What Happens When You Eat "100% Whole Grains" Every Day for One Month? | DrEricBergDC

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now what would happen if you consume

mostly healthy whole grains for one

month well if you haven’t tried that

experiment you might want to try it I

did it pretty much my whole life all the

way until I was I think 28 years old

roughly about five years ago and I would

say it probably wasn’t the best

experiment to do in my body but I was

really consuming a lot of what I thought

were healthy whole grains you know the

cereals the breads the pasta this the

crackers things like that so let’s do a

whole Deep dive on these healthy whole

grains to dissect some of the component

parts now the first thing I want to talk

about is fiber right because they always

say like um you know if you eat whole

grains so you’re getting like two to

three times the fiber uh compared to

refined grains

well yes that might be true but

grains don’t really have a lot of fiber

to begin with I mean even like brown

rice only has like four percent fiber

that is not high so one cup of rice has

about 0.4 grams of fat so it’s really

low in fat it has about 45 grams of

carbohydrate which is extremely high yet

it only has 0.6 grams fiber that’s a

very tiny amount and it has about 4.3

grams of protein that’s pretty low too

now what about multigrain bread well we

have 1.7 grams of fat so that’s pretty

low and we’re talking about like one

slice okay it has 18 grams of carbs

which is quite High yet only three grams

of fiber and about five grams of protein

now if you take celery for example

that’s like 50 percent fiber like

spinach like just one cup fifty percent

fiber and only four grams of carbs so

you really want to get your fiber from

vegetables not grain and the next point

I want to talk about is I mean no one

really consumes just 100 whole grain

they consume products with whole grains

which come with refined grains and they

come with refined sugar and a lot of

chemicals and a lot of other things and

I’ve never met one person who would just

take the whole grain and eat that okay

they usually have it when it’s turned

into flour right I mean who eats just

whole grains right I’m going to put in

the cereal you might cook them or soak

them or something but people don’t do

that they grind them or Mill them into

some flour and then they make another

product so when they Mill it or grind it

into flour they then expose it to air so

so you’re going to lose nutrition just

from that you’re going to get oxidation

especially with vitamin E and any other

fat soluble vitamins so oxygen destroys

the fat soluble vitamins not to mention

that flour that you buy that you’re

going to make into certain products have

been sitting on the shelf for quite some

time so the more exposed to air it is

the more time the less nutrition but

that’s not the real big thing the big

thing to me is that if you’re going to

consume something in a flour based

product when you eat that broken down

grain which basically exposes more

surface area of that grain to your

digestive enzymes you’re going to get a

spike in blood sugars simply because 80

percent of that grain is starch and

starch is a bunch of little glucose

molecules stuck together so when you

heat it or you grind it or you process

it in some way the digestive enzymes are

going to turn in that so-called healthy

complex carbohydrate into simple

carbohydrates is a bunch of glucose

molecules so basically it’s very similar

to eating sugar and yes it depends how

much you eat but in this video we’re

talking about if you’re going to be

consuming mostly whole grains now the

glycemic indexes basically it means how

fast that product spikes your blood

sugars between whole grains and refined

grains are not significant they’re

pretty close so that’s one issue but the

other issue is these grains especially

whole grains have a lot more phytic acid

than refined grains and so what is

phytic acid phytic acid is an

anti-nutrient it’s something that

inhibits your absorption of zinc calcium

iron magnesium and this could lead to

all sorts of deficiencies especially in

children I’m going to talk about that in

a bit and then we get to the topic of

gluten certain grains have gluten that’s

the protein in certain grains and gluten

is very very damaging to your intestines

and it can irritate the intestine it can

create inflammation it can create leaky

gut it’s linked to

um hypothyroidism especially Hashimoto’s

and other autoimmune diseases so if you

have a thyroid problem you shouldn’t be

consuming any grains whatsoever but

gluten either creates an allergy or it’s

a gluten intolerance so a lot of people

cannot tolerate gluten and it’s really

surprising me that even certain keto

products have wheat gluten because it’s

a protein but it’s highly inflammatory

so why would you want to have that in

your product and then lastly we have the

problem of Roundup or glyphosate which

is an herbicide which is almost always

added to wheat even no wheat typically

