through the sport in college with my

roommate was into water polo he would

just hold me underneath water until I

let go of the ball he would anchor his

foot into the drain pipe until I you

know cooperated so it’s an intense

workout so in other words I’m trying to

just let you know that it is

possible to measure your health reserve

and it is possible to improve it so let

me go to the next slide here so I think

we should probably start this whole

webinar by isolating what are the top

causes of death if you look it up this

is ill they’ll go ahead and tell young

WebMD it’s the heart disease cancer

chronic respiratory accident stroke

Alzheimer’s diabetes influenza pneumonia

nephritis that’s kidney problems and

then suicide so those are the top causes

of death but they forgot to mention one

big cause of death and that’s probably

the number one it is not probably it is

the number one cause of death and that

is conventional medicine now in the next

slide you can look at the links because

I’ll send everyone needs a these PDF

files but the point is that seven

hundred seven hundred thousand people a

year die of reactions to prescription

drugs and necessary antibiotics

unnecessary medical procedures

hospitalizations so that actually ranks

number one so I guess the therapy the

best therapy is to avoid doctors if you

want to live longer probably you know

the question is how many people actually

die the vitamins in 2010 not one person

in 2004 there’s three people who died of

mega doses of vitamin D and vitamin E

but I would in their synthetic and of

course the one person died as a result

of overdose with iron and fluoride but I

don’t consider fluoride a nutrient so

there’s been a huge push you know by

certain people to pretty much make

alternative care dangerous you know it’s

quackery it’s scams but I personally

think it’s just a way to camouflage just

like their own secrets or skeletons

because the amount of medication

Pumped in young children nowadays even

psych drugs that are pushing and the

soldiers there’s 23 suicides every

single day in the military and that’s

from the side effects and psychiatric

medication so I wanted to just share a

story by a client she told me today she

can you tell us what happened you you

basically went to the doctor and you

wanted some help and you started to you

had a whole list of problems because

we’re working with you but there’s some

other issues that you wanted to kind of

evaluate can you just tell us a little

bit about you walked in there and you

saw the nurse and what what was the

first thing that she said well um first

I she asked me what I was there for so I

said well I have a list of things and I

had had some symptoms going on so I’d

been keeping track of them and writing

them all down and I started list listing

them off to her and she looked at me

like I was crazy and she said ma’am

you’re gonna need to pick the top two

because she’s not going to have time to

to deal with all of those issues look

I’m a little shocked like it’s like when

you go to a doctor you have a list of

problems all those are connected yes

suffer problems yes yes and that’s what

I tried to tell her I said no the

doctors going to need to listen to me

because these are all connected and I

need her to to help me figure out what

is going on so she left the room sort of

hurriedly acting very like almost rude

but when the doctor came in I did make

her sit there and listen to me with

every single one of my symptoms because

they are all connected like you and I

spoke today yeah and so so one of the

things that what’s lacking in in health

care I mean look at this you got the top

cause of death is over medicated

patients unnecessary procedures with

everything has become so specialized


um if you have a digestive problem you

go to this doctor and er come problem

you go over here but they’re not looking

at the whole picture I think even with

you you had I think you had some history

of panic attacks or something right yeah

and they bet what do they what do they

say about that um so I talked to her

about that and told her that I have been

having some panic attacks he basically

said okay so here’s a script for you to

go to the psychiatrist and I didn’t go

to the psychiatrist and they said okay

well here’s some lorazepam or I don’t

remember what it was and you know um

there wasn’t any let’s talk about why

you’re having panic attacks or what

might be going on it was well here’s

this medicine go ahead and take it so it

was very disheartening and frustrating

yeah yeah I know it’s um it’s you want

someone to listen to you to a by way to

come up with some solutions

um and then I think you eventually saw

the doctor okay

did he really what did he do did he say

none okay so so as I went through my

list of symptoms he she it was a woman

she says okay so you’re having um some

panic attacks and and feeling like this

so here’s your referral to go to the see

the psychiatrist and oh you’re having

hot flashes okay here’s your referral to

go to the gynecologist and oh you’re

having some joint pain here’s your

referral to oh in your hip and in your

back so here’s your referral to go get

some x-rays done oh you’re you’re having

constipation so take some fiber thing

you know what I’m it just she was

treating each one of the things as as a

symptom as opposed to as opposed to

looking at everything that was going on

that’s going on with me as a whole that

there might be something happen

um she just singled each of them out and

sent me to other places and tried to

treat each symptom individually yeah and

that’s why I wanted to do this webinar

just to give you guys some real basic

things I mean even one thing with you

with your hip

I did some muscle testing I found out I

asked you a question I said do you cross

your leg a lot on one side and yes you

do yeah I mean you constitute and then

that’s the muscle that is weak because

you keep crossing it and throws off the

pelvis so um the some of these things

are really really really um ‘is obvious

but the problem is those are the

sometimes hardest to identify so I

wanted to get through so I’m going to

come back to that point but I want to

just go through a couple things about

the third leading cause of death since

we’re trying to live longer because I I

kind of protest getting old I don’t want

to get old

I know it’s inevitable but I want to

slow it down but it’s important to kind

of know what people die of that they’re

losing leading cause of death after

heart disease and cancer is psychiatric

medications I didn’t even know that I

looked that up and this is um in the

