Dr Berg is Live Talks About Intermittent Fasting | DrEricBergDC

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all right we’re here let’s see here we

have all live chats available hey guys

so I want to talk about in a minute

fasting I’ll wait for a few people to

get on here it takes like a few minutes

and it’s quite an interesting if you do

prolong fasting like past 72 hours you

can create some amazing additional

health benefits that go way beyond what

you know weight loss and things like

that and one is the stimulation of stem

cells okay hello hello hey Lily

so stem cell is an undifferentiated cell

and it’s a cell that doesn’t have a

purpose so it’s sitting there waiting to

replace a damaged cell or a cell that is

dead okay and so when you do longer

fasting like 72 hours you put the body

in the state where it switches the

pathway into more repair and maintenance

and it accelerates the health of the

stem cell if you did this with

chemotherapy it actually would protect

the cell against chemotherapy so it’s

it’s quite interesting you know you can

go and get stem-cell therapy but you

could also do fasting 72 hours and

create some great reparative action on

your on your body there’s certain parts

of your body that replace itself very

frequently like your colon and so you

have a lot of stem cells there this is

why longer fast fasting you pretty much

get a new colon I mean just like repairs

that those cells and those of your skin

external skin parts of your brain called

the hippocampus which is like the relay

switch with your database in your memory

system or they don’t really know exactly

but that’s what they say but what’s cool

is the longer fasting 72 hours creates

some really cool effects

now we’re gonna be getting into this

pretty in-depth at the summit which

hopefully you’ll make it but I just

wanted to mention that and I will be

doing some more videos on it okay so

let’s see here

need your help my body seems like it’s

not releasing fat even if your comment

just disappeared

okay even through I’m not losing weight

my legs are getting bigger well the

first thing you have to do is you have

to I have to find out are you doing it


um how your macros is your here’s kind

of there’s a couple things that are

common that I find people that are doing

a bit too much protein if you do too

much protein you’ll notice your body

odor will be a little bit worse your

urine will smell a little bit worse

you’ll feel a little more sluggish so I

think if you’re like 50 years old you

might want to try like just three or

four ounces of protein and just see if

your body doesn’t do better on that the

other thing that you can overdo it if

and I’m not saying that you should do

this right away but I kind of adjust

your fats you don’t want to go low-fat

but you don’t want to go eat so much fat

where you know your gallbladder is

congested and that type of thing the

other thing is if you have too much

fiber and you can’t digest it the

soluble fiber actually retains fluid and

that alone could make you feel like

you’re bloated and actually retain what

you can actually gain more weight these

are all things that I would look at and

then I would also look at your your

frequency of intamin fasting you should

probably go to one meal a day okay so

question can certain people be sensitive

to eating too much fat I know someone

who tried keto and they said they

couldn’t continue because their body

can’t process much all that means is

they need bile

they need bile salts so I have something

called the gall bladder formula right

it says biosolids that has other things

but bile salts help break down fats so

you take that right after the meal and

you will notice there won’t be any more

sensitivity with fat you’ll actually

digest it it just means that your body’s

just not digesting fat it’s not like you

have an allergy to it okay do you think

keto is good for a broke college student

who has to rely on school food hey I

have that t-shirt I think I had to live

off of $30 for 60 days or something like

that and I I was living off the wrong

thing but you yes you can do this you

get eggs and you get vegetables and you

know sardines boom and do a lot of

fasting you don’t have to spend a lot of

money on this okay so hi doc my baby has

a very bad breath and she hasn’t had any

teeth yet okay I don’t know what you’re

feeding your baby but one thing you

might want to try and and I’m

experimenting with this right now but

there’s a you can get a yogurt maker

that allows you to have low heats like a

hundred degrees for 24 hours and you put

raw goat’s milk in there and all the

lactose is will be like eaten up by the

microbes and so you have this yogurt

that is actually very healthy even for

our small babies so that’s one thing you

can do there’s also a great

you can Western price has a great way to

make a baby formula and also infant

formula that I would highly recommend

but I think it’s just what you’re

feeding Israel realize though these kids

they need a lot of nutrients if you’re

not breastfeeding you got to get the

nutrients and they get that B vitamins

the trace minerals we’re also gonna end

up with teeth problems they’re gonna end

up with I don’t know one I go in this

why and when I go in this way that’s

actually a b1 deficiency by the way

okay so I eat every 24 hours for the

last three months on keto yesterday

ketones 3 that’s pretty good every three

to four weeks I get cravings for a slice

of pizza why don’t you just do the the

keto friendly pizza

I mean look look up on YouTube it’s

called the world’s healthiest pizza and

it’s my recipe and do that you can put

the pepperoni on there and the sauce and

just have the cauliflower I mean that’s

a way to handle your cravings I think

you need more sea salt oh yeah

good let’s see I eat every three hours

four times actually actually helpful and

boost your metabolism no you don’t want

to do that frequent eating your bodies

weren’t designed it might feel like it’s

stimulating metabolism but what what

you’re gonna do is you’re gonna eat

you’re gonna get hungry eat you’re gonna

get hungry and you can eventually gain

weight it’s gonna slow your metabolism

because you’re gonna spike insulin

alright I want to start exercising today

I’ve been watching your videos and they

are really inspire me I’m glad you

reminded me because it’s I have to

exercise before it gets too dark as well

I’m gonna get on the bike

I already worked out but I didn’t do the

cardio okay how do you feel about non

keto cheat day well I don’t feel good

about that

I don’t feel good about cheat cheating

on the keto diet I don’t have it in my

plan and if you can build up your

reserve so you’re really super healthy

you can afford to cheat occasionally

because you basically have enough

reserve built up but I would basically

kind of build it up over time until you

can afford to cheat okay Keith says dr.

