Why I Eat 4 to 5 Eggs a Day – Eggs and Cholesterol – Dr.Berg on Benefits of Eating Eggs | DrEricBergDC

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I want to talk about why I consume four eggs every single day I did a seminar at

Exxon many years ago and I noticed they didn’t invite me back and I called him

up I said why can’t I come back and do another seminar because I do a seminar

series and they said well you’re recommending 45 eggs a day

I said no no no no I didn’t say 45 eggs a day I said four to five eggs a day

okay and they go oh okay yeah you can come

back but generally I will need four eggs and sometimes only need five eggs per

day now of course those eggs are not consumed at breakfast they’re actually

at my first meal right around one or even two sometimes three o’clock in the

afternoon so one of the key reasons that I consume eggs on a regular basis not

only do I enjoy it but eggs have the greatest anabolic effect okay anabolic

means that it’s turning into muscle protein or other proteins so it’s

building more protein in the body I have a little scale here that shows these

percentages and the type of protein so egg forty eight percent of it actually

turns into body tissue and I’m not talking about even absorption I’m

talking about forty percent of that egg actually turns into your body tissue and

that’s pretty much the highest not counting breast milk unless you’re a

baby you’re not gonna be able to get it now when we take meat fish file that’s

32 percent okay much less an egg white is 17 percent which is fascinating

because that cholesterol and fat actually help in the anabolic effect

look at soy only 17 percent it might be high in amino acids but it does not turn

into body tissue that well dairy whey this would be like cheese and whey

16 percent very small spirulina six percent so if we take 4 eggs comes out

to 24 grams of protein times point four eight so eleven point five two grams are

actually turning in the body you look at me 24 grams only 7.68 grams

of it is actually turning in the body tissue so you’re gonna have to consume

more meat to get the same efficiency as for eggs okay

Dairy is only three point four eight grams actually turning into body tissue

so you can see that you would have to consume a lot more dairy to create this

effect so eggs are very efficient in turning in the body tissue not only that

they’re very high in nutrients they pretty much have every single vitamin

and mineral except item and see the load with B vitamins choline healthy fats

which is right here so it has DHA EPA it has a lot of the carotenoids which is

good for the eye prevent macular degeneration

it has choline which helps prevent a fatty liver and helps your nervous

system now if there’s any consideration your mind that eating eggs will increase

your cholesterol realize that there is absolutely no data that will increase

your so-called bad cholesterol LDL it will increase your good cholesterol HDL

so it is not bad for the heart so you don’t have to worry about that so anyway

I just wanted to point this out and recommend that you also get

pasture-raised organic eggs it’s a little bit more expensive but it’s

definitely worth it thanks for watching if you’re liking this content please

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