cancer in USA and Europe over a half a

million people die of either suicide or

psychiatric medication that reactions to

that I think that’s why the drug

companies are being sued by the billions

so there’s a lot of corruption going on

with psychiatric drugs in the military

all over the place and then you have

this guy Stephen Barret Beret whatever

his name is in quack watch which

basically says he says most diseases

have a little of nothing to do with diet

it’s not um and he goes into saying that

it’s most things are placebo you know

don’t take vitamins

you know alternative practitioners

oversimplify he says when they say that

milling that’s like rindy grain removes

the B vitamins they don’t bother to tell

you the enrichment

and back so you can see that here is a

person who is very anti natural vitamins

he’s a psychiatrist which causes the

third leading cause of death there’s no

it’s just a joke so the philosophy that

I wanted to teach you guys today is

really going beyond the outside in and

going the inside out working on the

inside of your body if you want this the

entire body to look youthful I think

probably the one of the biggest in your

seat industries out there is skincare

and makeup and hair care and it’s all

just superficial you’re just dealing

with a layer of a very tiny layer on the

outside of your body

there is much better things to do to get

the skin youthful prevent wrinkles and

I’m going to cover what you need to do a

better strategy would be to just really

look at the quality of materials that

you’re putting in your mouth and your

digesting I will say that certain parts

of your body are replaced at different

rates for example like your your skin

cells sometimes you replace every four

days the liver is replaced every three

years so the red blood cells are

replaced every four months the colon

cells are replaced every three days so

you’re constantly replacing your cells

and the question is what are you

replacing them with I’m going to show

you the best material to replace them

with but there’s one thing that doesn’t

rejuvenate or doesn’t replace itself and

that’s the brain so once you kill off

your brain cells you don’t replace them

they don’t come back so what I want to

do is I want to ask everyone who’s on

the webinar um a question what food and

I’m going to just make this what is the

food that gives us the highest nutrient

value okay it’s a category of foods and

I want you to go ahead and I’m looking

at your answers right now

want you to take a well guess what

category of food gives you the highest

amount of nutrition out of all food

categories I’m going to give you a

second to answer that okay kale leafy

greens vegetables kale veggies plants

protein fats veggies protein okay well

this is interesting because this is

something that’s kind of unknown um yeah

berries no I always like that when you

ask a column in I’ll ask a question I’ll

say um okay does anyone know this and

you know they’re not going to know it so

you just know that’s not right so you’re

wrong you’re wrong you’re wrong so um

what about you you have any idea what

Leslie would what the highest nutrient

food is on the planet that you can get

all of your nutrition I should know this

ah I’m thinking um I’m thinking yeah I

don’t know why but I could be wrong all

right let me I mean I’m eating all the

things on the side everybody’s saying

good stuff yeah oh sure the one that one

thing I’m not sure what the one thing

with me um okay so now I’m going to tell

you um it is I thought I had slide on it

but I don’t organ meats oregon means up

then yeah liver heart brains kidneys for

it personally um I can’t eat those foods

I just I just can’t eat them I think I

was as a child that was forced to eat

liver and I just can’t eat it I don’t

know I have a hard time eating brains

and kidneys but I’m just letting you

know those foods I know a lot of them

are toxic because of the animal feeds

but I’m just telling you as far as the

nutrients that are in those foods like

it’s it’s really hard to find one food

that has all the nutrients but there is

one food that has all the

and that would be the organ meats so if

you like liver and you have an organic

or free-range you know animal and you

consume that it’s not you will get a lot

of nutrition especially like iron and

there is one type of nutrient types of

vitamin e treants that are better for

looking young young than others and that

would be the fat soluble vitamins and

that would be like vitamin A D e K those

vitamins yes they’re in vegetables but

they’re actually in vegetables they’re

pre vitamins so in other words they have

to convert into the active form and you

have to have a good digestive system to

consume that so you may if you’re lucky

convert about 5% of those true fats and

vitamins to help division to the skin

even vitamin A for your skin if you

don’t have vitamin A you actually dry

out your skin you and you actually look

older going on a low-fat diet is very

very bad for anti-aging so let’s go into

some of the the foods or the nutrients

that will help you stay younger or look

younger the first thing I want to talk

about is foods for college and support

whisk collagen collagen is like the glue

that holds the body together it’s the UM

it’s in the joints it’s in the skin if

you lose collagen your skin gets thin

and it sags and you get wrinkles and you

look older so you can consume the

collagen itself or bone broth or

grass-fed animal products but you also

need trace minerals to actually utilize

that collagen you also need vitamin C to

use the collagen so I wanted to show you

something this is a grass-fed collagen

that I got online Great Lakes gelatin I

mean it’s it’s good if you have like a

lot of joint problems arthritis and you

don’t consume

a lot of animal products especially

grass-fed that would be something you

can try and but I found that most people

are not really deficient in collagen

it’s not something that are not eating

that’s not why they’re losing your

collagen I’ll get to the why but the

point is that it’s not a bad supplement

to take but just by taking this doesn’t

is does not mean your skin’s going to

look youthful you need several things to

to make that work um the big thing is

trace minerals as trace minerals are not

in the soils I’ve done seminars on trace

minerals use a version I use trace

minerals it’s a plant-based it’s not sea

salt plant-based minerals have our fifty

fifteen thousand times smaller than

regular minerals so they it go in like a

rocket ship so you need the minerals you

also need the vitamin C complexes and I

I wanted to show you a food that’s very

