The Benefits Of Cold Water Immersion for Your Genetics | DrEricBergDC

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now for some reason

we don’t like to freeze

we don’t like to starve

it’s very uncomfortable we like warm

weather we like to have food available

all the time and we definitely like to

be comfortable as far as our temperature

well our ancestors have adapted to

temperature over a very long period of

time due to the season called winter

nowadays we can easily overcome this

severe cold winter by just turning the

thermostat to 70 degrees today I’m going

to talk about some interesting research

relating to cold water immersion and

your genes and how using cold therapy

can greatly affect your genes in a

positive way now I have an actual cold

water immersion tank outside my house

and when I first used it I set the

temperature to 37 degrees okay that’s

pretty darn cold and I don’t recommend

doing that to start out with because I

could only last five seconds I would

recommend starting out like at 50

degrees Fahrenheit which is 10 degrees

Celsius starting out with just a minute

you know and then gradually working up

from that but to experience the benefits

of this cold therapy you want to be

uncomfortable and to experience the

benefits I’m going to talk about you

really only need 11 minutes per week so

anyone can do that even if you don’t

have a cold water immersion tank you can

do this with a cold shower you can find

a pool that’s really cold or maybe jump

in the pond somewhere but there’s

different ways of experiencing this

therapy now if you compare cold therapy

to warm therapy like a a hot shower

you’re definitely going to experience

more benefits with the cold therapy

simply because it’s more uncomfortable

if you just can’t even fathom to doing

this or have no tolerance for doing this

it could be that you just need more B

vitamins B vitamins help increase the

tolerance to extreme temperatures and I

will put a link down below of where I

got my tank and I’m not affiliated with

this kind company I get no Kickbacks but

it’s called the cold plunge store and I

bought the tank called the flex but I

really like it I think the benefits are

amazing you’re going to find all sorts

of cool benefits relating to cognitive

benefits physical inflammation repair

Etc so I’m going to go through the

benefits and then I’ll talk about the

genetic benefits as well however I do

want to make one point about when you

initially get into this tank your pulse

rate is going to go up your heart rate’s

going to go up okay you’re going to have

probably the urge to hyperventilate

you’ll probably have respiratory gasping

where your your breathing is affected

you really have to focus on controlling

your breath slow it down breathe in slow

it down breathe out and that will help

the shock of getting into this cold

water immersion so let’s first talk

about all the things that it can

decrease okay the first thing that it

can decrease is the ratios of something

called APO a to APO B ratios and this

really has to do with a cardiovascular

risk without getting into the details

APO a and APO e have to do with proteins

that are attached or that regulate the

lipoproteins and so when this ratio is

decreased you have better cardiovascular

function another thing that will

decrease is your homocysteine levels

okay that is another Factor that’s uh

associated with cardiovascular problems

you also have decreased oxidative stress

a decrease in cortisol and the hormone

that controls cortisol which is ACTH

which is interesting because you would

think your stress would go up but it

actually goes down maybe not initially

but as soon as you get out of the tub

and you’re relaxed antibodies even

decrease okay so this is going to

strengthen your immune system especially

if you have an autoimmune problem your

insulin actually goes down and that’s

going to be a good thing because you

could imagine how many body problems are

associated with high insulin uric acid

goes down

your risk for upper respiratory tract

infections Goes Down And as a side note

it especially go down if you’re a

swimmer swimmers have this added benefit

of the cardiovascular plus many times

these pools are on the cold side so

swimmers have a much less incidence of

upper respiratory and tract infections

another thing that will decrease is your

depression okay cold water therapy is

like a natural antidepressant but

without the side effects pain will

decrease inflammation will decrease

muscle soreness will actually decrease

now I do want to mention another thing

about muscle there’s been some research

that shows that when you do this on a

repetitive basis cold therapy it can

actually inhibit your gains in growing


but if you’re just doing you know 11

minutes per week I highly doubt it’s

going to influence

your muscles in any negative way shape

or form the benefits far outweigh any

potential downside now your recovery

time will decrease when you do this

therapy as well so if you just exercised

or you’ve done some type of athletic

event you’ll recover faster and there’s

also evidence that shows that

cold therapy actually inhibits the

growth of tumors and one Theory why this

does this is because of the spike in

brown fat which can suck up a lot of the

glucose which is fuel for cancer cells

but it does make sense that cold therapy

would be anti-carcinogenic because of

what it does to your genes of what it

does to your immune system and what it

does to your overall survival now let’s

flip over to all the things that this

cold therapy will increase okay it can

increase your thyroid stimulating

hormone as well as increased T3 which is

active form of the thyroid hormone cold

therapy actually increases your T cells

okay I’m talking about your killer T

cells which address viruses and attack

cancer overall it can increase your

white blood cells the concentration of

zinc will increase your noradrenaline

can increase making you very very alert

you can even increase your insulin

sensitivity which has to do with

lowering your overall insulin probably

one of the biggest benefits that I like

about this is that it increases your

mental resilience this is your capacity

to adapt to stress it makes you mentally

strong when you do this it’s just kind

of like the same thing with fasting when

you can not eat for a period of time you

develop a stronger willpower because

you’re basically now more in charge of

your body versus people with a lowered

willpower and they tend to

cave when their body is craving things

now let’s talk about the

gene expression okay we’re turning on

certain genes that were otherwise

inhibited there’s one gene called

pgc-1 Alpha and when this Gene gets

turned on it creates mitochondria

biogenesis it actually increases the

growth of mitochondria which is going to

help your metabolism it’s going to help

generate more oxygen in the body there’s

another Gene called v e g f which will

increase more blood vessels and so

basically you’re getting more

angiogenesis which is the production of

new blood cells there’s another Gene

called PPA r g c 1 a that has to do with

VO2 max Your Capacity to use oxygen and

if someone has a mutation with this Gene

their VO2 max it can be decreased up to

50 percent so cold therapy can cause

expression of this Gene turn it on and

increase your CO2 Max there’s another

Gene called PS me1 which has to do with

a protein aggregation or accumulation of

damaged protein in the body which

creates a lot of problems and when you

add co-therapy you can actually increase

the recycling of this this protein so

you’ll get less accumulation of this

protein aggregation another Gene is

expressed having to do with glutathione

which is like the most powerful

antioxidant in your liver which can help

you break down poisons into harmless

particles which also can influence

networks of other antioxidants

so cold therapy increases antioxidants

and as a side note

heat therapy as in a sauna or even a

Jacuzzi can inhibit your antioxidants

now I’m not saying not to do it but

let’s say for example you do have a

problem genetically with oxidative

stress then maybe you should focus more

on cold therapy than heat therapy

there’s another Gene that gets expressed

called actn 3 which has everything to do

with increasing your tolerance to stress

so the more you do this the more

tolerance to stress you’ll have the more

resistance to stress you’ll have the

more mentally resilient you’re going to

be and the last two genes rbm3 and cirp

you’ll get more survival of your cells

improved DNA stabilized RNA which is the

copy of the DNA which will give you

enhanced protein synthesis or shall I

say building of proteins as well as an

anti-inflammatory effect and an

antioxidant effect so as you can see the

benefits of cold water immersion are

huge and I think it’s actually

beneficial to alternate this with heat

therapy and if you haven’t seen my video

on that topic I put it up right here

check it out