Why the #1 Best Brain Food to Boost Memory & Focus is SALMON | DrEricBergDC

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if there was one food that can fix your


what would that food be

go ahead and put it in the comments

section below now there are a lot of

foods that can support the brain but out

of those foods there are certain foods

that are much better than others

based on the nutrients in those foods so

today i’m going to talk about the key

nutrients and support your brain and

then what foods would match that more

than others

now when i’m talking about the brain i

want to mainly focus on cognitive

improvements okay i’d like to emphasize

improving attention your perception your

memory your ability to learn reason plan

problem solve

make decisions and multitask there’s a

huge connection between

what you eat

and how your brain operates and i think

that even more than nutrients

the fuel that you run your brain off is

probably the most important thing is

your brain running off primarily glucose



we’ll talk more about that there’s a

huge liability

running your brain off primarily glucose

and there’s virtually no liabilities

when you run your body off ketones in

fact your brain will respond much better

when you feed it ketones now the first

nutrient i want to talk about is b1


now what does it do well in relationship

to the brain

it’s essential to act as a


in the production of

energy and i’m talking about atp in your

mitochondria which is the energy factory

of your entire body but as far as your

brain goes b1 is very very very

important in fact without b1

your neurons your nerve cells that make

up your brain

cannot receive

glucose in fact if you look at someone

with dementia or alzheimer’s

what’s really going on is their nerve

cells are starving to death okay and so

even if you’re on the ketogenic diet

a certain portion of your brain will

still need glucose but that glucose can

be made by your own body through a

process called gluconeogenesis so you

really don’t need any additional glucose

to feed your brain

but you definitely need b1 to be able to

utilize that glucose or those cells will

die so out of all the nutrients that

your brain needs uh b1 is right up there

at the very top

if you want to look up more data on this

i put some videos down below

but you just need to look up something

called berry berry and you’ll you’ll get

the whole picture of what happens but if

you’re deficient in b1 related to the

brain because there’s a lot of other

connecting problems that can occur

your memory is going to suffer your

ability to

focus and have a tension on certain

things will be very limited

you’ll feel agitated you’ll be irritated

depression is a very common symptom of

the b1 deficiency so if you have

depression i would highly recommend

taking b1 and i would also add in

vitamin d3 those two together will most

likely pull you out of that depression

another symptom would be something

called lactic acidosis because you’re

not able to metabolize glucose you get a

lot of buildup of lactic acid

and that can show up in restless leg


and another interesting symptom of b1

deficiency is autonomic nervous system

dysfunction so let’s say for example you

stand up and you get dizzy or you have a

condition called pots where it’s a very

severe situation where you can’t stand

up or else you feel very very

disoriented so p1 is essential

for getting the

fuel to your brain

now there’s also something called brain

derived neurotrophic

factor and that is like miracle grow for

your brain it allows the neurogenesis or

the formation of new nerve cells and

there’s three things you can do to

increase this compound and two of them

um go beyond just nutrition

so one is vitamin d3 vitamin d3 is so so

important for your brain and you

primarily need to get that from sun

you can also get it from fatty fish like

salmon you can get it from cod liver oil

and i even did a video on how to

make your own vitamin d supplements

using mushrooms

sun dried

i’ll put that link down below but

vitamin d is essential in

helping you

generate new nerve cells

exercise is another really big factor

because it supplies a lot of blood flow

to the brain and then of course you have

fasting fasting hands down is probably

one of the best ways to trigger this

compound and it does a lot of wonderful

things for the brain and i did a whole

video on that i will put that video down

below as well and then we have zinc i

mean zinc is

the most important trace mineral it’s

involved in more enzyme pathways than

all of the other trace minerals combined

but as far as the brain goes it’s

vitally important and where do you get

zinc well zinc isn’t red meat

it’s in fish like salmon

it’s in

shellfish it’s in

sea kelp and it’s in a lot of other

foods but the primary reason why people

are not getting enough zinc is not from

the diet it’s because they’re eating

something that’s depleting zinc it’s

usually cereals or grain products that

are loaded with phytic acid and of

course sugar and alcohol and other

things will deplete your zinc all right

the next nutrient that’s really really

important would be something called dha

that is a type of omega-3 fatty acid and

where do you think you find that

fatty fish like

salmon as you see i keep coming back to

salmon which is a common thread through

this video

but dha is vitally important in

supporting the membranes around

the neurons

and these membranes are made from fat

primarily dha and so we need a lot of

this unique fat to support the brain and

of course on the flip side of that we

don’t need a lot of omega-6 fatty acids

to support the brain so the more omega-6

fatty acids you have as in corn oil

soy oil


cottonseed oil the less omega-3 fatty

acids you’re going to get and so i think

a really big problem with a lot of

people is they do not consume enough

omega-3 fatty acids so salmon



condiment oil sardines vital now the

other big connection

to someone’s

cognitive improvement has to do with

their gut so i can’t really talk about