high in vitamin C but I want to first

find out I’m going to ask you what foods

are high in vitamin C what are the top

three foods that are the highest in

vitamin C let’s see who can get that one


okay people are saying camu camu yeah

that’s a great citrus carrots broccoli

kale spinach so you guys you you guys

are doing pretty good on that one

so I think you got that one down there

the three foods at the highest in

vitamin C which would be number one up

ayah number two Kiwi and number three

peppers now these are not from the

grocery store these are from the farmers


these are freaking amazing peppers

they’re crunchy there’s they’re loaded

with vitamin C and vitamin C you got to

be careful about vitamin C because most

of it is synthetic and I’m talking about

ascorbic acid if you buy Ottoman C and

it has over 100 milligrams of ascorbic

acid it’s just synthetic they make

ascorbic acid from corn starch which has

no vitamin C in sulfuric acid and you

take this stuff you’re not getting any /

C complex it’s not going to help your

collagen if you do something like this

you’re going to get the complete complex

because in the complete version of

vitamin C you have enzymes a copper

enzyme called tyrosinase you have the J

factor the bioflavonoids

the route ins all the different great

complexes provided and C to help build

collagen and organic copper it’s a

mineral in that thing and so it’s and by

the way a lot of the drought the vitamin

C is stored in your adrenal glands so

the dream glands are tired you won’t

have enough vitamin C to use that and

the other thing is that when you take

vitamin C in high dosages and synthetic

versions it will create deficiencies of

the other factors about and C causing

spider veins and I’m going to talk more

about this in the next seminar but Linus

Pauling recommend large dose of vitamin


notice he has these spider veins around

his nose that’s a vitamin C deficiency

because one of the side effects of

scurvy is micro hemorrhaging of the

capillary blood beds and so the scoop

the bleeding gums the spongy gums that

you have when you brush your teeth

that’s a vitamin C deficiency so and

also fatigue is a vitamin C deficiency

but also the arteries the arteries can

in high-pressure areas have a micro

hemorrhage hemorrhage and so the body

puts a bandaid on it called cholesterol

and calcium plaquing and that’s what

makes the clogged artery but the first

thing that happens is the micro damaged

hemorrhage from the vitamin-c complex

deficiency so those are some vitamin C

things that you can look at and

especially for your skin I mean you need

that collagen so now I’m going to go

back to my slide if I can do a screen

share let me see here okay so we have

collagen bone broth if you took an org

let’s say some bones from and um let’s a

cow or something and it was grass-fed

and you were to cook it over a day or

two and make some bone broth and there’s

a great recipe that would not be a bad

idea to drink that stuff it’s really

good for collagen especially if you want

really strong nails and hair um I can

actually if I can either use trace

minerals to make hair stop falling out

or sometimes collagen or the combination

of both but because trace minerals also

help the collagen form correctly so the

combination is very very important

especially for a hair loss so the most

important thing to do is to make sure

that your animal meats are grass-fed and

I’m going to show you I use them like

here’s an example I do a lot of beef

myself this is grass-fed um and the

reason why I do

grass-fed is because it has loaded with

vitamin k2 if you’ve seen any of my

videos you basically know about k2 it’s

going to be the next super vitamin it

improves elasticity of the arteries it

decreases blood pressure it gets calcium

out of the joints it’s quite amazing and

of course we have the grass-fed

Kerrygold butter that’s vitamin K it’s

loaded with vitamin A and of course I’m

showing all my food here um these are my

eggs from the farmers market from a

farmer that basically I have a video I’m

going to put a video of this farmer

because he has these cages in the grass

field in the clover fields and they’re

like the human lawn mower they will eat

all this grass and then he rotates them

I mean talk about a pasture raised

grass-fed chicken I mean those things

are those eggs it’s hard to even break

the shell it’s silt loaded with calcium

so it’s quite amazing um there’s a

couple questions I want to just go right

to the questions um said the webinar

keeps cutting out nope no worries I’m

going to record this and I’ll send you

the link right when I get done what

about fermented cabbage I love it I

think that’s a great idea and vitamin I

mean cabbage is is really huge in

vitamin C and it has a complete complex

can spider veins be repaired by taking

proper amounts of vitamin C well I

wouldn’t worry about the amounts I would

worry about the type of vitamin C that

you consume and yes it can be reversed

if you have the whole complex just make

sure you do not consume ascorbic acid um

let’s see what else grapefruit has some

vitamin C but it’s a bit too sweet if

you’re trying to lose weight I always

have to talk about that because fruit

tends to slow down weight loss okay good

what what if you have autoimmune and

can’t do nitrates well then you can use

the you know there’s camu camu is a

great vitamin c complex you can do that

there’s a lot of other things that you

can do other than nitrates not a problem

okay so there’s three things for

collagen support

one is you need you possibly might need

collagen you might need trace minerals

and you you might need to support your

your stomach because if your stomach has

um if you have like acid reflux or you

have bloating or burping and you don’t

have enough acid that could be the

reason why you can’t digest protein and

collagen is your stomach has to be

really really acid to to trigger those

enzymes in the stomach to break down

collagen so as you get older especially

during menopause you lose your stomach

acids so if I were trying to improve my

collagen and I was female and I was

menopausal the first thing I would do

before anything is I would make sure

that I correct on that digestive stomach

pH so if I had like indigestion or s

reflux or heartburn that means that I

would have to add more acid to that

stomach to correct it so the valve gets

closed called betaine hydrochloride so

if you’re listening now and you have any

digestive issues at all

take some betaine hydrochloride maybe

three with a meal get it from the help

of store and then within a week or two

watch what happens to your hair nails