Berg is we tree oil okay to consume

provided many absolutely it’s a really

good source of vitamin E and by the way

vitamin E is good for a lot of things

including hormones at heart and with

overall energy and muscle muscle pain

you’ll feel actually it make your

muscles stronger

okay Dora says what is a really good

diet Dora Lopez have you been on my is

this the first time on on this channel

probably you need to do go to my website

dr. Berg comm and click under the mini

course and do the Quito mini course it’s

a basic course and in that way you can

get the basics on what diet you need to

do it’s gonna be healthy keto and in a

minute fasting alright

when is your ice cream gonna be

available I was afraid I was afraid I

was hoping no one would answer that or

asked me that because we had a disaster

it all melted and trucking company is

not taking responsibility so we have a

little problem we have to start from

scratch unfortunately does tumeric need

to be taken with fat there are fat

soluble vitamins and nutrients and final

nutrients in turmeric so it might be

good to take it with something fatty

same thing with chlorophyll ok I’m 300

pounds is it healthy to do

high-intensity mobile training and

high-intensity workout I think it is if

you’re on you’re in if you’re eating

healthily and you’re bringing your

insulin down but you know it’d be good

for you to do is check check there’s a

test called the coronary artery councils

calcifying kalsa calcium test and I just

had mine tested it was zero but if your

if if yours is high and you start

exercising you can put yourself at risk

so you don’t want to go crazy with some

type of artery issue so I would really

want to want you to measure that do that

test it’s called a CAC test or a


calcium test CT calcium scoring test


supplement with DHEA I think it’s

totally fine I just haven’t seen a lot

of results by taking that because I’m a

constantly experimenting on myself one

nutrient that I’m experimenting right

now which I really like I’ll probably be

doing a video on it is something called

EDTA it’s a key later and it’s mainly

there to pull out mercury and arsenic

and copper and all these metals but it

also acts as an accident and it just

makes your circulation really good

anyway I’m taking it just to see what I

feel like and it’s amazing I don’t have

any need to take a nap and I normally

love taking a nap because I get up early

and then I like to take a nap

sometime in the day so I have no need to

take a nap whatsoever it’s really weird

in a good way I can’t even nap if I

wanted to so that’s the only thing

that’s changed and what that does is it

really improves your circulation so I’m

liking it

so it’s an anyone that hates coconut oil

leave the building immediately yeah did

you guys see the video that I did on um

you know look low-carb diets I’ve just

found they just found out that they’re

gonna decrease your longevity and you’re

not gonna live as long yeah

well watch the video I just did one on

that and then there’s us obviously

they’re saying now that coconut oil is

poison I’ll do a video on that too I

really people say why aren’t you doing

videos I’m like I don’t like to react to

that type of garbage it’s just like does

anyone believe that stuff I mean coconut

oil it poison really but you can have

donuts in cookies and soy oil alright

when will announce the summit in 2019

probably focus on 2018 first right guys

if you if you don’t know about the

summit we’re doing a massive summit okay

on Quito and I F

this October is gonna be October 13 and

14 go to quito health summit calm we

have a lot of people coming it’s gonna

be a blast amazing speakers and you need

to actually think about coming now

tomorrow on my show I will be giving a

free ticket away possibly it’s gonna be

on YouTube live at 11 o’clock in the

morning Eastern Standard Time but yeah

it’s um

you should just figure out how you can

come it’s gonna be amazing okay so just

a huge thank you by the way I’ve taken

EDTA eight weeks it’s awesome to

decalcify the whole body I was alive

again isn’t amazing yeah it’s pretty

cool if you have calcium in your body

that’s the way to do it yeah is in a

minute fasting good for people without a

gallbladder especially because it takes

the stress off the digestive system why

am i back in kidneys ache on keto for

three days well I think what you need to

do is you need to add more vegetables

and less protein and see if that pain

goes away I just need to make sure

you’re doing it correct

I have to I need more data but what to

use for calcium honestly I would do

European grass-fed cheese because I

don’t really like to do calcium too much

unless I would have osteoporosis calcium

is one of the things that really we have

too much of it think about as we get

older we all calcified so it’s like we

don’t need as much calcium calcium is

not lost

like other minerals like potassium and

magnesium so yeah dr. Berg left shoulder

pain tingling numbness pancreas and

heart only when in ketosis that means

you’re overdoing it with with fat so I

would cut back on the nuts and I think

you should be fine okay please help

anxiety makes my something worse a lot

of gas what should I do thanks

well I would for anxiety you need

vitamin b1 you need nutritional yeast a

lot of it that’s gonna chill you right

out you’re gonna feel good potassium is

really important good sleep going for

long walks all that stuff is gonna

really help if it actually hurts your

chest then I would do I would look up my

video on gallbladder flush it’s a minute

it’s kind of a hands-on technique that

you can massage your gallbladder in your

pancreas and it just gives you a lot of

relief you’ll be surprised if you’ve

never had those organs worked on how

much relief it’s gonna give you with

other organs like your heart and your

liver anyway guys I have just some

enough time to run out there and go for

a quick bike ride before it gets

completely dark so I’m gonna say see

until tomorrow morning okay and I will

definitely see a lot of you at the

summit hopefully and we’ll have a blast

all right guys have a great one