How to Stop Cravings for Sugar | DrEricBergDC

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you know many people have cravings for

our sugar for junk food for cakes

cookies candies alcohol beer all these

things so there is an herb called

gymnema which I’m going to demonstrate

to you and it actually has the capacity

of blocking any sensation of sweet so

what we’re going to do right now we’re

going to go to the grocery store and

we’re going to get a bunch of cookies

cakes chocolate candy and some alcohol

and then we’re going to do a

demonstration with a couple young adults

to see how it works but what we’re going

to do is we’re going to take one of the

tablets of gymnema crush it up put it

into a powder and have them taste it and

then we’re going to do it before and

after to see if actually blocks the

taste for sweet or not

of no

okay so we’re ready for our first

experiment now I know dr. oz recommends

drinking wine the problem with wine is

the alcohol destroys the liver

since all six fat burning hormones work

through the liver the wine is going to

stop you from burning fat now you know

they say everything in moderation the

problem is that a little bit leads to a

lot over time so if you if you’re having

hard time struggling losing weight I

don’t recommend alcohol however if you

have a problem you’re addicted or you

want to get off the continual

consumption each night I have a great

remedy and it’s called gymnema gymnema

is an herb that’s been around for like

600 BC and gymnema as used in India for

diabetes we’re not going to use it for

diabetes we’re going to use it to take

the taste of sweet away so what it does

is it blocks the sensation of sweetness

okay sugar so what I did is I crushed up

a tablet and then we’re going to first

experiment on on wine so Shane we have

our victim I mean our demonstration here

why don’t you just take a little sip and

tell me if you like that wine pretty

good okay good

so now we’re going to actually give him

a little bit of just let’s put this in

your hand just put this in your palm of

your hand alright good now go ahead and

put that in your mouth

and just kind of yeah it’s a little


yeah not too bad okay good so we’re

going to let that brew a little bit so

again it’s what this is going to do

right now it’s blocking his taste for

anything sweet so we’re going to turn

wine into vinegar all right so this is

going to be very exciting so now what I

want you to do is go ahead and can take

a little sip of that wine and just tell

me what it tastes like now

so we just basically ruined your

pleasure for wine now now what would it

taste like like vinegar vinegar yeah so

again if you’re struggling trying to

lose weight and you just want to kick

the habit this is a great thing to take

and put on your tongue before you know

you’re going to go out for dinner or

something just that way you can block

the taste and one way to not consume

wine so so that’s the demonstration with

wine next we’re going to go to something

else okay where our next demonstration

we’re going to actually do beer so now

let’s go it’s already in your mouth

right now so go ahead and just sip that

and just tell me how you how much you

enjoy up here no more so again this is

great for people who just have this bad

habit of drinking each night and this is

the way to break the habit you take one

of these each each night before you

consume this and it just ruins the

pleasure and it’s great to do at a party

too if you want to ruin a party I did

this one nature son my wife killed me

because I gave everyone a little taste

of this herb and there’s no pleasure

from any of the alcohol or any of the

sweets that was in the house which

actually it backfired on me but it

actually helped them right it’s just

it’s for the cause okay so you can do it

for beer and you’re also going to do it

for something else we’re going to get

into the next video okay so we got us we

have a coca-cola we have a soda here and

of course there’s a little bit of sugar

in here just a little tiny bit 39 grams

per tablespoon okay so go ahead and take

some of that soda and just tell me what

it tastes like

what does it taste like very bland like

you see what happens we basically if you

take the sweet away from a lot of these

sugar drinks you actually taste the

chemicals in the drink so now you can

taste what you’re really drinking okay

so it’s a great demonstration to do on

teenagers and kids especially the one in

alcohol especially if they’re underage

okay so in this next video we’re going

to grab some other things okay so we

have our next victim I mean

demonstration we’re going to give you an

herb called Jimmy you can just put this

in the palm of your hand and then you

can put it on your tongue and it’s a

little bit bitter but just kind of get

it try to get it all over you it’s it’s

it’s very earthy it’s very herbal II

yeah so just tell me what it kind of

dissolves a little bit but Geneva has

the ability to just kind of block all

the sensation of taste so what we have

here is we have some wonderful powdered

Donuts we have the sour patch candy that

if you meet those before got the

Twinkies got Hershey’s chocolate okay so

what would you like to sample first

about the Twinkie okay good so just take

a little bite of that Twinkie and tell

me will tell me what it tastes like

does it is it like void of any type of

taste it kind of still tastes like the

Twinkie but a lot less really okay cool

so let’s put that there and then let’s

let’s try this little chocolate thing

right here and tell me what that tastes


tastes interesting a lot different first

weird weird

I mean is it less pleasurable definitely

okay and then let’s try the donut

doesn’t taste good sure don’t want the

whole bag so this is one way to get

teenagers and young adults to not

consume too much junk food but again

this is just a demonstration to show

that you can actually get rid of the

taste which is another strategy to get

people to avoid eating junk food okay

well thank you very much and thank you

very much we’ll be back next week for

another demonstration