and skin it will improve because you’ll

start absorbing more of the collagen

from the food you’re already eating so

we just have to look at those factors

the next thing I want to talk about is

very important and this is for those

people that want to change the not just

their health but the looking youthful

and that would be the fat soluble

vitamins and all the oils you don’t want

to go crazy you have to be able to

digest them

you need to have a good gallbladder to

digest them but the point is that when

people are pushing the low fat stuff

that’s when you start looking older you

want to look at the shelf and get whole

fat not low fat anything so if you’re

going to do some yogurt you know make

sure it’s whole fat of course you go

watch out for the sugars and yogurt

nowadays um so there’s not a problem

using the butter it’s good for the skin

because it contains vitamin A so the

first item I’m going to talk about is

vitamin A and that is in egg yolks

grass-fed butter shrimp cheese sardines

to nuts and fish it’s in all the fatty

stuff I’ll show you something here um

I’m going to show oh yeah cheese I’m

from Wisconsin

so I love cheese and of course Kerrygold

here we go Kerry gold butter Kerry gold

cheese this is my favorite cheese right

here it’s at BJ’s in Costco now I can’t

believe it it’s all grass-fed here’s

another grass-fed cheese from Trader

Joe’s I do a lot of cheese that has the

vitamin K it has a vitamin A even even

some vitamin D those are fat soluble

vitamins that you need for your skin for

your hair to prevent wrinkles so those

are things that will really really help

you and take them from the inside don’t

rub the butter on the outside of your

skin that’s not going to do it I used to

crave butter as a kid I used to eat it

of course I had no idea why now I know

why I was deficient in vitamin A hmm so

so vitamin A it’s in these fattier type

things that you were told to avoid

mm-hmm so the other thing you can do is

up coconut oil you can cook with it you

can eat it fish oils

the best fish oil that you can have is

either krill or cod liver oil yes

your grandmother was correct cod liver

oil has a wonderful blend of vitamin A

and vitamin D so don’t I mean just I

would start consuming just you don’t

need a lot of it you just need a little

bit of it okay

now let’s talk about vitamin E why is

vitamin E important you’ve heard vitamin

E for scarring for skin health for sex

hormones vitamin E is a precursor for

hormones and it’s stored in the

pituitary when women go through

menopause they don’t use their ovaries

very much anymore so they’re not going

to baby so what happens is that that

dynamic that pituitary release every

month is no longer it no longer has to

work as hard so the vitamin E reserve

tends to dry up in a lot of women and I

find they end up with a vitamin E

deficiency and they start getting

unnecessary wrinkles so I fire you what

I would do is I would don’t be afraid to

start consuming some of these fats but

the foods that are highest in vitamin E

are almonds other nuts sunflower seeds

very high but they have to be raw

sunflower seeds because when you cook

them and you roast them you destroy the

vitamin E because vitamin E is very

sensitive to oxygen and heat okay fatty

your fish like halibut salmon shrimp

sardines lobster um and it’s also in the

leafy greens the spinach chard kale some

eggs it’s an avocado so it’s an olives

so those are just some some common

things course vitamin D is the Sun fish

oils eggs cheese um but other than that

let’s say you’re not eating any

officials or eggs or cheese because

you’re in a low-fat diet you don’t get

much Sun and you’re going to low vitamin

D levels vitamin D is necessary for the

aging anti-aging

process okay so what I’m going to do now

is I just want to double check just to

make sure that there’s I’m answering any

questions so someone says they love

sardines cow’s milk allergy well if you

have if you’re allergic to you know milk

not a problem I’ve given you a list of

other things you consume as well

dandelion greens for vitamin A yeah well

the the problem is the plant sources

provide them an a they’re all pre

vitamin A so you’re only going to absorb

five percent and that is the challenge

that we do if now I consume a lot of yes

kale okay I eat kale I cut it chop it up

my salad so that’s loaded with vitamin

pre vitamin A but it’s C the cruciferous

vegetables have other nutrients we’ll

get into that but the point is that you

need to be eating them but you’re not

going to be getting the majority of your

vitamin A from leafy greens because you

only absorb 5% yeah I’m sorry

okay let me just check these questions

right here

um you say BJ’s has good caracal yes

BJ’s does carry the Kerrygold in bulk so

yes tuna is is fine I know there’s some

problems with mercury um but I think

there’s certain time I’m actually going

to do a video on tuna because there’s

certain types of tuna that are actually

good and some tuna that it’s not good

I’m going to do a complete video because

I don’t want to get into a side thing on

that right now

fermented cod liver oil is the best and

you can get that online you can get it

from Amazon I do take that it’s pretty

good um I was given cod liver oil when I

was a kid

lasted until Easter yeah it’s really

good stuff um

I found I sweat really bad with out my

vitamin D interesting graying of the

hair mostly after exercise well that’s a

stress see one of the things that we’ll

get into next is stress so I’ll talk

about that then can you get enough

vitamin D from foods you need supplement

that’s a very good question I think you

can maintain your body with just with

vitamin k2 foods but if you have high

blood pressure stiffness you have tartar

on the teeth soft tissue calcium you

have arthritis or types of joint

problems then you’re going to have to

take extra and then once you get rid of

that you can then maintain it after that

so it is possible but not as a maintain

maintaining thing okay now I’m going to

show you something

see if I can pop back over here now the

accelerated aging of cortisol the

hormone cortisol here’s a new word that

I want to teach you is called catabolism

catabolism what does that mean

catabolism catabolism is a breakdown of

things it’s something that breaks down

in the body your body naturally uses the

hormone cortisol to break down tissue

but with the adrenal stress hormone

being activated what happens is you get

too much breakdown and not enough build

up so you get this overall catabolic

effect that means a breakdown effect on

the on the muscles specifically your

thigh muscles in the quad group so when

