Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Deficiency) and High Carb Diets - Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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one of the nutrients that is the most

depleted from consuming carbohydrates

can anyone take a wild guess vitamin b1

so I want to spend a little time because

this one’s really important vitamin b1

thiamine E it’s called berry berry yeah

a lot of people have almost like a

subclinical deficiency in their body

it’s called the great mimicker because

it mimics so many other diseases you’re

gonna see that it has extensive

mimicking ability for all these problems

what does b1 do well basically it makes

myelin the protective sheath around your

nervous system that what happens when

you’re a diabetic you basically you lose

the myelin because the high sugar

oxidizes the fat layer around the cell

it’s called lipid oxidation and by the

way b1 protects the myelin from being

damaged and that’s why if you have

peripheral neuropathy you can take b1

and actually improve those symptoms

pretty quick if they made a fat soluble

B vitamin it’s called benfotiamine which

is even a better remedy because it

penetrates the fat cells a lot more than

actually the just the regular thiamine

so benfotiamine can penetrate penetrate

the brain by 25 times more than regular

b1 so it’s really good for neurological

conditions brain problems nerve problems

peripheral neuropathy and your

fingertips in the in the toes so that’s

one thing B one protects to sell

especially the mitochondria against the

damage from high sugar if you take two

diabetics with high sugar and you have

one of them this deficient of b1 the

other ones not the one of the ones

that’s deficient in b1 will experience

the complications a lot more than the

person has B 1 so b1 suppresses the

complications from high sugar so it

protects the mitochondria

why because b1 is the cofactor for at

least 5

enzymes in the mitochondria so it’s it

acts as a sparkplug it works with

magnesium so I took a long time to try

to figure out how to explain this in a

simple way to take the biochemistry

really simple because you have how many

of you took biology in high school

remember studying about the Krebs cycle

yeah how many really don’t remember

anything about it

okay good yeah so the krebs cycle is

basically a motor it’s a machine that

goes that turns food into energy so you

have a carburetor right how many of you

know what a carburetor is okay good so

basically you mix gas with air at the

right ratio and you have a spark plug

and then it ignites right you have

energy that’s what that’s what the Krebs

cycle is so it’s just making energy you

need B one so I was trying to figure out

how to demonstrate that so I created a

little video okay I’m blowing gasoline

onto a blowtorch and now we’re going to

take away b1 create a b1 deficiency no


you can’t ignite it

I couldn’t think of any other way to

demonstrate that so I mean I’m fried a I

was preparing for this and I said Karen

sees me with this this roadside flame

thing right because what do you do with


I said no everyone’s doing on YouTube

it’s a really great experiment so it’s

raining outside and I said just take a

video of this so I put cornstarch in my

mouth and I blew it and it actually

could you looks like you’re blowing

gasoline so don’t try that at home but

the right ratio of fuel to oxygen you

can ignite it with B 1 and this is why

be one deficiencies create fatigue

big-time especially if you doing keto if

you’re tired if you’re going through

keto dictations and your keto fatigue b1

and need to be vitamins as well it’ll

actually bring your energy way up you

need magnesium as well those two so b1

is considered a nerve vitamin because it

creates so many problems with the nerve

if you’re deficient in it it’s a helper

factor so these enzymes that do all this

chemistry need b1 as an essential

cofactor if you don’t have b1 these

enzymes cannot work now what creates a

b1 deficiency sugar high the more

carbohydrates you consume the more b1

deficient you’re going to be also if you

don’t have enough b1 you build up lactic

acid called lactic acidosis that’s why

the metformin the side effect is b1 and

you get all this lactic acid they can

change your ph and they can change your

breathing you’re like can’t get enough

air mitochondria the energy factory of

the body so if you have too much sugar

you’re gonna choke out or flood the

engine basically and you’re going to be

tired so b1 deficiency is intimately

involved with cardiovascular function

and respiratory functions so you can get

a large heart edema difficulty breathing

blood pressure problems palpitations

increased pulse rate but a lot of times

when you actually get this test

did it shows normal because you have to

do a very special test

it’s called trance he too late Trane’s

he too late so everyone say that trance

Kito late okay good so you do that test

and you can pick up b1 but it’s very

hard to find this test it’s very

expensive so much better just to take 2

b1 and then you can feel better you know

you had a deficiency so digestion GERD

why would be one effect GERD because be

one can is intimately involved in the

autonomic nervous system which is

basically controlling all the valves of

the body so you get GERD and the valve

doesn’t close and the acid goes up

you’ll feel the full sensation in your

stomach you can get an ulcer

gastroparesis which is the sluggishness

of food going through the digestive

tract so the autonomic nervous system

that it’s the system that works behind

the scenes that works not automatic

there are tremendous amounts of weird

symptoms that you get from this I’m

going to cover a couple but it’s just

like like you lose your ability to like

your tear ducts don’t release tears

anymore so I mean like you wouldn’t

