Health Benefits of Kale – 8 Reasons why Dr.Berg loves this superfood! | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I want to talk about why I love

kale so much this stuff right here this

is what it looks like right there and

hopefully at the end of this you’ll love

it as well

kale is very a very interesting

vegetable because a lot of the other

cruciferous are high in oxalates okay

when that turns into kidney stones but

kale is very low in oxalates believe it

or not okay so it’s not going to

contribute to kidney stone and

definitely not like spinach spinach just

like very high in oxalic okay it’s also

unusually high in protein it has all

nine essential amino acids it has all

nine non-essential amino acids so it’s

like amazing source of protein which is

pretty cool it has more omega-3 than

omega-6 fatty acids I mean if you think

about like grains and beans and seeds

they’re usually 40 to one sometimes six

to one omega-6 to omega-3 rarely are the

ever high in omega-3 which are

anti-inflammatory so another great

benefit it’s the king of carotenoids

those are the pre vitamin A complexes

vitamin A is essential for the eyes in

the skin and the immune system and even

though this has to be converted into the

active form we also need this for other

health benefits okay

it’s a phytonutrient it’s also part of

the vitamin it’s like a pre vitamin A

vitamin C 80 milligrams per serving

that’s pretty high more calcium than

milk per calorie and it’s a bioavailable

calcium okay so it’s very observable

huge amounts of lutein lutein is really

good for the eye prevent macular

degeneration it’s good for glaucoma it’s

good for vision it’s good for restoring

vision I damage itself kale is also a

prebiotic so it actually the fiber feeds

your microbes okay that’s what they eat

is the fiber it also it’s high in sulfur

so it can detoxify at the genetic level

so all the chemicals that you’re exposed

to this can help reverse some of that

and I like to do it in a kale

like for lunch day by the kale salad now

when I go home I’ll probably have a kale

shake and I will put a small amount of

berries I like blueberries and then I’ll

take kale that’s already frozen it’s

organic I’m going to put that in the

blender fill it up with water put a

couple berries I’ll usually put some

other stuff I’ll put a little wheatgrass

in there I might put nutritional yeast

sometimes I’ll put beet tops and even

parsley and I’ll blend it up really good

you got a good good blender and I’ll

drink it’ll make two huge things like

that and I’ll drink one I’ll wait an

hour I’ll drink the other one okay so

definitely add kale to your diet it’s

going to really help you what’s the next

part what am I going to say take five

do it and where am I going with this

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