you get up from a seated position or

from a chair it might be difficult to

mount this time to get up also the skin

is very thin and almost paper like and

I’ll see that with people I’ll look at

their skin you can just see it’s like

very very very thin that’s that’s the

problem of excessive cortisol with

stress and you’re losing your collagen

you also have a disappearance of the

elastic fibers and that’s why your

joints it’s so brittle all the time as

you age and that’s just one of the

effects of of course

now I did a whole seminar on cortisol

that was the last seminar I did and I

talked about stress and if you did not

see that webinar go ahead and watch it

but I will give you some tips on stress

right now because I would say one of the

biggest things that ages people is

stress specifically losses loss of a

person loved one loss of a job loss of a

marriage threat of loss financial threat

of loss bad economy all that will add

stress and so you do have to constantly

work on reducing corners so there’s a

couple nutritional things that I

recommend for cortisol I do recommend

the adrenal day formula because it has a

natural b1 and there that does not it’s

from nutritional use but it doesn’t give

you a yeast infection like some of the

nutritional yeast out there and it’s not

synthetic like a lot of the nutritional

yeast are enriched with synthetic so if

you did um a that product and you take

the that natural b1 with all the other

things in it it’ll tend to pull a lot of

stress out your body you feel very very

calm and chilled out so b1 is necessary

to rid stress from your body and you’ll

feel a difference how do you know if you

have a b1 deficiency there’s a couple

ways number one you feel a lot of

nervous tension in your body you just

like you can’t relax you have a low

tolerance to stress you have a Deema and

swelling yes a demon swelling is that b1

deficiency many times as well you have

nightmares where very vivid dreams so if

you have any of those we know it’s a

it’s a b1 deficiency and stress will

cause that another thing you can do is

get space go up for long walks because

stress tends to inhibit your space and

you get it’s like you need to get

outside and just get some space because

that calms the adrenal gland down you’re

just a picture of how proteins and

different things can break down fat can

break down sugars can break down call it

catabolism and just a breakdown

okay we’re shifting gears now to cancer

control because one of the things that

um which is a process is dying early

from cancer I mean there are people all

around me that are dropping dead with

cancer patients patients relatives

family members so it is a problem and

there are things that we can do to

reduce the risk of cancer and I want to

talk about that um let’s first define

what cancer is cancer is a cell that is

out of control it’s it’s duplicating at

a very fast rate and the question is why

there’s a mechanism a machine in your

body that is constantly keeping these

extra cells that are radically growing

out of proportion in check so there’s a

there’s another word I’m going to teach

you it’s called apoptosis apoptosis and

that that’s basically controlled cell

death your body is killing between 50

and 70 billion cells every single day

which they need to do that because they

need to clean out all these you know

mutated cells the cells that we need to

get rid of so we can replace with the

new cells so for an average trial

between the ages of 8 and 14 about 20

billion to 30 billion cells die a day so

that’s called apoptosis so now if we

have if we’re getting cancer we want

apoptosis to work correctly to kill that

cancer so apoptosis is a mechanism

that’s an important defense against

cancer okay so that’s

the foundation I want to talk about so

there’s certain things that dis destroy

this mechanism in block the your body’s

ability to kill off these cells and

there’s certain things that do it and

this slide is out of order

it’s called endocrine disruptors so I

want to just touch on this for a second

what’s an endocrine disruptor an

endocrine disruptor is any chemical in

the body pesticide herbicides fungicides

insecticides heavy metals

country-and-western just wanna see if

you guys are awake

that was a joke that was a dry sense of

humor heavy metals country-western was a

bad joke okay so endocrine disruptors

are any chemicals in environment that

alter your genes and cause disease

there’s these I have this book it’s

about three inches thick it’s called the

modern text toxicology’s the basically

the textbook of poisons okay the study

of poisons and what poisons do with it

to the body

we are bathed in so many chemicals it’s

it’s insane from walking out in the yard

to our food to the air we’re just bathed

in all these chemicals I mean there’s

over four billion pounds of toxic

chemicals releasing into our environment

every single year that’s 72 million

pounds of recognized carcinogens which

actually cause cancer so our bodies are

constantly hit with these endocrine

disruptors okay well guess what these

endocrine disruptors mess up the normal

process of your body controlling cancer

so you may have known that already but

I’m just refreshing your your mind I’m

just touching right now I want to see if

there’s any questions real fast because

oh yeah someone mentioned des

diethylstilbestrol here’s a there’s a

tongue twister diethylstilbestrol was

used in the 50s from

morning sickness I think over like

millions of women were exposed to it and

it caused problems not just in the

offspring but in the third generation it

it really destroyed our bodies and they

did not test the long-term effects of

that very very similarly to what they’re

doing now with the GMO foods so they

made a lot of money and then now they

banned it

okay that’s des so des is called

endocrine disruptor destroys your how

your hormones okay so now this really

amazing car called the cytochrome p450

now I’m just this is another bad joke

but it sounds like a car doesn’t at p450

now a cytochrome p450 is an enzyme that

has incredible capacities to turn those

endocrine disrupters those poisons into

harmless particles yeah so cytochrome

p450 enzymes are these special enzymes

in your liver and they’re in different

cells in your body that can break down

thousands of chemicals toxins drugs and

poisons and they basically just turn

them into water-soluble particles that

can go through the urine and it just so

happens that the cruciferous vegetables

increase your livers ability to make

this enzyme that’s really cool so here

it is right here insecticides pesticides

