Passing a Kidney Stone? Do This Fast! – Dr.Berg on Removing Kidney Stones | DrEricBergDC

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so hopefully right now you’re not right

in the middle of passing a kidney stone

get these things out of me and trying to

focus on this video but let’s say for

example you can’t make it to the

hospital or you can’t make it to your

doctor’s office you’re on a desert

island okay and you’re passing a kidney

stone what can you do to get some relief

well number one you need to start

drinking serious amounts of water real

fast okay just drink a ton of water

right now because in this diagram you

see the two kidneys

here’s your belly button here’s the

front of the abdomen you got the kidney

right here diaphragm right here and you

have two little tubes that come down to

the bladder and a tube that comes out so

you have these two tubes and if there’s

a stone that is stuck in one of these

tubes or let’s say it’s stuck right here

drinking more water will create a little

more space to give you more relief and

and maybe even help you push it through

okay so that’s number one if you have

some potassium citrate or

electrolytes around put that in the

water because if it’s a uric acid stone

you also want to alkalize the urine to

reduce the uric acid crystals so that

will help you they’re also helping

oxalate stones if you don’t have that

just use a lemon juice okay Syd rates

will help with oxalate stones so you add

the lemon juice with the water drink a

lot of it start immediately realize it’s

going to take a little time for that

water to actually be filtered through

the kidneys so you’re talking maybe five

ten fifteen minutes by the time it

starts ending up down here and giving

you a little relief but the water will

give you some relief next thing you

should do is what’s called manual

therapy and no one does this you can

actually manipulate the stone and help

push it through so here’s your belly

button right here okay so your rib cage

is right here so if we come out about an

inch to inch and a half to two inches

right here and you start pressing in

there and start slowly pressing downward

okay start on the right side and then do

the left side do both sides even if you

have pain on one side okay and you might

find some areas that are in

awesome because that stone is stuck

there you’re gonna get a lot of

tightness around this area in the


okay because the whole body is freaking

out and and also the side note try to

relax and breathe slowly as much as

possible don’t panic because everything

gets tightened up even worse just

relaxed and just start pressing downward

on the right side slowly downward on the

left side all the way down as far as you

can go to the bottom of your for the

front part of your pelvis because you

want to attempt to push things this way

down into the bladder and hopefully out

through this way right here I put some

videos down below on how to prevent

kidney stones that’s the ultimate

solution and what’s behind a kidney

stone it’s good to learn about it this

is a really good remedy called

hydroxycitric I like this one the best

potassium citrate is also good but this

one works better on both oxalates and

uric acid stones

alright guys it’s real simple drink a

lot of water add some electrolytes with

lemon juice start doing manual therapy

until you get some relief so hopefully

that’ll bring down the pain so you can

get through it thanks for watching

breathe through the pain

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