is not a genetically modified seed but

they still add it so so you can imagine

the effects that that can create on our

bodies so the big problem by consuming

mostly High grains are number one the

glycemic index how fast it’s going to

spike your blood sugars now the types of

grains that we eat nowadays are way

different than what we used to consume

way back in time nowadays we have hybrid

grains that are very very high in carbs

and also high in phytic acid so what’s

going to happen when you consume these

grains it’s going to affect your blood

sugars it’s going to affect your mood

okay talking about having more anxiety

possibly depression because of the spike

in blood sugars it’s going to affect

your cognitive function there’s a huge

connection between what happens in your

gut and what happens in your brain and

so if you’re getting inflammation or

bloating whatever in your gut it’s going

to affect the cognitive function it’s

going to probably put you in a brain fog

and then we get the topic of weight gain

right so you’re going to gain more

weight potentially develop a fatty liver

and allow these carbs just basically

spike your cholesterol okay so that’s

number one number two the phytic acid in

these whole grains

blocks various minerals and what’s

really interesting and you can look this

up I’ll put the links down below over

10 million children worldwide die of

malnutrition each year and a good

percentage of these children die of

diarrhea that comes from a zinc

deficiency now take a wild guess how you

would develop a zinc deficiency well

number one animal sources of protein are

not available which is high in zinc

that’s number one but number two

cereal okay cereal based diets a lot of

these children especially under the age

of five are living on cereal and all

that phytic acid can deplete zinc and

can set this child up for diarrhea and

even a risk of dying as well as stunted

growth and a lot of other problems that

are related to the development of our

bodies at an early age now what they’re

doing to try to solve this problem is

fermenting some of these grains and

giving it to the kids now I don’t know

how popular this is and when you ferment

the grains for 72 hours the microbes

that develop from this shift in PH okay

with lactic acid

start to make an enzyme called phytase

to break down phytic acid

so this is why when you ferment grains

you’ll have less phytic acid and more

nutrient absorption specifically with

zinc magnesium iron and calcium and this

is another reason why we ferment our

grains for our chickens we have like 16

chickens and I soak the Grain in water

for 72 hours and they eat it up and that

way there’s less phytic acid they get

more nutrition all right and the third

point about whole grains is that what it

does to your digestive system you’re

going to get gas you’re going to get


you’re going to get inflammation because

the high levels of Omega six fatty acids

irritate the colon you potentially can

get sibo small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth you can even develop

allergies or even an autoimmune disorder

called Hashimoto’s which I put a link

down below of that Association so grains

are not favorable for your digestive

system some people can digest refined

grains much better probably because

there’s a lot less phytic acid in other

anti-nutrients in refined grains and

it’s easier to process of course the

other problem is you’re going to just

create additional problems with refined

grains so they both have their problems

so if I had a choice between refined

grains and whole grains well I wouldn’t

have either of them all right and then I

already mentioned glyphosate which is an

herbicide which affects the microbiome

there’s been an increase association

between glyphosate and increased risk of

celiac which is a Digest issue not to

mention a lot of other issues which I’ll

have to do another video on later and

then lastly we have the fortification of

these grains so even though you’re

eating these whole grain foods they

still sometimes fortify them right they

enrich them with a few synthetic

vitamins and then they also throw in

some iron in there which is not the type

of iron that your body can easily

assimilate and that’s why certain grains

just sit in your gut for a long time

because of that iron and just the type

of vitamins we put are just not the ones

that our bodies are designed to absorb

like they put in folic acid instead of

folate they put in synthetic versions of

B vitamins to try to minimize the

vitamins that were lost in the process

of refining now for those of you that

are a little bit skeptical in this video

and and don’t have any problem with

consuming whole grains we’ll go ahead

and try to consume mostly whole grains

for one month and report back to us on

how you did health-wise now if you seen

my older video that I did on how to

permanently get rid of cravings for


it’s a little bit comical you have to

check it out I put it up right here

check it out