going to the liver and your liver if

you’re eating the right foods will

basically dismantle those chemicals so

your liver is like robust but if you

have a fatty liver or it’s a liver

that’s a bad liver from some type of

virus or something then what’s going to

happen is that you’re not going to get

that breakdown how do you know if you

have a fatty liver um a lot of people

have it and they don’t know it one of

the biggest clues is your stomach being

too big and that’s causing visceral fat

around the organs and especially the


I sent five of my patients to the

radiologist to get an ultrasound of the

liver and they all have guts in five

hundred a fatty liver so when you lose

the capacity for liver

you can’t detoxify as well and you get a

lot more toxicity and what do you have

to do if you have that condition you

have to basically start consuming a lot

of cruciferous and avoid the junk you

need to get the junk out of the trunk

all right so if someone check the

questions here dr. Berg isn’t it more of

a function of minerals actually being in

the soil before you can assume that

they’re part of the plant in a plant or

an animal that is eat it yes well that’s

why I really want to consume grass-fed

animal products because our soils are so

bad now that we need to and that you

feed these animals corn and soy they’re

not getting a nutrition from that at all

and it’s all genetically modified so at

least if it’s grass it doesn’t it’s not

genetically modified if you have a lot

more nutrition in the grass especially

like clover okay okay let’s go back to

the slides here okay at the liver very

important with with your skin if you

really work on your liver and you start

consuming a lot more of these

cruciferous vegetables your skin will

start to change and you’ll start looking

better and better and better especially

with acne and dry skin and youthful skin

I mean the liver is really the hub of

all the digestion of of your amino acids

your proteins so we’re going to talk

about cruciferous for a second let me

just fix the slide here cruciferous what

does this moot word mean Chris crus

which means cross it’s basically certain

plants that have these little crosses in

them okay and here’s some examples of

cruciferous radishes Brussels sprouts

kale cabbage bok choy and Swiss chard

mustard greens arugula now I have some

other vegetables in here too but I

wanted just to mention the cruciferous

family and this is this brings me to the

next topic which is going to call um

which is a different type of nutrient we

talked about the fat soluble vitamins

but we now we need to talk about the

other nutrient that will not just help

your skin and all that but it will help

postpone your life cruciferous was

studied by the World Health Organization

and it was found to create some serious

anti-aging effects and anti-cancer

effects on your body each type of food

is thoroughly tested to decrease the

risk factors of many different types of

cancer so one type of cruciferous will

maybe handle like several type of

cancers another one will handle a

different other ones garlic is probably

the top of the list that probably will

that’s like the most anti-cancer

properties these are two different types

of kale tumeric is a an amazing final

nutrient it has phytonutrients I’m sorry

turmeric is kind of a root that has

phytonutrients so the category of

nutrients that we want to talk about

next is called phytonutrients plant

chemicals these are different than

vitamins and minerals and amino acids

they basically are natural plant

chemicals that have extra health factors

or properties so they’re there like

they’ll actually help with macular

degeneration prostate cancer many

disease states and so the question is

why are not what why are we eating these

foods I mean very few people consume

these foods here’s some good ones

parsley cabbage and seek help seek help

is great for minerals and iodine um but

these are the foods that I consume on a


basses if you don’t consume them you

need to start doing it for your liver

and your skin will start to change as

well even though these do not contain a

lot of the fat soluble vitamins they do

contain a lot of the phytonutrients

which there are anti-cancer and again

the GMO foods genetically modified foods

are basically spreading all over the

world right now and the two big ones are

corn and soy and the animals that are

consuming these are getting all sorts of

inflammatory conditions and even the the

pets that you have like even the dogs

and the cats if you talk to a vet on

these animals that come in with

arthritis heart disease diabetes and

inflammation in the gut it’s because

they’re consuming GMO food when you just

simply change the food not on GMO these

things clear up but 90% of all the GMO

corn and soy go to animal feeds that’s

pretty sad so in the grocery store that

so-called natural chicken that you have

from Purdue it’s all GML unless it says

organic it’s GML now what does GMO GMO

is genetically modified organisms and

what they do is they they actually have

them resistant to the herbicide called

Roundup Ready and so you can spray more

the Roundup Ready on these crops and so

you bet they do that and it’s around

already the chemical name is called

glyphosate and glyphosate is um pretty

nasty stuff but of course they say it’s

safe so I think it might be okay um

there’s this French researcher by the

way that was just a sarcasm um sometimes

people don’t get my dry humor I don’t

think they’re safe but there’s this

French researcher who did studies animal

studies and glyphosate and he found some

serious problems with glyphosate and I’m

on a semi I’m going to send you the link

to it says that GMO and glyphosate

causes tumors liver and

any damage and rats within a week a

smear campaign was mounted by the

biotechnology industry with scientists

primarily plant biologists and not

toxicologists and they basically forced

this study to be extracted from some of

these journals so here the study comes

out saying that GMO is bad and then it

instantly was retracted not because they

didn’t find a cancer link but their

reasoning was it was inconclusive

because the type of rats used were prone

to tumors so now here’s the thing if

they can do that you know that how

they’re so powerful they are so powerful

so um I mean you can this is totally

political so the point is that you know

the GMO food is pretty bad if you look

at from 1990 to 2012 you can see how

many millions of pounds of glyphosate is

being put or GMO plants are being

created and you can see corns going up

soybeans is going up wheat actually some

