How Much Protein On Keto? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I want to talk about protein

amounts on a ketogenic diet and when

you’re doing in a minute fasting okay so

a couple things you need to know the

body does recycle its own tissue at a

rate of a hundred to 300 grams of

protein every single day so you’re not

losing all this protein your body is

conserving it

we don’t actually store a lot of protein

there is a pool of amino acids but we

don’t store protein like we do fat and

like we do sugar we store about 1,700

calories of glucose in the muscle and

your liver but not the brain or the red

blood cell but we just we need protein

from the diet so the body can make 14

out of the 22 amino acids so we need

eight from the diet okay those are

called essential amino acids but there’s

over 50,000 different types of protein

in your body made from different

combinations of amino acids which are

the building blocks of these proteins

but we just need what gets lost but

here’s a couple things you need to know

number one if there’s adrenal stress if

you have high levels of cortisol adrenal

fatigue that cortisol will start

breaking down proteins a lot faster it’s

called a catabolic response versus an

anabolic build up response so if the

adrenals are involved and maybe you’re

going through menopause what’ll happen

is you’ll get more breakdown of muscle

tissue and that’s where you get the loss

of collagen weakness in the muscle then

you have a situation we have

pre-diabetes or insulin resistance which

basically blocks the absorption of amino

acids so that’s why I diabetic has weak

muscles they have flabby tissue and they

just don’t have a lot of collagen but I

really believe that a large population

has insulin resistance and they don’t

know it and they’re just a matter of

time before they become a diabetic so

when you dookied oh you’re gonna drop

your carbs okay so that’s going to start

healing insulin resistance but the

intermittent fasting is probably even

more important because you can stimulate

growth hormone by thirteen hundred

percent women and two thousand percent

and men

and what that will do it actually

preserves and protects the protein loss


so right there that will decrease the

need for a lot of protein and not to

mention that in termina fasting is one

of the most powerful things to stimulate

something called a tapa G which is the

recycling of damaged parts in the cell

and those are all proteins so you’re

getting even more recycling of the body

tissue so the need for protein goes less

especially as you start decreasing your

meals because let’s say you’re doing six

ounces of protein per meal three meals a

day right and then you go to two and you

go to one so you’re not going to

necessarily do this where you’re doing

three meals a day you can do 18 ounces

of protein for that day and then two

meals of the day you’re going to still

have that 18 ounces of protein and one

meal a day 18 ounces of protein that

would be a huge amount of protein that’s

not the way it works because as you

reduce the frequency of eating the need

for protein will go down even more

because of these two things right here

so if you have two meals a day maybe you

would have an eight ounce portion of

protein for each meal now if you’re at

one meal maybe you’re at nine or 10

ounces for that one meal but you’re not

going to do 18 ounces of protein simply

because there’s a maximum amount of

protein that your body can absorb but

the point is that as you do the move

fasting the requirement for protein is

less so thanks for watching hey guys I

want to personally invite you to a new

Facebook group that I just started

called dr. Berg’s keto and in a minute

fasting lab ok so I created this so we

can share our successful actions what

worked what didn’t work your results so

I put a link down below so go ahead and

sign up and I’ll see you inside