improving cognitive function without

talking about your gut because there’s a

huge connection between

your gut and your brain in fact a lot of

the microorganisms in the gut make

neurotransmitters and they also make b

vitamins okay

as in vitamin b1 and the other b

vitamins that are essential

for cognitive function

so when we’re talking about gut health

i’m talking about fermented foods okay

sauerkraut would be one of them but

there’s also kefir and kimchi and and

fermented vegetables and there’s a lot

of other fermented foods and from

different cultures and of course the

microbes also live off the fiber that’s

usually in these fermented foods

so there are a lot of nutrients that

support the brain

but the most important one would be b1

okay and then you have d3 you have zinc

and omega-3 fatty acids okay now to

reverse engineer this we just need to

know what foods are high in b1 okay or

what food

is high in b1

vitamin d3

omega 3 fatty acids

and zinc


so the number one food that i think is

best for improving your cognitive



salmon because it’s loaded with b1 it

has vitamin d3 it has zinc it has

omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of other

nutrients that are good for the brain

that i didn’t mention

but again i’m not talking about just

having salmon you have to have a lot of

different foods and you can get these

nutrients from other foods but someone

tends to have some really key nutrients

to support your brain and of course i’m

talking about wild caught salmon okay

i’m not talking about uh farm-raised

salmon and uh i highly recommend

consuming the skin on the salmon okay so

you can you can bake it bake the skin

and it’s actually quite delicious

now getting back to b1 there’s some

other key

foods that are very important to supply

b1 one would be nutritional yeast you

can put on your salad

you can

cook with it you can just take it as a

supplement but nutritional yeast not

only has b1 but it has

pretty much all the b vitamins now the

reason i like nutritional yeast is

because it is a natural source unless

you’re getting the fortified nutritional

use which i don’t recommend you need the

unfortified nutritional yeast and if you

want a good source for that i put that

link down below

then we get sunflower seeds they also

have b1 now out of all the meats and and


including beef and chicken have b1 but

out of all the meats pork is at the top

of the list now i’m not telling you to

consume pork i’m just telling you that

pork has more b1 than other meats now we

talked about the nutrients for the brain

now let’s talk about the things that


nutrients in the brain

specifically b1 because it’s not just a

matter of getting b1 from the diet it’s

a matter of making sure that you don’t

deplete your b1 which is probably more

of the situation that people run into so

i’m going to list off these items that

will deplete b1 which affects your

cognitive function number one alcohol

especially if you’re an alcoholic you’re

going to be very deficient in b1 and

that’s going to affect your cognitive

function part number two is sugar


refined sugar refined carbohydrate okay

which is a common problem

uh t

because of the tannic acid blocks b1

from being absorbed so if you’re a tea

drinker you better make sure you’re

taking b1 um caffeine okay

caffeine will definitely deplete b1 so

if you’re a coffee drinker and you drink

a lot of coffee you might think it’s

enhancing your cognitive function

well it may for about an hour but if you

drink a lot of it you’ll find your cog

and function decrease over time also

your ability to your attention will

decrease and your ability to learn if

you’re consuming too many things with

caffeine too much caffeine actually

lessens the blood flow to your brain and

then we get to the topic of stress okay

stress really can do a number on your

brain you can uh increase glucose which

will affect the brain and it also just

basically destroys the brain if

someone’s under chronic stress boy does

that affect your cognitive function big

time but

having enough

b1 will protect you against this extra


so a high carb diet that turns into

glucose that feeds your brain cells at

least temporarily needs a lot of b1 and

it depletes b1 so when you run out of b1

now you can’t use that fuel and the

nerves starve why because you don’t have

enough b1

to metabolize the glucose

all right antibiotics can deplete b1

certain medications will deplete b1 like


diuretics and consuming chocolate okay

so if you consume a lot of chocolate i’m

talking about the ketogenic version of


you could end up with a b1 deficiency

there’s a really good

paper that i was i read on this topic

i’ll share it down below but it talked

about starving your brain by over

feeding it okay too many carbohydrates

it’s very counterintuitive but that’s

what’s happening


fasting okay so if you think fasting is

starving it’s not in fact your brain

loves fasting once you adapt to the

ketogenic diet your body starts to

turn your fat into ketones and your

brain loves it so

the most important thing you can do for

your brain is to switch to a healthy

ketogenic diet with

periodic fasting called intermittent

fasting that’s the most important thing

the second most important thing is to

consume foods high in b1 okay we’ve

talked about that

but parallel with that

you want to avoid the things that will


b1 now i just got a picture of like a


college student right he’s not getting

enough sleep he’s using your brain a lot

he’s probably eating a lot of

carbohydrates like donuts in the morning

with their coffee maybe a cigarette and

maybe at night some alcohol

going through a massive amount of stress

talk about creating a b1 deficiency that

would do it in fact that was my story

and that’s what this video is about my

history of how i ended up with a very

severe v1 deficiency so i have a lot of

experience to tell you

some of these side effects now i think

the next best video to watch would be

the one on

doing fasting for your brain check it

out i put it up right here