of the wheat is genetically modified

cotton uh certain vegetables and fruit

rice grapes

alfalfa pasture and hay other crops oh

my gosh it’s just kind of going up it’s

just crazy

so what happens is these chemicals GMO

foods herbicides they can mimic hormones

and they go into your glands that die

right the ovary and it can go into the

breasts the uterus and cause cancer so

if you take a look at like they always

say that disease is so mysterious and it

no one knows what causes this take a

look at any of the toxicology books they

will list all the diseases and tell you

what pesticide or chemical causes this

illness or this cancer and they don’t

really like you said Leslie they they do

not connect the dots they don’t

Connect toxicology with cancer and

natural things everything is like their

own Island and so it’s very obvious to

me that all these things that are

related to the toxins and we we don’t

actually we’re not making the connection

there of course we have psychiatrists

like Stephen Barret without beret

whatever his name is pushing out there

that oh no that’s fine just keep eating

the stuff I was a released a video I was

on sports talk live and I had a

dietitian and her husband was an MD get

on the air and give me a hard time about

the whole water meth so you can watch it

on my website but um it was ridiculous

there’s like oh yeah the tap water’s

fine it has minerals to keep drinking it

everyone’s dehydrated I’m like yeah okay

alright so you just see the next slag

here okay be the hormones like estrogen

from the environment and all these

endocrine disrupters act like estrogen

in the environment they actually block

the thyroid function so endocrine

disrupters basically are chemicals that

mimic estrogen and that’s why females it

way way too many cancers in the in the

areas that they have receptors for

estrogen which are breast uterus and

even the thyroid african-american women

have a lot more receptors for estrogen

which gives them a different shape and

that’s one of the reasons why even

African American women are getting more

cancers than other cultures because of

the estrogen so you really need to

increase your cruciferous make sure you

do consume things that are you know make

sure they’re organic hormone-free

because it’s going to create a problem

sooner or later so I just wanted to put

this slide up I had it created you can

see if you go down the grocery store you

see these incredible I

delicious cookies and doughnuts and

breads it’s all the same ingredients I

purchased corn syrup hydrogenated oils

chemicals high-fructose corn syrup

artificial flavoring it’s all the same

thing pretty sad

so phytonutrients those are plant-based

chemicals that have all these really

amazing properties and all these

different plant chemicals that do many

things like even vitamin A for example

vitamin A is not a single vitamin it’s a

whole bunch of complexes like there’s

over 600 parts of vitamin A so if you

take a synthetic vitamin A you are not

even getting close to what you should

get that’s what I’m very much against

synthetics so cruciferous vegetables

help protect the cells from DNA damage

they help inactivate carcinogens they’re

antiviral antibacterial

anti-inflammatory I mean they create all

these wonderful benefits now I’m going

to check check the questions here what

do you think of wild yam well if you um

have a problem with hot flashes with

menopause I think that would be

something you should take because that

will it’s a natural source of it’s

called phyto estrogens which are

actually will help you there’s some

other ones to call the clover leaf

that’s actually very good as well um

let’s see okay how much difference will

it take to take a cruciferous supplement

um here’s the thing it’s always best to

consume the food but it is hard to get

that so what I’m going to show you is a

the cruciferous product that a lot of

you are already taking right now and of

course you probably have not been taking

because I’ve been out of it since March

but I wanted to explain kind of a

combination of

ingredients that I’m not even I’m just

but I’m not even showing this image here

okay so you can see right here there’s a

product that I I created it’s called the

Creuset organic cruciferous food and it

has organic beetroot Brussels sprouts

collard green organic asparagus organic

kale organic parsley and parsley is

probably even has more vitamin of

vitamins and kale and then we have

organic red radish cabbage garlic and

tamarick so those are all the things

that I personally think are the the

superfoods and I put them in in one

combination was 250 tablets in this and

this is something that is convenient if

you don’t have all the different variety

of nutrients because it is hard to get

all these nutrients so like it has all

these these products in there has seek

help because some people we go because

oh my gosh is there’s cruciferous it’s

going to cause a deficiency of iodine

for my thyroid I’m gonna get a quarter

no you’re not

I put the sea kelp in there so it’s a

really awesome product and and in these

webinars I always get people at discount

if you wanted to get some cruciferous um

the bottle is 250 capsules and here’s I

have some good news and some bad news

what do you want to hear at first the

bad news or the good news let me see

what you guys say there’s a delay in

this thing okay Leslie us you want the

good news or the bad news

um bad news look at good news

okay good the good news is that I’m

giving you a discount on this product

$10 off and here’s the coupon code and

here’s the link and the good news is

that it’s fun it’s almost in

News is not in yet it’s in tomorrow

morning’s coming tomorrow morning so but

the good news it’s almost in and I’ve

had people wait since March for this

product because because here’s the

problem I ran into um it is almost

impossible to find a local farmer or

something United States that has the

soils that I want to get these products

unless you go to China or you go to some

other country I don’t I don’t do that so

it’s taken us forever and so what will

happen this is March March March April

May June July August is it August or

September September ok that’s seven

months I haven’t had this product I’m

getting it tomorrow morning it’s coming

tomorrow morning Percy so what happened

is I would get it would have like one

ingredient tested would be it would have

too much lead in it and like I can’t do

that and next one I have like too much I

don’t know another mineral that we don’t

want in there that’s toxic or something

like that so we had the thoroughly test

every single ingredient and make sure

