Can Keto (Ketogenic Diet) Help Cirrhosis of the Liver? | DrEricBergDC

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so I recently had a question for someone

that wanted her now kin-kee tell help my

liver because they had cirrhosis and

they wanted to know if there’s anything

that can be done about it so let’s talk

about that

what is cirrhosis it’s an advanced liver

disease where the liver has filled up

with scar tissue and this is because the

liver has been under this constant flam

Ettore state where the body is then

healing with scar tissue now in a normal


you can filter 1.7 liters of blood every

single minute okay that’s a lot of

recycling so you have this this filter

going on right here and the liver has

about 500 different functions

it also helps make bile that helps you

extract fat type of vitamins from the

food and your your liver can make one

liter of Bayeux every single day it has

incredible restorative repair functions

but there is going to be a point of no

return where the liver is too damaged

and it can’t come back one of the big

problems with the liver being cirrhotic

is that the nutrition from the blood

that comes from the small intestine is

flooding into the liver but it’s if you

can’t go in here anymore because it’s

filled with scar so it backs up so you

have this huge pressure problem outside

the liver and that’s where you see high

blood pressure you see all sorts of

complications you start seeing a

condition called ascites where there’s

fluid backing up into the SAC around the

abdomen so if you ever see someone with

let’s thin with this huge protruded

belly that could be a liver problem one

is called spider nevi which is a little

area of here on your skin we have this

like spider veins emanating from a

central location jaundice where your

whites of your eyes become yellow your

skin becomes yellow breast tissue simply

because you can no longer get rid of the

excess amount of estrogen the liver acts

as a buffer for certain hormones like

estrogen and even testosterone also an

enlarged liver because of the backup

situation we mentioned ascites

testicular atrophy is one of the

symptoms high blood pressure we talked

about that and also a musty breath like

kind of like a chronic halitosis bad

breath situation okay let’s go to the

next chart right here to the causes if

you look up the causes you’ll see

viruses at the top the list as in

hepatitis that creates inflammation

which then leads to scar tissue because

the scar tissue is really the healing

response to the inflammation and then

you have high iron why because iron is

very corrosive creates oxidation to the

different tissues of course alcohol and

medications but usually what is missing

is the number one cause and that is high

amounts of insulin and insulin

resistance because high insulin and high

glucose create inflammation which leads

to scar tissue yet this one right here

is probably the most common yet it’s

rarely emphasized so what is the

treatment medically for liver cirrhosis

well it’s basically you just treat the

complications the symptoms and you wait

for a liver transplant now there are two

types of cirrhosis okay

you have compensated cirrhosis and

decompensated cirrhosis what does that

mean in compensated you have severe

scarring but you have enough healthy

liver cells to function the liver is

really really robust and it can survive

a lot of damage and it has an incredible

capacity to repair if it’s not

decompensated okay in this condition

it’s beyond repair too much damage so

you have fluid backup edema and your

legs you get mental confusion mood and

personality disorders because the

ammonia is backing up into the brain

alright so what can you do about this

what can you do with both conditions

well you want to get on a ketogenic plan

because the very cause of the scar

tissue was inflammation so lowering your

carbs doing in a minute fasting can

bring down the inflammation

if you test someone with cirrhosis

you’re always gonna find low amino acids

in the blood they have a protein

deficiency because the liver is so

damaged it can’t manufacture proteins

anymore so you have a protein deficiency

in the body and the body is actually

breaking down muscle protein to try to

compensate and if you actually consume

too much protein you can get too much

waste products from that proteinuria and

eventually ammonia okay so what can you

do well this is what I would do if I had

that condition I would actually take

pure amino acids as a supplement in a

powder okay or in a tablet you can take

the essential amino acids okay in the

right amounts there’s certain products

out there which will be 99% absorbed

without the waste products okay so

that’s number one number two I would

take electrolytes because usually you’re

gonna have fluid in a demon that’s

backing up so we need to increase more

potassium in magnesium to push that

fluid out I would also recommend taking

bile salts why because you’re not able

to make the bile anymore because you

have too much scar tissue and the bile

is necessary for a lot of things

including the absorption of vitamin A D

and K so I would take purified bile

salts with cod liver oil and maybe some

vitamin D and k2 to really start

increasing the absorption of the fat

side vitamins and because bile is

recycled by the microbes I would take a

really good probiotic I would also take

apple cider vinegar to improve the blood

sugar situation because you’re gonna

have insulin resistance as well so this

can help that greatly and I would also

consume a large amount of vegetables for

the chlorophyll for the phytonutrients

for the antioxidants and I would also

include celery celery has a unique

property of breaking down ammonia in the

body so that would be one good solution

and it’s actually very natural without

any side effects definitely do low carb

that’s going to drop the inflammation I

would also do in a minute fasting


and I would do a moderate amount of fat

simply because the person won’t have the

bile salts to break down fat and I would

do a moderate amount of fat not

necessarily a high fat diet but a

moderate amount simply because it’s

going to take a lot of bile to break

down that fat and if you don’t have it

it can back up to the system all right

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