12 Complications of Having Your Gallbladder Removed | DrEricBergDC

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so today i’m going to talk about the potential complications of having your

gallbladder removed there’s definitely a train of thought where we don’t really

need our gallbladder so there’s not going to be any complications

but over 700 000 surgeries are done every single year and

40% of the people who had their gallbladder

removed have complications so i’m going to be talking about that the

medical term for this is post cholecystectomy syndrome so before

i go into the symptoms i want to talk about

why someone would experience those symptoms it really has to do with

bile so bile is made by your liver and bile drains down through a tube or a

duct and it gets stored in the gallbladder

when you eat you need less of the bile to digest food because it’s

very concentrated so without a gallbladder all you have

now is the tube from your liver to the small intestines

and it trickles but it’s not concentrated so typically

the complications from not having a gallbladder

have to do with a lack of bile but there’s exceptions to that sometimes

there’s a situation where we have too much bowel going into the small

intestine in which case you have to take a certain

medication to block the production of bile so that’s a

different situation what i want to talk about is the

symptoms that occur with not enough bile now a good analogy to help you

understand what bile is

it is soap or a detergent okay now detergent is very interesting

because it is both water soluble

and fat soluble in other words you can put it on fat

like greasy hands and rub it all around and it will break down the fat and so

it’s more water soluble so you can wash your hands and

it can actually go down the drain right so this

is oil and this is detergent so i’ll show you what happens

as an analogy to what happens when you release bile so we’re going to take this

detergent and we’re going to pour it into the oil

now at the molecular structure of a detergent

you have one part that loves water and one part that loves

oil or lipids or fat so when i pour this into the oil


put a little bit in there

and then i seal it up

like this okay so now just keep watching

so as you can see the detergent broke down the oil or fat into smaller

particles and that’s what bile does so it’s

another word for that is emulsification okay

so you can see it’s in a state now where you could literally pour this down the

drain and it won’t clog anything because now

it’s more water-soluble your bile will break down fat into small

particles to allow the pancreas to release

an enzyme called lipase and to make it easy to digest that to even a smaller

particle where you can absorb it in your

intestine so if you are deficient in bile salts

you’re going to have a difficulty digesting fats so you may experience

bloating indigestion gas burping okay so that’s number one number

two constipation one of the functions of bile

is to help lubricate the colon and without bile

you may have constipation but if you have too much bile because maybe there’s

a the duct is too large or the opening is

too large you can get the opposite diarrhea if you

have diarrhea you don’t want to take more bile okay even as a supplement

because that’s going to make it worse okay we mentioned gas bloating even

stomach pain okay you can even experience

your skin becoming more yellow or your eyes becoming yellow that’s

jaundice one of the purposes of the bile is to take the byproduct of red blood

cells which is bilirubin and help you

eliminate it through the body so if there’s some type of blockage

going on in the liver where you’re getting a backup of

bilirubin that can come out through the skin

and create this situation right here and usually what this means is that you need

more bile to help remove the obstruction and allow the

drainage bile will actually stimulate your own

release or flow of bile through the ducts

especially if there’s sludge or a gallstone sitting in there because

bile will help to dissolve it one of the causes of

a gallstone is concentrated cholesterol because there’s not enough bile

to keep it broken down all right hypothyroidism your body has

certain enzymes that convert t4 the inactive version of the thyroid

hormone to t3 the active form of the thyroid hormone well guess

what bile triggers that conversion so without

enough bile it can create hypothyroid symptoms

number nine your right shoulder is very very tight

if there’s congestion or some type of blockage

of the ducts from your liver so you can’t release the bile it backs up and

causes pressure irritation and it can create referral pain in your

right shoulder up to your neck even headaches on this side it can also

leave you with a tightness underneath your right rib cage

the solution is to take some purified bile salts

because it will help remove the obstruction and open the flow so you

have less pressure in that area dry skin dry

eyes this is a vitamin a deficiency

because bile helps you break down and absorb

vitamin a d e or k a deficiency of bile could give you

symptoms of vitamin a e d or k and then we have

vision problems a certain percent of the population

notice that their eyes are blurry after they have their gallbladder removed

or they have vision issues or they may have glaucoma

or a problem even with cataracts you need

vitamin a to prevent those conditions and so without enough vitamin a

you may have a difficult time seeing especially in the dark at night

and that lack of vitamin a can create a whole series of issues

so for all of these complications purified bile salts you can take

one or two after a meal if you want to see some quick results sometimes if you

have like right shoulder pain or tightness

underneath the right rib cage you can take one

on an empty stomach and take another one on an empty stomach later in the day

and that will give your liver a chance to drain properly and get rid of that

sensation all right thanks for watching

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