that it’s all really really high quality

from the exact farms that I wanted it

from so it’s finally done so the good

news it’s almost here the bad news is

not quite here and so um there’s some

more bad news which I’m going to tell

you right now the other bad news is that

um the cost of this product went up

severely so I have to increase it a

little bit more so that going to be five

dollars more but the good news is if you

wanted to get the product at the lowest

fee you can actually buy as many of

these as you want with on this on this

webinar so that’s the good news so you

don’t have to pay the big raphy if you

don’t want so you can get some reserve

if you want the only catch-22 is that I

only want you to order this tomorrow

morning not tonight because I do not

want to sell you

is product unless I am 100 percent sure

it’s available yeah even though I’m

tracking I’m tracking the guy who’s like

pulling up in my offices I know what

state he’s in he’s going to be showing

it tomorrow but until it shows up I’m

not going to take I’m not going to take

the block off my website so no there was

no one can really buy it until I

actually have it in hand so if you

wanted to check in early the morning in

an infant actually everything works then

it’s in if it doesn’t work then you know

it’s not in yet so I just want to let

you know that I’ve been really behind

the scenes trying to get this thing out

for a long time so so the good news is

I’ll have it in tomorrow is a 99.99%

chance and the bad news is it’s a little

bit more expensive but the good news is

you don’t have to pay that because I’m

giving you a discount so anyway this is

a good product to take for your liver

it’s the best anti-aging because it

fortifies the inside of the body and it

also protects against a lot of different

types of conditions that people are at

risk just from the pollution in the

environment so so now what I want to do

is I want to give you a link and a code

coupon code you can just highlight that

coupon code and just yeah just save it

for tomorrow and you can go to my

website and get a discount you get as

many as you want

I I will be increasing lean the prices

already increase but if you use that

discount which is going to be good for

the next three days I know it says the

offer ends in one hour but that’s not

true because I don’t even have the

product in so no worries on that okay

now if you are watching this as a

webinar replay just realize I already

have it in okay because

I’ll have it in by tomorrow for sure

um someone says can I piggyback on

auto-ship order with my wheatgrass juice

yes I think you could do that but you

may want to call my office with that

how long is to keep an offer for the

next three days how long is the


the shelf-life is is good for a year but

I think it’s actually longer than that

but we we tell people a year at the

because we’re being very conservative

mm-hmm someone says don’t go to

commercial I’m not I’m not going to

commercial don’t worry I’m just good

people asking me I’m giving them a

discount um can you provide the price of

the hoaxers food yeah

the price was thirty thirty 4.95 now

it’s 39.95 but there’s two hundred and

fifty capsules in there um but the

problem is that the the price trying to

get these ingredients is off the charts

even if you go look for a cruciferous

product it’s hard to find um all these

cruciferous and you may find them like

in like broccoli or something like that

but it’s only like 90 pills and it’s

probably it’s going to be the same it’s

like thirty dollars it’s the same thing

so it’s it is a good a good program with

with the quantity that you’re getting

into quality as well if you shift

candidate yes do they lose any vitamins

when they are processed um well you’re

not going to lose that much with the

processing but if you keep them in the

heat they keep it open you may even want

to keep in the fridge to have them last

a lot longer

what is the dosage how many pills per

day it depends if you want to make

maintenance dose I would take three but

if you want to correct something you

want to take six personally this is just

my own opinion if I had cancer I would

take 15 a day

Wow I’ve had a lot of people that just

take them for weight loss but that’s

just because it improves the

the the fat release on the liver and it

allows the liver to function better

which is really connected to actually a

thyroid being working better but so it

doesn’t actually burn fat by itself um

what if you have a thyroid problem well

we have seek help in there so you have

the I then that’s not going to be a

problem is it safe to take if you’re

pregnant absolutely because there’s

there’s nothing else but those

ingredients can I give it to my toddler

depends if he’s like 1 or older just

give them maybe one a day but of course

if it’s a baby you’re not going to give

him that unless he can swallow capsules

yeah so so anyway I covered a lot of

data a lot of information I’m going to

send everyone a link to all these slides

because I have a lot of references that

you can see and I will send it out

probably a little bit later on probably

in the middle of a night you’ll go go to

you and that way you can see the webinar

I mean all the slides and I’ll send you

the webinar replay too if you want that

but I want you to apply some of the

information that I shared tonight and I

want to thank Leslie for being onto

sharing her story of the wonderful

example of trying to get some help of

treating one person at our once

condition and time so thank thank you

very much next Tuesday we’re going to do

another seminar and this one’s going to

be on energy and it’s going to be really

awesome I’m going to cover the topic on

insulin very heavily you need to what

you need to see that if you have any

insulin problems and even eat if you

don’t if you if you are fatigued you

need to come to this webinar as well um

so I’ll show you some techniques as well

I’m going to show you an acupressure

technique that will literally increase

your energy yeah so I’m

demonstrate it right in my office right

here and then you could do it on your

friends and family just don’t mention my


now I’m fine you can you can do that so

I want to thank you guys for showing up

tonight I and I will see you next and

the next webinar so I’ll send you a link

on that too

and I will have someone reply to a lot

of your questions because some people

are having specific questions about this

and that so I’ll try to answer those or

go to my blog but I want to say thank

you and have a great evening thanks

Lesley we’ll see you next time thank you

you’re welcome