think that’s connected to b1 so lack of

tears excessive sweating if you get on

the shower use breaking a sweat

b1 deficiency anxiety nervous tension

when you take b1 you just feel like this

sudden relief there’s a condition called

pots which I’m not going to kind of I’m

just going to briefly go over these but

you get up too fast and you feel dizzy

and you fall down there’s a whole group

of people who have this condition it’s 2

b1 deficiency usually brain fog double

vision difficulty swallowing exercise

intolerance anyone have that yeah

b1 gives you energy so you’ll actually

when you exercise also any of the

autoimmune disorders if you’re fatigued

from that can be improved especially

Hashimoto’s and MS if you’re tired you

take B 1 it can prove that because it

helps improve the enzyme for the

mitochondria so it’s one of the most

common things that I recommend when I

was in practice and also now and it just

works it’s like a no brainer it’s

inexpensive if you do if you I’m not

saying you should you can’t use the

synthetic but also use like nutritional

yeast or a natural version of vitamin B

as well because anytime you take one

fraction of a vitamin for a long period

of time it could create imbalances

vertigo balance problems impaired taste

so the autonomic nervous system you have

two parts parasympathetic which is rest

and digest and then sympathetic which is

flutter fight so part of the sympathetic

nervous system is embedded inside the

adrenal and so you got this interesting

gland on the adrenals on top of the

kidney because the it’s it’s half

nervous system and half gland so it’s

right in the abdomen so you get this

quick release of adrenaline to act you

know create different effects but the

imbalance in this system can happen from

a b1 deficiency hiccups how many of ever

had a hiccup take some b1 reoccurred ear

infections mental stress anyone ever

experience stress at least once in your

life one two three okay

it really helps stress panic attacks

nightmares I used to eat my kids I used

to give him b1 if they had a nightmare

just jam handles it so its involved in

so many things a TD autism if you’re a

coach and you’re coaching people it’d be

a really good thing to recommend I want

to touch on this structure in your brain

called the hippocampus it’s kind of like

a relay switch into your database memory

system it you don’t know exactly what it

does but it’s involved in memory and

your ability to locate yourself and time

and space so how many are really good at

driving somewhere and finding directions

in your area whether you live

you’re not good at that yeah you need a

GPS right so it has to do with this

hippocampus birds have these huge

structures in their brain and they can

they can just flood south and they know

where to go

hippocampus is involved in that so hit

the hippocampus has receptors for b1 so

if you’re deficient in B one you can

affect that you’re going to start

noticing that you’re going to go in a

room and can’t quite remember why you

went in there how many of ever

experienced that at least once okay good

they call 911 now so what happens is how

you can become b1 deficient is all the

carbohydrates all the carbohydrates I’m

going to deplete your b1 so there’s a

tremendous amount of additional things

like related to your digestion your

heart your brain and I gave you guys a

chart on all the different symptoms I’m

not going to go through all of them but

you can see that there’s anything from

depression and definitely if you’re

trying to if you lost if you’re

exercising and you lost that inertia and

you just you lost that get-up-and-go

it’s usually b1 b1 affects part of the

autonomic nervous system that innervates

the brainstem especially the respiratory

centers so there’s a condition called

SIDS sudden infant death syndrome

there’s a lot of research related to you

know these infants dying and then

finally there’s the b1 deficiency

probably from the infant formula it’s

all glucose you know sleep apnea b1 it’s

also related to high insulin because the

sugar pulls out b1 so b1 is a really

important protecting this cell against

damage and also helping the enzymes work

in your mitochondria it also mimics

mercury poisoning and mercury depletes

b1 so here’s some things that will

deplete it white rice diuretics refined

sugar and carbs coffee

yep too much if you actually drink

coffee and you have b1 after it you feel

a lot better

a gastric bypass because most of the lot

of the b1 is absorbed in the small

intestine so if you’re bypassing that

small of your intestine yeah you could

have a problems with the absorption

aging metformin cooking diabetes all

diabetics type 1 and type 2 should be

taking b1 and the B complex with the

cells of the pancreas that are damaged

or overworking or under working they’re

not you’re not going to be able to pull

in B vitamins that well so the minimum

dosage of B is not enough you need more

to actually penetrate the cells that

regulate insulin too much chocolate of

course different chemical properties in

coffee tea chocolate and wine can

deplete b1 if you have a lot over a

period of time raw fish candida and

mussels and oysters how to test just if

you take it and you feel a lot better

you’re good go ahead and press your cap

and see if there’s any tenderness go

ahead and press your cap and raise your

hand if you have any tenderness oh it

could be b1 deficient but you’d normally

will feel a sudden release of like

stress when you take b1 if you’re

deficient so you’re gonna feel a lot of

why I feel so much better

there’s a test called Raglan so if you

get if you lay down take the blood

pressure and you stand up and the blood

pressure drops the systolic drops too

too far and you get dizzy you usually

are b1 deficiency you have b1 deficiency

vitamin D can really help insulin
