Important Thyroid Tips | DrEricBergDC

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welcome back today we’re going to talk about the  thyroid i have some interesting information i’m  

going to try to keep this really really simple if  you have a thyroid problem this video is for you  

i’ve done a lot of videos in the past  on the thyroid this one comes in at a  

slightly different angle okay so we have two  different situations with the thyroid we have  

a thyroid condition we have not enough hormones  it’s called a hypothyroidism and then a condition  

where you have too many hormones that’s called  a hyper thyroidism okay now with a hypo 90  

of the time it’s going to be hashimoto’s that’s  an autoimmune issue with a hyper thyroid issue  

80 of the time it’s going to also be an autoimmune  condition called graves disease okay so that’s  

the first thing you need to know um most of  these conditions are autoimmune conditions so  

they’re really not thyroid as much as their immune  issues and so let’s just kind of go through this  

with a hypo okay not enough thyroid hormones  and we’re talking primarily about hashimoto’s  

it occurs eight times more in women now with a  hyper graves um you also see almost eight it’s  

like 7.5 times more common women between the  ages of 40 and 60. okay so that’s the first  

clue another clue is that one of the triggers for  a hypo hashimoto’s is that a woman who gives birth  

in three to eight months postpartum past their  their birth has higher incidence of hashimoto’s  

so what does that tell us right there estrogen is  involved and we already know that estrogen blocks  

the conversion from t4 to t3 now if we switch  over to graves there’s a seven times higher  

risk of developing this condition a year following  your delivery again involving estrogen so estrogen  

apparently is a big trigger when you get a a total  t4 and a total t3 measured on your blood test  

that is not the best test you should get a free  t4 and a free t3 test you’re going to have more  

accurate data now when we talk about tsh thyroid  stimulating hormone okay which by the way that  

is not a thyroid hormone it’s a pituitary hormone  your pituitary makes a lot of different hormones  

and that’s one of them it controls the thyroid  from above from somewhere in your brain a lot of  

doctors will use the normal value of 0.4 to 5 as  being normal but there’s some more credible data  

that states that that normal value for  thyroid stimulating hormone should be 0.45  

to 2.5 okay not all the way up to 5. that  would be a more of a normal range that i  

would focus on so if it’s above that then there’s  a problem and also realize that the higher the  

tsh goes now the next point i want to bring up  is the relationship between t4 and t3 t4 is a pre  

thyroid hormone and then t3 is the active thyroid  hormone so it has to be converted and there’s a  

huge problem with a lot of people with the  conversion and so you need certain things to  

help you convert which we’ll get into in a second  but if you have a thyroid problem and you’re on  

synthroid you’re taking t4 realize you’re taking  the inactive version your body has to convert it  

and what you may not realize is that 20 percent  of t3 is produced directly from your thyroid gland  

and the rest is the t4 so if you’re given t4 only  and not t3 you could be a bit shy on getting the  

full benefit of the thyroid hormones thus the  reason why you still have these symptoms and the  

other reason why you may have still have symptoms  and you’re on synthroid is just simply because  

they’re treating a secondary problem or you have a  problem with the conversions so what would you do  

if you have a hype o hashimoto situation here’s  some ideas i would recommend taking selenium  

zinc both of these help the conversion from t4  to t3 they’re also very powerful antioxidants  

and the inflammation that’s generated from these  autoimmune conditions block the conversion these  

cytokines block this conversion so this these  two will help reduce that inflammation and help  

the convergence now vitamin d is just a given  vitamin d helps autoimmune conditions in general  

and it’s going to lower the inflammation seek help  would be beneficial not just with the iodine but  

it also has selenium and zinc and a lot of the  other trace minerals and then purify bile salts  

bile salts help convert t4 to t3 and so they  will increase more thyroid hormone production  

and if you have a liver problem a fatty liver a  gallbladder problem thickened bile you’re going to  

be deficient in bile salts and that could be the  reason why you’re not converting thyroid hormones  

now let’s shift over to graves vitamin d is  essential i would recommend if you’re going to  

take vitamin d for any autoimmune issue it should  be minimally fifteen thousand IUs twenty thousand  

IUs up to forty thousand IUs or even more and  the next thing i’m gonna recommend is vitamin b1  

why because b1 can lower your estrogen dominance  if you have a hyperthyroid condition one of the  

things that happens is you use a lot of b1 and  so you’re usually going to be very deficient  

and you’re also going to be deficient vitamin  d but you’re going to be really deficient in b1  

and if you’re deficient in b1 you can have a lot  of the symptoms that will mimic a lot of other  

conditions so you want to take bottom b1 in fact  i would probably take it with the hypo as well  

but for hyper cases like graves you don’t  want to take purify bile salts because  

that’s going to give you more thyroid  hormones it’s going to help you convert more  

you already have too much so you don’t want to  take that all right so that’s all i wanted to  

communicate about the thyroid in this video thanks  for watching before you go if you have a question  

about a product or you’re new to keto and you want  to know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and  

you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the us hopefully in  the future we’ll be able to answer everyone’s call  

but i put the number down below so  you can call and get some help you